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Everything posted by borate

  1. One approach would be to have each camera's full video on its own track. Higher tracks take precedence over lower tracks, so the camera that's on track 2 will be seen. On track 2, split and delete the parts that you don't want visible. Those are the areas where track 1 will be visible. If there are dupe audio tracks, mute one of them.
  2. Check your program files (86) folder, if the old PC is available. Here the path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\VideoPad" The latest version is 4.40.
  3. Also, make sure that you're trimming/splitting incrementally - step-by-step. As an example: here, two adjacent clips each had brief unwanted content. First, a split was made to the earlier clip at the point where the unwanted content began. The material between that new split and the existing start of the next clip was selected and CUT. Then a split was made to the second clip at the point its desired content began. The material between the end of the earlier clip and this new split was selected and CUT. The sequence was played to verify that that there was no "garbage" or hole at the juncture of the two clips. Finally a transition was added. It should be the final step. <ctrl-Z> is the same as EDIT|UNDO - a quick way to redo mistakes.
  4. Your method does seem to fail. Here's another approach that succeeds here... 1. Select the desired audio files 2. Click the FX button at the bottom-left of any audio clip 3. Click the AMPLIFY effect 4. Make your adjustment 5. Click the APPLY TO ALL green icon on the effects window toolbar
  5. You might fiddle with chroma (green screen) keying and the transparency effect, to soften the border.
  6. Download the file, then open it. The version # will be shown. Don't install (unless you want to), just exit out.
  7. Right-click the audio in the sequence and SAVE AUDIO AS NEW FILE. Then replace the original with that file and see if there's a difference. Or, simply right-click and UNLINK AUDIO, then slip the audio file until it's in sync.
  8. For best response, it's wise to start a new thread, instead of tacking onto one from three years ago. But since we're here, check this out. Type "upside" in the PDF file search box that appears. Perhaps an easy fix would be changing the ZOOM vertical orientation setting??
  9. borate

    Effect masking

    Check out. NCH documentation reads: "Program versions are updated regularly and your serial number purchased is valid for the version available for download at that time, and new releases for 6 months after. We suggest rolling back to your previous version via your backup. Anything outside this time frame requires an upgrade - see www.nch.com.au/upgrade"
  10. Shouldn't be. Did you allow "building preview" to complete? What format was used for export? Using a licensed version here, TINT/BLUR-SHARPEN applied to one clip and MOTION BLUE/HUE applied to another were accurately reflected in the produced Mp4 file.
  11. borate


    That's correct. The / lets you select the FADE IN for the first clip in a sequence. The X at the end of each clip is for the transition to the next clip. FADE will fade to black from the last clip. A box is available to alter DURATION if the X is clicked again, but it doesn't mention "frames."
  12. Appears to be reasonably consistent here, though it misses a clip on occasion and can take a moment or two to render changes. Close the effects box. Select all the desired cuts. After FX in the clip on the time line is clicked and an effect chosen, the APPLY TO ALL box icon should light. In removing effects, do the same; the icon won't light until the X (to remove the effect) is clicked.
  13. borate


    In the latest release there is no FADE effect. Precisely, list steps you take to see it. There is a FADE transition. Duration can be changed In the box that lists transitions. To see that box, click on the X at the end of a clip. There is no reference to "frames" that I can spot in 4.33. What version are you using?
  14. In the interim, split the desired export section at head and end, then select all clips in that area. Right-click and COPY. Click the + tab to the right of the word SEQUENCE (to the left and above the timeline), to add a new sequence. Right-click and PASTE. Export THAT sequence.
  15. Your screenshot didn't post. Click on the SEQUENCE tab above the media files box (top-left) and then click on the sequence itself. Under the preview window, drag the red [ bracket all the way to the left. Drag the blue ] bracket all the way to the right. If the brackets aren't showing click the <--> small, square icon. Also click the [ ] icon to its right to see what that does.
  16. Ye of little faith. Test results here with three contiguous clips... 1. Selected all audio tracks 2. Clicked an audio FX icon 3. Click the green + and chose the ECHO effect 4. Clicked the APPLY TO ALL icon. And so it was. To delete the effect on all clips simultaneously... 1. Selected all audio tracks 2. Clicked an audio track FX icon 3. Clicked the X just to the right of the word ECHO 4. Clicked the APPLY TO ALL icon The effect was removed from all selected clips. Same method succeeded when ECHO and CHORUS were stacked - removing one (subtracting) left the other intact.
  17. Aresby's query on applying an AUDIO effect to multiple clips works just as described... Select a clip, press <ctrl-A> to select all, choose an effect and this appears... Click APPLY TO ALL. Here, tests with echo, flanger and chorus confirm that the effect was applied instantly to three contiguous clips . However, this doesn't succeed with every video effect (does with the mirror effect), despite all clips being selected and being presented with the same dialog box.
  18. Your hope is fulfilled... Select (highlight) a single track, then press <ctrl-A> and all will be selected. Apply an effect and it will prompt "apply to one" or "apply to all."
  19. Higher tracks always take precedence. Thus the opacity (transparency) of track 2 determines whether track one is visible, and by how much. Use the TRANSPARENCY effect on the higher track (track 2 in this example) to plot keyframes. Here's how the effects window might look for a crossfade from track 1 being fully visible to track 2 being fully visible - then back again. The track two effects window, below, starts at 0 opacity, ramps to 100%, then returns to 0 at the end. So this is one method to crossfade between tracks. The result. Transitions were designed for contiguous clips on the same track. Further, clips may not have video available to span the duration of a transition, whether contiguous or on separate tracks. In your case, if there is content available beyond the boundaries of the desired video, an overlap can be created by extending the FROM clip track at its tail and the TO clip track at its head. For a one-second transition that overlap should be one-second. Then keyframe TRANSITION effects for each track: ramp down the FROM track and ramp up the TO track simultaneously.
  20. Track two overlays track one; three overlays two, etc. Just drag the clip to the area above the existing track, or right-click and "place on overlay track at cursor."
  21. In your image we see the MAIN sequence. What method did you use, precisely, to isolate the 20 second portion of that sequence - leaving a shaded area to either side?
  22. If you click the SEQUENCE tab above the preview window you will see both background video and effects. To avoid toggling, open OPTIONS and check the "show dual preview" box. Best of both worlds. You can then apply effects with the sliders in the effects box, or by manipulating the image directly in the preview window.
  23. Try the latest. You can always revert. Read this first.
  24. I can't speak for 3.85, but what's seen in 4.33 is shown below. These clips were recorded at normal, full level. Of course, if audio is low then the track display will reflect that. There are five dots on the white line between the video and audio tracks. To make the audio tracks taller, place the pointer there, hold down the left mouse button and drag the window up.
  25. Tested here with these settings, and stats on the file that was produced. Looked good.
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