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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi I can see where you are coming from but it is not necessary to click through every clip, just press SHIFT, keep it pressed and then click the first and last clips. You will have selected them all and the effect (any of them) can be applied to all the clips in one go. Nat
  2. Hi Select ALL the clips you require to use the effect on and if you like Group them Click the "Video Effects" tab from the Top Toolbar followed by the effect required from the dropdown lists. This will prompt if you want the effect on all the selected clips or just one.......i.e. In effect a "Master" effect.:-) Note: If you use the FX button on a clip, even if you have selected multiple clips or multiple clips grouped, the effect only goes on that specific clip. Nat
  3. Hi I ran your download but with VP couldn't see any lines in the webcam image even with display set to highest resolution. I exported the video to the PC as an an MPEG4 (Native) avi (1920 x 1080 resolution) set at rendering quality 1 (highest.) with constant frame rate 29.7 fps. The resulting film looked OK here. No lines noted in the inset webcam image. Removed FX from the webcam clip and re-exported......still looked OK. Exported as FLV at high quality 1920 x 1080........Still looked OK. Nat
  4. Hi When you export your video you will see the Contant frame rate box at the bottom of the Export settings window. (See below.) Click (tick) the box to enable the property. Nat
  5. Hi Your first image (png2 was quite quite reasonable but showed no lines. Your second Image 1png does show lines however...... As Borate says it would be useful to know what the resolution of the webcam clip was and the fps as well as the scaling values you used to place it on the background clip. If the relevant clips aren't too long create a short project with the clips showing the effect you are getting, save the project as a Portable Project and post the resulting file to dropbox. Someone can then take a look and see what might be causing it. Nat
  6. Hi You can't remove it but you can move the Split icon out of the way of the white timeline values if you grab and drag the red cursor along in the normal way at the top and then move the "grab" point down the red line before you release it. You will still move the line as normal but when you release it the icon will appear to the right of the "grab" position. Even as low down as the new empty audio track line. Note also that as you move the cursor line on the main track the time position is updated in the sequence preview screen above the Start/Stop controls. This is always visible. Nat
  7. Hi Try reducing the preview resolution under Tools/Options/Display if it is set high it can slow display times down and produce that error message. Try 512 x 288. (16:9) and see if that cures it. Nat
  8. Hi " think you might be able work around this with a bit of fiddling if you split the original panorama image into say, three or four segments. Place these on the timeline one after another..perhaps alternating track1 and track2 and then panning each one in turn. Might be worth the experiment. "...... I tried this out and it will work quite well but needs some careful cutting up of the big panorama image.(You obviously require a graphics package to do this) You don't need two tracks but each section of the panorama image used must have an overlap on the previous image section so its pan starts where the previous one left off. e.g. See the mockup below....The first image (part of the big panorama) has panned to the right to finish at the end of the clip. The second image (next part of the panorama) then takes over but the image here must have an overlap equal to the width of the panning area. If correctly set up, the pan effect will be fairly smooth across each of the image sections and the join between the images, where one pan ends and the next pan starts will not be too evident. A bit of trial and error is needed but each "join" can be checked in Sequence Preview and the position of the Zoom rectangle adjusted so a jump in position is not too evident. The speed of each pan can be evened out if all the image clips are the same length. Using this idea (in the absence of any other and unless anybody can come up with another one) you should be able to pan very wide images that otherwise would be too blurry to use if the whole raw panorama were placed on the timeline and pan/zoomed. Nat
  9. Hi It's no problem. but you are right. Knowing now that your panorama was 26895 x 2520 makes a LOT of difference and explains your result. It is as you say..with such a width relative to its height the image is reduced to fit across the screen. Consequently you need a higher zoom to get a 16:9 frame to fit into the height of the image for the pan. (I mocked up a "panorama" with repeated flower images to get a high res 26895 x 2520 image)...... Here's the flower image again with a section of the 26895 x 2520 image on the left and the same section from a 16:9 Mpeg4 video made from that image. There is obviously a lot of degredation now. I think you might be able work around this with a bit of fiddling if you split the original panorama image into say, three or four segments. Place these on the timeline one after another..perhaps alternating track1 and track2 and then panning each one in turn. Might be worth the experiment. Nat
  10. Hi Looking closely at your panorama image, I note it is actually 26895 x 2520 and not as you quote 2695 x 2520. Any way, I copied your image to repeat the above tests.... Even as a 2560 x 1440 jpg as used here (and obviously reduced on your upload image site) it didn't come out as bad yours seems to have done..... Below.......The Image (256 x 1440) placed on the timeline and the Zoom effect applied to start on left and finish on the right (16:9 format restraint)... Pan time for frame to travel from side to side = default duration of still images (10 seconds)... The exported mpeg4 played OK and looked OK. I used the same settings as you quote in your post. As in my previous post (above) here is a composite of the original image (left) with a screencopy of video played on VLC exported as an mpeg4 at quality 10 (centre) and the same at quality 20 (right) Taking into account that the original used here was a reduced version of the one you used and the above composite image is a jpg, further reduced to fit the forum page I can't see a great deal of difference between them......I still can't see why yours is so much worse. Nat
  11. Hi Sorry..I don't think that is possible. You could include it as text on the image but it wouldn't be an active link Nat
  12. Hi Tried this out with a large image 4480 x 2520 and cropped this to 2695 (W) x 2804 (H) to match your starting panorama. This is the original after cropping.. (jpg) This image was placed in the timeline and zoomed (16:9) with keyframes to produce a pan across the frame in 10 seconds. This is the VP screen viewed in preview set at 1920 x 1080. This still looks pretty sharp to me. Here's an VLC output image from the video Parameters to create the video : mp4, 1920x1080 - Youtube 1080p MP4 Encoding setup : H264, quality 10 This is the only setting differing from yours. You set yours at 20 This, IMHO is not a bad result. The video pans from side to side of the full frame in 10 seconds. A VLC screen copy of a video exported at a quality setting of 20 shows very little difference..... So little in fact that they have to be placed side by side to see the difference.... I can't see why your VLC output is so much worse than your original image. Nat
  13. Hi Note: If you export from the File tab on the toolbar this doesn't appear. Nat
  14. Hi Within VP ..It's one of the export options. There are several programs that will do this. Do a google search. You could try ZIGZAG on line converter. http://www.filezigzag.com/mp4-jpeg-en.aspx Or free VideoToJPG converter https://www.dvdvideosoft.com/download.htm?fname=FreeVideoToJPGConverter.exe although I couldn't get this to run, you may have better luck. Nat
  15. H I managed to download your original transitions fail.avi which then played OK but unfortunately didn't show the actual transitions on the timeline as it was the wmv copy you created that you used and which had incorporated the text clips already. transitions fail 2 .avi was more useful as it shows you adding transitions to the text clips. These seem to register OK for a start and play correctly when you back over them but as you say don't seem play correctly as more are added. I presume you are allowing sufficient time for VP to cache the changes. I tried repeating similar scenario here and it all worked OK..multiple texts on track2 with different transitions...all seemed to work ok. I would suggest placing each alternate text clip on track3 and see if this still happens In order to see all the clips etc as well as have the project file (vpj) can you Save as a portable project and upload the contents to dropbox. Someone will reassemble it and take a look. Having said that I just noticed you are using version 4.5 which may have had a fault. Latest version 5.04 Nat
  16. Hi Unfortunately I couldn't play your video (not sure why) but I think the problem may be here and it's easily fixed... The transitions are meant to be added between connected clips. If you are applying one to a single isolated clip (e.g. a "Wipe" ) as you may be doing, then it will work except it will have the full duration as set in options as the transition is not shared between two clips. This is shown here.......... Two isolated unconnected text clips can each have a transition applied. Here are two separated text clips with a transition on each... However.....If the second text clip with a transition comes into contact with the first as you try to synch it..and this may happen with every text line......then as they stick together the transition on the left hand clip is deleted automatically....... as shown here ................. This is not a bug but simply due to the fact transitions are designed for use between clips. Even if clip 1 is long enough to take the normal transition when joined up to clip 2 VP won't allow it and consequently deletes it If this is what is happening then the way around it is to place alternate text clips on Track 2.......Track 3.......Track 2.......Track 3 etc. like this............. This way the transitions on each single clip will not interfer with each other . You can also overlap the clips to some extent if necessary to synch them in. Whether you can do this succesfully depends on the text length on the screen for each clip as that's the only part that is opaque. (Upper tracks obscure lower tracks except for transparent areas) Hope this helps Nat
  17. Hi First of all if you are satisfied with your edit at a certain point e.g. If you have your clips on the timeline and the song on the Audio track then don't export it...Save the project As..... and give it a name like "Music video 1" You can then carry on editing and when satisfied Save Project As.. again. This time as "Music video 2" etc. You can then always load the last one you were satisfied with. Next check the preview resolution as it may be too high for your PC to process fast. (Tools/Options/Display) Lower it and see if it makes things better. How are you adding your lyrics.....Subtitles or text.? Text may be easier. Each Text entry should be the same font size and should be less than a screen width or there will be position problems, Each text is created as an image clip which is placed on the overlay track and which can be adjusted in timeline position by dragging left or right or setting the cursor and placing the clip at the cursor on the overlay track. The duration of the text is controled by dragging the ends in or out.If you want the text to appear at the top of the frame use the align option in the text window. Finer adjustment is done by adding a Position effect to the text image. Are you using more than 1 overlay track?.......At most 2 tracks ought to be sufficient. Multiple tracks can slow things down a lot.... Now...Transitions..I cant see why a transition added to a clip will affect a separate clip ...What transitions are you trying to apply to the text? Fade in/Fade out should be relatively easy using Transparency effect and can be used on individual clips. The default duration of your transition relative to the length of the image clip may be set too high and consequently it may be impinging on the previous transition..just a thought. Any chance of a screendump of your timeline? Might be able to advise better. You could also save the project as a Portable project and then upload the files to Dropbox where somebody can have a look at it. Nat
  18. Hi When you are Sequence Preview and with multiple clips on the timeline there is a panel of controls under the preview window.... On the left are... I< Clicking this moves the cursor on the main track to the start of the timeline. II< Clicking this moves the cursor left to the previous clip edge. <I Clicking this steps the cursor backwards 1 frame. > Play button....Plays the clip from the cursor position I> Clicking this steps the cursor forward 1 frame >II Clicking this moves the cursor forward to the edge of the next clip >I Clicking moves the cursor to the end of the timeline Note that they are also active if you have a single clip on the timeline but oviously the start and end of the sequence equates to the previous clip edge and the next clip edge. "Play" is self evident. These buttons are useful if you want to insert at a specific join between clips. Step the cursor to that particular clip edge and then you can quickly place or insert a new clip at the cursor position using the Place option in the clip bin. Moving to a particular frame would enable precise positioning for overlays; effects and titles. Nat
  19. Hi As an alternative.. Leave your existing set of clips on the timeline and place your new clip on the overlay track. In effect it will "cover up" the clip you want to replace. The sequence underneath will remain untouched. This is the simplest option to start with. To do this step the cursor line through the sequence using II< or >II so it is on the front edge of the unwanted clip. Now add the new clip to the overlay track using the "Overlay on Sequence at Cursor " option. This will overlap it at the precise start of the unwanted clip. If the new clip is longer than the lower clip it will obviously cover up too much but it can be shortened (if considerd OK) by either trimming it or dragging in the right hand end so it just overlaps the unwanted clip. (You can also use >II to step to the end of the unwanted clip, splitting the overlay and deleting the overlapping bit If it is shorter or the new clip can't be trimmed then it would best to insert it into the main sequence track at the same cursor point as above using the "Place on Sequence at Cursor" option. Follow this by deleting the unwanted clip and closing the gap. Nat
  20. HI I don't think convincing lightening is easily created. However you could try this...It may not be what you are after but won't look too bad in some cases.It depends on the main track video.. Search google images for "lightning bolts" You should find some that look fairly realistic.... e.g. (It's a .jpg) Load this into VP and drop it on the overlay track. Note the background is, in this case black. Place a suitable video/image on the main track. Click the FX box of the lightening bolt clip and select Green Screen. Set the screen colour to black. This means the lightening bolt will have a transparent background. When you play the sequence you should now see the lightning showing over your background clip/image Now add the Transparency effect to the lightening. At the start of the clip set the opacity to 0% Set keyframes at selected intervals along the clip where the opacity is 100% This is where the flash of lightning is to be seen. make each 100% section very short. As lightning is often "double", make the 100% section in pairs and very close together. The second one you might make 50%. The Transparency keyframe effects window might look something like this.. This shows three lightening flashes. You could also use the Position effect on the lightning clip to move each strike to a different position on the screen. It's a bit fiddly to line them up but you can show the effect lines for all the effects used if you activate the Parameter line for each effect. As the actual lightning flashes are separated in time and not visible between the peaks (0% opacity) new positions can be set anywhere between the peaks. If you have done this with a bit of care the lighning strikes should be seen against your background clip fairly realistically. Use Scale to reduce the size of the lightning bolt if necessary. You could place it in such a way as to make it appear on the horizon against a dark sky. This is just a demo shot made at night. You could now enhance the exposure of the main track image at the time point of the flash to give more realism. A lot depends on the background of course. Now add suitable sound clips of thunderclaps at the instant of your flashes and you have lighting. These can be found under Audio/Add Stock Sound/Weather in the NCH sound library. These are just ideas to play with. Green screen files from Borates link have many similar ready made clips of fire lightening and explosions that you might be able to use in a similar way to the above. Nat
  21. Hi What length is shown on the timeline? Has all the video been initialised? (Green bar finished). Try reopening VP and emptying the cache .Then reload the video and see if it all there but wait for it to initialise. Nat
  22. Hi " Hello I need help in using keyframes. " In general terms... An effect can be added to a single clip and you have the possibility to then create Keyframes to control the effect such as its duration, strength and in some cases its movement. You should be able to use this simple example to see how keyframes work. It makes a clip fade-out and Fade-in several times. The principle can be applied to nearly all the effects. Place a clip on the timeline. Click the FX box at left end of the clip. This will open the Effects window. Click the Green Plus on the effects window toolbar. This will now open the list of effects available in your VP version. Select the Effect marked Transparency. This will open the control panel for this effect. If the white keyframe panel on the right is not visible click the small black arrow on the effects window toolbar to extend it. The red cursor line on this panel represents the "play" position of the clip and will generally be at the start.The slider value shows the % opacity of the clip at the cursor line position. (The default value is 50%) The width of the keyframe panel represents the duration of the clip and below it are the time values. In this example we want to start with the clip visible..... 100% Opaque. So slide the marker to the right. The value now shows 100% and both he timeline thumbnail and the Clip View become visible. Create a keyframe to fix this value at the cursor line position by clicking the small green cross with the black and red lines. It's the 12th tab on the effects pane toolbar. This draws in an effect level line - in this case 100% and places a blue marker on that line. This is a keyframe position. Now slide the cursor line along to a later point in the clip where you want the clip to start fading and click the green cross again. This sets a second keyframe marker. As you can see it will still be 100% opaque. Now move the cursor line along to where you wish the fade out to finish. Your blue keyframe marker will remain where you put it. Adjust the effect slider to show the % fade level required at the new cursor position....say total fade-out (0% opacity) VP will now create a new keyframe and marker at the cursor line position at the 0% opacity.(100% transparent) The duration of the effect is simply the time between keyframe 2 and keyframe 3. Slide the cursor along to a new position and adjust the opacity back to 100% with the effect slider. You will have created another keyframe. The line will now show (in this example) a fade-out and a fade-in. You can repeat this process to have more of the same......... Each keyframe will have the value set in the slider box. When you play the clipin this example the clip will fade out after a short delay and then fade back in. Fade out to about 50% and back again. Fade out completely and back again. The blue keyframe markers can all be adjusted to new positions by grabbing with the mouse and moving them. New keyframes can be easily created by simply clicking on the blue line between existing markers and dragging them about. The line is in effect WYSIWYG. This is a very simple demo to get you going but you should now be able to use keyframes for nearly all the effects in VP. (Some dont require them ) You will need to experiment. You can apply multiple effects to a clip...smooth the curves,... create and save new effect templates etc There is much more to discover in this respect. You mention MASK This is a different sort of effect and can be animated using keyframes in a similar way to the example quoted. It is a way of "cutting" a clip into complicated shapes but requires a further effects added to the clip to make the masked visible. Anyway I hope this is of use. Nat
  23. Hi Edlh I still feel you are going wrong somewhere........ (Sorry) Before you do anything in VP you will have a Sequence 1 in the bin. It's a blank. Now....Are you saying these steps don't work for you?....Check each line as they should all work (VP version 5.04) Open VP and load two clips to the clip bin. Drag both clips to the timeline. (Clip1+Clip2) Click Sequence on the top toolbar followed by New Sequence. Timeline clears. Open the Sequence bin (Contains 2 sequences now) Sequence 1 is your newly created (Clip1+Clip2) The other, Sequence 2 is an empty dummy with the clapperboard thumbnail. Drag Sequence 1 to the empty timeline. The clapperboard thumbnail of Sequence 2 changes to an identical thumbnail as Sequence 1....It is still a dummy but the timeline is copied to it. Timeline now has Clip1+Clip2 as a single clip Place or Drag Sequence 1 to the timeline again..........Should work like any normal clip. The timeline is now two Sequence 1s. i.e. (Clip1+Clip2)....(Clip1+Clip2).............Yes or No? If the answer is yes......then create another sequence...... Click Sequence on the top toolbar followed by New Sequence, Timeline clears. Open the sequence bin. It now contains 3 sequences .....Sequence 1, Sequence 2 (your new one) and a clapperboard Sequence 3. Place or drag and drop either Sequence 1 or Sequence 2 to the timeline (clapperboard thumbnail will change as it did before but Sequence 3 remains a dummy and can't be used. Add/insert Sequence1 or Sequence2 to the timeline as many times as you like. (nesting) You should not get a message. You will only get a message if you try to move The last sequence as it is always a dummy.(In this case Sequence 3) This is what should happen and all these steps should work exactly as set out here. I get the impression that you are attempting to move the last sequence in the bin. It is confusing as the timeline is continually copied to it and so it has a thumbnail of the timeline making it look like a usable clip. Personally I think it should remain the clapperboard thumbnail until the sequence is created. My other question is... ...When you have created your first sequence at step 4 and selected Sequence 1, does the Place tab for the bin remain Greyed out or does it become active?....It should become active as at step 4 it is a real sequence clip. If, on the other hand you select Sequence 2 does it remain greyed out.....It should do as at step 4 sequence 2 is a dummy clip.Trying to add it to the timeline produces the error message. remember the last Sequence, whatever it might look like cannot be used. Nat
  24. Hi I think our suggestions are about as close as you will get. Text added directly to the video, even if added to the top or bottom of the frame would need to be adjusted using the Position effect (like our suggestion). There would be no background band (provided here with a cropped blank frame) and the nearest you would get to an integrated coloured band would be the text set with a background colour. This would leave the text in box and not a band. Also depending on the font size used this may not be centred within the background. So, all in all the answer to the question is no. Nat
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