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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi My question is still a valid one.....How would you want it to end......the last frame as a still image?.........and after that? etc. I have checked an avi generated with version 3.60. which enables me to see all the frames right up to the last one. I see no black frame at the end However, If you use VLC or Windows Media player to view the avi it finishes playing with a black screen. If you use Irfanview player it finishes with the last frame as a still image. (Its not black!) Nat
  2. Hi The DVD generation part of videopad only writes the project to the disc in a single playable form. It will not add menus, play buttons etc. or add more than one project to the disc. Indeed, there have been a few posts saying that it doesn't complete the disc. I would suggest the best way is to save your finished project/s to your PC as separate avis (or similar) and then use a third party dedicated DVD creator to produce your DVD. This way you can have previews, menus and choice buttons. If you have Windows movie maker then you will probably also have Windows DVD maker which will do the job. I prefer DVDStyler which is a free DVD creator program and which gives you full control over nearly all aspects of the creation process. http://www.dvdstyler.org/en/downloads Another free program is the SoThink DVD maker. This does a similar job but, if you haven't bought the software it places a green advert screen between each film (or at every bookmark if you have used these). It's not particularly annoying though, otherwise it is free to use with no time restriction apparently and the results are good otherwise. http://www.sothinkmedia.com/movie-dvd-maker/ Nat
  3. Hi Just checked again... "Close Gap in Track" does not work in versions 3.60 and 3.61 but is OK in 3.55 and 3.58 In the earlier versions selecting the gap turned it from light blue/grey to dark blue/grey prior to closing it. This change in colour does not occur in the two later versions mentioned. It seems you cannot select the gap. NCH needs to remedy this and make sure that all tracks to the right of the gap automatically move down the correct distance when a gap is closed. Nat
  4. Hi Title says it. Just replied to a previous post and found I couldn't actually close the gap generated in a clip with a small section deleted. Option came up on the right click menu when the gap was clicked but the option didn't work. Any body else noticed this? Seems to be the same with version 3.61 Resorted to pulling right section to the left . Nat
  5. Hi I am not quite sure what you mean by "micro stuttering" but to delete a SINGLE frame in a video.. Step the sequence red line cursor along to the point or frame before the deletion point and then click the split button. (looks like a couple of inverted batteries under the sequence preview pane) Now step along ONE FRAME using the NEXT FRAME ( >) button under the sequence preview pane and split the sequence one again. Zoom in to see the two split lines using the mouse wheel. Right click the section between them (turns blue) and delete it from the menu options. Right click the gap produced and select "Close Gap in Track" from the menu options. Alternatively you can grab the right hand section and drag it back. Just noticed that "Close Gap in Track" is not working in versions 3.60 and 3.61 so you will have to pull (drag)the right hand clip to the left to join them up. Nat
  6. Hi The contents of the videopad folder are correct... ".....videopad folder shows *star icon...." Presumably you mean "file" for this item, not "folder". and it's name is videopad.exe. Correct??? Depending on how your PC is configured it may not show file extensions but otherwise it may list this item as an application. If this is the case and as it has the film/star icon it is an executable program file and you should double left click it to open Videopad. Does this open Videopad? If not, what happens when you double click the file??? "....videopad-2-41-2011-06-21_v2.41 " You mention this is also listed. You don't say if this is a folder or not. but my guess is that it is a folder loaded from your CD containing version 2.41 files If it is a folder open it and let us know what is in it please. It could contain another videopad.exe for the 2.41 version. Nat
  7. Hi Interesting problem this........As I understand it...... Your shortcut on the desktop points to.. ...Program Files\NCH Software \ VideoPad \ videopad.exe This as it should be. and when you go to your program files folder, you find.. NCH Software (Folder) and inside this Videopad (Folder) Can you list for us the contents of this folder??? Inside this folder you should have along with other items, a Program file (An Application of about 4,270 Kb) called Videopad.exe This has an icon that looks like a length of film with a yellow star in the centre. THIS IS THE VIDEOPAD PROGRAM. and double clicking the icon should open Videopad. There are no contents to see (as you suggest) as it is a program-not a folder. Do you have this???? or are you seeing another folder?? Note: You may also see another application in the videopad folder called uninst.exe with a similar icon. This is the uninstall program. ****Your post suggests something is there named Videopad videopad editor...Is this a folder or a program? As a guide my Videopad folder contains... Help.....................Folder Deshaker.exe .... Plugin file ffmpeg12.exe .....Application ffmpeg16.exe......Application ffmpeg18.exe......Application ffmpeg19.exe......Application uninst.exe...........Application (This has the film/yellow star icon) videopad.exe......Application (This has the film/yellow star icon and is the program pointed to by the desktop shortcut.) Also listed are various vpsetup.exe files. Somewhere you should have videopad.exe We will get to the bottom of it somehow. (Maybe not) Nat
  8. Hi "Well.....i installed it off the one that NCH sent me......."videopad-2-41-2011-06-21"......." OK..This would seem to be version 2.41 It differs from later versions as it has a single main video line with overlay tracks. Works faster as a consequence. No problem here. "i have a short cut on the desk top named : VideoPad Video Editor..." That's OK. "...running the pointer over it i get : Launch Videopad Video Editor " That's OK. "and in propertys "short cut tab its says : Program Files\NCH Software \ VideoPad \ videopad.exe ..." Again, that's OK. This is the address of the target program for the shortcut. (But the target program must be there for it to run when the shortcut is double clicked... ) "....and on the short cut key line It read NONE <<<< is that the problem.........No short cut ? " Ignore this box. It is not significant You would normally open VP from the shortcut icon on your desktop. The next step is to check if you actually have the VP files in the correct place. On the SC properties screen left click the box lower down called "Open the folder containing the file"...Not sure what this is in English as I have a French PC ("Ouvrir l'emplacement du fichier") This should now open up the Programs/NCH Software/VideoPad/ folder and highlight the Videopad.exe program file. If this is NOT there then the desktop SC won't function as it hasn't got a target file to open. If it IS there then you should be able to launch VP from the SC on the desktop (or by double clicking the highlighted file you have just found.) Now...if you don't see the Videopad.exe file in the folder. Go back to the desktop and do a search for it. If you find it (in another folder) delete the desktop SC by dropping it in the dustbin and then open the folder that your search has found that does contain Videopad.exe Right click the file and select to create a new SC which you can ask to be placed on the desktop. Now either use this new SC or double click the program file to open it. If it still doesn't play then there is something wrong. ..... Later....One thing that might be the problem but don't really know.....I notice you are using XP. Open the properties window for the SC and check the compatability settings. I think you should have it set for XP. Worth trying. Nat
  9. Hi Not sure if your activation code will work for the latest version but you could try it. It shouldn't cause a problem. However the CD version is what you paid for and presumably works with the code you have. If you choose to download it from the NCH download page (see link in earlier post above) select "SAVE" from the download options and save the file you get somewhere safe so you can use it again in the event of problems. This is the vpsetup.exe file.......the installer file. Double clicking this file will install the program and overwrite an existing version. If you do need to clear out VP in the event of problems, keep the installer so you can load VP back again. Your CD version is similar to the installer and loads the VP programs directly and overwrites the old version. Similarly, double clicking the vpsetup.exe file you saved will overwrite the CD version......... and so on... That's why I suggested you add the version number to the setup filename. I have several vpsetup.exe files and can switch between them quite easily to compare versions. Borate would appear to have the same. and as he notes..There should also be a file named, simply "Videopad.exe." THAT is the file that will launch the program, if it's correctly installed. if it doesn't launch when you double click this then there is something wrong. Nat
  10. Hi "if you stack the clips in tracks so that the audio matches perfectly, the video therefore matches perfectly" That's quite correct but once acheived you must mute (or should mute) the overlay track(s) The main track 1 should normally be the master sound track. "I cannot for the life of me seem to figure out a way to move the clip in a track by a single frame / change its start time by a specific amount." If you want to nudge a video that is on an overlay track a small timed amount and you know where that point is click the current time box (as you suggested) and enter the new time value. The red line cursor will move to this point on the timeline.(You can directly move the cursor as well or repeatedly click the Next Frame button < > in the right hand pane although this is much slower) Now left click and drag the clip in question so it starts at the new cursor position. The yellow box will "jump" into place to fix the start of the clip precisely on the cursor line. (Don't right click to select the clip as the cursor will jump to the place where you clicked.) The IN/OUT settings and markers allow one to trim the clip in the left preview pane (although you can also do this with the clip after it has been placed on the timeline) The times shown in this pane only refer to the clip, not the main video. I prefer the method outlined above to set outtake clips to a sound synch position with the main track and you can check accuracy by playing the combined clips and listening to the sound tracks.. NOTE: The timer window will not record a SINGLE FRAME increment. It records a minimum of 1/10 second. As video frames are generally 1/25 or 1/30 second it will increment at two frames movement and then 3 frames movement. etc. However the red cursor line will move a frame at a time so even if the counter is not incremented you can still left grab the clip and use the yellow box to "jump" the clip to the cursor. This should give very precise matching of image and sound. ( to about 30th second....!!) Note a reply to an earlier post regarding something similar... http://nch.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/21476-editing-one-clip-affects-another/ Nat
  11. Hi If you load an .avi file to the media list which is longer than the cut off length you seem to be getting, and without putting it onto the sequence line you switch to LIST VIEW for the media window, what duration is listed for the clip? Under normal circumstances there is no upper length limit for video clips save cache memory and your patience while loading. There is no setting to alter this. Image clips are not limited to duration either as you suggest but unlike videos, there is a setting that can be used for this purpose. As Borate asks, what version of VP are you using please? In a lot of cases problems get resolved if you re-install the software. Have you tried this? Nat
  12. Hi Is your shortcut an old one? If it is it might be pointing to a non existant folder as you manually removed these and may have left the SC on the desktop.You can check where it is pointing if you right click the shortcut once and then left click "Properties". The target should be displayed. If you have any doubts, open the NCH Software folder in Programs and directly double click the videopad.exe file. If it still doesn't open... ??? Nat
  13. Hi Played with this a bit.... It's not that intuative...but... What you need to do is to crop your image to 4:3 and adjust until the bit you don't want is cropped off. Click the "Zoom to cropped Region" box, and Apply. Now..If you save your video as a 4:3 AR as you have been doing, you will find your image incorrectly cropped as discussed above. You must save your video as a 16:9 ratio output. e.g. 720 or 1080... Your image will now be 4:3 AR in keeping with the original but in a 16:9 black frame. For a test try placing a 4:3 image on the timeline and then splitting it into two sections. Apply the crop and trim to the first section as described above and then output the whole sequence as a 720 video. Both sections will (should) remain the same size and be 4:3 AR in keeping with the original image.. Nat
  14. Hi In "Modify or Uninstall or Modify a program" I have Videopad Video Editor listed. Double clicking this would normally uninstall it following the usual prompts. But ...as you say you have deleted references to NCH and haven't seemingly run the new vpset.exe, just downloaded it, I wouldn't expect to see it there. However, if you have downloaded the latest version, you should have a copy of vpsetup.exe somewhere on your computer. Probably in your download folder. This is what you downloaded. Don't lose this. Find it and Double click it and it will load VP. (Refuse any offer of Google Chrome etc if you wish..that's your choice) Once loaded there will be several folders created but now go into your programs folder and look for NCH Software. Right click the Videopad.exe file and create a shortcut for your desktop if you want. VP should run from this exe file or the shortcut . Note the version number at the bottom left of the main window.(e.g.3.60) Now look for the vpsetup.exe file in your download folder and change the name to vpsetup v3.6.exe. Drag and drop it into the NCH Software folder in Programs. You can now always reinstall VP from this if needs be. Nat
  15. Hi Placing at 960 x 720 image on the timeline will produce the result of screenshot 1 Outputting this as a 640 x 480 video should look exactly the same. There should not be any chequered bar at the top. I can't see where these may have come from as even if you crop to different sizes the OUTPUT should always show the chequered area (visible in the clip preview pane) as BLACK. However....I think there is a bug in the CROP effect. (Version 3.6) As a Test....Put a 960 x 720 image (AR 4:3) on the sequence line. In the preview pane it is shown fully with black areas to each side. So far so good. Let's say you want to crop just a little of each side but keep the AR 4:3 (or indeed, just want to trim each side a little)...In the crop effect drag the sides of the rectangle in to just remove the unwanted bit..or force 4:3 and do the same. The sequence preview shows a correct result. So far apparently OK. Now output the sequence as a 640 x 480 avi. (4:3) You now see that the image in the sequence has been incorrectly cropped. The degree of cropping with the rectangle (which has to include the black borders) has ALL been taken from the image, which is incorrect. The output should look like the treated clip preview pane. Zoom to crop area makes no difference either. Anybody want to confirm this? Can NCH comment please? The fundamental problem here is that the X1% and X2% crop values start from the edges of the 16:9 screen and not the 4:3 image edge. Moving the edge of the rectangle to the edge of the 4:3 image should theoretically give 0% and 100% not 12% and 88%. It is this amount that is taken from the image. I get the feeling that the crop effect window should show the just the IMAGE whatever its ratio and not the complete 16:9 area. How can one crop just the edge of a 4:3 image if the rectangle cant be positioned correctly? Nat
  16. Hi Try downloading the latest version 3.61... http://www.nchsoftware.com/index.html Keep the setup file in case of problems. Nat
  17. Hi eekjake You could try converting the VOB file to an .avi format. There is a freeware for this here: www.convertvobtoavi.com Although the VOB file I mentioned above already plays on VP in the version I have ,it also plays when converted to an mpeg4 avi (which doesn't tell me a lot actually) but there are other output types in the program you could try. It's worth a go at any rate. As for a standalone player I find VLC will generally cope with most formats. Nat
  18. Hi Just explored a DVD. Opened up the VIDEO_TS file and dragged out the VTS_01_1.VOB (232 Mb) and dropped it directly into the media list video bin of VP version 3.60. Waited for rendering and thumbnails and then dragged and dropped it onto the sequence line. It loaded and played correctly. Nat
  19. Hi Another way is... Place your music soundtrack onto Audio track 1 and LOCK it. Place Clip 1 on the timeline. It will migrate to video track 2 if it has a sound track. Unlink it from the audio and delete the audio. Now you can pull Clip one down to video track 1. Pull out (or shorten) it so it finishes on the first music transition point. Place Clip 2 onto the overlay track (track 2) so it takes over at the end of Clip 1.(The yellow rectangle will lock onto the place) NOTE: You can trim any of the clips by tragging their ends in or out. Unlink the audio from Clip 2 and delete it. Pull out (or shorten) the end of Clip 2 so it finishes on the next music transition point (obviously it must be long enough to reach it) Now place Clip 3 on the overlay track so it follows Clip 2 .(It will automatically migrate to videotrack 2 if it has a sound track), Unlink the soundtrack and delete it then pull the clip down to video track .1 and move it so it starts where Clip 2 ends.(The yellow box will lock on the spot) Drag out (or shorten) Clip 3 so it ends on the next music transition point. Place Clip 4 on the overlay track and continue repeating the same moves....unlink sound/delete sound etc. You will end up with the music audio on audio track 1 and the clips alternating between track 1 and track 2. In this way (provided they are long enough) you can easily adjust the ends by dragging then in and out. Also you can often see where the music transition is by the shape of the visible audio line. Note that the clip on the overlay track will overplay the track 1 clip and all the clips can be moved quite easily as there is nothing to push along. Matching video clips to a music soundtrack is more phaffy than doing the same with still images which are silent but both need patience. Nat
  20. HI I have a feeling that "Deshaker", the virtual dub plugin application that VP uses to stabilize video clips won't work on a Mac as I think it was written to work on a PC. The stabilization default settings set up for VP work well IMHO. Nat
  21. HI Hmm. Stabilization might seem to be missing in the Mac version. Hang on though.....Just noticed that the name of your file seems to indicate it is a tiff IMAGE... Right clicking this wont show Stabilize....it must be a VIDEO clip. IS THAT THE PROBLEM?? Nat
  22. Hi NOt sure whether the MAC version is different but you right click the name of your clip that is listed in the media list and the menu comes up as shown in the post above. Nat
  23. Hi Can't duplicate this with 3.58. Added a video clip followed by a black blank frame as background for text. Added a text with vertical scrolling to the overlay track above the blank frame. With no transition on the video clip the sequence played normally and the text scrolled up as the blank frame played. Added a crossfade transition to the first clip/blank frame....Text played correctly as above. Adding the text to follow the video clip on the main sequence line without a blank frame also played correctly with and without a crossfade transition. (Text played against a black background.) Same result for all the other scroll directions. So...can't say why this seems be happening for you.......?Version? Nat
  24. Hi Load your shaky video in the normal way (Add file) It will now be listed in the media list under the "Video Files" tab. Note that you don't have to have the actual clip on the sequence line to stabilize it. Right click the video on the Media list. The fourth option down in the menu is "Stablize Video." Left click this option VP with now do this task and ask you at the end if you want to swap your shaky video with the stabilized version. (The original clip on your PC is unaffected) If you accept this option the clips are swapped including any you might have in the sequence line. It works very well but don't expect it to work wonders on something VERY shaky. If your clip has a lot of shake there may be a juddery border as badly displaced frames are lined up. If this is bad you can use the CROP effect to trim them (Use "Zoom to area" with this effect.) Hope this helps Nat
  25. Hi "This I couldn't duplicate. Possible PC resource problem??? " Could be....Still using the same PC! With regards to the disappearing image..... One would normally normally swipe the whole scale % value (100.00) and enter 90 or posiibly 90.00. Entering 90 leaves the value as 9.00 and the image shrinks? to nothing....(?? 9% ??) Swiping the 100 and entering 90 also gives the value 9.00 and image shrinks to nothing...(?? 9% ??) This maybe what EmmaMc is seeing? If I swipe the integar 9 and enter 10 the result is 1.00! The image REALLY disappears!! If I swipe the whole of the 1.00 and try to enter 23 what comes up is 32.00!! Either way it is a bug. Nat
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