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Everything posted by borate

  1. So the export freeze is still evident in the current 6.10 version? And you looked at the path listed above and didn't see your original 5.x install file? What version, specifically, did you purchase?
  2. To export a selection click the SEQUENCE tab above the bin window. Click the desired sequence. In the preview window, drag the scrubber (red line) to the desired start point and click the red START [ button. Drag it to the end point and click the blue END] button. The result will isolate that section of the video on the time line. Now export.
  3. Look for the install file for your existing version here... "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\VideoPad" No need to pay to test the current release. See if the problem is resolved. Some features and export formats may not be available, after a trial period.
  4. That's going to happen because the same clip (from the bin) is being used for each time-line paste. Right-click the clip in the bin and COPY. Then right-click PASTE CLIP...as many times as you will need it. Dupes will appear, each with a different number. Drop each uniquely numbered clip into the time line where you want it, then click a clip to change its text. Only that clip will be affected.
  5. The various benchmark sites, video card forums, and CG gurus may be your best bet in reaching a consensus. Video editing is resource intensive. While an integrated card may suffice, it's not going to be optimal for extensive video production, high-end gaming, complex graphics and the like. Others who have real-world expertise may chip in here.
  6. http://tinyurl.com/y8d9kz8r
  7. Tried Nat's suggestions? If no joy, please place a several-minute portion of the project on the time line. If it displays the same behavior, click FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT. Zip the results and upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make the link public and post it here. Someone will check things out.
  8. What VP version is being used? This is the latest. Considerable caching performance improvements have been made recently.
  9. Select all tracks with <ctrl-A>, full tracks or individual clips by holding down <ctrl> and clicking on each. A range on a track can be selected by clicking the first clip, then holding down <shift> while clicking the last. Standard Windows procedures. Move the selections as one by dragging. If they snap back, hold down <alt> while dragging. If audio is linked, both A/V of those clips will move.
  10. Program Files is not the correct path used in the latest version here, running on Win 10 (64-bit). Other versions may be different. The path is under USERS... "C:\Users\<your account name>\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\Components" The uninstall tool will remove most, if not all, traces of the program - beyond what a normal uninstall might do. THEN reinstall, and the correct file should be in place. Take care with the REVO uninstaller to delete only files that pertain to NCH Videopad.
  11. You used the uninstall tool linked above? c:\Users\<your account name>\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\Components\
  12. AVI is a container. Explore the Advanced Encoder Options field. Many audio and video encodings are available. H.264 encoded files are often MP4 files (another container), but they can also be AVI or MKV.
  13. Export formats are limited with the non-licensed versions. Still, 1080p may be available. In the export File Format field try .avi or .mpg. In the Resolution field, set it to 1080p. Related info here.
  14. It's wise to regularly back up a project. Use FILE|SAVE AS and give it a incremental name or number, so as not to overwrite prior saves. If there has been a save, look under FILE|RECENT PROJECTS. This may allow you to sort out the mess. To move all clips - without snapping - use <ctrl-A>, then hold down the <alt> key while dragging. As for the black clip, open the OPTIONS menu|DISK tab and click the Clear Unused Cache Files button. This will eliminate possible cache corruption. Restart VP and reload the project.
  15. Hope it succeeds. Shaded areas of the sequence (on the time line) will not be exported.
  16. Before export, is any portion of the time line shaded?
  17. Yes, the original file had but a single audio channel. When a file with two channels is inserted into this scenario, the right channel persists. Apparently, when there's only a one channel audio clip on the time line, VP plays it as 'center-channel' mono - in essence, adding a right channel. But when a true stereo clip is added to the project, VP switches to that mode, and the single channel clip becomes just that.
  18. Very odd. The intro was tacked onto the front of a video clip. In a second test the clip was added to the intro - with all on the same track. Then the test was repeated with the intro on the overlay track. In no case was video clip audio impacted. Upload your interview, if feasible.
  19. Export offers the choice of many preset resolutions. See if one achieves the desired effect.
  20. If video leads audio, drag the video track to the right, to make it start later. If audio leads, drag that track. Expand the time line, if need be, so small adjustments can be made. If the clip snaps back to its initial position, hold down the <alt> key while dragging.
  21. Exactly what it implies: it clears the list. Click it.?
  22. You exported a single image from Videopad? What is the file format of the image? Be sure that the TRANSPARENCY (opacity) effect has not been applied. If possible, upload it to a server like Dropbox, Pictr, MS OneDrive, Google Drive or the like. Make the to it public (share) and post that link here. Someone will check it out.
  23. If the eye doesn't see the difference, then this is probably not a concern in your usage context . No expertise claimed; others with more knowledge may weigh in.
  24. Make your choices in the various fields. Auto Detect senses and replicates the parameters of the source. File type can also be specified. Mp4 is common, using the default encoding settings.
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