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Everything posted by nchBen

  1. I am confident that the freezing issue has been resolved across the board on all CPU architectures now. However, if anyone experiences cases of Uplink/Skype freezing - especially repeatable cases please let me know with as many details as possible. Ben
  2. There appears to be something odd happening when upgrading from an old version of Uplink. I will try to integrate a fix for it into the next release. Until then though, the fix mstelephone describes will work. Ben
  3. nchBen

    Drop outs

    Thanks Rhino, That is odd behaviour. I was expecting that you would have the same problem regardless of the source of the audio. The fact that it works with recorded files and CDs suggests that the problem lies in the stream. Can you please do one final test for me - try recording an internet stream from a source other than Pandora? Thanks, Ben
  4. Thanks John, I will look into this issue. I can't replicate this problem on any of my machines though, so if anyone else is experiencing this problem can you please let me know? Thanks, Ben
  5. nchBen

    Drop outs

    Hi Rhino, I have a few questions to help me track this issue down and find a solution: 1. When you get a break in a track does it start recording a new file or just put a blank section in your recording? 2. If you remove this blank section is there a jump in the track or does the audio match up perfectly? To clarify: if you remove a 2 second gap does it sound as though 2 seconds of audio is now missing? 3. Do you get this problem recording from any other audio sources such as windows media player? 4. Can you please run a test to see if the same issues occur recording from a CD? Thanks, Ben
  6. Hi John, The problem you are describing sounds as though the 6echo123 is not getting the 6 stripped from the front. Can you please check your Axon settings in the web control panel and look at the dialling plan you are using. Make sure that you are removing one digit from the front of the dialled number. If this doesn't work can you please send me the SIP trace from your Axon installation. You can access this by clicking on Axon --> View Logs from the menu. Send me a personal message (PM) and I will give you an address to send the trace to. You may also care to look through this file yourself. At the start of making a call you should see various INVITES, requests and ACKs from 6echo123@... Once Axon passes the call to Uplink this should change to echo123@... (without the 6 in front). Cheers, Ben
  7. Hi John, I'm not quite sure I understand the problem. When you dial 6echo123 into your SIP phone and press dial, what does Skype do? If things are operating correctly then Skype should start to make the call. If Skype is not making the call but the Uplink window indicates that it is receiving a call then the connection between Uplink and Skype needs to be reset - shutting down uplink and skype and restarting Uplink should do the trick. Cheers, Ben
  8. Thanks for the feedback. I will pass this on to our SIP expert to have a look. Ben
  9. nchBen

    Drop outs

    Yes. That wouldn't be nice. Luckily for you we don't release deliberately broken software to sell other products. As for the breaks in your recordings, this could be occurring due to a small break in the stream. Can you please reproduce the problem and take careful note of the messages being printed in the log window? Post those messages and I will be able to help you further. Ben
  10. Hi all, Uplink version 1.30 has just been released and is available for download from http://www.nch.com.au/skypetosip/ This version fixes a bug which was causing skype/uplink to hang on machines with dual core or hyperthreading CPUs. If you have been experiencing hanging problems then this version should fix them. This upgrade is free for users who have purchased a licence for previous versions of Uplink. As always, we have made our best efforts to test Uplink thoroughly. However, Uplink can behave differently on different machines and different software setups, so if you have a problem please let us know so we can continue to improve Uplink. Thanks, Ben
  11. Generally this problem occurs because the default system sound device has been set to Uplink. Open your sounds and audio devices settings from the control panel and make sure that your default sound recording and playback devices are set to you physical sound card and NOT the Uplink driver. Cheers, BJW
  12. True enough. Thanks for pointing it out. I will remove it before the next release
  13. There is one BIG difference between the demo version and the paid version. The demo version stops working after a period of 14 days. Posting a message on our community support forum recommending that no-one buy our product is *not* the best way to go about getting help. BJW
  14. Uplink will not work on windows 98 or below. You need a minimum of Windows2000, but XP is recommended
  15. I am working on it right now. Before 1.3 is released there is likely to be a small release to fix a few bugs for people running uplink on multi-threaded architectures (hyperthreading, dual-core etc). A bit hard to give you an exact time frame but I would say about one month. BJW
  16. Basically... - Fixed Skype hanging bug - Improved handling of Skype startup and shutdown - More efficient processing of Skype API messages - Fixed some general bugs to do with incorrectly ending calls - Fixed bug which prevented Uplink from automatically applying new settings without a restart Cheers, BJW
  17. Alright I'll have to investigate this further when I get back to work on Monday. I'm off for the weekend
  18. What does Skype do during this? Does it hang up first, or does it hang up after uplink? BJW
  19. Hmm... I've just tested all these scenarios and I have been able to call cell phones, normal phones etc for any length of time. Can you guys please give me a description of your set ups? Cheers, BJW
  20. Hi tpgames, SoundTap will record *any* sound which can be played on your computer. The issue you are experiencing is most likely to do with the order in which you are starting your applications. Shutdown everything first and then start SoundTap. Then start your audio application and start the stream. SoundTap should record fine. If not, then there is a problem with the set up of your sound devices. This can be fixed and is explained in the help files. If you still have problems then write back and let me know and I will help you get it working. Regards, BJW
  21. We are still working on a solution for DTMF. The Skype API does not expose DTMF data so we are coming up with a work around. Should be available in v1.3
  22. Hey all, Uplink v1.2 is expected to be released today or tomorrow. It is a far more stable product than previous releases and should solve most issues. Visit http://www.nch.com.au to try it out! Cheers, BJW
  23. An m3u file is a playlist. It simply tells your audio player which tracks to play and in what order. The little zero length mp3 files you are getting are probably system click noises (like button clicks) - SoundTap records anything that comes through the sound card. The 12 minute files are probably the tracks specified by the m3u playlist. The reason you may get more than one is there could have been an interruption to the stream. SoundTap starts a new file for every new stream it receives. If you would like to edit the files you have recorded to cut and join them, I would suggest using WavePad http://www.nch.com.au/wavepad/masters.html BW
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