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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi I personally haven't tried using VP to load an A/D converter output directly but doesn't one normally use the device like Vidbox via a conversion suite program to create a digital copy (.avi) on computer first? This should then load to VP with no trouble. Nat
  2. Hi Borate and MarcDL " I can't see this + sign. There used to be "Sequence +" at one time but that's no longer there (it seems). That's why I used the Sequence tab on the top toolbar followed by Add. However, you have given me another thought on how MarcDL can do this....I think it might be even simpler. Put the film copy on Video Track1 Use the Split option as you suggest to isolate a particular topic section and then drag it up to Video Track 2. If any section has a different topic , drag it up to the next higher Video Track. and so on; working along the main film copy closing the gap in the upper track each time, or joining them up as they are added. In this way each higher video track will have a different topic. e.g. Topic1 on Track1, Topic2 on Track2 and so on. Save the Project at this point. Now export each track in turn with a suitable name as follows.......... Delete all the tracks apart from Track1.(Click the space at the left end of the track concerned and select the Delete option from the menu.) Having deleted the unwanted tracks, export the project. At this point it will be just Video Track1 containing Topic 1. Use a suitable name. Now Reload the project. Delete all the tracks again apart from Track 2. Export Track 2 (i.e. Topic2) Again use a suitable name. Reload the project Continue like this until all the individual Tracks (i.e. Topics) have been exported with their own name. Now you can reload them individually at your leisure for subsequent editing. Nat
  3. Hi Try this. It should enable you to isolate the sections you want but requires a bit of work at the outset. It may not be what you want but give it a try.. Open VP, Click Add files select your film copy and drag it to the timeline. With the timeline selected go into Clip Preview. Play or move the preview cursor to the start of the first section of interest and click the Red Start button. Play the preview (or move the preview cursor line) to the end of the section of interest and click the Blue End button. This will now isolate the first section of interest that is on the timeline. Click the Sequence tab on the top toolbar Click New. this will create a sequence of your selected portion and clear the timeline. VP will return to the Video Files clip bin Click the Sequences bin tab and then select Sequence 1 which is the sequence you just made. Right click the sequence and then rename it with a suitable title. e.g. Topic1(1) You can now return to the Video File bin, drag your film copy down to the timeline and repeat the procedure with a new section of the film copy. You should be able to see now that as you work your way through your copy, you will have created your different topics isolated in the Sequence bin with suitable labels/titles.e.g. ....Topic1(1) ..... Topic1 (2) ...Topic.1(3) ..............Topic2(1) Topic2(2) etc. Once you have been through your original film you can "Save your Project as" with a suitable name. Now empty the timeline, open the sequence bin and load all the related sequences back to create a new timeline. OK, Now you have one of your topics all together. The main problem is that although the sound is present there is no soundtrack visible. If you require to edit the sound then it might be best at this point to "Save your Project as" again, this time with a different name again in case of problems and then export it to your PC.(as MPEG4/avi etc) When this is loaded back it will have the soundtrack and can be edited properly as with any video. Offhand I haven't fathomed out a way of using extra named Folders in a clip bin as it seems impossible to simply drag and drop clips to them as one does with Windows files. Anyway I hope this helps Nat
  4. Hi Try loading your project and then clearing the cache of unused files, under Tools/Options/Disk. The other thing that may help is to reduce the size (resolution) of the display under Tools/Options/Display. Try the smallest first...512 x 288 and see if that makes any difference. (Tools is in the menu on the green tab top left of the screen.) If you have a higher setting it may take a few seconds to effect the changes. Nat
  5. Hi I looked again very closely at the test export I made here. and Cam 1 shows an almost imperceptible jitter. It's hardly noticeable I have to say. and overall the export is excellent. But I have an idea regarding this. The camera used is in a different place in in the room. How solid is the floor in the recording area? I have a similar video I made with two cameras (no zooms though) where the movement I made playing my violin caused the second camera tripod to "bounce" very slightly on the wooden floor. I notice the thing here is present even when Cam 1 doesn't zoom making me think it's the artist perhaps tapping a foot or something; his right leg does move... In fact looking at the unedited Cam 1 clip there is a definite judder near the start when he sits down.This is edited out of the finished film. BTW I had hardware acceleration ticked for this test export. Nat
  6. HI Well, I couldn't preview either clip directly from the dropbox site and had to download it. (Might be a Firefox setting possibly). Nevertheless, I have just carefully reviewed the exported MPEG4 with the High quality setting mentioned and confirm that it was in synch smooth and without any jitters. Nat
  7. Hi It took some time to download your files and a long time to cache and export but I found the image clear; the cuts, dissolves and zooms pans etc. smooth with no jitter. The main problem here was that the sound was way out of synch.. Exported as as a 1920 x 1080 avi. The playback of the sequence within VP was very stop/start though with frequent "Building preview" warnings. I don't tend to get that with my videos during editing but suspect it might be my PC. I'll try another export with different settings......... Later.. Exported perfectly (and much faster) as lower quality mpeg4 1920 x 1080 29.9 fps with constant frame rate ticked. Exported perfectly as high quality mpeg4 1920 x 1080 29.9 fps with constant frame rate ticked. Both playing in VLC Nat
  8. Hi If your intro and couple of sound effects are always the same then you could also export it and then save onto a USB key (or similar flash drive). Each time you have a new project on the go and want to add your opening, slip the USB key into your PC and VP will prompt for you to add the file to your current project. Say yes and then drop it from the clip bin to the start of your timeline or use the Place option in the clip preview window. Nat
  9. Hi From your screendump it seems that there is version difference from the cache point of view. Your files are simply stored in the Temp folder and not all together in a named VideoPadCache folder WITHIN the Temp folder. There have been a few changes in the way the cache works and I think this was the case in program versions before 6.xxx. Your cache files must then be VideoPad-18204-1 and VideoPad-18204-2. Open these and take a look. You will probably find they are not in the same format as found in VP6.01, as I think they contained both image copies, thumbnail copies and data files for each clip and each had a date attached. That makes things a little more difficult but doesn't solve your problem. What if you used a conversion program like Prism to convert the MOVs to Mpegs and loaded those? Nat
  10. T Hi Under Options/Disk you should see the address of the cache file on your PC. It will be something like... C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Temp\VideoPadCache. Navigate there and simply open the folder. There should be a list of files...... e.g. This is the state of the cache when two MPEG4 clips are on the timeline. (Starting from an empty cache) There are 10 clips...0 - 9. You should be able to count them or right click the folder and look at its Properties where the number of files is shown. Nat
  11. Hi Once you have created an effect (eg. Pan with Zoom) you can preview the clip and check how it looks and alter it if required. In some cases you might want to use exactly the same effect on another clip. This would mean starting the process again with the new clip. VP however has a feature "Save effect as a chain template" ... the button on the effects window resembling an old blue cassette disc....that will save the effect that you created and place it into the Template section of the list of effects. Here you can select it like all the regular effects and apply it to any other clip. eg Click the FX tab on the clip Click the Green Cross at the top of the Effects pane. Click Pan and Zoom. Note that Pan and Zoom do not require keyframes and these are inactive. Adjust the rectangle in the preview pane to outline the area required for the Start position and click the Select start frame button. Click Select end frame button. The rectangle centres in the frame Adjust the rectangle to show the final position and size of the Pan and Zoom . Click Preview effect to activate the preview pane and play the clip to check the effect. Reclick the box to change the rectangles if required. Having now created your effect you can save it ........ In the Effects pane click the Blue cassette button (Save as effect chain template) Type in a name for your effect e.g. "TESTPNZM" and then click the Save button. To use the template. Close the effects window and select a different clip. Click the FX tab for the new clip Click the green cross at the top of the Effects pane. Scroll down the list of effects and under Templates you will see your new Pan and Zoom effect (TESTPNZM) Select this in the normal way. To remove or rename the new template..... Click the FX tab on any clip or the Video Effects tab on the toolbar Click the "Eraser" button to the right of Blue cassette ..."Edit effect chain template" Select the template from the list and then either select to Delete it or Rename it. Further.....The Pan and Zoom effect both placed direct and from a template export work just fine with VP 6.01 here . Nat
  12. Hi Without seeing an example clip or an image , It seems you are experiencing a similar problem to that reported at the end of 2017 following an upgrade.(Fuzzy results with false color fringes on exports direct to UTube .) A fix was made for this in both Mac and Windows versions. Have you checked out the links I posted to the other relevant forum entries ? (There were two threads running at the time; one has an example video.) There have been a lot of changes to VP since v.5.2........ Nat
  13. Hi An earlier version of VP had an output problem where the result looked like 3D. with colored fringes. This was quickly reported and corrected. May not be what you are getting though. A image might help. What version are you using? Nat
  14. Hi As an experiment and if you still have clips without the green band and there are no effects/titles/text/transitions etc....just all the clips in the clip bin and on the timeline... Start with a New project (A Blank VP GUI) Clear the cache. Load your project. Leave it to re-cache......Provided all the clips are now on the timeline Count the clips in the clip bin. Count the files now in the cache. For every clip there should be 5 files in the cache. e.g. I have loaded 5 MPEG4 clips to the clip bin and placed them on the timeline. I have 25 files in the Cache. Nat
  15. Hi In the original image you posted you did not appear to have added any effects. So this may not be your problem..(motion effect bug or not.) The motion effect is a specific effect you can add to a clip to make it move around the frame...usually applied to text or images used as overlays on Video track 2 and higher). C-Major wrote.."I've found this is actually a bug. Clips with Motion Effect applied will not get cached." The cache does seem to increment here when the Position effect is applied... 2 files for each keyframe position set up. For a single MPEG4 clip on Video Track 1 with Position effect applied (Start-End) .. Cache has 8 files.Is this incorrect then? 0- 4 relate to just the clip on the timeline. 5-6 relate to Keyframe position 1 and 7-8 to keyframe position 2. Nat
  16. Hi again.. if you right click the clip in the clip bin you should see Rename among the options. Select this and enter the new name in box provided. The name of the clip will now be changed and be retained when the clip is added to the timeline. If you have already added the clip to the timeline it will update automatically. Nat
  17. Hi Have you had a look along the whole sequence track in Storyboard mode? Assuming we are seeing the whole 53 minutes in the screenwidth it does look like some of the divisions between the clips are a bit prominent. Might they be gaps? (Probably not but just a thought...) If so you will easily see them if you either zoom in close to the timeline or use storyboard mode when any will become visible. It's also obvious from the green bar in your image that not all the clips have been cached, also you don't have any transitions (The X turns blue in 6.01 if any are present). Clear the cache of unused clips and see if that helps things. BTW How many clips are we looking at? Nat
  18. Hi VP 6.01 (and 6.0) With your clip on the timeline...... Click the Add Text button on the toolbar The top of the choice list will show 5 options including "Scrolling Right to Left" In the following Text entry window select your Font, Text properties, Text position and justification from the options shown. Type your text into the area below the options Click enter and close the window. VP will create a text image in the image bin and place this on the overlay track. The text you entered will play over the video on Video Track 1 If you don't see these options then simply use Add text. There will be options to scroll it various ways. If THESE options are not seen then add the text image you create to Video Track 2 (the overlay track) click the FX button and apply the Position effect using keyframes to position and move it in the desired direction. If you still can't make your text move using this method then come back here and someone will explain the moves. Nat
  19. Hi Borate That fixed it! Starts up OK. Thanks. Nat
  20. Hi Unlink the audio track. If you now Zoom into the timeline using the slider at the lower right, or by using the mouse scroll wheel you can grab the soundtrack and make small adjustments to its position. If you are not zoomed in enough the soundtrack may jump back to its original position. Nat
  21. Hi Borate Done both of these. On clicking the desktop shortcut, VP still opens and loads an old project straight off. The white window offering a choice of loading a project etc, doesn't come up at all. There is the yellow NCH Splash screen with VP version data but behind this is the loading project box. It's the "Flying Saucer" mask demo project. I'll see what happens when I put the .vpj file in the dustbin....... Well it loads just the empty VP main screen (after the Splash screen) but there is no white choice window. Same thing happens if the .vpj file is left alone and the image clip in the project is binned. (I don't get a "File missing" window in this case as one might expect if it was still trying to load the vpj file. (Does if I load the file manually) Perhaps v6.01 doesn't show a choice window on startup. No big hassle, just an observation. Nat
  22. Hi Just loaded VP 6.01 but on opening the program each time it immediately loads an old project. The usual opening page offering choices no longer appears. Is there a setting to prevent this? Nat
  23. HI If by phase you mean change the volume up and down then yes.... Right click the Audiotrack and from the menu select Fade in and enter the duration of the effect. Right click the Audio track again and select Fade out from the menu. Enter the duration required. Your Audio track should now fade in and out. It doesn't have to be unlinked from the Video track. For other sound effects the process is a little different. Click the FX button at the start of the Audio track and in the effects window that appears click the green cross and select the effect you require. Make adjustments to the effect (if required) and play the clip to monitor the sound. To the right of the window is a "graph" pane. This is for setting up the keyframes for the selected effect. Slide the red cursor line in this pane to the left which is the start of the clip or the point where you want the effect to start and then click the small green cross which will add the current effect to the cursor position and draw a line representing the effect. Now move the cursor line along to the position where the effect is to be changed and repeat the procedure. In this way you can have the effect vary along the timeline of the clip. Each keyframe is shown by a small square on the graph line (or lines as some effects may have several parameters) Note that these points can be adjusted manually and others added to the line simply by click and readjusting the position. The keyframe graph line might look something like this depending on how many keyframes you add.... When the track is played, the effect chosen will vary smoothly up and down from keyframe to keyframe. If the effect is not quite right you can reopen the effects window and adjust the or delete the particular keyframe, or, indeed, delete the effect altogether by clicking the white cross and choosing another more suitable effect. The same principle is used to "animate" effects with clips on the Video Tracks. Nat
  24. Hi Well if the Mac version of VP is similar to the PC version you should be able to clear the cache..basically a list and copies of all the clips etc. you have used with VP since the last clearance..... using Tools/Options/Disk/ In the past when I have wanted to monitor the cache I have simply created a shortcut to the indicated folder on the desktop. Nat
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