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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi Ah!.........Right click the clip in the Media list window! That option does not appear if you right click the clip when it's on the sequence line. Horizontal effect 180 does the same....It's the inverse of what I suggested above. (But they all work!) Nat
  2. Hi If your circle is large enough you won't need so many keyframes but you CAN create any number of keyframes (the frequency of these along the timeline is comensurate with the size of the small marker squares in the preview pane--it limits it to every 2-3 frames) So stepping through the clip in the effects panel a few frames at a time you can simply drag the circle image along to outline your subject and create a new key frame. Although this is a bit of a phaff, you can follow an object that moves about the frame. A straight line movement is pretty easy by contrast...keyframe start.......keyframe finish. You can't create a png marker with VP...but downloading a suitable shape using say, Bing images is easy. It can be scaled in VP to fit the subject. Once you have a sequence on the timeline you are satisfied with, click the + next to "Sequence1X" This will clear the timeline and place your new clip into the sequence bin as "Sequence 1" where it will now behave a new clip. As you complete each section you can repeat the procedure.The sequences can then be placed on the timeline like ordinary clips. There is a bug here though, since the audio track does not show up when the sequence is added back to the timeline. It plays though. At least something plays. I am not sure whether the audio that plays belongs to the main clip or both clips mixed. I shall have to run a test and find out. Later.......The audio track is a mix of any audio you had on the original sequence. Nat
  3. Hi Put the clip on the sequence track. Click the FX button on the thumbnail Choose the Rotate effect Set Vertical to 180 Set Rotation to 180 Click Apply The clip should now be reversed Nat
  4. Hi That's not too difficult Create a png circle of the colour required and with a transparent background. Alternatively use Bing to find suitable png circle images..there are loads you can download. Place your main clip on the sequence line Video track 1 and the circle image onto the overlay track above it,Video track 2. Drag the red cursor line so the sequence preview shows the circle on top of the video. Select the circle on the overlay track and click effects. Scale the circle to the size required. Add the Position effect and drag the circle to the required place and Apply the effects. You will now have outlined your subject Use keyframes to move the circle around to follow the subject if required. This works best if the subject moves in straight lines. Nat
  5. Hi Although I can reload the projects OK..There is some sort of bug here. My first "Save Project File as" was "untitled.vpj" as I took the default title. On opening the desktop with the quick launch toolbar icon next to the Start button (Vista) the desktop appeared with the normal "untitled.vpj" icon. So far all normal. On returning to VP (which remained open,) I resaved the project "As" a few more times... The desktop, when pulled up now had NO project icons on display at all. although I expected Backup(1); backup(2) etc. They were there (somewhere) as back in VP they displayed in the selection window when "Save Project File As" was selected... They only way to make these files appear was to restart vista. Is this a VP bug and can anybody else get it to happen????? Nat
  6. Hi I loaded a clip from camera which was H264 Mpeg4 1280 x 720. and 30 fps Edited it (split and deleted a section) and exported the result as a You-Tube 720p with several settings. 1) As .avi 1280 x 720p 50 fps H264 (native) codec...............Resultant exported file was .avi H264 50 fps 1280 x 720 2) As mp4 1280 x 720p 50 fps MPEG4 codec........................Resultant exported file was .mp4 50 fps 1280 x 720 3) As .avi 1280 x 720p 30 fps MPEG4 (Native) codec..........Resultant exported file was avi MPEG4 1280 x 720 29 fps 4) As .avi 1280 x720p 50 fps MPEG4 codec.........................Resultant exported file was.avi MPEG4 1280 x 720 50 fps. So...It does seem to work OK Can't seem to output a smaller format when You-Tube 720p is set. Nat
  7. Hi If you use "Save Project As" and you call your file xyz then VP will save a vpj file called xyz.vpj If you then use "Save Project As" and use the same name (which remains as the default) you will get the prompt to overwrite the first file. This would normally delete the original file and create a new one with the same name, but this is not what you want to happen and the prompt is not strictly needed. As you trying to use the same name the overwriting does not happen as you you are "Saving As" ;so the file is re-saved alongside the first as xyz_backup.vpj Do it again and the file is saved as xyz_backup(1).vpj and so on and this is what youare seeing. Use just "Save" and the overwrite will delete the file and use the same name. All these various backups - some including several sequences loaded the project without any problems at my end so yours would seem to have been corrupted in some way. Do your sequences just show the clapperboard icon in the bin? Nat
  8. Hi Version 4.1. Tried this and all exports were 1280 x 720 Nat
  9. Hi This tended to happen with an earlier version of VP but the effect seen ("a black flash") between clips was not always reproduced or seen in the exported video If it keeps happening then, instead of putting the clips end to end on the same track, try placing alternate clips on the overlay track with a slight overlap. I found that this nearly always eliminated the effect. I haven't experienced it yet with version 4.1 however. It's worth a try. Nat
  10. Hi There are no options available for this. Send it in as a suggestion to NCH. Nat
  11. Hi It has to be the complete clip.. You can't stabilize sections of a clip or sequences saved from a clip AFAIK. But you can do this....... It's a bit of a rigmarole though. Start with all your clip/project on the timeline. Move the cursor to the start of the section to stabilize and split the sequence. Move the cursor to the end of the section to stabilize and split the sequence. Save your project as a vpj file. Delete the sections to the left and right of the section you have isolated. Close the gap on the left so the clip to stabilize is at the start of the timeline Export the clip e.g. as an avi.(or other convenient format) Reopen your project and add the exported file to the media list. Right click and stabilize it. Replace when prompted to. Mute the section of the sequence that you isolated beforehand. Step the cursor to the first split position. ( II< or >II button) Right click the stabilized clip in the media list and Place on sequence at the cursor position on the overlay track. This does work but can take some time to stabilize. You can delete the central section and replace it with the stabilized clip instead of muting and using the overlay track. Nat
  12. Hi Sam "The sound repeats only when you holding the mouse button." OK..I've played with this feature a bit now and find it can be useful when editing some of my violin videos but one has to be zoomed in quite a bit to be able to pick out individual notes, (it's awful for genal sound though) However, is the button to optionally disble it in this version (4.1) or the next release please.. Nat
  13. Hi Sam I am now! Thanks for the reminder. I was working on something with 4.08 and forgot to change over. Nat
  14. Hi NO! It's horrible!! Scrubbing I suppose is not too bad allowing one to pinpoint a sound but the Chainsaw Buzz you get if you just touch the cursor bar really has to be looked at. It seems to be a rapid repeat of the track at the cursor position, Depending on the zoom level this can sound awful. However having said that if the timeline is zoomed out the "Buzz" can be made to repeatedly play about 1/2 second of the track at the cursor position. Zoomed in a short musical note can be pinpointed as the "repeat" is much shorter. The idea could be better implemented with the option to turn it off. If implemented, (or turned on) it ought to be silent if the cursor is not moved, and simply play the track at the speed of the cursor...Why does the sound have to be repeated anyway? Nat
  15. HI "Well, actually I use 4.10 for long time ago..." Thanks for the reminder. I had dowloaded it but not installed it..As I was working on something I forgot it was there. YES....Without a doubt it needs a switch-off option. I'll try it with some of my music (violin) stuff but as it stands I agree with Daorus..... Nat
  16. Hi "If the effect is added to the SEQUENCE clip, here - after using "change file" - I must click "sequence" above the preview window, drag the scrubber (red line) or click in the timeline to switch PV back to sequence mode". Ok, I see what you mean, but on opening the new file it appears in the media list and on the sequence line with its effects, But as the new file in the media list remains the focus (i.e. exactly as the old file was the focus) the display remains the Clip preview. It does seem logical that this should be so with this order of actions. Perhaps the software replaces the timeline first and then the media list??? As it happens, I generally (and automatically) click the media list pane which deselects the TN and returns the preview to Sequence preview. No real need to move the cursor or click the timeline (which may also move the cursor). It's an mute point. The question that does arise is...Should the timeline clip always change with any effects when a clip is changed in the media list. Currently WORKING FROM THE MEDIA LIST CLIP, the new media list clip appears with the effects and the new timeline clip without them. I think you can see that if you happened to work in this order and wanted to simply change the old clip (with effects) with a new clip (still with effects) you would have to do the change, then delete the new clip from the time line (as it does not have the effects) and replace it with the same clip from the media list (which does.) A bit involved. Being able to change the clip from the timeline might be an option...........? Nat
  17. Hi Errrrr...What is this Auto audio please??? In VP 4.08 I can play the clip/sequence and hear the audio (of course) but sliding the cursor in any mode is silent....... Do I have to turn this feature on somewhere? Is there a newer version (Windows)? Nat
  18. Hi Sam "I see. From my testing, it stay with Clip Preview rather then returns to Sequence Preview. I think the feature has been implemented correctly. It switched to Clip Preview mode since the Bin has the focus. But as Borate point out you need to switch back to Sequence preview to see the result." I don't see a need to switch in fact...... e.g. I have loaded two images to the timeline. I add a sepia effect to the second image. If I do this on the time line the focus stays on Sequence preview. The timeline image is now sepia but the media list image remains coloured. If I do this on the media list image the thumbnail there goes sepia but the timeline remains coloured.(Should it ????) In this case the focus is Clip preview ..until I click the media list to clear it. Focus is now Sequence preview........but image there does not show the sepia effect. All this is as I expect. (Apart from thinking the timeline clip should have also changed to sepia) Now I want to change the sepia clip (or the timeline clip ---(which is still coloured)) I can only do this via the media list thumbnail. Right click the TN and focus is now Clip preview (as expected) Select "Change file" Pick new file and open. The media list thumbnail is swapped, the new TN has the sepia effect.... and the focus automatically changes to the Sequence preview at the cursor line position You don't need to switch back as you suggest to see the effect. Interestingly, If the effect was added to the media list image, the timeline image remains unchanged before and after the swap. If the effect was added to the timeline image its the reverse..the new media list image doesn't show the effect but the new timeline image does. Nat
  19. Hi This not a bug as such. VP uses a crossfade method for consecutive clips on the same video track that keeps the total video length the same. It fades out clip 1 over the first frame of clip 2 and then fades in clip 2 over the last frame of clip 1. Depending on the action present and the brightness in either clip you may see those still frames as a ghost image. As you mentioned, the soundtracks don't crossfade. If you don't want this to happen place clip 2 on video track 2 overlapping the end of clip 1 and simply add a fade-in to it.(Click the icon above the box with FX in it) It will now perform the crossfade as you want it. Same at the other end...fade video track 2 out. You can add fade-in and fade-out to the audio track to get the sound dissolve you want. Note that this method shortens the overall sequence by the length of the overlaps chosen. It should render OK. (Does for me. ) Nat
  20. Hi Borate " But when the image in the bin is right-clicked here, preview switches to CLIP mode," That's as it should be as you have clicked the Clip. But now click "Change file" and open the replacement file and it automatically replaces the old file on the sequence line, adds the effects automatically and the preview correctly returns to the sequence display at the cursor position. I find no need to click Sequence mode. It goes to Sequence mode automatically after changing even if the original file was not on the timeline. The file on the media list is changed and the effect added to it. Nat
  21. HI Sam "Have I missed something? " No It works fine. The file is swapped for the new one which is good feature, but if you wanted to retain the same name for the altered file, you would still have to save the project and close VP before you can make any changes to it....say you want to alter the image or photoshop something on it. What I mean is..you can't leave VP open in the background, and make make the alterations to the file as either Windows or VP pops up a message saying the procedure can't be done since the file is already open in another application (i.e. VP). The difficulty here is that Windows won't allow two files with the same name in the same folder. Of course you could copy the file in question, alter it and then swap it..meaning VP could be left open while you did it,.which should work but with a name change and everything could remain in the same folder. Obviously copying the file to new folderto make the alterations would retain the original name. Still a bit involved though. :-) Nat
  22. HI One thing to remember is that whilst you have a file added to VP and VP is open, you won't be able to alter it externally as "it will be in use". So.. as Borate says, first save your project. Close VP and now make the changes you require to the file concerned. Image size changes will also be allowed. Save the image to the same location with the same name and the same file type. Re-open your project and the altered file will now be on the timeline in the same place with the same video effects as beforehand. Nat
  23. Hi You should be able to jump along the vodeo clip ends using the >II button or the II< button under the preview window. If your sound clip overlaps the end of the video track, the cursor will stop at the end of the last video clip but before the end of the sound clip. So splitting the sound clip only will allow you to remove the exess piece, level with the end of the video timeline. Nat
  24. Hi Sam Sorry I dumped the clip I was doing the test with. However I have just realised that I have a different graphics card in the PC. and now I am wondering if it has difficulty playing 1080 mpeg4 clips when they are straight out of the camera. (With both VLC and WMP.) or whether VLC is not running right. So I have just done a re-test with a shorter clip just to check...... It's not what I initially found The raw clip (1920 x 1080 mpeg4 h.264 at 30fps).. Did NOT play correctly in VLC. The image was pixellated at the start particularly when there was any movement and was also very jerky. The sound jumped in and out of sync as well. In WMP the image was quite good with no jerkiness or pixellation but lagged behind the sound. However, the raw clip played OK in videopad and the output file (1080 .avi) played OK. in both players as well. So VP seems OK....It's just the raw clips that seem bad in the players. To add to the puzzle, 720 mpeg4 videos play OK all the time. Sorry if I was misleading. Nat
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