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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi The plug-ins refer to the virtual dub filters that will work with this software. These are free third party video enhancing/effects creation programs that work with the Virtual Dub freeware. Some of the more useful ones are found here... http://www.infognition.com/VirtualDubFilters/ but there are other sites where you can download more. The plug-in generally incorporated into VP is the "Deshaker" plugin by Gunnar Thain and within VP it works very well Nat
  2. Hi I have mentioned this is a previous post as not being able to create a .vpj file makes a demo version pretty well unusable free or otherwise. If however you DID manage to create a project file whilst the software was working then you could uninstall VP and then reinstall it from the vpsetup.exe file which you should have saved when you downloaded the software originally. This will enable you to load the saved poject and get it going again. In some versions if you uninstall from the control panel you will get a screen asking if you want to continue to use VP with the disabled features. Normally this meant the reduced output formats not the inability to create a project file which I personally feel is a mistake in this version. Nat
  3. Hi Glad it works for you. I was going to mention CROP as well but, of course that makes the frame smaller but will still fill the screen if the AR remains 16:9. Nat
  4. Hi You need to use the SCALE effect to reduce your clip to the size/shape required and the the POSITION effect to move the reduced image to the place required. There are no rectangles you can grab and drag and drop to do this latter step and its largely guesswork. It's not very intuative as you can't drag and drop the frame. I also find that the effects preview image doesn't reflect the changes hoped for and it is the sequence preview window .that shows anything first. This is not much help if the effects window is maximised. However if you do get this effect to work for the clip on the main track, a second and subsequent clips should be placed on induvidual overlay tracks in the same position as the clip on track 1 and a similar treatment applied to each, giving all the clips a different scale and position.. They will then all play in their relative positions at the same time. By setting keyframes in the POSITION effect with different values at different playing points you can acheive movement of the clip frame concerned when the clip is played. Positioning and sizing several clips in the same screen was easy in version 2.41 as you could see pretty well what was happening. Using 3.29 on my PC (at least) the process of setting up even one clip either takes forever, stalls or completely buggars up the program. Nat
  5. Hi If you are exporting to your PC, check the destination folder, as in some versions the action hangs near the end or at the end but the video has actually been rendered. Normally it says it is complete and asks to open the file. Nat
  6. Hi "Is there an account-management section in this forum software system, a place for changing passwords, etc.?" Your screen name is associated with your e-mail address at the outset. If you want to change any of these details then left click your "Photo" on the left of your post and select "Edit your Profile" which is in a dark rectangle on the right of the screen that comes up. On the left of the next screen is an option in the list concerning your User name and Password. You should be able to change or alter them them here. Nat
  7. Hi Using version 3.36, I placed a clip on the sequence line and then split it. No problem it played across the split OK A second split a little further along also played OK. I then changed the speed of the middle bit to 150% and closed the gap. There is now a black flash visible between the end of the middle "fast" bit and the start of the last section. It's connected with changing the speed as simply removing the middle section and closing the gap played OK. The "black flash" is visible in the exported video although when stepping through the preview across the join there was no black frame. Anybody want to confirm this? Nat
  8. Hi It might probably be because you are running Google Chrome at the same time. Shut it down, either normally or via the task manager and see if things improve. Nat
  9. Hi I mentioned the text scrolling simply because the effect I had noticed disappeared when the video was exported. I appreciate that you indicated there was image stuttering and I wasn't certain if you had exported or not. You obviously did export. However, using VP2.41 all my short texts (both large and small, short and long, small gap and large gap between them) showed up. (about 10 or so added to a 1 min clip). There was no stuttering of the image either so I'm not quite sure where that leaves you. Sorry Nat
  10. Hi I can't duplicate this here with VP 3.29 and you don't mention which VP version you are using. I mentioned in other posts that horizontally scrolling text appears and disappears when arriving and leaving at the screen edges, but this effect, although clearly noticeable is not seen in the exported video and would seem to be connected to how the preview is rendered from the thumbnails. Is the unwanted effect still present in the exported video? Nat
  11. Hi Yes..I can see what is happening but don't know why and further, I can't duplicate it here with VP3.29. I put several MPEG2 and MPEG4 clips on the sequence line and split them in different places. I speeded up some sections to 300% and others to 400%, closed the gaps and muted the track. I then added a separate music clip to sound track 2. Saved to PC as a 720p avi. Everything played OK. The sequence preview clicked loudly at some split points even though the track was muted but the saved avi file played fine with no stoppages or stutters. Sorry, Not much help. Nat
  12. Hi What video effect are you referring to? Are you changing the speed of a clip? Normally if you speed up a clip, the sound also speeds up. Nat
  13. Hi Control the speed of the scroll by lengthening the duration of your text image. In effect drag its end along the sequence line. (Overlay track) Nat
  14. Hi For a simple zoom or pan, right click your image on the sequence line to select and then the yellow star at the left end. Click the small down arrow next to "Add Effects" tab and choose CROP. You will now see a preview window to the right and a thumbnail with an orange rectangle on the left. Ther will also be the keyframe block to the right of the green crosses as mentioned by Borate. You can force the aspect ratio to 4:3 or 16:9 as you wish or leave it free. It is best to force a particular ratio (usually 16:9) as if you use "None" the effect will leave black bars in the sequence line image. 16:9 will ensure that the VP is always full. Make sure that the red cursor line is at the left (start of the image clip) although you can start your effect at any place. Drag the sides or corners of the orange rectangle and drag it about to outline the starting frame of your effect. You will see the blue lines in the keyframe panels move up or down. When you are happy click the green cross. This will place orange blocks on the blue line to mark the parameters for your first keyframe. Now move the red cursor bar to the end point for your effect. The orange blocks will turn green showing the keyframe has been recorded. Now alter your orange rectangle to reflect the end image frame for your effect. You will see the blue lines move again but they will remain fixed at the green blocks. When you are happy with the end framing move the cursor bar again to fix the end keyframe. You can review your effect on the right. Close the "Applied Effects" window and wait a moment for VP to create the effect. The speed of the effect depends on the duration of the particular image. This can be varied most easily in storyboard mode. You can create any number of keyframes throughout the image clip to produce more complex movements of the frame size. If you just want to pan the image then the start and final rectangle (obviously samller than the actual image) should be at the same height in both keyframes. Nat
  15. Hi If the choice menu is not shown, Click the "Options" tab on the toolbar and select "Media". Change the choice for "Add new clip to the following position" to "ask Me" Nat Hallo Wenn die Wahl Menü nicht angezeigt wird, klicken Sie auf die Registerkarte "Optionen" auf der Symbolleiste und wählen Sie "Medien". Ändern Sie die Auswahl für "neuen Clip der folgenden Position hinzufügen" auf "fragen Sie mich" Nat
  16. Hi Splitting a clip. There are several ways to do this. With version 3.29... Put the clip onto the sequence line. Play the sequence to the point where you want to split or quicker, drag the red cursor line to this point. Click the scissors button under the right hand preview pane (sequence preview). The clip with its soundtrack will be split at this point. If you want to simply insert an image. Drag the cursor line to the insertion point. Right click the image in the media list (under the image tab) and select "Place on sequence" In the choice window that comes up select "Place on sequence at the cursor". Your image will be inserted at the cursor. Note that the linked soundtrack will also be separated. If the menu choice for the place of insertion does not come up, click the "Options" tab on the toolbar and then "Media". Change the "Add Media clip to the following position" to "Ask Me". If you don't want to cut and separate the main track, simply drag your image to the overlay track . It will play over the main clip which will continue to play beneath but not be seen. This means its soundtrack will play whilst the image is shown. To speed up a section of the clip. (say the middle). Split it in two places as above, so making in effect three clips. Select the middle clip by right clicking and select "Change Clip Speed" from the option menu. Change the value shown (default 100%) to a value greater than 100%. The centre section of your split clip will now play faster. It will also be shorter because of this and leave a gap between itself and the third bit of clip. Right click the gap and select "Close Gap in Track. Nat
  17. Hi There is no option. You will have to zoom back in each time. Nat
  18. Hi The subtitles to your original DVD are not normally part of the actual video, they are stored as a separate stream and depending on the type of video possibly in several different formats. You would require a specific type of DVD ripper. There are numerous sites offering these. e.g. http://www.magicdvdripper.com/rip-protected-dvd-and-keep-subtitles.htm I've no experience with them but you could possibly give one a try. Nat
  19. Hi There is usually no problem with VP version 3.29. If you want to align the sound clip with a specific point in the video then move the red cursor line or play your video to the exact point where you want your sound to be placed. Select the unlinked sound clip (It will turn blue) and zoom in so you can see the specific peaks in the sound track for your effect. Place the mouse arrow exactly on that particular peak and then drag the sound clip to the red cursor line and drop it. Your sound peak will now play exactly where you wanted it. The only thing about using this method is that there must be enough room before this point to accomodate the bit of sound track before or after this point or it will jump back to its original position. THis maybe what is happening. If it's on an empty sound track, there should be no problem. Being zoomed in, you can drop your sound exactly in the right place. If the dubbed soundtrack you are adding needs to be moved quite a way to the left for example so it matches the original video there may not be any room so simply add a long duration blank frame to the start of the video to give you some space to move the soundtrack left. I am not sure what "marks" you are referring to however. The dubbed track you are using should be an independant sound clip. Nat
  20. Hi There is no method (at present) on VP to automatically add chapter reference points at set intervals, but there is nothing to stop you requesting the feature to be incorporated in the next release of VP. Currently you can only add chapters to the sequence by moving the cursor to the point required and right clicking . Although it would be time consuming, if you want to have a bookmark at fixed intervals, you could set up a blank frame of the required duration equal to the interval you want. Add this to an empty track and use it as a "measuring stick", moving the cursor repeatedly to the end of the frame, adding a bookmark, clicking OK (no name needed) and then moving the clip along to the end of itself and repeating the procedure. Nat
  21. Hi I think this might actually be more difficult than it appears, but I am happy to be shot down. as there may be a quite simple solution. Just plugging in the thumb drive will only add the clips to the VP media list..it won't create the project. However, try this. It might work... (on the other hand it might not! ) . Transfer all your clips to the thumb drive as well as your project .vpj file. Open VP on the laptop and load the project file from the thumb drive. It won't load the project of course as the clips have the wrong address, but a window will come up with a list of the files that are not present...should be all of them. Note the addresses of the files as shown by the window. They will be the locations of the clips on your non-portable computer. For the project to load you will need to have identical addresses on the laptop. On the laptop create a folder (or folders) of the same name and location and then transfer the files from the thumb drive to this folder(s) The files on the laptop will now have the same address as the files shown on the vpj file. (They may not...but that is the idea.) If you now load the .vpj file again it should, if everything is the same, find the clips, on the laptop, load your project and create a new cache. If the clips on your main PC are in many different locations, it will be a bit more complicated. If you can first get them into one folder and then re-locate them in VP via the media list so your project works OK, you can then save a new .vpj file and try the transfer outlined above. Best of luck. Nat
  22. Hi "My photos don't fill up the video window completely, leaving a blank space on each side" The VP window has an aspect ratio of 16:9 and in order to fill this from top to bottom and side to side your images should be the same. (e.g. 1280 x 720 or 1920 x 1080 pixels or similar multiples.) If you are prepared to lose a little of your image you can use the "CROP" effect to acheive this. Select the image in the sequence, click the yellow star at the left end and add the Crop effect. Force the aspect ratio to 16:9 and adjust the orange rectangle to the best position. Your image will now fill the screen. If you use the Scale effect you can stretch out the image on the x axis to fill the frame, but I wouldn't recommend this as it will distort the image and it woiuld be a last resort. "I'm trying to get 2 text clips to play before my 1st image and I have a fade transition between them but the 2nd one always plays shorter than the 1st not matter what I do and I wanted them to play 5 seconds each what do I need to do?" Create a blank frame and place it on the sequence before your first image. This will be the background for your text. (You don't say in your post if you have a clip here or not.) Now create and place your two text clips on to the overlay track, one following the other. Drag the ends out so the duration of each is about 7 seconds. It's up to you whether you want a gap between them but for this description move them so they touch. Select the first text image and then click the yellow star. Select the "Opacity" effect. Check the red preview line is at the start of the clip and drag the opacity slider to the left so it shows 0%. The blue line will drop to the bottom. Slide the red cursor line along to the 1 second mark (The little red square on the blue line will turn green,) and slide the Opacity marker to the right to show 100". Move the red cursor line to 1 second before the end of the clip and click the Green cross. This will fix the blue line once more. Slide the red cursor line to the end of the clip and adjust the Opacity to 0%. The opacity of your text as shown by the blue line will start at 0% (transparent) rise to 100% at 1 second. Remain there until 1 second before the end of the clip and then reduce to 0%. In effect it will fade in and out but will be 100% for 5 seconds. Preview it to check. Close the effects window. Wait for VP to generate the effect and then repeat it for the second text clip. Your text should follow each other with a 1 second fade out and a 1 second fade-in. Obviously you can adjust these timings within the effects window. Nat
  23. Hi Although I don't use a Blu-Ray Burner, VP should create a DVD Movie disc with your system. You should select either NTSC or PAL as these are simply the different formats of storing the video information. Which format you select depends on where you live, PAL for Europe/Australia and NTSC for North America. You should also have the resolution used by Blu-Ray - that is 1280 x 720 or 1920 x 1080. I presume that the program has recognised your burner. So select your format and click "Create".... If it fails there will be a message. (Normally!) Nat
  24. HI There does seem to be something wrong here. The "WOW" overlays play as expected but the two "omg" overlays don't appear. although the sequence preview pane correctly shows both present at 19 secs. Now, .... Going back to a previous version of VP I drew attention to the fact that the last IMAGE on the sequence line did NOT render. Video clips were OK but if the last item on the sequence was an image it didn't appear in the exported video! In effect this made the idea of end titles over an image unusable. The way around this bug (which seems to have been corrected in 3.29) was to add a blank frame (in effect another image) after that final image. This meant that the final image was now exported but the blank frame wasn't. I know your version is labelled 3.32 and not the version I commented on, but I would suggest that you try adding another overlay to follow each of the "omg" tracks. Make the image very short consisting of, say, just a full stop. If the problem is due to this bug, this full stop "image" would then be the one that is not exported and your "omg" overlays would then be visible. Just a thought! Nat
  25. Hi I can't reproduce this fault either. Text overlays seem to work OK. As you appear to be still getting used to the program I would try for a start by putting a single video clip on the sequence line and then adding a single text overlay above this. Export this very simple sequence to your PC in the different formats and see what you get. If it's OK, go back and add some more clips etc. This way you may be able to see at what stage the fault occurs. If, as you say the sequence plays OK then it might be a problem with the version of VP you are using. I am iusing VP 3.29 Are you possibly masking your text images with further overlays above them? Nat
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