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Everything posted by borate

  1. Clicking on the first desired clip (wherever it may fall in the timeline), then holding down <shift> and clicking the last one that you want will select all clips between those two. At least that what it does here. You might then scoot the selected clips to the right or drag them up to create a track two. Additional footage can be added to those already on the first track, if you wish. If you want to move track two clips back to track one after the new material, just be sure the gap is big enough - by shifting the remaining clips to the right. Or you may overwrite some material. Lastly, right-click and CLOSE GAP. Note that clips from other projects can be added to the existing timeline via CLIP|IMPORT CLIPS FROM ANOTHER PROJECT. Each project will be a .vpj file. You can also isolate a portion of a sequence, using the sequence preview window, by dragging the red arrow to the right and the blue one to the left. (The arrows are on the green bar below the thumbnails/timecode.) Then, to the right of the camera icon, click the blue film icon. That will duplicate only the segment that you isolated as "sequence 1 (1)."
  2. All clips on a track can be simultaneously selected; hold down the <ctrl> key while clicking each. Or click the first clip, then hold down <shift> and click the last clip. Right-click to group or ungroup clips. I dropped a clip onto sequence one. Then I added sequence two and placed sequence one on its timeline. Both were exported, and the files were the same size... BUT sequence two was indeed inferior in quality, at least to my eye.
  3. What version of Videopad? What file type? What is your speed setting. Try 100%. In 3.02 here it works as it should.
  4. Videopad transitions are problematic. Allegedly that's being addressed, with no target date for a fix. In the interim, see the thread titled "Real cross dissolves?" (3/19) for workarounds that create smooth transitions. To make a simple fade, don't use the FADE transition. Do this instead... In the timeline, locate the video scene you want to fade out and click the * star at the left-bottom of that scene. In the VIDEO EFFECTS window that opens - to the right of the green + sign in the OPACITY field - there is a horizontal block that contains a blue line across its upper edge. (If you don't see the block that contains the blue line, look to the right of the words "Applied Effects" and click the blue icon with the jagged lines in it.) Click the blue line close to its right edge to create a keyframe (a dot). Then click the far right end of the line and drag it to the bottom of the graph (zero opacity). If you make a mistake - too many dots - right-click on a dot and "remove keyframe." THAT'S your fade. Click CLOSE.
  5. Using 3.02, I saved an AVI clip three times to a file on the hard disk. Each had a different transition and they all displayed as intended.
  6. In version 3.x, right-click the clip on the timeline. "Change clip speed."
  7. Consider yourself lucky. Attempts to burn a DVD here result in "unknown SCSI error - failed." (There are no SCSI devices on this machine.) That's of scant help to you, but perhaps someone will drop by who can advise us both.
  8. Please forgive the misinformation. I had it in mind that you were reverting to an earlier 3.x incarnation, not 2.x. Yet until Nat mentioned it I didn't realize that their cache files were incompatible, or would have warned you. I see in your other thread that you were able to restore, but that some problems persist. ^-( Hope you soon get it sorted out.
  9. Nat's approach is fine for dropping in cutaways as straight cuts when a production uses two (or more) cameras with identical audio. Here's a slightly different approach to consider... Lay down the entire sequence - master camera onto V2 and the cutaway cam onto V1. (Identical audio.) Sync them by listening to both tracks simultaneously and moving one slightly until they cancel. Or run V2 opacity to 50% and preview the mid-dissolve point as you slide one track until both visually line up. Kill audio on one of the tracks. The V2 track is what you will see for video. After the master A/V tracks are complete, to let a cutaway on video track 1 show through as a cut, place the pointer at the IN point and clicking the arrow to the right of the SPLIT button. Choose "split|split video track two." Do the same for the cutaway OUT point. Right-click that clip in V2 and DELETE. Video from track 1 will be seen in that V2 "hole.". If cutaways that cleanly dissolve (A/B-roll style) is what you want, try this method: Pause play at the cutaway IN point and make note of the "current time" shown under the preview window. Resume PLAY and jot down the end time. Click the V2 sequence star to bring up the effects window. Drag the opacity blue line, which will invoke the pop-up box, left or right until the "position" time shown in the pop up matches your cutaway IN time. Let go of the mouse and a keyframe is created. Similarly, create another keyframe at the cutaway OUT time. Takes a little practice. The opacity blue-line trajectory will look something like this... For "wild" cutaways, where no sync is necessary, use an additional video track.
  10. Same here; likely an oversight. The aspect boxes appear if invoked either by the star or by the EFFECTS|CROP|ADD button. See if THIS is more what you have in mind - created with a combination of crop and scale.
  11. It's probably not, so placing cutaways can take some work, unless they first have been synchronized to the master, using separate tracks. Lay down your master A/V shot, then insert video-only cutaways on the next video track - which will overlay the earlier track/s. Kill unwanted audio by "muting" that track. Retain audio on a particular track by "locking" that track. Those controls are accessed via icons which are to the left of each audio channel's timeline.
  12. Humm. Perhaps just the nature of the beast?
  13. In Windows Control Panel, click Programs and Features, then double-click on the Videopad installation and see if it offers to rollback to the prior version. It did here. It should. Just be sure that the files and clips that were used to create the project haven't been moved or purged.
  14. Use the MOTION|SCALE effect in the same way that you would opacity. Draw the blue line from bottom-left to top-right and you'll see an image that starts small and smoothly zooms in to maximum.
  15. Excellent, Nat. Elaborating just a tad on what your references to "marker" and "line" ... Click the star at the left-bottom on the clip being worked on. The effects box appears. See the blue line in the box to the right of the word "opacity?" Place your pointer on the far-left side of that line, click and drag down to zero. This will create a keyframe (a green dot). Move the mouse pointer elsewhere on the blue line. click and drag UP/DOWN to set the video level, RIGHT/LEFT to set "position." This creates another keyframe. (A pop-up appears to track position and opacity level.) Drag a dot up or down - at any point - to set the opacity curve between dots, or between a dot and the start or end or the clip. Right-click a dot to "remove this keyframe." Right-click anywhere in the box the contains the blue line to "remove all keyframes." You can also create keyframes at the point where the red, time-tracking line is parked by clicking the green + sign to the right of the word "opacity." How it all comes together takes the usual experimentation. A shame that any of these workarounds is needed to make a clean transition.
  16. A Windows problem perhaps? Check in with http://www.sevenforums.com or http://www.eightforums.com/.
  17. You're not doing it wrong; it's buggy. NCH is aware of this and is allegedly working on improvements. Not only is freezing a problem but frame-jumps/loss during transitions occur here as well. And a transition may look perfectly good ... until others are added down the timeline, which affects the earlier trans. 2.41 seems to be less prone to these problems, but I tested it only sparingly. After considerable experimentation my take is that, until it's fixed, A/B rolling is the only way to ensure clean transitions, using the V1 video and V2 overlay tracks. A tedious process. 1. Place the first clip on video track 1 (V1). 2 Place a blank clip with opacity set at zero on V2 overlay track. Butt your second video/audio clip to it. Specify the transition on the BLANK clip. Select (highlight) these two V2 overlay clips and drag them to the left, overlapping the V1 clip. The amount of overlap will determine the "look." 3 If you want a transition to the next clip as well, place your third clip on V1. Set a transition on the V2 overlay track's A/V clip. Drag the clip on V1 to the left, overlapping the V2 clip - to about where its transition yellow line begins. This is your second transition - from clip two to clip three. 4. Repeat the steps in step 2, and so forth. All transitions are inserted on a higher numbered track, never V1. Higher numbered video tracks override lower numbered video tracks. There is one positive aspect of this approach: sound on V1 is undisturbed as b-roll video is dropped onto the overlay track/s.
  18. Let's say you have a single clip on the timeline. You use the scissors to cut it into two halves. Then select (highlight) the half that you do not want, right-click and choose DELETE SELECTED CLIP. Or simply press DELETE on your keyboard. Watch this.
  19. As far as I know, yes. As you saw on the WEB page that I referenced, EXport file types are limited in the "free" version, not IMport types. If you find that you cannot use VP because the trial period has expired, and you were not offered the downgrade, go to the Windows Control Panel|Programs and Features, find the VP entry and double-click it. The option to downgrade should appear, along with an option to totally uninstall.
  20. I am not aware of any IMport restrictions on .png or other media file types. Read this.
  21. The "free" version will have some features disabled after several weeks, such as the capability to output in all but asf, wmv, and avi file types. Other than that, it doesn't expire. Pay for it and everything will work.
  22. Very good. I know this group is not a conduit to NCH support, but I believe that I speak for others in thanking you for checking in to confirm problems, hinting at enhancements and welcoming user input. Without breaking out of the marketing niche for VP, you might consider a secondary OVERLAP transition mode in addition to improving the existing CROSS FADE. Embracing CUDA and similar technologies would also be a boon.
  23. Clip doesn't vary here, as far as I can perceive. Perhaps a glitch in your connection or player, as you say. In all fairness, after conducting a CROSS FADE test with another editor, I did see a freezes in both the FROM and TO video that occurred at mid-transition. Minimal. There is no change in total length in the C F mode but there is in the OVERLAP mode (not available in VP). But it masks the freezes. VP has a tendency to lose frames during a transition, as seen in the demo clip. However, a shift of a frame of two in timecode of the FROM or TO clip may improve results. And the low-res Videopad preview isn't always indicative of the finished product, which can look smoother. Too much time spent on this, Nat. I no longer have to scrutinize this stuff for my livelihood. Appreciate the workarounds and diagnostics that you've taken the time to unearth.
  24. Good analysis, Nat, and as a former TV quality control editor I am well aware of the concepts that you mention. But they don't seem to apply here... In the first dissolve of the test URL, above, a split was made in the middle of the FROM clip (gal talking). Continuous ample footage of her followed. The TO clip had plenty of lead video. In the jarring frame-jump seen in transition #2, the wall of lights clip didn't end anywhere near where the freeze and frame-jump are seen. Just yesterday, using 3.02, I split in the middle of a scene of men walking - crossfading to another moving scene. The men jumped a frame mid-dissolve. Seems that 2.41 may have been less prone to these problems. Considering that I have received no company feedback via "support" channels, my sense is that this serious and basic issue is of scant concern. Perhaps, as you hint, it is a design limitation.
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