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Posts posted by Fred28

  1. At the bottom of the program window you should have the path where the files will be saved. to the right you should have a ¨Browse¨ button, just click on it to select the folder to where you wish to save the ripped files.


  2. Open Debut, go to OPTIONS > AUDIO and here make sure you have checked the Microphone option and then on the dropdown make sure the correct device is showing. You might want to click the ¨System Mixer¨ button and make sure that under the RECORDING tab you have selected the correct device and made it the default device for recording.

    Also, make sure that Debut has permission to access your microphone:


    1. Go to Start > Settings > Privacy > Microphone.
    2. Choose your preferred setting for Allow apps to access your microphone.
    3. Under Choose which apps can access your microphone, turn the individual settings for apps On or Off.
  3.  Also can you copy onto a USB Stick from this program? Yes, you should be able to choose the portable option on the export menu.

    Regarding the other issues you are having I think it would be best for you to uninstall and install the program again and see if that helps correct the issues you are having. If not I would recommend you contact the NCH tech team for assistance here:  https://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html

  4. You should be able to use the sync device option under Preferences, you will need a dropbox account for this also you must be using paid versions on both devices

    And you should sync the main device first the one that has all the information and then the second device.


  5. No, en ese caso tiene 2 opciones o compra 2 licencias mas y hace sync de la information atravez de Dropbox en cada uno de los dispositivos ( El programa ofrece esta opcion)  o bien puede usar la opcion de acceso web para acceder al programa desde cualquier PC o tablet  usando un buscador web. Para esto tienes que configurar el programa y probablemente el  router además para usar esa opción la PC donde este instalado el programa debe estar ¨ON¨ y el programa debe estar corriendo.



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