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Everything posted by borate

  1. No, once again it's the final product. The folder created by SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS looks similar to this without the "Zoom_glitch" words. THAT'S the one to upload. But it may be easier for you to use the alternative method mentioned in my last post. Simply upload the source file (your two-minute video) and the .vpj file (the one that is created when using FILE|SAVE PROJECT AS. Make both public and post the links here. Your last attempt, using another server, did not succeed. Stick with Google Drive.
  2. Nat's tutorial and analysis of the issue is right on and, yes, your most recent link is again the final product. That's not useful in reconstructing the project as you see it on the timeline. Normally, using FILE menu|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS opens an explorer (file manager) window. You choose which folder you want for storage - often the DOWNLOAD folder. This process takes only seconds. The you upload the dated saved portable folder. That can take longer, depending upon file size and project length or complexity. Your project isn't lengthy and appears to use only a single video, with text superimposed. Here's an alternative to saving it as a portable project... 1. With the project on the timeline, click FILE|SAVE PROJECT FILE AS (not portable save). Choose the same folder that contains the source video file. 2. Upload your video SOURCE file (not the final export) to the server. 3. Upload the .vpj file that resulted from the save you just did. 4. Make each of those uploaded files public.
  3. Once the PORTABLE PROJECT is downloaded we can offer suggestions. Your link demonstrates the problem, but is the exported output file, not the project file. 1. Place the project on the timeline 2. Click the 'hamburger' (3-lined menu) at the top-left of the window. 3. Click FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS . 4. Upload the resulting file - which will be a folder with a number like this: 2019-12-31 06-09-10 5. Share the file (make it public) and post the shared link here. Takes patience but you will succeed.
  4. Still no ceegar on the link you posted above. It simply prompts to open the user's Google account.
  5. You're close. The link must be shared (made public) so others can access it. Try once again.
  6. Visit the Wavepad forum. http://nch.invisionzone.com/forum/6-wavepad/ And note this FAQ.
  7. Try your portable project upload/share once again please. What version of VP is being used? When editing with recent VP versions choose MATCH MONITOR, under the preview window. Compose text so that it fits within the horizontal boundaries of your images. Also, with recent versions, you might try adding the Aspect ratio|LETTERBOX effect to the two-minute video clip.
  8. What version of Videopad is being used? What format and resolution are the source files? What is the export format and resolution? To iron this out please share the project and someone will check it out for you. It's not difficult. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  9. Thanks for sharing. Looks like a bug and has been reported. Updates/fixes are released regularly
  10. Of course this isn't right and hasn't been seen even when there are multiple video tracks. Folks here will help you solve the issue if you share your project. It's not difficult... Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  11. Using beta 7.53, exposure is a consistent .42 throughout in preview and export here. If you want to change it for all clips, first select (highlight) all clips on the track. Open the effects dialog with fx and change the exposure setting. Then click the sixth icon from the left on the toolbar (replace effect chain). The new setting will be applied to all clips. Lighting the subject will improve the result next time.
  12. SAVE the project. Split out the two-minute segment, then delete all the rest. Export, what remains, then upload and share.
  13. To reverse a single clip, right-click on it and choose REVERSE CLIP. To reverse an entire project... 1. Click the + to the right of the SEQUENCE 1 x tab above the timeline. This will create a new, blank sequence. 2. In the bin (top-left) click the SEQUENCES tab. 3. Drop sequence 1 from the bin onto the timeline. It's now a single clip. 4. Right-click and REVERSE CLIP.
  14. http://tinyurl.com/u5muyrr Of course, that's but one person's opinion. IMO, ignore the message.
  15. Mismatch when watching preview or after export? More specifically, what type of mismatch - synchronization? What version of Videopad is being used? The best way to sort this out is to share your project. Someone will check it out. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  16. Click the fx on the clip in the sequence to open the effects dialog. Click the large green + sign. Click the SCALE item, then use either the sliders or the handles in the preview screen to size the image.
  17. There's bound to be a learning curve with most video software. Videopad is fairly intuitive, and it will only get easier. Stick with the basics. While building the project, press <ctrl-Z> to go back, step-by-step if you make a mistake. Back up often by clicking the lined 'hamburger' menu at the top left, clicking FILE, and then SAVE PROJECT AS, with an incremented number or unique name, so as to not wipe out prior saves. (SAVE PROJECT will overwrite.) This help file should prove useful. You will need a PDF viewer. There's one built into Windows 10 and others, like Foxit reader, can be downloaded for free. To search use <ctrl-F> which opens a small window at the left-bottom of the page. If you run into problems, check into this forum with a specific topic in the subject field. Folks are helpful.
  18. Right. If the clip is lengthened it may become less jittery and more readable. Worth a try, along with the frame rate. Post a link to the project, as above, and others can experiment.
  19. It appears that the scroll is moving too fast. Extend the clip duration by dragging its borders, so the action lasts longer. Do a quick upload and share the project and someone will take a look. It's not difficult... Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  20. Slow initial caching in beta 7.53 - let it complete. No audio loss on either of two test exports - one at 320x240 and the other at 1366x768 (auto-match).
  21. Select (highlight) the clips to be moved. Hold down <ctrl> while clicking each clip. Or click the first clip, then hold down <shift> and click the last to select all in that range. Or select the clips, then right-click|GROUP SELECTED CLIPS. That way, they remain tied together.
  22. Or you might insert some soothing 'static' between the clips - with or without sound. static.mp4
  23. Set a very short duration for the transition - say 0050 - and experiment with the reveal and pattern choices. Something like BOUNCE or TETROMINO may be interesting.
  24. borate


    Just follow the steps outlined in my previous post, if you want tracking to look like it does in the video there. Not difficult.
  25. What version of VP is being used? Test the latest. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Upload and share your project and someone here will check it out. The process takes only minutes and is not difficult. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
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