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Everything posted by borate

  1. When exporting a video file, click on ADVANCED ENCODER OPTIONS. Use the defaults (there's a reset button) or manually set the bitrate and quality factor for the file type.
  2. Unable to duplicate that while cutting and rearranging a dozen clips on the voice track of a short video. In each case, the spacebar picked up where it left off, using version 5.11. If the pointer is at screen-right, and the mouse is left-clicked, that would cause the scrubber (red line) to jump to the end.
  3. The Pan and zoom effect was applied to a 3544x2356, eight second still, then exported as an MPG video file, using the default settings with the resolution set to "Auto Detect". The result was a 3544x2356 film (13.3MB). There is no VPS file type option. L'effetto Pan e zoom è stato applicato a un 3544x2356, otto secondi ancora, poi esportato come un file video MPG, utilizzando le impostazioni predefinite con la risoluzione impostata su "Auto Detect". Il risultato è stato un film 3544x2356 (13.3MB). Non c'è nessun tipo di file VPS opzione.
  4. The default length - for clips not yet on the timeline - is set under OPTIONS|MEDIA. To change the length of clips already on the timeline, select (highlight) the clips. Then click on the number - 0:00:01:000, for example - under the timeline. Change the length, then <enter>. -0-0- La lunghezza predefinita-per le clip non ancora sulla timeline-è impostato in opzioni | Media. Per modificare la lunghezza delle clip già presenti nella timeline, selezionare (evidenziare) le clip. Quindi fare clic sul numero-0:00:01:000, per esempio-sotto la Timeline. Modificare la lunghezza, quindi <enter>.
  5. Translation (for others to chime in) Among the different save formats available in the program, what do you recommend to view optimally on HD TVs and tablets? The sound photographic videos, made from the photos all taken in high quality.
  6. What are the PC's specs: CPU/GPU/RAM/free space, etc.? Try lowering preview resolution. Right-click in the preview window.
  7. In Windows, open the file manager and navigate to this location. The file may have been saved there, where it can be copied to a USB stick. You could also download it again. "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\VideoPad\videopadsetup_v5.11.exe"
  8. Oggi ci sarà l'applicazione dell'effetto Ken Burns noto anche come Pan e zoom con VideoPad. Per iniziare a caricare il clip video in VideoPad trascinare il clip nella timeline. Se si desidera applicare l'effetto Pan zoom a una parte del video è necessario dividere la clip in sezioni prima di applicare l'effetto Pan e zoom. Per dividere la clip Clicca sulla timeline in cui desideri che l'effetto cominci e selezioni Split dalla finestra di anteprima sequenza. Dopo aver creato una sezione per applicare l'effetto Pan zoom, fare clic per evidenziare la sezione. Con questa selezione evidenziata dal menu effetti video selezionare Pan e zoom. Verrà aperta la finestra di dialogo effetti. Selezionare inizio o fine in base alle preferenze e selezionare il punto di messa a fuoco dell'effetto Pan e zoom trascinando il contorno per selezionare una parte del fotogramma video come punto di messa a fuoco.. E tu sei finito. Basta premere Play per rivedere il tuo lavoro.
  9. Videopad 5.11 is now available for Windows. To help solve your issue, isolate a portion of your project that has the black frame problem. Here's how... On the timeline, make a split about ten seconds before and after a black frame. Right-click on the newly created clip and COPY. Click the + sign at the right of the sequence 1 tab that's above the timelne. This will create a blank sequence two. Right-click in the track area and PASTE. While still in sequence 2 click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload the result (folder and the files it contains) to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the link. Make it public and post the link here. Someone will check it out. If you like, you can do this with several problem areas and post a link to each, discretely.
  10. Windows or Mac? Try the latest version. You might also search this forum for "export failed." Here's one of those threads. After a period of time, the unregistered version cripples the export function.
  11. Save as portable project should have created a folder containing all files used in the project, including the VPJ control file. They are all needed.
  12. As Jish notes, you need to upload the complete result of FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT, not simply the VPJ file, so the project can be reconstructed by others.
  13. Make the link to the file public and post it here.
  14. It may not be your laptop, but the project itself. This will allow others to take a look.
  15. Another user had what may have been a similar problem that was eventually remedied. If possible, please click FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT and upload the result to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make it public and post the link here. Someone will test it.
  16. Then, for comparison, consider uploading the original VPJ and a later save that won't load - for analysis.
  17. Videopad should not affect the overall speed of your PC. That said, video editing is resource intensive. What are the specs: CPU/GPU/RAM/free space/video adapter, etc.? Under OPTIONS|DISK tab Clear Unused Cache Files, to rule out corruption as the cause of the problem. Assuming you are running Windows, open the file manager and right-click on the C:\ drive. Click PROPERTIES. Click on the Disk Clean Up button and clear temporary files. Try substituting another clip at the spot where it freezes. Same result?
  18. So it's a single file that will load initially, but not after repeated saves. What's the format of that file? Can you upload it for inspection? There's no limit on number of cuts.
  19. None of the files used in the project have been moved? When the error message appears does it prompt to locate the files? You state that the original project will load. Are those the very files that will not load from later VPJ saves of the same project? If that's the case consider uploading the initial VPJ and a subsequent save (that doesn't work) to Dropbox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make it public and link it here. Someone will analyze it.
  20. This may slow things, but to rule out cache corruption, under OPTIONS|DISK tab press the button to Clear Unused Cache Files. Also look at this.
  21. Upload the original material that appears to be what won't load fully for you. Someone will test it.
  22. What is the resolution of the original image? If low, then zooming may degrade it significantly.
  23. If possible, upload this file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like and make it public. Paste that public link here and someone will attempt to duplicate your results.
  24. Are you loading this video into Videopad ... and that's where it doesn't play? What format is it? Will it play in a media player: Windows Media Player, VLC, MPC-HC? You might want to check with the folks in the Debut forum.
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