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Everything posted by borate

  1. See if this helps. The export bug that you encountered will be fixed shortly. Older versions are available here.
  2. Upload a source file that you have not edited. Post the IN/OUT times of that file that you dropped onto the timeline with the intent to export. Post several examples if you like. Someone will attempt to duplicate your effort.
  3. Something is decidedly amiss. Upload a source file that you have not edited. Post the IN/OUT times of that file that you dropped onto the timeline with the intent to export. Post several examples if you like. Someone will attempt to duplicate your effort.
  4. Stumped as to what the problem is. Both Nat and I confirm that the project you linked exports normally. If you are not running the latest VP version, consider doing that.
  5. Something peculiar indeed. Are you running the current version? The installer for your version should be in "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\VideoPad" Retain it for reinstall if necessary. The export is available for download for a short while, via the link above.
  6. borate

    full installer

    Versions released beyond six months from your purchase date will require a fee, but there's no obligation to update. Your licensed version will keep working. The stub installer is it - for reinstall - and is found in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\VideoPad" folder. But back it up, along with registration info and project files. To save a project that can be restored from any PC that has Videopad, load the project and then click FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT. Save everything it creates to a back-up drive.
  7. Handled the download in a different way here. Estimated size was 415MB. Download size was 159MB. Exported project weighted in at 157MB. Default mp4 settings. Length of both original file and export was about 13:07. No looping. https://1drv.ms/v/s!AmKCN6jvYsvCkTzB_gNC2pUNAF6B
  8. Don't confuse System Image Backup with similarly named tools in Windows. There are no restore points. This is a total restoration and takes time. It works in both Windows 7 and 10...when it succeeds. Have an external drive plugged in. Access is via Control Panel|FILE HISTORY. Look at the left-bottom corner of the window. On the next page, at the upper-right, click Create a System Image. Again, Microsoft suggests using another vendor's product.
  9. Exported fine using default auto-match 1280x720 settings (YouTube). 14:42.
  10. Bizarre. Share it and someone will take a look. Here's how. http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ Be sure to make the link public and paste it into a post here. Export outputs ONLY what's on the sequence that's active in the timeline. Confirm that there is no extra footage there.
  11. System Restore, built into Windows, may do the job for you. But be aware that Microsoft suggests using other imaging programs.
  12. If you don't already employ an imaging utility, consider it. When things go bad the system can be quickly restored to the state it was in when the image was created. Acronis True Image, TeraByte's IFW, EaseUS Todo and, Macrium come to mind. Some are free. Windows 7 and 10 have a System Restore, but it's basic and deprecated.
  13. Yup, opens normally. Sounds like a Windows permissions issue? You might also run a check on your RAM.
  14. Not certain to what you're referring, but if it's "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software" then yes, that directory (folder) is accessible and should contain past VP installer files.
  15. Video driver up to date? How's the C:\ drive's free space? Tried toggling "hardware acceleration" in OPTIONS|DISK tab? For a more thorough uninstall consider REVO. Take care not to delete anything that is not VP related.
  16. Not seeing resource problems in 6.32 here while previewing a sixteen-minute project with hardware acceleration enabled. Average load is shown; memory 10% (32GB)... Different PCs, different capabilities, of course.
  17. Downloaded your file and ran four tests: 25-->50-second clips created just as you described - mp4 with default 4K settings. Each produced the expected result. Estimate was 349MB, actual was 560MB for a 50-second clip. After dropping the clip to the timeline, best results may be obtained by waiting for it to cache fully. Watch the green line just above the thumbnails. When that was done, export took only a few seconds. Your mileage will vary, of course, depending upon PC capabilities.
  18. Here's the link. Let's take a look. How far out of sync would you estimate? No one has reported same, AFAIK. As you say, the process is very basic and done frequently.
  19. Is the material LINKED audio and video or has the audio track been added independently and synchronized? If the former, a right-click|DELETE (ripple) should affect both A/V tracks equally. If the latter, select both audio and video clips and right-click|GROUP them. That should prevent the issue. The difference in this case between the free (trial) and licensed version is irrelevant. If no joy, please share the project per the "Tips for getting help..." post near the top of this forum. Someone will take a look.
  20. Cut a :50 slice out of a 50 minute 300MB file here in the same manner as your demo and it exported just that section. What occurs when a smaller file is handled in the same manner? Though 10GB is hefty, if you have a way to upload it to a server and link here someone will try to duplicate your result. Perhaps you can chop it to a more manageable size. If the problem persists, upload the abridged file.
  21. Something is not kosher here. Please upload the entire file per instructions in the "Tips to get help..." post near the top of this forum. Then post a link to that file and indicate the start and end time of the section that you are trying to isolate and export. Someone will check it out.
  22. borate

    sound gone

    Have those clips been inadvertently muted, or the volume turned down? Click the little speaker icon in the clip to check that out. Open audio effects, and look there as well. If no joy, please upload your project per instruction in the "Tips for getting help..." post near the top of this forum. Someone will take a look.
  23. Makes no difference which method is used for the EXPORT. The sequence visible on the timeline (as chosen by the SEQUENCE tab just above the timeline) will be exported. Thus, if you have pasted a portion of sequence 1 into a blank sequence 2, and have sequence 2 displayed on the timeline, then EXPORT will act upon only that sequence.
  24. Update your video driver if it's not current. Try toggling the "hardware acceleration" toggle under OPTIONS|EDITING tab. Clear Unused Cache Files under OPTIONS|DISK tab. Shut down any other apps while you're editing. Video editing is resource intensive. Consider upgrading your PC if it's getting long in the tooth. https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/kb/1772.html
  25. borate

    Using mask

    Tried a right-click|DELETE KEYFRAME?
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