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Everything posted by nchtj

  1. um, what does this have to do with switch? if you want help with your voice recorder, ask the people who made it for help.
  2. good question, we never thought of putting it in, but I'll make sure its in for the next release.
  3. your question is answered in the link stickied to the top of this forum! http://www.nch.com.au/acm/support.html
  4. its because the RIAA floods the P2P networks with bogus files that look like the proper file and are the same size as the proper file, but are really fake files that contain no sound. Go buy the music if you really want it.
  5. Have you used Switch? It's quite possible your iTunes files are protected though, so it may not be possible to convert them at all.
  6. that format is unique to that brand of MP3 player, so only the RCA/Lyra people would have a solution for you.
  7. Certainly particular combinations of mp3 settings will make your files into MPEG2-Audio Layer 3 or MPEG 2.5-Audio Layer 3, that is possibly happening with you. Download the GSpot codec utility and see what it says about your file: http://www.headbands.com/gspot/
  8. I don't think Switch currently detects if it has write access to the folder or not, so if it doesn't have write access then it will go through the conversion but there will be no file.
  9. Usually Windows Media Player is the main and most reliable way to download a missing codec for a wav file. If WMP can't do it you can try downloading a codec tool called GSpot which will at least tell you the name of the audio codec being used in the file. Get GSpot here: http://www.headbands.com/gspot/ Then do a google search for the codec and download it.
  10. Did you make sure your DirectX was up to date?
  11. It's possible your player doesn't know how to read LAME encoded mp3 files, it is probably expecting only Fraunhofer encoded mp3s. The only thing you could try (off the top of my head) is making sure you are encoding in CBR format and not VBR.
  12. it's not possible to have a 5mb .ram file, it is possible to have a 5mb .rm/.ra file though. .ram files are text files containing links to the audio file(s) on the Internet somewhere (the m in ram stands for "metafile") So is 5mb the size of the file itself, or is that the size of the audio file it links to on the Internet? I unfortunately haven't encountered your problem myself, I just tested Switch converting a 1 hour 45 minute .ra file to mp3 format. It took about 5 seconds to do on my 2.5ghz machine w/ 512mb ram. We have had a few problems with Switch taking extraordinary long to convert .ram files containing PNM streaming audio protocol links. We found the solution was to manually edit the text file and change it to use the RTSP streaming protocol instead.
  13. see the Switch Help documentation -> General Usage section for a list of what files Switch handles.
  14. nchtj


    The short answer is "no", the long answer is "we are investigating ways to do it". As you would see from the above link, a midi file is not a standard audio format by any means, so it may take some time for us to come up with a solution.
  15. you can't unless I know what your email address is! :-) send me an email!
  16. The answer to this question was put into our file format support questions page, which is linked as a sticky thread at the top of this forum - why can't you just take 2 minutes to read it?
  17. jeffrey: thanks for pointing that out, don't know how I missed that! It's been fixed and will be out in the next release.
  18. can you please copy and paste your post into an email and send it to me at tj [at] nch.com.au ? I think I have fixed both issues, and I would like to send you a fixed copy to try out for yourself.
  19. For any particular feature, if you look it up in the switch help documentation, it will say "Switch Plus feature" if the feature is available in the commercial version only. If it doesn't say "Switch Plus feature" that means the feature is in the free version.
  20. can you try opening your rax file in notepad and please paste here what text is contained inside.
  21. hmm, certainly interesting what you are saying, although I am not sure a standard copy and paste of the wave header will work (it might in theory). I can tell you our GSM 6.10 encoder is based on the European Telecommunications Standard ETS300961. What the .wav GSM 6.10 codec is based on I don't know, but they are both GSM 6.10 encoders.
  22. nchtj

    hertz levels

    yes, get the latest version and go to Tools menu -> Temporal Frequency Analysis. It will show you the frequency distribution of your waveform over time. An excellent tool if I may say so!
  23. yeah, should work - have you tried using Switch?
  24. oh, I understand what you want now. No, Switch cannot do that. We'll think about putting it in though.
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