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Everything posted by borate

  1. Please see this thread. Succeeded here in the wee hours (PDT). YT may do a reset each day, allowing more direct uploads.
  2. Great advice from Nat. Here's how to build an 8-screen split where the same clip is appears on both sides of each quadrant. Separate clips could be used instead. 1. Load four clips 2. Drop clip one onto the sequence 3. Add the A-side split effect 4. Add a motion effect with scale at .50, base X at -50, base Y at -50 5. Save the effect (fourth icon from the left on the effects toolbar) and name it 6. Overlay the same clip on track two, immediately above track one 7. Apply the saved effect (It's your custom effect icon - scroll the effects list to the bottom to locate it) 8. Click the B-side split Overlay clip two onto the sequence and apply the saved effect Set base X at -50, base Y at 50 Overlay clip two onto the sequence again and apply the saved effect Set base X at -50, base Y at 50 and apply the B-side split Overlay clip three onto the sequence and apply the saved effect Set base X at 50, base Y at 50 Overlay clip three onto the sequence again and apply the saved effect Set base X at 50, base Y at 50 and apply the B-side split Overlay clip four onto the sequence and apply the saved effect Set base X at 50, base Y at -50 Overlay clip four on the sequence again and apply the saved effect Set base X at 50, base Y at -50 and apply the B-side split All clips should be the same aspect ratio or alignment/cropping issues could result.
  3. The developers are working on intermittent YouTube direct upload issues. Sometimes it succeeds, at others it does not. Seems to work better in the middle of the night. The alternative, though more time consuming, is to export in a YT-approved format, then use their uploader. A Google Drive upload was successful here, using VP beta version 8.28. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. If you test the beta, retain your old install file and registration info. File a report by clicking the chevron at the top-right of the Videopad interface.
  4. Patch the mixer into the PC (LINE input). Videopad can record from it directly, outputting a WAV file. The RECORD button appears under the HOME and AUDIO menu tabs. Record volume will depend upon PC output loudness. Best to have it peak only occasionally in the red. But the WAV file can be adjusted later via audio effects.
  5. Is the volume normal when double-clicking the file in the BIN, but low when placed onto the sequence? Verify that the volume slider is all the way to the right... If that's not the problem, test the latest version. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info. Still low? Share a file or two that does this. It's easy and takes but a minute. Upload the file to a free server, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive. Share the file (make it public) and copy the shared link. Post that link here so others can access it.
  6. Here's the latest beta Give it a try. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info. If the problem isn't solved, try AVI export instead of Mp4. If STILL no joy, please upload and share your work so someone here can analyse the project. It's easy, takes but a few minutes and can be private... Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material link it in a personal message (PM). Click the envelope above. It won't be passed on or retained. Use FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  7. It's not related to your email, but a possible traffic load issue between VP and Youtube. Occasionally, it causes what you are seeing. But there's an easy way around it. Simply export your video in any YT-approved format, then use their uploader. This should tell you all you need to know... https://tinyurl.com/w9rntt9
  8. As long as you SAVEd the PROJECT FILE and didn't move any source files, nothing should be lost. Install the current release and try again. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info. If audio is still missing please upload and share the project. Someone will help solve the issue. The process isn't difficult and can be private. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material link it in a personal message (PM). Click the envelope above. It won't be passed on or retained. Use FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  9. You loading a file into Videopad - or using WAVEpad? If the former, try a right-click on the audio file and Edit in Wavepad. At the bottom of the WP window, choose MONO. X out of the app and it should replace your Videopad file. If there's no Edit In Wavepad choice via a right-click just open your saved file in that app, make the MONO change, then import into Videopad.
  10. borate

    Steam Bug

    Judging by "release date 2016" on the Steam page, they are vending a very old version. Perhaps you can get a refund, then go here to purchase or install a trial version that has reduced functionality..
  11. 8.23 handles it the same. The cause appears to be the A/V file's six channels of audio. Mp3 conversion reduces it to two. Good workaround. The issue has been reported.
  12. The latest is 8.23. If you licensed 7.39 it's very likely that a fee will be required to license 8.23, but it can be used on a trial basis with some features disabled. Please upload the MTS for checking here. Thanks.
  13. Strange. What Videopad version? Clear Unused Cache Files, under OPTIONS | DISK tab. If no go, save your project, then install the latest. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info. Still no joy? Please upload and share a file that does this. It's easy, takes only seconds. Upload the MTS to Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, etc. Copy (share) the URL and paste it into your post here.
  14. Esto parece ser una restricción de YouTube. Es fácil de superar. Simplemente exporte en un formato aprobado por YT, como Mp4, y luego use su cargador para obtenerlo desde el PC. http://nch.invisionzone.com/forum/165-videopad/ https://tinyurl.com/tt7j82w
  15. Your query was passed along a week ago. A Spanish speaker should have been in touch. If not, try https://www.nch.com.au/support/regcontact.html
  16. Your suggestions are already in the hands of the audio developers. There's a suggestion/bug form available by clicking the chevron at the top-right of the window. If a right-click | FADE IN is applied it will indeed ramp up from zero. Set your own by plotting the desired slope. The second toolbar button from the left opens a SAVE window. Give it a name. The custom effect appears at the bottom of the audio effect window to be chosen just like any other. In this example, gain starts at 75% and quickly increases to 100%. Make an audio split (a marker, in essence), using K on the keyboard, followed by an audio track double-click. The preview cursor is at the start of the clip and the gain is 100%. The blue line can be dragged to animate, using keyframes. Record_2020_04_06_14_08_45_89.mp4
  17. The suggestion was to add global effects - those that run throughout the project - after Sequence 1 was dropped into a blank Sequence 2 - not after exporting. Hopefully, that would help lessen the load. Then again it might not. Thereafter, Sequence two - a composite - would be exported in segments to be later assembled, per earlier instructions. Another load lightener might be to purge unused bin files, so they aren't included in the portable package. About the only suggestion remaining is to test an export of the final using AVI format, 2K. Won't hurt. Might fail. You can run it while you sleep.^_^ As far as final efforts for you here, uploading the portable project folder is most helpful, after adding all effects. Right-click on it and click PROPERTIES to see the file size. That size, and likely more for overhead, will be the free space needed on the server. If the portable project folder is too big, perhaps you can zip and upload the files that the folder contains in chunks that the server can handle - one at a time - to be verified as received in full here. There is no 64-bit beta. Expect 2K, 4K to be handled better when the 64-bit comes to fruition. While recent versions are much improved, the influx of those files imposes heavy demands.
  18. While there is no stated limit, IMO there's a practical limit with lengthy projects that utilize very high-def files. Echoing the linked instructions above, please do this with the completed project on the timeline... Click the 'hamburger' 3-lined menu at the top-left of the VP window and click FILE. In the drop-down that appears click SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Not Save Project, but PORTABLE project. Once the numbered folder is saved to the PC (likely to the DOWNLOADS folder), right-click on it and click PROPERTIES. What is the file size shown? An example...
  19. If you haven't yet tried the two suggested methods outlined earlier perhaps you should. Again, 2K export tends to work well and look great. File a suggestion or bug. Click the chevron at the top-right of the VP window for the drop-down menu. The devs do read the comments. If ever you get sufficient server space to upload your portable project folder or a portion thereof we'll be interested in testing. Best of luck!
  20. If you exported the project as an Mp4, it should be a playable file in any media viewer, such as Windows Media Player. If the export is loaded back into Videopad it will be a single clip. None of the individual clips, effects, transitions will be there. They have been composited into a file. To load the actual project, double-click the VPJ file that is created when the project is saved. It's best to regularly Save AS, so as to not overwrite earlier saves. To see that choice click the chevron to the right of the SAVE button on the toolbar, or use the File menu that's accessed via the three-lined hamburger button at the top-left of the VP screen. The VPJ file is not playable - it's an instruction file that tells the program where to find the files and how to handle them. If you'd like someone to review your work please share it. NOT the mp4 export, but the project itself. Here's how. It's easy, quick and can be private. http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material link it in a personal message (PM). Click the envelope above. It won't be passed on or retained. Use FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  21. Install the latest and try again. There's no logical reason for those limitations. What is the resolution of most source clips? How long is the project. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info. For both Ryan and Boon, if still no joy, share your project and someone will take a look. It's not difficult, takes but a few minutes and can be private. Just closely follow the steps listed here... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material link it in a personal message (PM). Click the envelope above. It won't be passed on or retained. Use FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  22. Looks like fun! Inspect your 4K export carefully for early termination or missing elements. Good luck.
  23. No, your link still responds with "Ooops, something went wrong." Without seeing the project, or the portion that has the overlay problem you describe, it's tough to say what is going on. Upload and share an example if possible. Higher tracks override lower tracks, as you know. If a 70% scaled clip is on a lower track and a 40% scaled clip is on the next higher track, the 40 will overlay the 70 - picture in picture - as in the example below where track 1 is a color background, 2 is wildlife and 3 is the pooch. The recommendations for 4K export mentioned earlier may succeed. They have here. But 2K output will give less grief and look sharp on YouTube and most any PC. Again, IMO, you may be bumping the current limits of VP memory with long, 4K material. AFAIK, there's no timeline, but a 64-bit version is on the burner.
  24. Dual preview allows monitoring of the clip and the sequence simultaneously. There are two ways to increase vertical size of the audio track - provided there aren't multiple tracks... Click the chevron at the far-left of the track. And click the AUDIO menu tab above the toolbar.
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