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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi all Currently working on a project with 100+ short clips that are all on the timeline. Timeline run time is 30 mins. This project at the moment uses just Video track 1 and Audio track 1 with a single overlay title at the start. Intending to insert an unused clip at a certain point, I positioned the cursor at the insert position. I right clicked the clip in the clip bin and selected Place on Sequence at the Cursor. Instead on inserting the clip at the cursor as it should have done it placed the clip at the cursor but on Video track 2. as shown below.... Stepped back with undo and repeated using Ctrl+SHIFT+Insert with same result. Clip did not insert. Undid again, previewed clip and used the Place button option with same result. I know it is easy enough grab the errant clip and drag in down to Video track1 to insert it manually but the option selected from the menu (or key press selection) should have done this. Is this a bug in version 6.10 or is there some other factor coming into play? (Later) Checked this with 6 clips but no title on Track 2 and the insert worked OK. **&*^&!! Added 100 clips on timeline and a title on track 2 and it worked OK. *&*^&%* !! Reloaded the project from the .vpj file..........Insert worked....Sod's law! *&*^&*!! Well! Although it failed to function correctly before, (see image) I suppose we had better ignore this post. ?? Nat
  2. Hi I find this works and have used it from time to time..... Use a video converter program to produce low res clips out of the hi res clips (Keeping same name, format and file type) Place the hi-res clips in a folder labelled HR Place the lo-res clips in a folder labelled LR Create a folder called PROJECT Move the clips from LR to the PROJECT folder Load the clips from the PROJECT folder to VP and edit the video. Save a .vpj file of the project. (This would normally be saved to the PROJECT folder) Move the lo-res clips in the PROJECT back to LR Move the hi-res clips from HR to the PROJECT folder. Load the project from the vpj file. This will now load the hi res clips and recreate the project. The clips load and the edits are made as expected but this time with the hi res clips. The video can now be exported in the normal way. Tested this scenario with VP 6.10 using speed changes of 50% and 150% plus zoom in/out and colour temp changes up/down first with lo res clips which exported and played back correctly Recreated the project with the hi res clips and this also exported and played back correctly. Nat
  3. Hi Sam OK ... " Could you please post a screen shot that shows the difference? " As images you may not see much so try these steps.... Open VP and create a text file that is simple black text left justified as follows.... AAAAAA (enter) AAAAAA (enter) AAAAAA(enter)AAAAAA Swipe first row and size 20 Swipe second row and size 18 Swipe third row and size 15 Swipe fourth row and size 12 Place the image on Video track 2 and add a white blank background behind it on Video track 1 Move cursor to where the preview shows the text Create an HD 720 snapshot Place on Video track 1 at Start (Both clips will look identical with black text on a white background) You should see, when dragging the cursor over the join that the text jumps at the join. The movement is also noticeable if the snapshot is made at 4k Ultra HD but not when HD1080 is chosen. If the video is exported as a You Tube 1080p the movement is present. If another export is made and Preset is clicked the export is You Tube 1280 x 720p the movement is absent. Nat
  4. Hi Sam " Could you please post a screen shot that shows the difference? " Well. Ive been trying but can't seem to reproduce the same conditions. The snapshotted text remains obstinately the same as the original on the timeline... ? What I did have definitely moved at the join but I am afraid I dumped it. I remember I re-snapshotted it at 720 to see what difference there was and the jump was a lot less. I'll have another play and come back if I find what I did. Nat
  5. Hi " But then what if you want the video to rotate 20 degrees counterclockwise from 10 to 350, for example? There's no simple way to pull that off. " Not too difficult actually..? Put image on timeline and use Motion effect to rotate it to your starting orientation. Rotation = 10 deg Add a Rotation effect and slide cursor to start of clip Set rotation to 360 which effectively sets the image to its original orientation (10 deg) Make keyframe Slide cursor to end of clip Subtract your desired rotation from 360 and enter the value obtained. (360 - 20 = 340 deg in this case) Make keyframe DONE Image will now rotate from +10 deg to -10 deg anti-clockwise. Nat (PS....Is this link showing the vid?? )
  6. Hi Using a snapshot of text made at HD1080 added to the timeline of the same text generated in VP showed no obvious degradation between the two BUT there was noticeable difference in the registration of the snapshot text with the original. Different text lines with different sized fonts showed changes in both size and relative position. " What format do you use for inserting pictures? Do you do anything special with them other than dropping them in? " Most images I use are .jpeg or occasionally .tiff or .bmp I normally use images of equal or greater resolution than the video and I just drop them to the timeline. They look OK to me. Nat
  7. Nationalsolo


    Hi I don't use .mkv files myself but downloaded a couple of free 1280 x 720 test MKV files, 10 mb and 30 mb from here... https://www.sample-videos.com/ These files played perfectly correctly in VLC. When loaded into VP (Version 6.10 ) both files appeared to lose about 7 seconds or so at the start and just showed a still frame from about 7 seconds in. During this pause both clips played the audio from the missing section then the video started to play correctly. Sound was a little low but the glitch at the start to my mind was a more important bug. Anybody verify this? Needs looking at! Nat
  8. Hi Note: If you use a still image as your primary source make sure it is of high a resolution as possible. Otherwise your VP zoom will not be particularly clear when close in. e.g. Here are two images from a VP zoom from an avi of a 4000 x 3000 pixel .jpg image. (Zoom start at right and end on left) Note These are screen copies of frames from the avi of the image so not as good as original when shown on screen. The boat on the right is the one at the far end of the lake. Less resolution in your image will result in an unusable zoomed in frame.If possible use a even higher resolution image than mine but remember the AR required also. If you are still unclear regarding animating your effects come back on the forum. Nat
  9. Hi Load the clip into VP. It will now be in the Video Files section of the media bin Right click the clip in the Video Files bin and In the Clip Preview screen mark the section you want to extract with the START/END markers. Click the Place button to put your selection onto the timeline. Click the Sequence tab on the toolbar followed by Add. This clears the timeline and places your selection in the Sequences bin. Re-select your clip from the Video Files bin and repeat the steps. Note that the Sequence menu will remain in place and still have the Add button at the left hand end. Each time you can re-set the START/END markers to isolate a different selection of your video clip. The Sequences bin will now contain all your selections as individual clips marked Sequence 1 Sequence 2 Sequence 3 etc.. The number of sequences created will also be shown above the timeline. Above is an example of the Sequences bin after a clip of the numbers from 1 to 10 were sliced up in this way. Each of the selections contains one of the numbers 0 - 4. (5 sequences + a blank) You can now use these clips to build your project in the order you wish. Nat
  10. Hi I often include images into my videos but they look OK. However what is the actual resolution of your video? You say the image was custom made at 512 x 384, This has an AR of 1.3333 whereas a 16:9 video has an AR of 1.777 Are you using scale a little to eliminate possible borders as that may have an effect. Try 512 x 288 for your images which is 16 :9.IMHO I this this is a little low. For clarity is probably better to use images that have the same resolution as your video e.g. 1280 x 720 or 1920 x 1080. Nat
  11. Hi Jim " ---as you know , they film in short clip segments , ---" ? I didn't ... but I know now! ? Well, if the clips from each camera follow one another without a break like chapters then just put the two clips from the first camera on the same track in order and group them into 1 clip. (Or you could make a sequence of them and reload the sequence back as one clip.) Do it for each camera and you will have the two clips to try the steps above with. Borates link has some useful info and as he says "Wont hurt to try" Nat
  12. Hi Jim " ---you used 1 clip each correct , not 2 clips in each timeline correct ?? " As I understand it (perhaps I might be wrong) you have two cameras, one filming forward and one backward and each produces its own normal video...not split screen or anything? If so my answer is yes, each video goes on its own track. . For trying this out I used the same basic setup. But it was pretty crude to say the least. I just attached the cameras to my bike with duck tape! They weren't geometrically in line or anything. There were just two clips, one from each camera. As you can see from the image each clip went on its own video track. Forward view on Track 1 and rear view on Track 2 as an overlay. Note: If this setup is similar to what you have you could change the steps slightly.. Clip 1 to Track1. Clip 2 to Track 2 Scale and Position clips as mentioned in my post. In Clip preview play clip 1 to a synch point and set a bookmark at the cursor. In Clip preview play clip 2 to the same point and then set the START marker.The left portion of the clip will turn dark On track 2 drag the start of the truncated clip (the cue point) to the bookmark where it will join up. Now back in clip preview (still with clip 2) move the START marker to the left to to restore the truncated section. No need really to lock the track, and probably no need to add a blank at the start. (That was just to give enough room to move track 2 to a point in front of track1 if needed). The bookmark is used as a marker point as the cursor will move when you preview the clips. In my rough setup objects leaving the field of view of the forward camera don't appear in the field of the rear camera at the same instant but you can see I chose that point as my "synch" point where the lamp post just left the forward FOV and just entered the rearward FOV. You could choose any point using this method including an audible cue like ringing my bell. (Note also that the cameras aren't set correctly upright!) Nat
  13. Hi Experimented a bit with this using two cameras attached to my bike. One pointing forwards the other backwards.Started both and cycled a short distance along a track with garden wall, lamp standard and tree etc. It didn't matter exactly when the two cameras started as eventually they would be filming the same things. Ended up with clip1 and clip2. The object was to get both videos in synch and side by side.. Open VP and load both clips. Clip 1 (forward view) on Track 1 and clip2 (rear view) on Track 2. (Overlay track) Use Scale effect on both clips reducing the Horizontal value to 0.5 and retaining the AR at 16:9 Use Position effect to place each clip side by side. This can be monitored is Sequence preview.but set clip at Horizontal -25 and clip 2 at Horizontal 25. They should now line up side by side. Just give a bit of room for adjusting one of the clips add a 10 second blank clip to the start of Track1. Move clip2 on the overlay track to the right and out of the way. Play the timeline from the start which will now be just clip1 until a suitable cue is reached (either audio or video) Create a Bookmark and drag it to the red cursor line. (If the scissors appear press SHIFT) You now have the cue marked with the bookmark. Lock Track 1 (Click the Suitcase icon at the left end. of the track) Play the overlay track in clip preview and stop when same cue appears. In clip preview click the START marker. This will truncate the clip starting it at the cue Now drag clip 2 left so it starts at the bookmark. (It will jump to the line) In clip preview grab the Red START marker and drag it left to uncover the masked but of the clip. The two cues should now be in synch. (At least at that point) It's a bit phaffy and there is probably another way of doing it, but this method is logical. Nat
  14. Hi B Thanks for the version. Still does the same thing though and I didn't think it would do anything different. ? Found however that if I shift the cursor in Timeline to a high number clip (in my case above clip5) and then toggle modes, the cursor line ends up at the RHS. (ie. in my case on clip 5...the maximum for the screen width.) I can then use the scroll wheel to slide the story board line to the right and eventually (Phew--It's S-l-o-w) to clip 50. However there are no clip names to refer to and the cursor line stays at clip5 and one has now to click the storyboard time channel to get it back into position. I shouldn't have to do this. Toggling back to timeline cursor is correct. (as it was just reset in Storyboard) Having set it in Timeline mode it ought to be centred on the same clip in Storyboard mode. Also noticed that the cursor line position is not saved with the .vpj file. The file loads the project OK but the line is always at the start. If you saved your work at a particular point on the timeline then I think the cursor ought to jump to the point where it was when the project was saved. (Currently I use a bookmark) Nat
  15. Hi Borate I'll have another look but yourText frames were not too clear to read. It seems you moved the cursor to No 9 and switched into Storyboard when cursor appeared to stay on No 9. Here the cursor definitely jumps back to the start of the timeline as in the image above. The steps I have followed are.. Open VP and load the project All 92 clips load to clip bin and all 92 clips load to the timeline. (The order of loading never seems the same) Yesterday the video clips loaded left to right followed by the audio clips right to left. Today both at the same time from opposite ends.!) As cache was already loaded from previous editing the process took about a minute.(About 22 minutes of film) The red cursor line remained at far left. Screen now looked like this..... Slid the cursor line to the right to position it between my two bookmarks on clip 50 Toggled from Timeline to Storyboard (e.g.to examine the area/clip selected)........Cursor now has jumped to the start of timeline! It hasn't stayed on clip 50. IMHO it should have stayed where it was put. Made no changes to this and Toggled back to Timeline mode. Cursor remained at start and did not return to clip 50. In effect the careful (possibly) positioning of the cursor has been lost. I think this can be quite annoying particularly as the position is known before any toggling is made. I notice your example behaves differently...Wonder why? I notice you say you have 6.11. Mine is 6.10 and the NCH download page (unless it is an old one) downloads 6.10. Is there a newer version out? Nat
  16. Hi Borate (+NCH ? ) Red cursor bar moves here... Timeline mode with 90 odd clips on the track (first 53 visible) and the red cursor in work area between a pair of bookmarks ("work done to" points,) centered on clip 48. Left end is Start of project. 2. Toggled into Storyboard mode (With nothing moved) Cursor line now positioned on clip 5 at right side of the screen with first 4 clips of the project shown in full. (I see only 4 full clips since my PC screen resolution is obviously set lower than yours) With the timeline cursor originally on clip 48 I would have expected the cursor in Storyboard mode to be centered on clip 48 and not clip 5. as this was where it was. 3. Toggled back into Timeline mode again (with nothing moved). Layout and zoom returns OK but red cursor line remains on clip5. Earlier position has now been lost. I would have expected the cursor to be where I left it on clip 48 (In a sense it IS where it was left...on clip 5 but this was not where it was moved to by me.) VP could easily store the cursor position and keep the line at this point when the mode is changed. (Value is shown in each mode under the Sequence preview screen.) Nat
  17. Hi With a big project on the timeline and your editing position now a long way from the start, there are occasions when it is useful to refer to the storyboard at that position. Unfortunately when toggling to Storyboard mode the display moves back to the start of the project which is very annoying when you require to be at the cursor position. Also the cursor line moves to the far right of the screen when going into this mode and so there is no reference point to scroll the storyboard back to. With dozens of clips on the timeline this is an unnecessary extra task. On toggling back to the Timeline mode one does return to the editing point but without the cursor line which has remained at one screen from the start. Can this be altered so that change in viewing mode is always centered on the cursor? Nat
  18. Hi Same here...Hiss. Nat
  19. Hi Borate Yes I noticed this previously when I tried to Add a transition then No Transition. Got the message each time.....Transition disappeared but timeline remained shortened as expected. The Clip preview showed in/out markers still set to the ends of the old transition. I then thought, "What happens if I do the same again with these clips...Will the timeline get even shorter?"...Well YES it did and the message also appeared as well. So the timeline shortened twice with two add and deletes. I then thought "Hmmm. If I do this enough times will the clips shorten to zilch?" ? Well no! The third time I added the crossfade transition and removed it, the message didn't appear and the timeline length didn't change either. I didn't calculate anything from the values I set but I guess with two shortenings the in/out markers had moved in enough to allow the transition to install without requiring a message. No problem just academic. It works! Nat
  20. Hi Sam Thanks for the explanation. I understand the logic but still can't see the reason for the top statement in the window. Two long clips must have sufficient material for a short overlapping transition. I assume its hard wired. I can see that resetting the in.out points might cause problems in many cases where the transition is removed particularly where the sound is unlinked. The post was just an observation that some might have found irritating (even if they noticed.) and I wondered why it did this and whether it was an oversight. In this case there is absolutely no problem and in fact it is somewhat advantageous.? For some reason the end of all the raw clips shot with this camera ( a Toshiba ) had the soundtracks truncated by around a second. making 1 second sound gaps when the clips were assembled on the timeline. Synchronization of the sound was otherwise perfect..... Editing these out using Split/delete/close gap or the Clip preview IN/OUT markers would have been a nightmare with 100s of clips. However, automatically adding the overlapping crossfade transition to all the clips automatically removed this silent gap in the soundtrack.as well as smoothing out the action between the shots. After editing out the unwanted transitions (or even them all,) by using No transition, the clips were left in the same position so eliminating the sound gaps. Perfect! Nat
  21. Hi Load the Video to VP Drag the video from the clip bin and drop it onto the timeline. OR right click it in the bin and use one of the menu selections to place it on the timeline. Right click the video on the timeline and select Unlink from Audio. Video track 1 and Audio track 1 now become separate. To adjust the audio track position or the video position, left click the desired track and with the mouse key depressed drag the clip to the left or right to re-synch it. Zoom in with the mouse scroll wheel if needed to get more precision. If you have several clips in the project then you may have to unlink the audio from all the clips individually and then group the videos followed by grouping the audios. the tracks then become independent and can all be re-synched together. Unfortunately VP won't let you group clips and then unlink them all at the same time. Once you have the tracks re-synched then you can regroup the Audio track and the Video track in their new positions and they will then stay in synchronization. Nat
  22. Hi Going further, I noticed that even with two 1 minute clips on the timeline (i.e. sufficiently long enough for adding a transition between them) adding a crossfade puts up the option window........ as usual... But what does the top sentence actually mean? Two 1 minute clips is ample material for an overlapping transition. Nat
  23. Hi Borate The addition of the multiple crossfades used the Overlap option as it produces a better dissolve.The overall length of the timeline decreases as you know when this is used as each clip is trimmed to make the necessary overlap . My original 92 clips had a timeline duration of 27:23 minutes. After the addition of 6 second crossfades this dropped to 18:31 minutes. As I found the ?bug when removing single transitions I decided to remove the lot in one go so..Ctrl+A on the timeline and select No Transition and apply to all. Ungroup the mass selected clips. The transitions got removed but the timeline remained 18:31 minutes long, and each clip showed the ends still trimmed with the START/END markers! Your suggestion of trying the Freeze option is logical but If I were to use the Freeze option there would be no shortening of the clips and one could swap the transition from Crossfade to No transition without any change in timeline length Apart from this unwanted effect the method of going along the timeline like this works OK and VP has had no glitches so far and I can insert a bookmark at the point I have reached before Saving the Project As Nat
  24. Hi I am posting this just to see if anyone sees a similar ?bug. I have just started editing a rather long project of a 24 hr sailing race. I started by loading a first block of some 92 short clips using Ctrl+A and dragging them all to the timeline. As these were in chronological order and many would be dissolved from one to another I decided to select the lot (Ctrl+A on the timeline) and using the Transition tab on the top toolbar to add a moving clips crossfade between all the clips. During editing I would then work along the timeline deleting unwanted clips and trimming others using START/END markers in the clip preview window and removing crossfades where they weren't required as I came up to them. It was then I noticed that when removing a crossfade by clicking the blue transition X and selecting the No Transition option. that although the transition disappeared the clips remained trimmed in the clip preview window. This meant that the clips were not restored back to their original lengths. I was expecting the portion "lost" in the overlap would be restored (i.e. the end of clip 1 and the start of clip2.) Instead these portions remained greyed out in clip preview. Can anyone confirm this or NCH comment? Nat
  25. Hi " It seems that I can only view 7 clips at a time regardless of what I do. " Lucky.....I only see 4! ? It's a function of your screen resolution. " And, also frustrating is the fact that the sequence doesn't move to the end when I drag a sequence to the end. " Dragging a clip from the clip bin to the timeline in storyboard mode won't scroll it along to the end. You must right click the clip and choose the Place on sequence at end option. Note that if you add a clip to the end of the sequence and you are displaying the start of the timeline then VP does not scroll along In Storyboard mode to the newly added clip. However if you are in Sequence Preview display you can click the Go to end (END) button on the play controls block. >l This will move the cursor to the end of the storyboard thumbnails. Nat
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