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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi Haven't got to VideoPad version 8.40 yet Current version is 7.11 as mentioned above. Check your version number at bottom left of the screen. Moving between Bookmarks is currently Ctrl +SHIFT with Left/Right arrows.. Nat
  2. Hi " Yes, they are zipped, but you must purchase the NCH unzip utility for approx $20 USD - really? I should NOT have to purchase NCH extract software to reinstall a previous version of VideoPad I already paid for - " Download and install NCH's Express Zip. For a limited time this will work as a Free Demo version with limited features. Nat
  3. Hi ijohnny If you want to mute completely (and suddenly) a section of the Audio Track... Position the timeline cursor line where you want the audio to become silent. Under the Sequence Preview click the down arrow on the Split button (the Scissors). Select the Audio Tracks section and split the Audio Track in question. Move the Red cursor line along the timeline to the point where you want the sound to come back in. Split the audio track again as described above. Right click on the section of Audio you have isolated Select Mute Audio from the menu options. The selected track section will now be silent. If you want to gradually fade out the sound at a particular point and then in again there are a couple of ways...you can, for example, isolate the section as described above, right click on it and then use the Fade-out and Fade- in options., completing the parameter dialogue box with the values required each time. Or you can isolate the section as described above.(not absolutely necessary but makes things easier) Now left click that section to select it and then view it in Clip Preview. You can now grab the horizontal blue line to create keyframe points and then drag the points down or up to reduce/increase the volume at the points selected. Here is an example Clip Preview showing a Fadeout and a Fade in done this way...... The keyframes are the white squares and simply produced by grabbing (right clicking) the line. The preview shows the WHOLE audio clip but the bright area is the selected (isolated part) of this.. Nat Nat
  4. Hi c_major " Match Display - Use aspect ratio from the monitor that the preview window is on. " Ah! So that Sequence preview appearance is determined by the AR of the MONITOR! Got it! In fact my monitor is set at 1024 x 768 which is an AR of 1.33 and explains the discrepancy I was getting. I changed the screen resolution to 1600 x 900 (16:9) and apart from needing a strong magnifying glass to read anything, the setting gave a full image with no bars for Match Display. The layout also explained why Borate got a different GUI display to me in the images he posted . The only other monitor setting I have close to AR 1.777 is 1360 x 768 (very close to 16:9) which also works but is still too small for me. I have to say I was under the impression that "Display" meant the resolution set for the sequence preview within VP now the user list had been removed in this Beta version. I shall continue to use 1024 x 768 however as it gives a comfortable screen image size. Thanks for the explanation. It now makes sense. Nat
  5. HI Using VP 7.11 (Latest version) Note that changing the AR from 16:9 (1280 x 720) to 1:1 (1080 x 1080) means that you will lose the sides of the image. There is no need to use any effects to achieve this.... Put the 1280 x 720 clip on the timeline. Click Export Video --- Video File Enter Name --- Destination folder--- FileFormat etc. e.g. .avi Click the Resolution down arrow to the right of the box Select 1080 x 1080 from the list For Widescreen fit select Crop and Zoom Click Create The exported file will be 1080 x 1080 Nat
  6. Hi Borate Are you saying that 16:9 ; Content and Display are all identical? My post above shows that the 16:9 image is complete and the same at each setting but that Match Display shows black bars top and bottom. Are you not seeing the bars? The right click on the Match Display screen shows that Letterbox is set..... This is the only setting that shows the whole image unstretched (albeit with bars) Crop and Zoom chops the sides ..and then zooms to fill the Display . Stretch retains the width but distorts the image vertically to cover the black bars. This infers that the Display AR is not 16:9. I am just wondering what it actually is and why. Also I thought I had D/L the latest Beta version of 7.12 Beta but I notice that the single clip I used auto loaded to the timeline still. I thought that had been stopped. Nat
  7. Hi VP 7.12 Beta I have to say I am not certain what happens to the Sequence preview display when the Aspect Ratio setting Match Display is chosen. I have added a 1920 x 1080 (16:9) clip to the timeline. This is the sequence preview with different AR settings.... Aspect Ratio 16:9 The preview is presumably 16:9 and the clip displays full screen with no borders as expected.... Aspect Ratio : Match Content As the "Content" is a video of AR 16:9 VP now sets the preview to 16:9 to match it. I interpret this as meaning that in practice nothing actually changes. This seems to be the case..... Aspect Ratio: Match Display. This is what I now get..... The image of the 16:9 clip has borders now at the top and bottom. I am aware that VP 7.12 Beta has the AR (Resolution) of the display now set internally whereas in previous versions Options/Display allowed the user to set those values. The black bars thus seem to indicate that the Display chosen by NCH is not 16:9 and the image has been shrunk to fit. (As, indeed it is with all the other AR settings) If this is the case what is the default resolution of the display to which the video clip is matched? It is interesting to note that 1920 x 1080 Snapshot of the sequence display when Matched to the display produces a png without the borders of 768 x 432 (16:9) pixels. Nat
  8. Hi mediafunfan "..... I realize that I should have said I was using v7.12 which doesn't have the resolution and frame rate settings. ....." That answers in some way your query. Yes. In VP 7.12 Beta, a pre-release version whose development is still on going, does not have the Option to alter the resolution of the preview window which, as I understand it, has been fixed at a middle value. There is now a new control under the Sequence preview screen that will allow the user to set the Aspect Ratio of the display . VP then fits the project image to this AR at the resolution the developers have chosen....... The aim I think is to speed up and streamline the caching process which is why the suggestion was made for you to give it a try. Nat
  9. Hi Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP2 Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E4500@ 2.2GHz, 2.0 GB RAM NVIDEA GeForce GT 730. VP 7.11. CPU usage (continually monitored here) used to be 95-100% when anything was being done and 50% when idle. . However, after shutting down Microsoft Vista Update which was running in the background (as Vista is not being updated any longer) the CPU when idle is now 0 - 2% active.and is about 60% active when exporting from VP. (similar to yours.) I don't think this means it is doing the job faster. Presumably, it's going as fast as it can. But with background jobs running continually creating a startup usage of 50% (like continually trying to download non-existant updates) it was coming to a crawl when it reached 100% with VP working. Exporting is time consuming but I assume that if CPU usage never reaches 100% it going as fast as it can. If it's continually butting 100% then it's not going as fast as it can. Nat
  10. Hi In VP 7.11 click the double chevron at the right on the main toolbar. This will open the Videopad Options screen. Failing this, click the green Menu tab at the top left of the screen, and select Tools and then Options. This will also open the Videopad Options screen......... Preview format and Frame rate can be set here...... On the Display tab (Opened by default) you will see the current Preview format. (Here it is 768 x 432) If you click the down chevron to the right of the Preset box you will open a list of possible settings .......... Choosing one of these will set the resolution for the Preview screen in the GUI If VP is slow, jerky and repeatedly showing "Building Preview", reducing the preview screen resolution may help. At the same time if you check the Processor utilization box in the Task Manager and find it is continually 100% when VP is running and around 50% when idle check for any background jobs. e.g. I am working with an old Vista machine and had this problem until I noticed the PC was running Vista Microsoft updates in the background. There are no updates now so I turned this off and everything returned to normal....1 - 2% when idle. Nat
  11. Hi Kerry B Mine only has 2 GB of RAM... .......................... Oh!... Slow but normally sure. Nat
  12. Hi DrBob ".. Newbie here. I was trying to add titles and clips between some clips I had already put into a sequence, and I seem to have inadvertently created a second "video track." I now have "Video track 1" and "Video track 2". .. When you first open VP and start a new project you will only see Video Track 1. However, above this is a grey zone into which you can (as it says) drop Overlay Clips, Text and Images. When you do this the area becomes Video Track 2.which is an Overlay Track and a new grey drag and drop zone is created above this and so on. Now, when you create a Title or Text it is automatically placed in the gray areaso generating a Video Track 2 . So what you have is quite normal. Note that images/Text and Titles placed on this track will play over lower tracks.In this way you can have a title with a transparent background playing on top of the video on Track 1. If you don't want clips there you can easily move them into a new position or drag them down to a lower track. VP can handle numerous tracks. "...However, when I go to Storyboard, I don't see the clips from "Video track 2"..." Storyboard mode will only show images and Video clips (including Titles and Text) that you have placed on the main timeline. i.e. Video Track 1. The Overlay Tracks are not shown. ".... how do I combine the two tracks into a single track? ..." In most instances Text and Titles are better placed on an overlay track, where they don't interfere. However, if you really want only Video Track 1 to be used and you don't want to go back to square one, you can combine the Tracks. Simply grab and drag the clips/images/Text from the overlay track down onto Video Track 1 and move them into the position required. Do this without letting the mouse go. This action will insert the Image/Clip/Text into Video Track 1 but it creates a gap in the audio track. (In essence the track is split and the image/text/clip from the overlay is pushed into the split. This can be a complication to remedy if the sound for Track 1 is important. This is one reason for using the overlay track. (Images/Text/Titles do not have an associated audio track hence the gap is silent. A Video clip however will insert its own soundtrack (if it has one) into the gap. If you expect different audio for the inserted clip that's not a problem. Hope this makes things a bit clearer. Come back if you are still puzzled. Nat
  13. Hi Kerry "... Just one question - I'm new to videpad so still getting used to the jargon, above you said "P&Z works with If clips however both in preview and export" . What are "If clips" ... Sorry it was editing error. .....I think I corrected it later....It should have read .....P&Z works with clips however, both in preview and Export.... Sorry if it was misleading......(I've never heard of "If Clips" either! ) Nat
  14. HI Saxdude " I want to Overlay an image over Video without disrupting the Audio, " That should not be a problem.. Place your video onto Video track 1............. Drag and drop your image to Video Track 2. (The overlay track) This is the dark grey area just above the Track 1 thumbnails. Note that it labelled "Drag and drop your video, text and image clips here to overlay" Once it contains a clip it will belabelled Video Track 2........... Currently this does leave a wider area above the thumbnails for adding further tracks. The track thumbnails are consequently smaller. Nevertheless you will see that the overlaid image (the cat) does not disturb the audio track (Audio Track 1) which will continue to play normally underneath. The duration of the overlaid image clip will be the default value set up in Options/Media but the clip can be lengthened or shortened by dragging the END of the clip left or right and be precisely positioned above Video Track 1 by dragging it left or right along the track. Note: Anything placed on overlay tracks above Video track 1 will obscure anything below it. (Hence an Overlay) This includes Images, text or video clips. An overlay CLIP with sound though, will have its audio placed automatically onto Audio Track 2 where it will mix with the sound on Audio Track 1. If you don't want this to happen you can mute the track by clicking the loudspeaker icon at the left end of the track. " When I drop in an image it moves the video, and leaves silent audio track " This is probably happening because you are dropping your image onto the video you have on Video track 1. This doesn't overlay ...It inserts the image into the track. In essence the track is split (along with its attached audio) a gap is created and the image is then inserted into the gap and everything is closed up. Naturally there will be no audio underneath this image. There are several ways to remedy this, one of which Borate has described. However it's best not to create the problem in the first place. Hope this helps. Nat
  15. Hi Movie Plus x6 project files (.mpv files) will not load into VP. Even if you change the file type from .mpv to .vpj they will be incompatible (although the icon will change). The format is entirely different. Why not draw a line under it and start afresh with VP? Nat
  16. Hi Currently in 7.12 P&Z effect fails (on export) with images although preview works. P&Z works with clips however both in preview and export. If you find Pan and Zoom effect is not working in 7.11 just use the Zoom effect with keyframes In brief... Click FX and and select Zoom from the effects list. Place effects red cursor line to the left of the graph(start of clip (or where zoom is to start) and adjust the Zoom rectangle to your starting outline Click the keyframe button (small plus with red line) Move cursor line to new point in the clip (end point of zoom/pan) Adjust the zoom rectangle to the finish zoom area and move rectangle to final panned position Create a second keyframe This will produce a zoom with a pan. (or Zoom with Pan) (This is not detailed but refer back to the forum if you find it might be useful.)
  17. Hi KerryB Pan and Zoom work OK in the Beta version of 7.12 Best to remember that this is still being checked out and is pre-release. If you do find any problems with VP 7.11 mention them and NCH can check them out and make sure the Beta version has been corrected. Nat
  18. Hi Not sure EXACTLY what you you looking for...... However to insert some audio.... With your project on the timeline place the red cursor where you want to insert your extra audio. No need to split anything. Select the audio clip in the audio clip bin with a right click. This opens a menu of options. Choose the option Place on Sequence at Cursor. This will insert the audio into the timeline audio track creating a gap in the Video track. As the cursor line will stay at the start (left end) of this gap you can simply place an short image/still clip at the cursor in the same way as you did for the audio clip. You can now extend this by placing the cursor at the right hand end of the image clip and pulling it to the right. This will fill the space created by the sound clip insertion. Probably better is...Instead of inserting your still clips at the cursor you can simply drag and drop then onto Video Track 2 and then move them over the gap created in Video Track 1 Now extend them as above so that they overlap the gap below . They will then play as an overlay. The audio track will play up to the join then continue onto the inserted section and then continue with the audio of the original clip. Is that how you want it to work? Nat
  19. Hi In fact changing the .avi format to .mp4 seems to work...at least with VLC. Nat
  20. Hi It's already mentioned above (June 2018) that the trial version will export your project as an avi. with other file types being restricted. The steps mentioned by Samman above are, in fact, the normal export steps . I am not sure whether simply changing the file type of your .avi export to .mp4 will actually work. I'll have to give it a try. Nat
  21. Salut p7m13bis Vous pouvez télécharcher la derniére version francaise de VP ici.... https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/fr/versions.html Nat
  22. Hi An alternative is to.. Place the sound clip on Audio Track 1 Hover the mouse over the audio track OR the icon in the Audio Files bin and note the Duration value that is shown. Place the image clip on Video Track 1 Switch to Storyboard mode. Either right click the image and then Change Duration OR left click the Duration value shown under the image. In either case enter the duration value you obtained for the audio clip. The clip will now have the same duration as the audio. Nat
  23. Hi ".... I'm running VideoPad v7.11 I do not see an Aspect Ratio control under the preview screen ".. OK...That feature is new in VP 7.12 Beta which is still being evaluated and the one I am currently running.The comments re. the AR of your export would still apply in 7.11 however. Did they help? One thing I perhaps should have mentioned is that if you alter the speed control of the audio track you should, in your case, untick the option to Keep audio pitch unchanged. You will then slow down the audio and probably lower the "Alvin and the Chipmunks" effect to a more normal pitch at the same time. Getting it to synch with the video will be another challenge. If these suggestions still don't help follow Borate's instructions and share the project. Nat
  24. Hi What version of VP have you installed? If the audio track is not linked to the video right or is a separate audio clip that you have added, right click it to open a choice window followed by selecting the option Change Clip Speed. The speed % shown here should be 100.000 If it is not (it will be above 100% if it plays fast) then change it to 100.000. If it DOES read 100.000 and is still playing fast then you can progressively lower the value until it plays at the correct speed. This will largely be a matter of trial and error. The problem here is that if the sound clip is playing fast, slowing it down to a normal pitch may make it physically longer on the timeline than the video clip. If this is the case you may have to trim the audio or change the speed of the video clip or add further video clips to extend its duration. However if you want the audio to run for the duration of the video (irrespective of the pitch) use the setting of Change Clip Speed to alter the length of the audio clip so it matches the length (as closely as possible) of the video clip on the timeline. Under the preview screen is an Aspect Ratio control....set this to 16:9. This is just for the appearance of the preview screen. On export If your video is 16:9 then export it as 16:9. that is...Set the Resolution to the same as the project i.e. one of the 16:9 AR settings. Note that if your project contains any clips that are not 16:9 the Auto match settings will show a non 16:9 AR so change this to Auto match force 16:9. Export this setting with Letterbox or Crop and zoom which should export at 16:9. (Version 7.12 also has a Stretch setting.) Nat
  25. H "...i Why is this? Is this because I'm using the free version? ..." That shouldn't be the case; . but it would be useful to know which version you are using and what video format are you exporting to play in VLC. If you have never changed this version of VP and your exports have previously played OK then nothing should be different. Your downloaded version of VP whether free or otherwise should behave as it always did. Where are you seeing the incorrect time code? Your post seems to suggest it is VLC or your alternative player. Do previously exported videos from VP that play OK in VLC preview properly when previewed in VP? You can also upload a short project (video) that exhibits this behavior to Dropbox etc. and someone can load it to VP and and see what it does. Have you tried clearing the cache from Options/disc? Nat
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