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Everything posted by nchtj

  1. as you would have read on that webpage, it doesn't matter.
  2. the unfortunate problems with proprietary formats are: - they are likely to have copy protection included too - since it is proprietary, the chances of the company releasing any information on how to convert the format to other formats are low to none. And if they don't give out such information, there is nothing anyone else can do about it. Your only strategy here is to keep mp3 copies of all your files on your computer, so you never lose the original files after they have been transferred to the portable player.
  3. I don't know of any program to play them, Sony would probably know though.
  4. the only strategy possible to get midi files into other formats is to actually record them as they are playing back. Any software that claims to do midi -> wav conversion uses this exact technique. Download record pad here: www.nch.com.au/recordpad And set the recording channel to "Stereo Out Mix" or "Wave Out Mix" or something with a name similar to that (the name changes from sound card to sound card). Then hit the record button, and start playing your midi file.
  5. the release date is not too far off, we are hoping before the end of the week.
  6. You can also use WavePad to normalize the file. And you can use Express Burn to burn the files to CD. www.nch.com.au/burn Thanks for helping out Papollonio.
  7. If you download the Master's Edition trial, you can use everything in it for 14 days. We are currently investigating better ways of splitting audio up in situations like the one you described.
  8. You would be lucky to find a product that does that, a lot of the audio information gets lost when the file is recorded at a low bitrate. That information cannot be plucked out of thin air without some degree of error when trying to increase the bitrate.
  9. I think you might be out of luck, those Sony files are likely to be in ATRAC format which no one but Sony can support.
  10. Is there a reason you don't want to download the latest Express Scribe? (v4.01) It's a free product, and it should rectify your problem.
  11. what is the file extension for the audio files? The Mac version does not support as many formats as the Windows version.
  12. In Internet Explorer, if you right click on the audio link and select "Save Target As...", you can choose where you want the audio file to be saved. Bert: Switch does wav to mp3 converting too, its made by us, and its freeware. www.nch.com.au/switch
  13. nchtj


    2 options: 1) send an email to nch@nch.com.au requesting this file. 2) download the latest version of Express Scribe from www.nch.com.au/scribe The latest version of scribe does not need that file.
  14. are you sure the recorder does not let you record in wav or mp3 format?
  15. Hi, Thanks for sending me a sample dvf file, that helps me figure out your problem a lot faster. Unfortunately its bad news though. The problem is that the sony plug-in does not (for whatever reason) support all dvf and msv files recorded by all recorders across the board. Sony have to tweak the plug-in to accomodate specific recorders over time. As a longshot, I don't know if your recorder supports recording in SP or LP mode, make sure you are recording in SP mode because the plug-in has problems with LP files from some recorders.
  16. What are your VBR settings? If they are too low, the mp3 encoder will automatically drop the sample rate to accomodate.
  17. Hi, m3u files are not audio files, they are audio playlists. If you open the m3u file up in notepad you will see links to audio files contained inside. Those audio files are either stored somewhere on your computer, or they are stored on the Internet somewhere. If they are stored on the Internet, the m3u file will list the file link as starting with "http://". Please verify whether your mp3 files are store on the Internet or on your computer and let me know.
  18. [from other post] can you tell me what format you are converting from and converting to? Does the conversion work fine if you load the file into the Switch window? Do you see the file getting added into the Switch window when you add the file through the command line?
  19. We're putting the options into those products to remove them from the right-click menu. They should be available in the next releases of those products (hopefully).
  20. C:\Program Files\NCH Swift Sound\Components\mp3el
  21. so does fruity loops support converting files to wav or mp3 format? if you can get it to do that, you can express burn to burn your files to cd.
  22. shn to wav will be supported in the next release of Switch, due out in the next couple of weeks sometime.
  23. Sony does not support converting of msv to other formats on Mac OSX. You have to do it on a PC first, and then transfer the file over to your Mac.
  24. details on what? about the format itself? I'm sure you can google it.
  25. The only "workaround" I think is to buy sony's products. I don't think Sony would make it easy to circumvent their copy protection.
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