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Everything posted by borate

  1. Haven't run across a detailed sequences tutorial. Here's a single-sequence macro approach... Place clip on timeline Position the mouse pointer (not the cursor) on the timeline ribbon at the halfway point Hold down <shift> and click the top of the cursor Right-click the blue area and click CREATE for seg 1 Hold down <shift> and click the timeline ribbon at end of the project Right-click the blue area and click CREATE for seg 2 Macro2.mp4
  2. Perhaps split the file into two sequences. Then trigger a macro to FILE | EXPORT ALL SEQUENCES. Tested here, it worked well - as long as screen positions had not changed. Macro_export_all.mp4
  3. Some things were never meant to be known...🙃 Your source files are 1920x1080 - 16:9 A/R but rotated, as reported by MediaInfo... Sample 1 https://content.invisioncic.com/r33241/monthly_2022_02/image.png.8fa054e260b9e64a9d195c6bed9e64f2.png Sample 2 https://content.invisioncic.com/r33241/monthly_2022_02/image.png.fca8f8b35b94e4a5115e5a1c937b9302.png Perhaps that's the crux of the problem.
  4. Only your VLC comparison image displayed stretched video. When lossless export was viewed in four different players none had the issue. This hints that a VLC setting is not correct, but that can't be confirmed here. Perhaps someone else will chime in.
  5. The revised pipeline is in place; VP uses GPU for encoding/decoding when applicable. See choices under the EDITING tab in OPTIONS. Use the 64-bit version for best memory handling on large/complex projects.
  6. Try this... Open Sound Settings/Related Settings/Sound Control Panel/Recording tab/Line/Properties/Listen tab/Check 'Listen to this device.' Do you hear sound? Does VP capture it?
  7. Here's a newer release that you might want to try. Post your results. With that version here, your project took a little less than seven minutes to fully cache. After that, all went smoothly. But even after a few minutes preview should respond to a limited extent. If changes are made, some re-caching will take place.
  8. *_^ That would have been the next suggestion. Thanks for the feedback.
  9. This has been fixed in the current 11.20 beta (test) release. You are welcome to try it - with the usual beta caveats.
  10. Would still like to see your file or project, for analysis. Recently, an MTS issue has come to light, though it may not have relevance to yours. That has been fixed in the current 11.20 beta (test) release. You are welcome to try it - with the usual beta caveats. And you might also check out this slightly older version. No need to uninstall. Installation takes just seconds and your current version can be reinstalled.
  11. Glad you're back on track. Thanks for the confirmation. It's the MTS files that 11.17 doesn't like, not the VPJ. The revision does work well in 11.96 here. This has been fixed in the current 11.20 beta (test) release. You are welcome to try it - with the usual beta caveats.
  12. Thanks for sharing your file privately. Use this version and there should be no issue. For smooth preview play, allow the green line above the sequence thumbs to complete and audio to cache. This can take a few minutes. Also suggest not loading MTS 2, as it's not used, and unlinking/deleting the disabled audio track. An unneeded snippet of video at the end of track one causes a jump cut, so it can be deleted. There is considerable dead space beyond the end of video. To eliminate it, click the red cursor at the project's end. then click the blue bracket that pops up... All those changes have been incorporated into a revised VPJ file that you can download from the link provided in the PM. Double-click it to load the project.
  13. Are you exporting losslessly? Did you test the linked version, above? Please share the project privately and we'll take a look... The process isn't difficult. Just follow these steps, one-by-one... Back up --- With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left. Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER. Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER. Upload --- Use a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* - to upload the saved, numbered FOLDER. Do NOT upload the individual VPJ or export file. Get link --- Get a public link. If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. If necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" Share --- Click COPY LINK | DONE. Paste the link in a private message to me. It won't be shared. Click the envelope at the top-right of this forum. * Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES. Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.
  14. It's stuttering? Did you allow it to fully cache? There should be a green line above video thumbnails. Is this seen as it's being previewed, or on the exported file? Install this version and see if it clears up.
  15. Hummm... While recording, open Windows mixer by right-clicking the 'speaker' icon at the bottom-right of the screen. Is there a BetaMax entry? If so, is the volume turned down or muted? What version of Videopad is this? What connections are being used to effect the transfer?
  16. Try this free tool. Let it scan for registry entries, select ALL, then DELETE.
  17. Yes, there are several ways to trim. One is to scissors twice, to isolate the video you want, then Delete or Delete/Ripple the section between those cuts. Another: select a clip in the bin that's not yet on the sequence. Move the red cursor to the start point and click Set Start. Then to the end point and Set End. Now click the ADD button and the section of the clip that was cut out will drop onto the sequence. WHERE it's placed can be specified... click the chevron at the right of the ADD button and make a choice. The double-headed arrow appears at a cut point. Move the pointer slowly. The [ for the FROM clip or the ] for the TO clip brackets may not appear unless the clip itself is dragged to create a gap... split.mp4 .
  18. During and after an export, the export window is normally on screen. If it is not, click the chevron at the bottom of the screen. After export this window offers the choice of playing the file (with your media player) or showing the location where the file was saved. Normally, Windows Media Player (WMP) is associated with video files, and pops up when 'Play" is clicked. Or the file can be accessed from Windows Explorer (the file manager). When clicking an exported file, if WMP displays only an icon then it may be missing a codec. You might install this player; it can handle most any media file. And you can test this beta version as well - with the usual beta caveats. Might solve all the issues.
  19. If untrimmed clips are placed on the sequence, then there's no excess content. Transitioning between them will result in the behavior noted above. Trim a few seconds from the tail of the FROM clip and the same from the head of the TO clip. Add a transition between them. If the trans is shorter than the excess that was trimmed there will be no prompt and no need to 'move.' Of course, the clips themselves must be long enough to accommodate the transition. Video that is trimmed out is not actually deleted - only the UNtrimmed portion displays. Prove it with a test... Place an untrimmed clip on the sequence and attempt to drag the right-border handle ] bracket to the right. It won't go, because there's no more video. Now trim off several seconds from the end of that clip. Drag the handle again and note that as it's moved to the right, the trimmed-out section appears.
  20. Install this version and the issue should go away. If it doesn't report back.
  21. The way this works hasn't changed in many years. It's clip dependent. If OPTIONS | EDITING is set to Ask and either the FROM or TO clip does not have enough extra content at their cut point to accommodate the transition length, then the warning will appear. If Generate Freeze is chosen the FROM clip will freeze halfway through the transition and the TO clip will be frozen until halfway, when its movement begins. Shortening the length of transition length can minimize the 'look' of a freeze. If Move Clip to Overlap is chosen, all later clips will shift slightly to make room for the transition. This may throw audio that is not linked to video out of sync. Allowing extra video at the end of the FROM clip and start of the TO clip may avoid the issue entirely. If OPTIONS is set to Freeze or Move then that action will automatically be applied, with no prompt.
  22. You will succeed! Post the link here when the upload completes. If you followed step one, above, there should be only a single project folder to upload (for each project). Defrag is a hard disk function that organizes the files ... nothing to do with clearing the temp files or the VP cache. And, yes, it's likely being done automatically.
  23. Cleared Videopad cache files don't go to the recycle bin - they're just gone. But cleaning up Windows temp files on occasion isn't a bad idea. Using Windows Explorer (the file manager) right-click the C drive, then click PROPERTIES. The clean up button is then available... Sharing isn't as daunting as it sounds, if the steps above are followed closely. It's saving a project, then uploading it to a server and getting a shared (public) link. This allows us to see exactly what you see, and try to replicate the issue.
  24. Nothing remotely like your experience with test MTS files here. We need to see your files. To help you, please upload and share the multi-clip project. Or both your examples, if possible. For the project, follow these steps closely. The process is easy, quick and can be done privately... Back up --- With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left. Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER. Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER. Upload --- Use a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* - to upload the saved, numbered FOLDER. Do NOT upload the individual VPJ or export file. Get link --- Get a public link. If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. If necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" Share --- Click COPY LINK | DONE. Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum to message it privately to me. It won't be shared. * Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES. Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server. Clearing cache during a session won't hurt a thing. If done prior to loading files or a project the load will simply take longer, because content must be re-cached. Your PC is capable and the Videopad 64-bit release should perform well, as it can utilize more memory. Give it a try. Here it is.
  25. borate

    No Audio

    Glad it worked out. Would still like to see that file - for analysis with the latest version. If you have the time, please upload and share it per the above.
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