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Everything posted by nchtj

  1. nchtj

    Wave Pad

    if you send your .aud file to us we can recover it for you.
  2. for your specified sound recording device, you need to set the sound recording channel to something like "Wave Out Mix" or "Stereo Out Mix" or something like that - the name changes from sound device to sound device. That will allow you to record what you are hearing.
  3. AC3 has been on the cards, but no one has requested it yet so we didn't prioritise it. We will see if we can look at doing something, but can't guarantee a release/availability date.
  4. please go to the Sound File formats forum and see the thread "Request for PC Dart files". http://nch.invisionzone.com/index.php?showforum=12
  5. the convert feature is also in the menus, its directly above the launch item in fact.
  6. he can't because we would delete it. These forums are about our products not anyone elses.
  7. XP doesn't come with ASPI as standard, it comes with SPTI which it uses by default. Express Rip will always use SPTI over ASPI if the former is detected on your system. If you like, contact me at tj[at]nch.com.au to request an ASPI version of Rip. FYI: SPTI works perfectly fine, only a small minority of customers report problems with it, and we found from experience this is due to problems with either the CD-ROM drivers or the CD-ROM hardware. Customers have, for example, reported Rip doesn't work on their computer, only to buy new hardware and have it work fine on the new hardware (I'm not saying you buy new hardware, just giving an example).
  8. please read your mp3 player manual, this question goes outside the bounds of our expertise. Alternatively, contact whoever made your mp3 player and ask them how to put songs on it.
  9. please see our file formats support page, which is linked to at the top of this forum.
  10. FYI: mmf is a mobile phone format we can't help yet, but we are researching the issue, see the post about AMR files.
  11. take your .pcm file and change the extension to .raw, and load it into Wavepad or Switch. When prompted, just leave the codec at the default 16 bit PCM selection.
  12. it might say that when the file extension of the file does not match the internals of the file. Download GSpot and let it determine what the file format is. http://www.headbands.com/gspot/
  13. don't use "Load File" from the menus, use "Load Audio CD tracks"
  14. you haven't given me enough information - like what file format you were trying to open / convert from
  15. you're posting in the Switch forum, so perhaps you should use Switch ?
  16. why are you clicking launch to convert your files? The big "Convert" button in the toolbar is how you convert files.
  17. the only way we can try to answer this is if someone were to send a sample file that doesn't work to me at tj[at]nch.com.au. Beyond that, I can't do much.
  18. m3u is not an audio file, it is a playlist. We are looking at support playlists for a future version of switch.
  19. you can download 1.05, then email us with your reg details and get a new code from us.
  20. why not just put them in different folders? or manually rename the track numbers?
  21. switch doesn't save to wmv format, please read the help documentation to find out what formats switch supports.
  22. we may support it in a future version, but not currently.
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