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Everything posted by borate

  1. What is the version #. Look at the left-bottom of the screen or click FILE (top-left corner) | ABOUT.
  2. And, in the export box, is the Subtitle: OVERLAY choice shown? If it shows "hide" then the subs won't be seen.
  3. The free version has some limitations. It's a trial. Depending upon which features or export formats used, it will prompt to upgrade. However, the AVI export format normally does the job. If not, download again from here. Back up your project, then install the new download. Certain export features may again be available. Of course, licensing will overcome these limitations. Courteous, prompt help is available in this forum. Stop by anytime.
  4. borate

    Using mask

    To create a collapsing circle see this thread... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/31440-video-effect-features/?tab=comments#comment-83148 For more on how it works... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/31949-shadow-on-keyframe-animation/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-85211
  5. Excellent. Yet another approach... Place a black blank clip on track one Click its FX icon and apply a mask (inside) - shape it into a reasonably large circle Add the TRANSPARENCY effect set to 0.00 Add the MOTION effect Animate SCALE where the start fills the screen and the end is 0.00 Animate BASE X and BASE Y as desired Save this as "Circle Close" effects template When you want to apply it... Place the cursor where you want the effect to be Create a blank clip with the color wanted for the circle's background Right-click the blank and OVERLAY AT CURSOR Click the FX on this blank clip in the sequence and apply the custom template Circle_close_VP_screen.mp4
  6. Glad it worked out. Even version 7.02 had problems with it later, but you have downloaded the earlier success. A higher quality version is available; send a personal message (PM) if you need it. Click the envelope above.
  7. To fade between color and B&W, animate the Saturation effect. This example starts with BW. See http://help.nchsoftware.com/help/en/videopad/win/effects_animating.html
  8. Should not happen. But if it does try locking track two. Right-click to the left of that track and LOCK TRACK. Untitled.mp4
  9. Using version 7.02, export at the suggested res and default Mp4 settings did well. What version of VP created the project? It's wise to edit and export with the same release.
  10. Is the file MUXED? Demux it, then add the audio tracks independently. Check this out.
  11. Hardware certainly can make a difference as video editing is resource intensive. Ultra high-def files can be a challenge. You didn't give your new PC's specs or mention what format and resolution make up the bulk of the clips. Share your project and someone will give it a look.
  12. The link is good - just checked. It's the same as the 'sticky' Tips For Getting Help On This Forum at the top of the listings. Let's see what you have... Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/
  13. Like it! Fewer resources faster composition, easier positioning. The Alma Mater project had other issues, with its memory load the most taxing on VP and PC resources.
  14. Definitely. VP helpers and developers are on alert for bugs and deal with them as soon as they are reported. Please upload the errant file. And confirm your sync success with the Mp4. Also try lowering the frame rate to 15fps. Depending upon the content, this may not make a perceptible difference.
  15. It appears that the tracks are locked. Right-click at the left of the track and UNlock.
  16. We'll be looking forward to receiving your project. Have patience, a one-hour upload can be tedious. And prior to beginning, check the file size, to be certain that you have sufficient free space on the server.
  17. Very fine. Please upload and share the project. Someone here take a look and pass on findings to the developers. This is easy, takes little time and can be private. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material link it in a personal message (PM). Click the envelope above. It won't be passed on or retained. Use FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to get a shareable link to post. No need to upload the exported, out-of-sync file.
  18. Is there a reversed clip in your project? If that's the case, then it's likely the cause. What version of VP is in use? Upgrade to the latest. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info. If this doesn't take care of the issue, please share your PORTABLE project. It's easy, takes little time and can be private. Someone will check it out and find a fix... Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material link it in a personal message (PM). Click the envelope above. It won't be passed on or retained. Use FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to get a shareable link to post.
  19. Not certain what you mean by "history function." If you make an editing mistake, click <ctrl-Z> to go back step-by-step. It's the same as EDIT | UNDO. The keys for EDIT | RESTORE are <ctrl-Y>. SAVE PROJECT FILE AS regularly, giving it a unique # or name, so as to not overwrite a prior save. Then a project can easily be restored. Using SAVE PROJECT (no "as") will overwrite the earlier copy.
  20. There are many export format and file size options. In the export configuration box click the Default Quality/Filesize link, then click the chevron to the right of Video Quality/Bitrate and test a few. Frame rate and resolution have a considerable effect as well, of course. As to the sync issue: are you applying a speed change to this hour-long video? If that's the case, UNcheck the Keep Pitch Unchanged box prior to export. Please report back.
  21. May have misled you with earlier findings. It was late. The stabilized file in your package was corrupt. In a test here using your original in version 8.23, stabilizer settings were set to the defaults with these exceptions. Click the ADVANCED button. Under the PASS ONE & TWO tab --- Standard NTSC (0.912). Under the PASS TWO tab --- Adaptive + fixed (no borders). The process took about twenty minutes. When complete VP replaced the original with the stabilized version and sent a copy to the PC's Video folder. The file was immediately ready for use to add to the sequence - no processing - and because export was lossless it took less than ten seconds to complete at 1920 x 1080.
  22. Good to hear. At a final step in editing, take a look at the sequence in Storyboard mode. This will display only track one, but readily reveals gaps and clip snippets that shouldn't be there.
  23. An alternate approach to consider... Split the audio track sequence just prior to and just after each portion that is too loud. This creates new clips within the track. Select (highlight) all of those new clips. Right-click the FX icon in any audio clip, then click EFFECTS. Click the large green + sign and choose the AMPLIFY effect. Draw a graph with the animation editor that looks something like this. The lower the line the lower the volume. HELP for animation... http://help.nchsoftware.com/help/en/videopad/win/effects_animating.htm If you want to apply this reduction to all the selected clips, click the 4th icon from the left on the toolbar. If you don't, the effect will be applied only to a single clip. You can preview the result while the effects editor is open, so changes can be easily made by dragging the keyframe dots. The closer the dots - horizontally - the quicker the fade. Using this method, the waveform monitor will not display the volume changes.
  24. See updated info below Apparently the successful stabilized file is included in your link above. A copy should have been placed in your PC Video folder as well. After loading the project, allow the file (in the bin) to completely process. This is very slow and can take a half-an-hour or so. The stabilized file is almost twice the size of the original, but the length is the same. And hardware makes a difference. The Theurgy project referenced above used a stabilized file that was about twice the size of yours. Progress should be shown on the file's thumbnail. If not, try clicking - or right-clicking - on that thumb. Once the file is fully processed, it should preview and export without the "processing" warning. It completed successfully in 8.23 here.
  25. Agree with Nat; there's nothing wrong with your project. Click the double-arrow icon (bottom-right of the VP window) to view the entire project on the timeline. If you don't want the audio trailing, split it at the end of the video and delete its track content from the split point to the end.
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