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Everything posted by borate

  1. Suggest using this tool to uninstall. Follow through the entire process, but take care to not delete any non-Videopad folders or files. Then reinstall Videopad.
  2. If the project was saved by a specific name, and it wasn't overwritten, then it should open exactly as before. Occasionally, the program becomes confused. Click OPTIONS|DISK tab and click the Clear Unused Cache Files button, then attempt to load the .vpj once again. To post a screenshot here, see the 'sticky' post at the top of this forum, titled "Tips for getting help." Also note the tutorials. The procedure for editing is to drag clips from the bin to the time line (the sequence). They will remain in the bin where they will display a green check mark if used in a project.
  3. At the top-left of the VP screen, click FILE|RECENT PROJECTS and see if the latest is listed. Clicking the chevron to the right of the OPEN icon may offer the same choices. Click on the path shown there and that project should open - as long as you have not moved or deleted any of its files.
  4. SAVE overwrites the existing VP control .vpj file. SAVE AS allows for a name change. It's wise to incrementally number several generations of a project - just in case. A file in a bin can be previewed or added to the time line, but it's not "open" as such. To get rid of a file in a bin, click on it and press the <del> key or right-click|DELETE. If the file is on the time line a warning prompt will appear. Even if the file won't be used in the project, it can be left in the bin.
  5. An alternative is to place the scrubber (red line) on the split, right-click the clip that is to be inserted, then PLACE ON SEQUENCE AT CURSOR. In some versions of Videopad that choice is missing on the context menu. Click the PLACE button instead, for that option. Another approach is to press the <alt> key as the clips are dragged. In a future version of VP it's hinted that there will be a new option to drag without snapping.
  6. Not certain this will help, but place the pointer on the divider between the video and audio tracks, until the two-headed arrow appears, then left click and drag upwards. This won't succeed with multiple tracks or those that have a + sign showing at their far left.
  7. When a problem crops up be sure to scan the forum for related posts. See this thread.
  8. Try a reinstall, from here.
  9. Solved. See the threads below.
  10. Using 6.10, Mp4 default-settings export had audio here.
  11. Please see this thread, and follow the upload instructions so someone can check out your project. ZIP all the files that result from clicking on FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT and upload the zip file.
  12. Share the project, as mentioned above, and someone will test it in the latest version.
  13. Check the result with the latest VP version. If no change, share the project or a portion thereof... With your project on the time time line, click FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload every file that results to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make the link public and post it here. Someone will check things out. If there are many files, zip them first, then upload the ZIP file.
  14. While retaining the 5.11 install file, suggest you check out 6.10 - the latest - and see if the problem exists.
  15. Odd. Create a simple text file. Even before adding it to the time line, the lettering should be movable by left-clicking and dragging in the preview window. Clear unused cache files, under OPTIONS|DISK tab. If no joy, reinstall Videopad. This, using a beta version that apparently has corrected the problem.
  16. The options appear to have changed. To insert your URL, type it accurately into the composition window, or click on INSERT OTHER MEDIA}INSERT IMAGE FROM URL. That's how this was done.
  17. To simply save the file under its existing name, click the SAVE button in the toolbar. The prior save, under that name, will be overwritten. In essence THAT is "Save Project File." If the project has previously been saved, with a title, that name will appear in the Save Project File AS box. If it was never named, it with say "UNTITLED" in the file name box. Change it there. It's good practice to periodically use SAVE AS, incrementing the file name. That way, earlier saves are retained.
  18. See the 'sticky' post - Tips for getting help - at the top of this forum, for instructions on how to insert an image here. NARRATE is what you want in that version. Yes, there have been many enhancements since 5.01. An upgrade might be in order, but it won't be free - except on a trial basis. Test it. Retain the 5.01 install file, to restore if desired.
  19. What VP version? Using a beta version here, which may slightly differ from yours, the feature works well... Click the red RECORD button and then click OVER VIDEO. A large screen should appear. Click RECORD and your project should play. As it does, record your voice at the appropriate locations. When done, the file will appear in the audio bin and on the time line as another audio track. Handle it as you would any other clip. The voice file will also will be saved to the MUSIC folder on your PC.
  20. In 6.10 (beta) there's no chevron/arrow next to SAVE PROJECT. That choice opens the file manager. Yes, in 6.10 the 'hamburger' menu offers a number of options, the first of which is FILE. Mouse over that and all the save choices are listed.
  21. Open the file menu (click the hamburger icon at the top-left) and SAVE AS. Give it a name. The extension shown should be VPJ. ALL the elements used in the project can be saved to a folder with BACKUP PROJECT FILES TO A FOLDER.
  22. With a desired sequence loaded on the timeline, if SEQUENCE|DUPLICATE is clicked on the toolbar, a new sequence will be created with an audio track displayed.
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