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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi Check out this thread... Nat
  2. Hi The area you describe is the overlay track and is normally relatively narrow but can appear wider if your Video track 1 has been collapsed. If you have a + sign at the far left (next to the "eye" icon) of Video track 1 then click it. This will expand the track at the expense of the overlay track. Unfortunately the overlay track (the dark band with drag and drop instructions) cannot be hidden or collapsed. The action suggested in Borate's post works OK but at the expense of the clip preview area which is reduced in size but the video track is made wider. However a similar enlargement can be made without affecting the preview window size and this is to grab the white bar at the top centre of the Audio track and then drag the Audio track downwards. The audio track is made narrower and the Video track wider. The preview screen remains unaltered. Nat
  3. Hi @Jeba Your files downloaded OK but unfortunately the images/clips and mp3 received are not related to the .vpj file which was sent. These are the steps you should follow.... With your project on the timeline you need to ... Click the File tab Select Save Portable Project As Navigate to and Select a file in wish to save the data. Your project Clips/Images/Audio files will then be copied and saved into the selected folder along with a.vpj file. The folder will be dated and numbered to distinguish it from any other folder created in this way. The contents of this folder will enable your project to be recreated on a different PC. It is the contents of this folder that should be uploaded to the file sharing website. Nat
  4. Hi Which version of VP are you using. There is a recent fix in the latest version which is 6.10. You can download it to try here... Video Editing Software. Download Free Video Movie Editor Nat
  5. Hi Within VP there are no effects that will create 3D text (per se) There is a 3D anaglyph option but this requires 3D glasses to see the effect. The nearest you will get is something like this... which uses normal text with the addition of a shadow. Unfortunately VP does not have any controls in the text editor to enhance the shadow; change the shadow colour or alter the shadow direction orientation or depth of the shadow. I am sure that this is something that could be developed and would prove very useful. You could then get text similar to this... Until then you will have to do with a third party program. Nat
  6. Hi Borate Thanks. That seems to have fixed it.? It's a slightly bigger file that the one I had but is now correct. I can't see why it should have changed. I just loaded the earlier version to check out a Save query and then reloaded my usual 6.10. That's when I noticed File and its options had changed. Pretty certain it was there before. Nat
  7. Hi Can anyone (NCH?) shed any light on why the Toolbar green tab at the top left has a different label (Three white bars instead of "File") and also a different menu when clicked. e.g. The save options are missing. As can be seen in the attached image its a licensed version and is VP 6.10. I recently reloaded 6.01 to check on a forum query and then double clicked the exe file for 6.10 to revert back. I did mention this in a previous post regarding the save options. I have tried re-entering the user code but the defect remains. I presume I can mess around a bit --delete and reload things but I would like to know why this change has come about. I also note that the Fade "f" on the thumbnails will offer a value you can enter followed by Set but does not, in fact implement a fade in even though the bar above the thumbnail shows there should be one. Nat
  8. Hi Just reloaded VP 6.01 Professional Licensed version (was using 6.10 for above posts) and checked out dragging the text. st11x is correct. A four headed arrow appears and the yellow rectangle can dragged to a new position but the text does not move with it. I have to presume the feature we are describing in our posts using VP 6.10 was not implemented in the earlier version or that version has a bug. Applying the Position effect to the text is the obvious way to proceed. Nat
  9. Hi.........No problem..... Inserting an image into a forum post. Do a screensave or have a suitable image available to demonstrate your point. (e.g. a jpeg) Goto https://pictr.com/ and click "Start Uploading" This will open a File upload window. In the File Upload window navigate to your image Select the image and click Open. Click the green Upload button. Your image will be uploaded to Pictr.com When upload is complete scroll down and click Embed codes Copy the Image URL. (It also has a Copy option if you hover over the text so click the word Copy that appears ) Return to the forum and in your post place the cursor where you wish your image to insert. Now click Insert other media at the bottom of the post. Select Insert image from URL. This opens up a window above your post. Paste your Image URL that you copied from Pictr.com followed by Insert into post... The image will appear in your post at the position of the cursor. Left clicking on the image will allow it to be suitably sized in the body of your post. e,g,..... Nat
  10. Hi With your mike set up and levels checked etc., drag the red cursor line to the start of your narration. Click the down arrow to the right of the Record tab and select "Over Video" This will open a preview screen with the red cursor line at the bottom with the Start and Stop buttons for the narration recording. You will perforce have to record the narration live while watching the project. There are no indications when the clips in the video change, and so its not that easy without practice. However you will end up with an audio clip (wav file) in the clip bin as well as on the timeline that you can split edit and move about like any file. Another way is to write a commentary to fit the scenes and read it out while recording; and ignoring the visible preview, The object is to use VP simply as a recorder. You record statements with silences between them that can be easily edited to fit the visuals. This method tends to be less spontaneous but can be more accurate with no "Umms and Errs" Nat
  11. Hi Borate Just replied to this post but for some reason it seems to have got lost??? and your post has a huge space under your last line of text..?? What seems odder is that my version of 6.10 had a down arrow next to the Save Project tab which gave a short list of save options but NOT Save as a portable project.or Backup files to a folder and the green tab which normally says File just had 3 horizontal white bars with no save options. The really strange thing is that I went to the NCH download page and downloaded the latest version to check the number and on opening the vppsetup.exe file (as far as the version number) found it was 6.01 so I didn't proceed to download and deleted the file. On opening my 6.1 version again I find that the Save Project down arrow had disappeared, the green tab now says File and the options on this include all the save methods. I came back to the forum to correct my contribution (as I mentioned the down arrow) to find it wasn't there........Bit puzzling. ? Nat
  12. Hi With you project on the timeline..... Move the red cursor line to a point where you would like to insert a chapter or Bookmark. Place the mouse arrow over the thin part of the red cursor line. (Not the block at the top.) You will see a double headed horizontal arrow appear. Right click. Select "Set Bookmark at Cursor" from the menu. Enter a name for the Bookmark followed by OK VP will set a dotted marker at the cursor position which is colour coded and the name supplied will be visible if the mouse arrow is hovered over the top of the marker line.. These will be exported with the project and when a DVD is created you should get a prompt regarding Chapters. Depending on your DVD player you should be able to move from marker to marker when the DVD is played. I can't actually verify this last part as I use a different DVD authoring software. Nat
  13. Hi It's an alternative but the behaviour still exists. (VP 6.10) If the clip on the overlay tray is moved beyond the end of the clip that is on the timeline it still snaps back to the end of the timeline unless Alt is kept down. Nat
  14. Hi if you drag a clip from the clip bin and drop it onto a clip already on the timeline or to join or to the cursor position it will INSERT If you drag a clip from the clip bin and drop it beyond the END of the timeline it will automatically snap back and join onto the previous clip. No doubt you have tried to drag the clip to the right again and as you have noticed it will automatically snap back again. However, once your clip has been added (snapped on at the end of the timeline) you can simply grab it and move it along to the right to the desired position and then press the Alt key. If you now release the clip it will stay in place and not snap back. You can now adjust its position more accurately without the Alt key leaving a gap and it will stay in place unless you drag it very close to the end of the timeline when it will snap on again. If this happens you will need to use the Alt key and drag it right again to unstick it. Nat
  15. @C-major In connection with using sequence. Why doesn't the sound track appear once you have add the sequence to the blank timeline? Nat
  16. Hi OK. Found the Place options. I forgot THAT one! It also used to be an option (with the little green and white lines) in the bin toolbar.(In both places it wasn't intuitive IMHO) and I believe I had to enquire where it had gone . Before that is was in a right click menu on the actual clip in the bin.This latter option seems far more logical as one is in the bin already to select the clip. Nat
  17. Hi "How do I make my edited video into one solid video without cuts? " Save your project Click Sequence on the upper toolbar Click the New option. This will clear the timeline and create a sequence (Essentially a single clip) of your work. Open the Sequence bin Drag/drop or place your sequence onto the timeline. Note that for some reason the soundtrack will not be visible but is there. Continue to edit as normal. @Borate " Click the chevron to the right of the PLACE button and choose PLACE ON SEQUENCE AT CURSOR. " Earlier versions gave a selection of places to place the clip at the top of the bin, but if I right click a clip in the bin the menu that comes up in VP 6.10 only has "Place clip on sequence Ctrl +W" There is no chevron submenu to select a position from. Nat
  18. Hi Place the mouse cursor on the split point. It will turn into a square bracket.(Right or left bracket doesn't matter) Right click. Select the Un-split clips option . This option only works on one split at a time. Nat
  19. Hi Your text can be positioned as Borate describes. i.e. In Clip preview simply grab the text and move it to the new position. If you want it to MOVE then you will have to add an effect. e.g. Position and then use keyframes. Nat
  20. Hi This effect is not currently possible to do directly in VP. Nat
  21. Hi A 4:3 image will never fill the 16:9 frame without either having black bars to either side ; losing some of the frame at the top or bottom of the image or being stretched horizontally. To use Zoom effect to fill the frame with a 4:3 image do the following..... (Note: This will automatically crop the top/bottom of the frame to give a 16:9 image). There will be no distortion Place the 4:3 clip on the timeline. In clip preview there will be chequered areas to either side of the image which will be black bands in the exported clip unless the frame is enlarged.. Left click the box labelled FX at the left end of the timeline. This opens the Effects window Click the large green Plus sign and select Zoom from the listed effects. The preview pane will show a dotted rectangle around the frame with grab points on the sides and corners. Click the down arrow for the Restraint option (Should currently be "None") and select 16:9 In the keyframe graph window on the right of the effects pane slide the red cursor line to the left (i.e. The Start of the clip) Adjust the rectangle using the grab points to outline your zoomed 16:9 area. (The AR will remain 16:9) Usually one would set the left and right sides of the dotted rectangle so as to to just eliminate the chequered areas but depending on the image content you can also move the rectangle up/down. That's up to you. Once you have outlined the area required add a keyframe by clicking the small green cross with the red line which is on the toolbar above the graph area. In the keyframe graph window slide the red cursor line to the right (i.e. The End of the clip) and create a second keyframe. When you now play the clip the image will play and fill the frame. Nat
  22. Hi Borate Thanks. Must have been the version. That's fine.? Nat
  23. Hi Borate The actual value entered in order to centre the character depends on the font size obviously. But I have repeated this and still both lines are blank. All is OK when the values are set to 0 but as soon as any other value is entered...either with the up/down arrows or manually, the tracks go blank. Just noticed I am currently using 6.01 Professional Licensed version. Is 6.10 Beta available for looking at? A bit later.... I have added some rotation animation and the thumbnails flickered repeatedly as presumably the frames are created and eventually the tracks appeared correctly. Bit weird. I suppose that VP doesn't know what to do until Motion is activated with keyframes so it just clears the tracks and waits????? Not to worry though I have several hours of short VHS films to copy, edit and put on DVD but I don't suppose I shall have any rotation effects to do.? Nat
  24. Hi Borate I can't see from your image whether you have altered the Vertical value of the rotation point as they are a bit too small to see. (They look like they are still 0.00) The preview of the "a" also suggests this as the centre dot is is above the centre of the character .(It's like my top image where they are 0.00 and the thumbnails and timeline are OK). What happens to the thumbnail line and the timeline when you change the vertical or horizontal position values? I brought the vertical value down to -16 to centre the character. Nat
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