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Everything posted by borate

  1. Not playing in preview or not playing after export, in a viewer? How long is the project and what is the resolution of the bulk of the files that it contains? When you say "not playing" - what, specifically happens at the five minute mark? Share the project and someone will check it out and likely solve the problem. http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material link it in a personal message (PM). Click the envelope above. It won't be passed on or retained. Use FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to get a shareable, public link - not one that is restricted.
  2. If the files/resolution are large that conceivably could bog things down. The best way to check it out is to share the project. This could take a little time, but if it's not too big for a free server, please upload it. Someone will run it and come up with suggestions. http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material link it in a personal message (PM). Click the envelope above. It won't be passed on or retained. Use FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to get a shareable, public link - not one that is restricted.
  3. Built a short video with a dozen subtitles and there was no rebuilding; each addition or change was almost instantaneous. No problem when adding text files either. What version of VP is being used? What are your PC's specs: CPU/GPU/RAM/free space on C:\? How long is the project and how many subtitles are in play?
  4. Load your project, then click the NARRATION button on the Home menu toolbar. To begin to record sound, first navigate using the preview timeline to the place where you would like to begin recording. Once you are happy with the location, click the Record button or press the spacebar and begin recording your audio. To Pause the recording, click the Pause button or press the spacebar. Once you have finished recording, click the Stop button. Your recorded audio will be automatically added to your sequence in the exact location that you chose to begin recording. If you would like to record sound in various different places in your project, you can repeat the process, or Record and Stop as many times as you like. Just position the red-lined cursor where you want the audio to appear. Sound clips can be dragged right or left on the audio track, should they need to be lined up more precisely.
  5. Downloaded your files to WavePad and ran A/B comparisons. Your AAC (H264) is indeed 'burbly" when contrasted with your MPEG4. Using that MPEG4 file as the standard, exported it in VP to H264 at AAC highest quality. Result was closely comparable to the original. How that would impact different content is unclear. Also tested AVI exports at Mp3 and PCM with clean results, comparable to the original and perhaps slightly better than H264 at highest quality. The developers would have to confirm whether Mp4 H264 and MPEG4 "both use the same audio codec."
  6. Upload the project (not the export). Specify the clips involved and the transition duration where a cross fade attempt is being made. We'll check it out. What version of Videopad is being used? http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material link it in a personal message (PM). Click the envelope above. It won't be passed on or retained. Use FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to get a shareable, public link - not one that is restricted.
  7. Right-click each audio clip track and confirm that it is UNlinked from video. Lock the audio track by right-clicking in the area at the left and LOCK TRACK.
  8. Posed the comparison to a musician/audio engineer friend, a long-time owner of a high-end recording studio. His plant has produced many theatrical films and TV programs. His response... "On speakers they sound so close I didn't hear any difference. On headphones I thought I could hear some "watery" sound in the H264. But the difference I thought I heard seemed quite subtle to me."
  9. They are read, though not necessarily implemented. The captioning interface could stand improvement but has received some modifications lately.
  10. No way now, AFAIK. Make a suggestion. http://www.nch.com.au/suggestions/index.html?software=VideoPad&version=8.56
  11. What version of Videopad is being used? It's not clear what you mean by "moves onto the extended clips." But the best way to sleuth this is to share it here (or in private). Please upload the PORTABLE project (not an export). http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material link it in a personal message (PM). Click the envelope above. It won't be passed on or retained. Use FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to get a shareable, public link - not one that is restricted.
  12. 7.30 is nearly a year old. Architecture has changed somewhat, and this can lead to compatibility issues. Logically, the subscription would offer a later, if not the current release. Your cost should cover that. Suggest that you Install the version linked earlier. Check with NCH if there are registration or billing issues.
  13. You should not need to purchase another license. Try the free (trial) WavePad and see if it does the job. As mentioned, any video editor should handle left-channel only MONO files just the same. If you right-click the audio clip on the sequence there may be an Edit With Wavepad choice. Click that and WP will install.
  14. Using the file manager (Windows Explorer) a new folder was created on drive D:\Video_Cache_Memory. Opened VP, clicked OPTIONS | DISK and in the cache field browsed to that folder. Said yes to all prompts. After loading and editing a project, the D:\Video_Cache_Memory folder listed entries in both the main folder and its audio cache subfolder. So, unable to replicate what you are seeing.
  15. MONO comes in two flavors. One is audio recorded to a single channel, like yours. The other is identical audio recorded onto both channels (two- or center-channel MONO). That's the way to record if possible. Videopad, other editors and viewers handle single-channel audio correctly by playing back the single (usually left) channel only. Many audio utilities can make the conversion to two-channel MONO but WavePad is very easy. Click the STEREO button, click the chevron, then MONO, click CONVERT and exit/save.
  16. WavePad is free to use for a trial period - and even thereafter, but crippled. No charge. It may be the easy alternative.
  17. Not familiar with how they handle subscriptions. Should you run into a licensing issue, NCH will straighten it out. https://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html The version # should be shown at the left-bottom of the screen, and when you start the program. Or click FILE | HELP | ABOUT. What is that version #? Tested your file on various VP releases and have never before seen that behavior. It appears that the VPJ control file is corrupt, incorrectly loading the files. When inputted individually, all is well. Several VP versions produced the same result. When editing, test things along the way. Regularly use SAVE PROJECT FILE AS (click the chevron to the right of the SAVE icon on the toolbar). Give it a unique # or name, so as to now overwrite prior saves. SAVE PROJECT will overwrite. Then see if what you have edited will play and export fully. Please leave your files on the server for another week if possible. Others may want to check out the issue. Thanks.
  18. In order to access your link you must make it public (non-restricted). Try again please. What version of VP is being used? Install this one and see if there is improvement.
  19. Click the chevron at the top-right of the VP window to pass along suggestions or a bug. That's what was done here in directing NCH attention to your posts.
  20. Reviewed the two examples with high quality headphones. The H264 may have a bit more 'flutter' than the MPEG. Yet, to my ear, the difference between the two was negligible. But, then again, my hearing rolls off at about 10K. A pointer to your threads was passed along.
  21. Try this: once the focus is clicked into the list area use the UP/DOWN keyboard keys to jump from CC to CC.
  22. Version 8.56 was released, but a recently unearthed audio issue suggests that it's best to avoid it. The normal cache folder path is C:\Users\<PC name>\AppData\Local\Temp\ In current versions the audio cache is a subfolder... C:\Users\<PC name>\AppData\Local\Temp\VideoPadCache\VideoPadSoundCache Of course, you can point the cache to any suitable location.
  23. That has succeeded several times on a PC here, in troubleshooting projects created on a Mac. So, with caution, yes. There may be some irregularities. Be sure to SAVE PROJECT AS on the individual platforms, giving the save a unique # or name, so as not to overwrite earlier VPJ files.
  24. Seems that YT offers several routes to CC - automatic transcription, manually typing, or upload of CC files. Here's what they have to say about the latter... -0-0- If you have a subtitle and closed caption file, you can upload it to your video. These types of files contain both the text and time codes for when each line of text should be displayed. Some files also include position and style information, which is especially useful for deaf or hard of hearing viewers. Before you start, make sure that your file type is supported on YouTube. Sign in to YouTube Studio. From the left, select Videos. Click on the title or thumbnail of a video. Select More options. Select Upload subtitles/cc. Choose between With timing or Without timing then select Continue. Choose a file to upload. Select Save.
  25. Upload that file and share it. Likewise, share a project that exhibits delays. Echoing Nat's suggestion: don't run version 8.56. Stick with 8.45 for a few more days until the next release.
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