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Everything posted by borate

  1. You may achieve better results if you produce the project in VP as a file to the hard drive, then burn it to DVD with another program.
  2. Can't say with certainty that the vintage/capabilities of your PC are causing the problem, but you might be better served by VP version 2.41. It's available here. Worth a try.
  3. See this link to a PDF file. Not really. Two different classes of editors - note the price differences.
  4. One suggestion would be to place the master camera on video track 2, and the syncronized second camera on video track 1, knowing that video track 2 will override track 1. At the points where you want track 1 to be seen, make IN/OUT splits on track two and remove just that portion of the video - leaving a gap. Another approach would be to make the IN/OUT splits and drop the opacity for the track 2 clip to zero, which would allow track 1 to be seen during that clip. Check out this discussion, which also delves into the nuances of crossfades.
  5. Your system specs? Download and install the latest video driver from the chip or card manufacturer's WEBsite Install the latest Videopad version from http://www.nchsoftwa...opad/index.html
  6. Your system specs? Download and install the latest video driver from the chip or card manufacturer's WEBsite Install the latest Videopad version from http://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/index.html
  7. To a degree, you can accomplish this by using two effects: pixelate and motion (scale). On the second video (overlay) track place the effected image directly over the track one image that you want to obscure.
  8. borate

    3.04 goes nuts!

    Played an eight-minute sequence in 3.04 and could not duplicate the problem you cited; these clips stopped at the end of play.
  9. borate

    3.05 beta?

    It doesn't. It is 3.04. ??
  10. What file type did you upload? YouTube supports these... .MOV .MPEG4 .AVI .WMV .MPEGPS .FLV 3GPP WebM You might try a different format.
  11. Seems to work this way... The selected clip that has focus is dark blue while other selected clips are pale blue. To DEselect a single clip hold down <shift> and click on it. It turns silver. Click in an open area - not on the timeline - to deselect all clips.
  12. Looking at it another way, can you use an alternative encoder on your I-Phone? Likely not.
  13. Put one on a server and list the URL here, if possible. Someone will test it. It is probable that your new machine doesn't have the required codec. MOV is a container. Different encoders within that wrapper produce different results. I have two .mov files of identical material here, made with different encoders; one plays in VP 3.04, the other delivers audio only. First suggestion would be to convert the file to another format and test it again.
  14. What type of files (their extension) are they?
  15. Position the marker red line at the beginning of the portion to be cut and click the SPLIT icon (the scissors). Position the marker red line at the end of the portion to be cut and click the SPLIT icon. Right click on the segment that is to be cut and click "delete selected clip." Basics are reviewed .
  16. Splendid! Please don't forget to visit the DVD production failures.. Either errors (though the task is completed) or total failure have been reported by several users.
  17. The sole NCH employee who occasionally comments here has indicated that developers are aware of this and other oft-cited problems. No target date for fixes has been mentioned. 3.04 is beta.
  18. borate


    As you have discovered, 2x versions won't install to Windows 8, but that O/S isn't the problem; VP is. Workaround suggestions can be found here.
  19. Does appear to. It may be easiest to use the zoom slider at the left-bottom of the window - to expand the timeline. Then you can < > frame-by-frame, until you pinpoint the exact spot.
  20. An alternative would be to produce to the hard disk - testing different formats - to determine suitable quality vs. file size. Then use another burning application to create the DVD.
  21. borate


    An HDMI OUTput would be used to connect a camera to a TV that has an HDMI INput. A single cable is all that's required, instead of separate video and audio wires. As for a PC that has HDMI OUT, a friend streams NetFlix that way because his isn't a "Smart" Internet TV. So, via HDMI, he connects his PC to the TV and watches the flix on a big screen.
  22. It's unclear what the video shows; doesn't appear to be VP, but rather various apps loaded from the Desktop. Specs for your machine? Consider installing the latest video driver from the chip or card manufacturer's WEBsite.
  23. Very easy. Select clip #2. Instead of clicking on the line between the clips, drag the second clip to the right. Then right-click on the gap and CLOSE GAP, or drag clip two to the left. Look here.
  24. You're missing something.^ NCI pushes a suite of tools, as you may have noted from the numerous shell extensions (right-click menu items) and shortcuts that they load when VP is installed - a marketing practice that some may find annoying. Right-click the audio clip (in the media area, not on the timeline) and click "edit outside of VP." That will open Wavepad, where you can choose STEREO PAN from the EFFECTS menu. Beware when saving! You're dealing with the audio clip file that you imported to VP. Changes will overwrite that file. Use a dupe file for the source, to protect the original.
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