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Everything posted by borate

  1. You're on the right track, and it pains me to be a pest ... but the freeze/jump-frame transition bug is still evident. Just tested. Please see http://hevanet.com/hb/freeze.mov for an earlier test. Woman freezes on first dissolve; scene freezes and jumps on the second. Often, the first transition on the timeline is good, the others - iffy. Working on it?
  2. borate

    VideoPad 3.22?

    There's a BETA 3.02; perhaps that's what you have seen.
  3. Don't know that this will help, or that it duplicates exactly what you were attempting, but I saved your image as a .jpg and resized it to 1920X1080. It was dragged to the VP 3.01 timeline and extended to :30, with music, then exported as a 1920X1080p AVI. Here's the result, which doesn't appear to be cut off. And here are the specs...
  4. A shame that you perceive it that way; many folks aren't as knowledgeable as you and might appreciate the suggestion. I'll take pains not to disturb you in the future.
  5. Tested 3.01 here with a DVD/RW disk. It successfully saved a one-minute movie comprised of two clips, though the process did throw an error at the conclusion of "finalizing." Plays on both the PC's DVD drive and on a free-standing DVD player - which it likely would not if the disk were not finalized. Videopad caused that to happen automatically; I see no user input for that process.
  6. Routinely use FILE|SAVE PROJECT and FILE|BACK UP FILES TO FOLDER. That won't prevent the problem, but it could help lower your blood pressure.
  7. Forgive the hijacking of the thread, but as you are the very first developer that I have run across here, please consider giving priority to fixing the transition freeze/jump problem in 3.0 that has been voiced many times in this forum and via your support e-mail channels. And do drop by often. Gracias.
  8. No such restriction that I am aware of in 3.0. In the SAVE dialog box click the small arrow to the right of the word "custom" and selected the desired format. Just tested an HD file - the original compared with the same video saved from VP, after being added to the timeline. To my eye the results were comparable.
  9. Be more specific, please. Does the AVI show up as black in the media area after import, on the timeline, or at output when you save the file? No problem with AVIs here, using both 2.41 and 3.0. However, since AVI is a "container" it is conceivable that you lack the codec to play the files contained therein. Do they play in WMPlayer? Check out what Wikipedia has to say about AVI.
  10. Is funtionality restored when you revert to the original version, prior to updates? What specific updates were made? Is disk space sufficient? Try saving a portion of the production - say one-hour - then clear the timeline and load what you saved as clip. Now load the balance of the material. File a report, stressing that you paid for the program. Perhaps, even in lieu of purchasing a support package, that will stir the tech troops to respond. http://tinyurl.com/cmukjkc
  11. I cannot comment on version 2.12, but with 3.0 text can be overlayed easily. After creating the text and dragging it to the timeline, just above the video you want to watermark, right-click the text file and choose "current effect properties" and click the small arrow to the right of "auto levels." Choose OPACITY and run it down to about 25%. Close. There's your watermark. The opacity setting may work with the PNG as an overlay as well. If there is an opacity setting in 2.12, test it. 3.0/3.01 is available for install as a trial at the NCH WEB site.
  12. Right-click menu|UNLINK AUDIO
  13. It's unclear exactly where/what "small green" line you see. Can you be more specific? There is no UI I'm aware of that changes the look of Videopad.
  14. Using 3.0, and not seeing that here. Tested import of four video files of varying formats all at once - and separately, one after another. Also tested two still images. All of them appeared in the media lists. Be sure to look under the correct tab: SEQUENCES - VIDEO FILES- AUDIO FILES - IMAGES.
  15. As 3.02 is beta (a test version), it should not be relied upon. Perhaps the current 3.0 release will do better... http://tinyurl.com/aenrvff It might be prudent to first save your project before uninstalling/installing.
  16. Not totally clear on what you have, but here are two procedures worth a thought... Select specific scenes, then SEQUENCE|COPY. Park the cursor where you want it on the timeline and SEQUENCE|PASTE, to insert. Or select specific scenes. Copy them. Then SEQUENCE|NEW SEQUENCE and paste the scenes you copied to the timeline. FILE|SAVE MOVIE. Insert those saved scenes into another sequence as an independent clip. Very unlikely, IMO.
  17. You tried clicking on FILE|REGISTER SOFTWARE?
  18. When I open a project from which files have been removed a prompt appears that shows the path and file name of the missing file. This in 3.0. You can also open the .vpj file with a text editor. The result will be messy, but buried in the text there may be helpful clues.
  19. It appears that there is an odd transition at the head, which may be the problem. Still, try a right-click on the unwanted area, then "delete selected clip." Or right-click, "close gap."
  20. An audio crossfade might best be achieved by splitting and overlapping the two tracks, adding a fade out to the first and a fade in to the second.
  21. VP 3 has a real problem with transitions... I have trimmed clips in the preview window and added them at a split or to the end. Transitions often jump and/or freeze. Altering the transition point lby sliding video left or right on the timeline doesn't usually fix it. These clips had plenty of additional video at both head and tail. No other of a half-dozen of so reasonably comparable editors that I have tested burps at transitions, which is a make/break bug IMO. I have registered another NCH product and would purchase VP 3 if not for this bug. 2.41 performs better, but I have occasionally seen the fault there as well. Repeated attempts to communicate with NCH support and marketing have failed. They do not participate in the community forums.
  22. After selecting the overlay, click the small arrow to the right of "effects." From the drop-down list choose "motion." Each setting (X, Y, rotation, scale) has a green X next to it. Click the appropriate X and, to the right, a box with a blue line appears. Click on that line to set points (dots) in the time line for this overlay. Drag various sections of that line - clicking first on a point/s that you created - to create the desired trajectory. Or simply use the sliders in the main box for an overall effect. See the result by clicking the PLAY button below.
  23. When you FILE|SAVE PROJECT to a small .vpj file you are saving only the pointers to the files that were used in that project so you can return to make further edits. Clicking on a .vpj should open Videopad, right where you left off when the project was saved - provided that you have not moved the source files. To save the actual production use FILE|SAVE EXPORT VIDEO. Then make your choice of where and how you want the finalized masterpiece to be stored.
  24. Overlay is simply an additional video field in 3.0/.01 - just above video track 1. As you drag your overlay clip down from the "media" area you will see a prompt that reads "drop your clips here to overlay." The overlay will become video track #2.
  25. borate

    Pan in 2.41?

    Thanks Nat, I've always thought of "pan" as any horizontal movement, and "scroll" as vertical. But technically you're probably more accurate. I was able to enter screen-left and exit screen-right using just the ZOOM feature...after I changed 2.41 compatibility to Windows XP- (SP3). Prior to that, repositioning the IN positioners repeatedly crashed the program. Related, I have been attempting to mask a clip, then chromakey that clip - having the masked portion reveal the background image. Seeing no "mask" option, I managed to loosely mask via a chromakey, then saved that clip as an avi to be used as the chromakey overlay. Didn't work well. My knowledge, and perhaps Videopad's capabilities, are being stretched a bit far here. Someone competent could likely manage it. But AVID, Final Cut or Lightworks would help.
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