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Everything posted by nchtj

  1. nchtj


    sorry, supporting it would require paying licensing fees to fraunhofer.
  2. but ours does work! you select .wav as the output format you click the "encoder settings" button you select "PCM" as the format select "8000kHz, 8 bit, Mono" as the Attributes and then convert your files! its as simple as that.
  3. ----------------- SIP Overview ----------------- SIP stands for "Session Initiation Protocol" and was created by the International Engineering Task Force under the name "RFC 2543". It allows computers (or other Internet-enabled devices) to connect to each other and communicate multimedia information, such as voice or video. SIP itself does not handle the transmission of the multimedia information, it relies on other protocols to handle this (e.g. RTP, SDP, RTSP). SIP is purely responsible for the establishment and termination of connections between devices. In the area of IP telephony, SIP can be used in applications such as Instant Messaging, Internet phone calls, voice messaging, and as part of PBX systems. Development for such applications is being carried out in both software and hardware environments. ----------------------------------- Express Talk and Networking ----------------------------------- There are a few issues that come into play when you are using Express Talk on a computer that is behind a firewall or a NAT (Network Address Translator). In some scenarios, Express Talk can automatically resolves all the issues for you. In other cases, you may need to do some configuration yourself. Firewalls ----------- A firewall protects your computer from many of the dangers of the Internet by blocking your computer's Internet access ports and thus not allowing a malicious computer to contact you without your knowledge (please do not confuse the ports mentioned here with the USB or serial ports on the back of your computer, they are completely different things). Default Ports used by Express Talk - SIP: 5070 RTP: 8000, 8002, 8004, 8006 If you a have firewall running (like the Windows firewall or a hardware firewall), you will probably be prompted to "open" or "unblock" the aformentioned ports when you first run Express Talk. If you do not do this, you won't be able to make any phone calls! How to unblock ports varies from setup to setup, so please refer to your firewall help documentation for further assistance. NATs ------- If you have a network of computers setup and they are connecting to the Internet through a computer running Windows Internet Connection Sharing, this means you have a NAT installed and you need to read this section carefully. This also applies to owners of hardware NAT devices. There are a couple of different ways to ensure that Express Talk works properly with your network setup. The first way is called "uPnP" and the second is called "STUN". uPnP (Universal Plug and Play) is a technique where a networked computer can ask the NAT how to let computers outside the network find itself. The NAT will then respond by giving the computer an IP address and port number. uPnP runs as a service by default on Windows systems. In many cases, uPnP should resolve your networking issues, but it will not work in some scenarios. For example, if you are running multiple networks using multiple NATs, uPnP will not work. Also, a lot of hardware NATs do not support uPnP, so this option cannot be used. STUN (Simple Traversal of UDP through NAT) has the same basic concept of uPnP, but executes the concept differently. The computer on the network who wants to communicate outside the network queries a server on the public Internet. That server then queries the NAT and discovers how the private computer is viewed publicly, as well as the type of NAT (or firewall) configuration employed on the network. It then tells the private computer all this information, allowing the computer to successfully conduct two-way communication with a computer on the public Internet. STUN has the advantage that it does not requires NATs to support any particular type of service or configuration (unlike uPnP). It has the disadvantage of not supporting all types of NATs, however. Information obtained by the STUN server from a full cone NAT is guaranteed to be accurate. Restricted Cone and Port Restricted Cone NATs may be accurate only some of the time. Information from a symmetric NAT will always be unreliable. "How do I know what type of NAT I have?" Download the following application made by the folks at Free World Dialup: http://downloads.fwdnet.net/netcheck.exe It should correctly determine your NAT type - although take the other information it gives with a grain of salt (it is not always accurate).
  4. the kb/sec tells you how big your file will end up being if you convert your file using the select sample rate, bits and channel settings. It is a guide, it does not play a direct part in the file conversion process.
  5. its due shortly. We're just trying to push out a new product atm, and I am involved with that project, so that is part of the reason Switch is a bit delayed.
  6. It doesn't matter, if you use our Express Burn product it converts to cda format on-the-fly. www.nch.com.au/burn make sure you burn in "Audio CD" mode. and make sure you use CD-R discs.
  7. you need to locate the files on your computer using windows explorer, and then open Switch and drag the files into the switch window. hopefully we can provide playlist support in Switch in the release after next. is "Mahalo" a Hawaiian word?
  8. if you had tried using switch you would have seen it supports it. have you done this? stop writing in caps please, its considered shouting.
  9. when you say the files are from "Mini-Disc recordings", do you mean they are from a Sony Mini-Disc player? so are the files in ATRAC format then? (oma/omg) but anyway, about your dct files, it is very odd that the other computer cannot read dct files, because the codec should be installed with windows by default. What windows version does the other computer use? Note that .dct files are not playable in Media Player because the format is our own. You can only play it using our software.
  10. unfortunately this forum (and the others) is not for asking general knowledge questions about audio formats, it is for issues people have with loading various formats into any of our products. If you want some general knowledge information, you can either use google, or go to our affiliate technical support site TheHelper.net and ask your question there.
  11. we are currently investigating how to convert various mobile phone formats into other (more common) audio formats. Because there is no real standardization of audio formats on phones, there is a vast array of different formats out there, each with their own set of complications. when/if we get closer to a solution that covers as many phone formats as possible, we will let people know. edit: btw I hope you read our file formats pages stickied at the top of the forum, your question has been worded as if you didn't :-)
  12. nope sorry. what sort of sound are you expecting to come out of your ascii file if such a converter were to exist? (out of curiousity)
  13. this have been covered many times on this forum and the sound file formats forum, and it has also been documented on our file formats support page which is linked to at the top of both forums.
  14. I can assure you switch does not modify the original files unless you are saving to those files, and in that case it will ask you if you want to overwrite them first before doing so. Since we don't support converting to dvf, the aformentioned scenario is not possible (i.e. switch cannot write to your dvf files and therefore cannot erase them). does your dvf file still display its original filesize or is it now much smaller?
  15. you're much better off sticking to the mp3 format than wma, especially with all the DRM licensing issues associated with that format.
  16. nchtj

    Mixing Files

    Make sure you normalize the 2 files before mixing them together. so for each file do: Effects menu -> Normalize -> select the "Normal Audio Level" preset this will ensure equal volume levels when mixing them together.
  17. try opening your audio file in Media Player and see if it downloads a codec automatically.
  18. ok, mono -> stereo converting is not a bug, but stereo -> mono is a bug, and has been fixed. re: mono -> stereo we decided to not allow this, because it makes no sense - there is no extra information included into your mp3 files, all it does is take the existing mono channel and duplicates it. What you end up with is the one channel duplicated, the mp3 file size doubled, and you have effectively not gained anything new in terms of the audio.
  19. what is your Windows version? XP? a proper un-corrupt version of Windows should not have a problem with this, because the .hlp format is supported with Windows right out of the box. So if it is giving you problems, you may have to find out on Microsoft's website how to correct it, or re-install Windows (if you know how to do that). .hlp files are not text-based files, so you cannot read them with a text editor.
  20. I would have hoped you would have made backups of your files before overwriting them, just so you can compare the original files with the converted files and check things like quality, filesize etc. There is unfortunately nothing we can do in this scenario sorry. I am happy to send you the latest (soon to be released) Switch and see if you have better luck with what you are trying to do. If you would like me to do that, send me an email at tj [at] nch.com.au and let me know.
  21. sounds like there is something weird going on with your windows installation. What format are you converting from and what format are you converting to? What is your Windows version?
  22. if the file is not appearing in the switch window, it means that switch is experiencing some sort of error loading it. Certainly the evidence as you have put it would indicate the underscore is posing a problem, but when I added an underscore to files and tried to load them, I did not experience any problems myself. I even tried this on an mp2 file and it worked. I opened a command prompt and set it to the Switch folder and then typed: switch "_test_.mp2" The file loaded fine and it also converted fine to ADPCM wav. Are there any other characters in these files of yours that are not letters or numbers ? edit: this is a longshot, but is the underscore by chance in the file extension and NOT file name ? e.g. "test.mp2_"
  23. would you be open to sending that file to me to look at? send it to tj [at] nch.com.au if you can't do that, is there anything different about this particular file compared to the files that work fine? did you try converting that particular file to any format other than mp3 and see if it worked?
  24. 1.05 is coming very soon, we put that information on the website at the same time we had planned to release 1.05, but there were last minute issues and it got delayed. Remember we allow you to download our commercial products and use them for 14 days without charge. It is expected that all our customers take advantage of this, so they know exactly what they are buying. We are investigating extracting audio from various video formats, but we cannot offer a definite date when such a feature will be available.
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