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Posts posted by Fred28

  1. Those are preset, so you will not be able to add anything there, the reason I think is they listed all or most music genres, Piano, Solo or solo piano is not a Genre. I think that would actually fall in the classical music genre. 

  2. You could try using the reduce vocal tool, should be locate under the VOICE tab under the VOICE icon. You will need to test it and see if it will allow you to reduce just the part you need to the point you cannot hear it or barely hear it and keep the rest of the audio.

    You can check with NCH Technical team as well here:  https://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html

  3. How exactly did you save the project? If you just used the normal save project option and then you moved the project file then you file is now correupted and when opeining it you will be ask to pinpoint where the media files used in the project are.

    The correct way you should have saved is by going to ¨Menu¨ > ¨FILE¨ > ¨Save Portable Project As¨, this will actually create a folder with the project file and all media that was used in that project. This way you can open the project file again and it will load all the media used because it is in the same folder.

    If you did not use the Portable Project option then all you can do now is either start over the project or try and pinpoint where all media is when opening the corrupted project file you have.

    You can contact NCH Tech team here: https://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html

  4. Sorry, Express Invoice and Express Accounts do not integrate. Express Accounts basically does everything Express Invoice does and more. So there is really no need for Express Invoice. Still you will need to manually export the customers and invoices from Express invoice as CSV´s and import them into Express Accounts in order to not erase the Express Accounts data you already have created. 

    Using the Backup Data and Restore Backup will delete any information previpously created in the program you are restoring the backup to, so this is not the best option unless you have noting in Express Accounts.

    You can contact NCH Tech team and confirm with them if you like: https://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html


  5. This is a user´s forum, developers will not see anything you post here. What trouble shooting steps did you go through? Did you make sure to open Voxal first before opening the program you will be using it with? Have you tried reinstalling the program? Also have you made sure the program has permission to access your Mic?


    You might also want to contact NCH technical team just in case: https://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html

  6. Try creating a backup of all your data using the ¨Backup data¨ tool in the program. Should be under ¨Express Invoice¨ next to the Apple logo on the top left corner of your screen. When you have the backup try reinstalling, make sure to choose to ¨Replace¨ when you move the Express Invoice icon into the APPS folder. Then restore your backup and test again. If you still have issues you might want to contact NCH Technical Support Team here:  https://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html

  7. Have you checked invoices from that customer to make sure they have all been paid (Make sure there is a payment for each invoice) and that all payments together do bring the account down to 0 balance. To help you better you will need to share some screenshots but I think it would be best for you to contact NCH technical team and share a backup of your data for them to review with you and help you figure out if it is a program issue or an accounting issue.


  8. No that is not a bug, you saved the project as a backup so the project file now opens from the folder where the backup is saved, the backup also saved all media used on the project, so basically it creates a copy of all your media in the backup folder. There is no need for you to change the locations of the files back to the original location this can actually cause an issue for the program when it tries to load your project and tried to find the media used. I honestly think the best you can do now is start over if you can and make sure that if you use the back up option do not change the locations of the media just leave them as they are and work from there. It is actually better to work this way as you will have all media used on the project on one location.

    You can reach NCH technical support team here:  https://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html

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