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Everything posted by borate

  1. For specifics on Dangerfreak's suggestion, see http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/26563-proxy-editing/
  2. No problems combining your four clips. Exported an mp4 at PAL 25fps.
  3. You can edit the WMV, then export in any suitable format for your WEB presentation. Or, later, if the AVI import issue is corrected, it should be possible to replace the WMV with the original file, per the Proxy instructions, and export that result. Again, no guarantees.^_^
  4. Mike, eyeing the source material it appears there would be little degradation in going with the WMV file. Looks good here on a 24-inch monitor. But, that's subjective of course. Using the WMV as a proxy is an approach that would allow you to get busy with editing while the issue is addressed. Here's how that works... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/26563-proxy-editing/ No guarantees, but it should succeed. If not, it should at the least result in a usable production.
  5. Understandable. The bug is being addressed though it's unknown whether it will be corrected in a soon-to-be-released version.
  6. Confirmed. VP isn't seeing the full DV-camcorder file. A bug report has been filed.
  7. borate


    If you share your project someone will attempt to track down the problem. Follow the instructions here, to upload it to a free server. http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/
  8. Please upload the full single file to a free server such as Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or the like. You may have to create an account. Then make it public (share it). Paste that public link here, so someone can access it and download the file.
  9. Click the FX button at the bottom-left of a clip. The effects window appears. Click the large green + sign and then the SCALE effect. For more info click the ? at the top-right of the Videopad window, to see the help topics. There are many tutorials...http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23872-videopad-tutorials/
  10. borate

    Stabilizer Issue

    Not here. Update the video driver and Direct-X, if you haven't done so already. https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/kb/1772.html
  11. borate

    Stabilizer Issue

    Tested four clips - up to thirty-second duration - without incident. Halfway through there's a brief flash of a box that's titled "deshaker." Post a link to a clip that crashes for you.
  12. AVI is a wrapper and may contain one of several codecs. You can send a personal message (upper right-hand corner) with a link to a file if that's feasible, to see if your result can be confirmed here.
  13. What file type are you attempting to load? Upload a few files to a free server and link them publicly here. Someone will take a look. Here's how.. http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/
  14. Best to start a new topic. The thread is several years old. What file type are you attempting to load? Upload a few files to a free server and link them publicly here. Someone will take a look. Here's how.. http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/
  15. Loaded your seven source files (plus the VPJ file) and Videopad indicated that no files were missing... Yet video ends at about 1:20 while audio continues to near 3:10. So this does not appear to be the completed project?? Also, the video files contain eight channels of audio each, which VP won't handle well. Suggest that they be converted to two-track stereo.
  16. http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/
  17. Videopad can perform those operations, and there are many export options. The best result is often obtained by matching the output format to the source format.
  18. Link one looks exactly like the one I posted - all black. The .png is also black, but does have some very minor artifacts towards the center of the image. Monitor gamma may play a role in what you see. Gamma of 2.2, the sRGB standard, is what is being displayed here.
  19. Precisely the test made earlier and just repeated - per your instructions. No discernible difference between the black image created with Irfanview and the VP blank, black image.
  20. Are you using the most recent VP version? If not, install it (retaining your old installer file) and report back. You can also share your project, so someone can attempt to replicate your result. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/
  21. You might want to check playback elsewhere. Here, using MPC-HC for playback, all your examples are solid black - no artifacts.
  22. Duplicated here. May be a bug, and has been reported.
  23. Think I see what you describe. Click the CLIP PREVIEW tab above the preview window and you should see only the clip as the scrubber is scrolled through the effect.
  24. In repeated tests, was unable to duplicate your results... Created a pure black frame in a graphics program and compared it side-by-side in Videopad to a black blank frame. Export showed no difference between the two. Set up an eight-minute, five-clip video and plotted effect keyframes for several clips. Preview always displayed the scrubber position as the effects window was scrolled.
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