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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi Sounds like your PC is hanging for some reason. The round cursor is a Windows "processing" icon not a VP one. For me Version 4.00 added a dozen 1280 x 720 jpgs to the sequence bin with no problem. After adjusting the frame duration (the sequence won't load if total time of the animation is less than 500 milleseconds), clicking "Import" loaded the sequence OK. To check if the image size might have been a problem I have repeated this with 20 jpgs of 4608 x 3456 pixels (2.22 Mb each) and they also loaded OK. If your jpgs are sequentially named then set your default image duration to a suitable animation time in the Options menu (e.g. 0.1 or 0.4) and then block load (Shift select) the lot and drop them into the media list window. Then drag the lot (or add) them to the timeline. It should work. Nat Nat
  2. Hi Vignette only works for the full 16:9 frame and is not effected by what the frame contains. It's a bit limited as it is. If you pull the width value to the top (0.5) and the strength value to the top (3.0) it's the closest you will get for your particular AR, but there wouldn't be any room for animating it---even if you could. It would be nice to be able to add a vignette that could be reduced to just the centre of the frame. However it is possible.......sort of.... Place your main clip on track 1 Add a black blank frame to the overlay track directly above this and then add a Round transition to the blank frame. Move the red cursor along the sequence into the orange bar and stop when the the "vignette" in the preview appears of the size required for the height of your particular image size. Left click the main clip and slide it along to the right of the cursor line...don't move the cursor line. Now take a snapshot at the cursor position. Delete the blank frame from the overlay track and replace it with the snapshot which should be a circular vignette of the correct height. Replace you main clip beneath this. Play the sequence, you should have a circular vignette. You can make it oval by increasing the SCALE width effect. e.g. Note that TEST2, the main clip/image on track 1 has an AR the same as your own with the bars at the top and bottom. Nat
  3. Hi "How to crop for Scope 720 x 304 from 1280 x 720 with black borders for 1280 x 576" Although you say you want a 720 pixel width clip , It doesn't appear from your images that you want to actually CROP the width of your image...but just reduce the height to produce an aspect ratio of 2.36 but not lose the bottom of the image.. VP will always fill the frame with the longest side of the image...so you don't need to crop your clip/image at all ....... Try this... Place your full 1280 x 720 clip on the time line Track 1 Place a blank black clip on the overlay video Track 2. and adjust it to the same duration. Add the crop effect to this blank image. Don't change the AR...keep it at "None" Just set the value of Y2% to 24.8 (For an aspect ratio of 2.36 the width would be 1280 and height would be 542 pixels Thus height would be (542/720)*100 = 75.2% of original height for the 1280 width This a reduction of 100-752 = 24.8%) I think this should give you what you are looking for. i.e. A full width clip of 1280 x 542 = AR of 2.36. with just the top of the frame cropped (Covered by the overlay). Nat
  4. Hi It's a rather old post now. In version 4.0 you CAN stabilize multiple clips. You just have to select them all from the media list window (using Shift) and take the Stabilize Videos option. However, even without the option to set up the parameters for Pass1 and Pass 2. of the Deshaker plugin which are available in Virtualdub, the feature as implemented in Videopad works extremely well and for general shakiness the differences between disparate frames is well corrected and no black borders are seen. (Adaptive zoom is possibly set??) Even the virtual dub plugin defaults work well. If your videoing is so shaky however that frames move about wildly then black borders will be present with the VP settings despite any adaptive zoom present, If this is the case you can, if you feel it necessary examine each section of such clips after being deshaken and zoom each clip further using the VP effect to remove any black borders that remain. However I would think that if this was necessary then the clips must have been very bady shaken indeed and no amount of "deshaking" would improve matters. The answer is to use a tripod wherever possible. Nat
  5. Hi Version 4.00... Assuming that you have your video on the timeline. Move the red cursor bar (or play the preview) to the start point of the deletion. Underneath the preview window to the right is a button with an icon on it that looks like two batteries side by side. This is the "Split all tracks at the cursor position" button. Certain splitting options are acessed by the down arrow. Right click this button. The tracks will now be split at the cursor position. Now move the red cursor bar (or continue playing the clip) to the end of the section to be deleted. Right click the split button once more. You will now have two splis in your video with the unwanted section between them. Right click the section between the splits to select it. It will turn blue. In the menu that appears select "Delete." Your selected section will now disappear, leaving a gap in the sequence. Right click the gap and select "Close gap in track" The gap will now close leaving the sequence line complete once more. Repeat for other unwanted sections of the video. Note: There are other ways to edit a clip but this is probably the most intuative.... i.e Cut the film twice and throw away the middle bit, then stick the film back together again. Nat
  6. Hi There does seem to be a bug here. If you stablize a clip and replace the original on the timeline, and then save the project, the reloaded project SHOULD contain the stabized clip.(+any edits/effects etc.) ......IT DOESN'T NCH should have a look at this. A workaround is to step along the timeline to the start of the clip in question using the "Go to Next Clip Edge" button under the preview pane and right click the stabilised clip which (correctly) has been added to the media list. You can now add it to the cursor position on the overlay track. by right clicking it and choosing "Place on Sequence" (Note: Set the default added media position beforehand in the Options to "Ask Me" otherwise you won't see the options) Unfortunately any editing you did on the stabilised clip will be lost If you haven't done any editing the stabilsed clip will play over the unstabilised clip. Nat
  7. Hi In 4.0 the mouse wheel zooms in or out of the timeline. If you now want to move along quickly you can either zoom out and left click the time track where you want to shift the cursor line to and then zoom in again. or as an alternative, click the button under the preview pane "Go to Next Clip Edge" this will shift the cursor line quickly from clip to clip. Zoom out then to see the clip. (This is because the cursor will end up at the right ot left end of the timeline if you are zoomed in beforehand.) Nat
  8. Hi Without distorting your clip or losing some of it, you won't be able to fill the frame without bars to either side. The VP video frame is 16:9 but once you have rotated your image you will have a 9:16 image within a 16:9 frame. If you use the ROTATE effect (rotate set to 90) you will automatically crop off the top and bottom of the image. Scaling this vertically at this point however does not restore the missing portions. So...side bars apart, you should SCALE first. Set each value to 56.2 Now ROTATE 90 (set just the rotate option to 90) This is the only way you will get ALL your image into the frame the correct way up...but there will be bars to each side.. If you don't want bars to each side you will have to now either stretch (distort) the frame horizontally by altering the horizontal SCALE or by using ZOOM to isolate a portion of the image, forcing the 16:9 AR. It's a square peg in a round hole problem. Nat
  9. Hi Just to add my twopennies worth... ..I used to have a similar problem some time back with a much earlier version of VP. I found that HD MPEG4 h.264 video shot with my camera, particularly in the larger formats, always became graually out of synch with the sound, sometimes, as you have experienced by several seconds with quite a short clip. After a lot of messing about I found that if I converted the MPEG4 to MPEG2 format the problem went away. There didn't seem to be any visible difference in the output...in fact the MPEG2 clips seemed clearer with more contrast. Couple of previous posts... http://nch.invisionz...ynch#entry47182 http://nch.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/18614-sound-out-of-synch/page__hl__%2Bout+%2Bsynch Just a thought Nat
  10. Hi Videopad keeps the total length of the sequence the same when you add a transition. It doesn't "overlap" the ends of the clips like Movie maker does in a crossfade as this would shorten the overall length of clips. Borate has described a work around for this and here are some details... Place you first clip on Video track 1 as normal and your second clip on Video track 2 (the overlay track) Further clips go onto video track 1. Overlap the ends of the second clip with the ends of the clips on track 1. The layout is shown here:.... The overlay clip is highlighted and that's the one which you will fade in/out Select this clip and then click the little box marked FX. Choose the Transparency effect, Slide the red cursor line in the effects window preview to the extreme left and then the slider left to show 0% opacity.Click the green cross to set the keyframe. Slide the cursor along right a short distance or until the background image changes and then the adjust the slider to read 100% opacity. Do the same in reverse at the end of the clip. You will have set 4 keyframes. The blue opacity line will now appear as shown here:.. rising up diagonally to the top of the box, staying horizontal and then diagonally down to the bottom right. (The box reads 100% opacity as I have left the cursor line in the middle of the clip for clarity) When you now play your sequence the clip on track 2 will fade in and then fade out. There will be no still frames, but the overall sequence will be shorter compared with the normal VP crossfade. You can adjust the crossfade easily by dragging the keyframe markers along to different positions. It CAN be used in a batch sense like the normal transitions can, - You save your fade-in/fade-out effect as a preset. Group all your upper clips and apply the preset to all of them. Nat
  11. Hi Ok see where you are coming from.. It doesn't appear that the 3d options are available if you try to save to disc. (Version 4.00) My suggestion is that you save your video to the PC as an .avi file first then use a 3rd party DVD creator. This way you can have previews, menus and choice buttons. If you have Windows movie maker then you will probably also have Windows DVD maker which will do the job. I prefer DVDStyler which is a free DVD creator program and which gives you full control over nearly all aspects of the creation process. http://www.dvdstyler.org/en/downloads Nat
  12. Hi This bug has been reported but has not been corrected in version 4.00. i.e. Put a clip of a boat sailing past a mark. Split the clip where boat reaches mark and remove the remaining right hand section. What remains is the boat sailing up to the mark. OK so far Copy this clip on the time line and paste it back to the timeline. The timeline plays boat arriving at mark twice OK so far Reverse second clip. Expect to see boat arrive at mark and then sail backwards away from mark. Instead boat arrives at mark and second clip is reversed from the end of the cut off section. Nat
  13. Hi The results of the 2d to 3d anaglyphs produce pseudo 3d and don't work very well (if at all IMHO) See my post to determine how you can get reasonable 3d with VP. http://nch.invisionz...glyph-creation/ For correct 3d you require two proper L-R images (clips) each taken simultaneously from positions at least 2-3" apart. More for some effects. These images can be colour or B/W. Try these two... from a stereo card series I have on Egypt. RIGHT LEFT You should be able to copy/paste these into VP. This is a frame from an anaglyph .avi created in VP... This is using the method I outlined in my post and doesn't use any of the 3d export options. The method works in colour just the same and also with L/R videos. In fact I am not sure how one views the side by side or the one above the other images/clips . You can use auto stereo vewing in some cases possibly....perhaps someone can clarify this point. Since my post on the subject and following tests with still images, despite VP not being able to merge tracks by addition, I have succesfully made some short red/cyan anaglyph clips with two video cameras fixed side by side. Nat
  14. Hi "The quote function doesn't seem to work for me. I use ie 11 so I can't imagine any conflicts " Use Copy/Paste with " ".... Certainly MM has the built in effects but they are a bit limited...you cant select the area for start and finish and each effect works for the whole duration of the clip.It's still pretty good all the same. If you are putting a silde show together then duplication of slides has to be done if an effect needs to start some time after a slide is shown.(the effect is applied to the second slide) VP allows each effect to be user defined. It's probably just as much work although familiarity makes it somewhat easier. Where MM does score IMHO is its ability to create an instant video from your clips/images with or without transitions. Nat
  15. Hi For a horizontal rotation as per Borate's suggestion.... Place the image on the timeline and click the FX button Click the down arrow next to the Add Effect tab and select ROTATE. Slide the red cursor to the left. Ensure that the value for the horizontal slider is set to 0 (or enter 0 into the box) Click the centre green cross. Slide the cursor to the half way point of the clip. Slide the Horizontal slider to 90 (or enter 90 into the box) Slide the red cursor to the extreme right (end of clip) Move the slider along to read 180 (or enter 180 in the box. Click the Apply button When played, your image will now flip over by rotating on a vertical axis. If you want the image to rotate in the opposite direction the values for the horizontal slider are: 360 at the start 90 for mid position 0 for the end of the clip. Or you could apply the first settings above and then reverse the clip. Is this what you were after? Note: Your image will rotate with a black background. If you want a different background...colour...image..video etc... place your rotating clip on video track 2 with the background image/clip etc. directly under it on video track 1 Nat
  16. Hi It seems to me that it should have rendered. I suggest you save your project file. Delete VP and reinstall it and then reload the project for another try. Nat
  17. Hi According to the Help files... "Hiding Subtitles You can hide all the subtitles from a sequence by deselecting the Show Subtitles button in the toolbar. Note that any videos you export while this box is checked will not have the subtitles visible." Indeed, after pressing the button mentioned above (with the Eye) the subtitles disappear from the sequence shown in the subtitle window but they are still present in the main sequence preview pane. This may be a bug since I can't stop them showing short of deleting the subtitle. Contrary to the help statement, They DO export with the video. (At least to the PC) This seems to be irrespective of the state of the Show Subtitle button. Again, this might be a bug. I havm't tried exporting to a disc as I normally use a third party DVD burning program however something seems to be wrong. Vis...... Before adding any subtitles the Hide button is inactive. Adding subtitles activates the button and depresses it automatically. So button IN = subtitles ON. The subtitles are seen in the preview for the window. Accepting the window goes back to main screen and the sequence preview shows subtitles at the designated IN/OUT points. Now if you return to Subtitles window and re click the Hide button the subtitles are hidden. Button now appears UP and subtitles are OFF. Click Apply to return to main window.......Subtitles are still present although one would have thought they should have been hidden as the button was UP. Return to Subtitles window....The button is now IN again! Subtitles are present...Surely it should still be UP where it was left with the subtitles hidden? It may be that something has flagged from the point of view of the export that is not flagged (or has been re-flagged) from the point of view of the editing. This is in Version 4.00 Nat
  18. Hi c-major Thanks for the reply. I will find that a very useful feature. I hadn't used it before. Some of my club Astro presentations require an avi animation instead of an animated gif, particularly as I save most presentations as an .exe file in which animated gif don't play.. Conversion programs I have tried don't work as I wish but this feature is ideal! Regards Nat
  19. Hi Aggelos Your main video clip goes on Video Track 1 Your Image goes on Video Track 2 as the overlay image. Click the right hand box on the thumbnail for the overlay image and add the Shatter transition for your designated duration. Now click the box on the thumbnail marked FX Choose the Transparency effect. This will show 50% Opacity as a default, and the red cursor line will be at the left end of the box. (If it isn't slide it there.) Next, slide the Opacity slider to the extreme left (0% Opacity) You will see the blue line in the box move to the bottom. Click the green cross. This creates a keyframe. Now move the red cursor line a short distance along on the right. Use the time scale along the top to estimate how long you want to fade-in for. Next, move the slider to the extreme right (100% Opacity) The blue line will now be slanting up to the top of the box. This represents a fade-in from 0% opacity to 100% opacity in the time indicated on the scale at the top of the box. Moving the cursor along a little will show you that you have now got two keyframes marked by the small blue squares fixed to the blue line. Click the Apply button. When you now play the sequence you will see your overlay image fade-in and end with the Shatter effect.. Which I think is what you want. If the fade-in is too short or too long simply click the FX box again to open up the effects window and alter the position of the upper marker by dragging it left or right to lengthen of shorten the fade-in. Keep it at the top to maintain 100% opacity. The blue line should start bottom left, rise diagonally to the top and then remain horizontal to the end of the clip. Note: You can equally apply more keyframes at other points of the blue line to create changes in transparency during the time the clip is played or to create a fade-out etc. The effects can be applied and varied in a similar fashion to clips as well as overlays. Nat
  20. Hi Whilst replying to another post I noticed an unexpected problem. I had used a third party program (Irfanview) to extract the gif images from an animated gif file in order to reconstruct the animation with VP and check for the presence or not of a black frame at the end of the outputed sequence which was the subject of the post. The black frame was present in the animation and I removed it, renamed the animation and then extracted all the images from the animation. All the gif images saved as expected to a named folder. Each had been numbered sequentially and had a .gif extension and were labelled as an IrfanView GIF file. e.g. GIFTEST NOBF_frame_0005.gif (This meant GIFTEST No Black Frame) I then opened VP (Version 4.00) and dragged the gif images en masse into the media list window. Here I noticed that they were listed as GIFTEST NOBF_frame_0005.avi and a copy of each (also labelled .avi) had been placed into the saved image location (in this case the desktop) This rather messed things up a bit 1) Why has the extension been changed from .gif to .avi when copied to the media list? 2) Why has a copy of each .gif file been made in the "Save" location..also as .avi? Is this a bug please? Nat
  21. Hi HurryRush...Gosh! This is an old thread I have had a look at your animation which seems to consist of 45 frames (gif images) the last one of which is a black frame. As it is apparently set it to loop, the black frame is seen at the end of every cycle. Taking out the last frame and then resaving the animation, it loops normally. Obviously you can't loop indefinitely via VP as clips have to have a finite length so I created a sequence with several gif clips of the animation in sequence, each without the last frame. This timeline played correctly with no black ones in the preview and the exported gif also played correctly without black frames. I can only assume you have inadvertantly introduced a black frame into your animation sequence somehow. To be certain though...What version of VP were you using and how did you create the animation (not the images) and get it to repeat in VP? It may be the version you used. I used version 4.00 and I simply clicked the clip in the media list several times and added the clip each time to the end of the sequence. Nat
  22. Hi c_major Thank you for your reply. Well..it's something to wait for I suppose In the meantime, for anyone interested in trying stereo with two side by side cameras or lots of stereo pairs... I have just been trying out the possibility of using the Transparency effect at 50% on the CYAN image (or RED image ...it doesn't seem to matter which is used..) placed on the overlay track. Although this doesn't make an additive merge for the preview, it does allow the underlying main track image to appear and by adjusting the brightness and contrast of the overlay a reasonable anaglyph can be produced. At least with monochrome left/right originals. This an example produced in VP (right eye RED lens) from a pair of B/W images taken with twin cameras... In this test the RED image was generated on Video track 2 usiing the Colour Curves effect by dropping the Green and Blue levels to 0, the transparency was set to 50% ..Brightness -2....Contrast 25 and Gamma 1. The CYAN image was generated on the Video track 1 by reducing the red channel to 0 with the Colour curves effect and the Brightness set at 20; Contrast 25 and Gamma 1. The result is not too bad. Levels would need adjusting whilst wearing anaglyph glasses for the best effect as different images might need different contrasts etc. I have yet to see how well this works with colour video clips or images. Video clips would have to synchronised of course when placed on the timeline... I think it looks promising. I would be intersted to hear if anybody tries this. Nat
  23. Hi c_major I've made many hundreds of red/cyan anaglyphs, mostly of old Victorian stereo cards which were black/white or sepia. and a lot of colour stereo pairs using digital cameras mounted side by side. As mentioned I have used Micrografx Picture Publisher to do this and VP to create what is in effect a slide presentation of the results. The principle being to take both images, convert each to their three RBG channel images. For the left image I change the red channel to black and then recombine the channels. This gives the Cyan image (G+ . For the right hand image I black out the green and blue channels and recombine to give the Red image. Both images are then superimposed and merged by Addition.giving the final anaglyph for viewing. Here is an example... Unfortunately the TINT effect you suggest doesn't work as it doesn't create a pure RED or CYAN channel. But... I have now found that the COLOUR CURVES effect does work however. ...and its quick! So now I have my two images (RED and CYAN) One on Video track 1 and the other on video track 2. (When I say images I am testing with jpgs but analagous to video clips) From what you are saying now is that ..I can't create an anglyph with these tracks until NCH develop a Merge by Addition function? If you do develop this feature it might also be useful to develop a merge of designated tracks (1 and 2 say) by several modes e.g. Addition / Subtraction / Lighter / Darker / Filter / Multiply / Difference / Texturize which are the Mege modes available in the Micrografx package. They would produce some very useful effects for film makers. (Micrografx was discontinued some years ago but I expect other packages have similar features.) Anything on the horizon? Nat
  24. Hi If I film a scene with two cameras side by side,producing left eye and right eye clips, does anybody know how I can create a single red/cyan anaglyph film with the two resulting clips? I am not talking about red/cyan treated images side by side or one over the other but a properly created red channel output from one clip added by subtraction to a cyan output (green+blue channels) from the second clip which would produce a single anaglyph output clip I can easily output a pseudo 3D video from a simgle clip using the 2D to 3D stereo option but this is obviously not what I want. I have done hundreds of still anaglyphs (black/white and colour) for slide shows manually with Picture Publisher but having two cameras would like to try creating a proper stero colour film.that can be viewed using red/cyan glasses. Nat
  25. Hi Three preset filters gets fairly close but with the example image supplied by daorus it is possible to get an almost exact match of the "documentary" image he wants using a single filter..i.e...Saturation set at about -30. At the end of the day ..What exactly is a "documentary image" compared to the full colour image? Is it just desaturated to a suitable degree?...Or a Desaturated sepia image? Both would produce a result that would pass as a "documentary" style clip. Nat
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