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Everything posted by borate

  1. No need to load beta 7.04. Assuming you downloaded the corrected audio from https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmKCN6jvYsvCkiyRhKhjqUytclY4 it was tweaked via the compression method mentioned earlier (not the FX route). Utilize it on future projects. See how it sounds, and works for you.
  2. <Shift> is pressed only while selecting, but not when FX is clicked. Thereafter, the audio or video effect item is accessed.
  3. That's not the case here with 7.04 Nat. After using <shift> to select individual clips, clicking on FX does not deselect them and the APPLY TO ALL action is available.
  4. Not seeing that behavior, Nat. Whether it's <ctrl-A> for all, <shift> (selecting first) <shift> (selecting last) or individual clip <ctrl> clicks, APPLY TO ALL is enabled here.
  5. There's no substitute for good mic technique, obviously, but use of the compression procedure mentioned earlier should help when that hasn't been the case.
  6. Create a template and name it "amp." Split a clip, select all parts, group them, then click the AUDIO tab, choose AUDIO EFFECT and click on "amp." The template should be applied to all parts of the split clip. Was here.
  7. Upload the file to a server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like - and post a link to it here. Someone will check it out.
  8. Weirdness. Three clips on the timeline here - all selected. Clicked the audio FX button, then the AMPLIFY effect. Adjusted volume to 50%. Clicked the 5th (append) icon, which was active. All clips were at 50%. ??
  9. Keyframes can be plotted in either mode. If you want to see both CLIP and SEQUENCE, click the View menu and choose Show Dual Previews. Actually, there may be a way. Add the COMPRESSOR effect. Set the threshold to -40 and the ratio to 6 as a test and see what that does. Fiddle with those values for best result.
  10. And you did export it as a BR Movie?
  11. If you can tolerate a standard DVD (not BluRay), then the old DVD Shrink utility may do the job for you. It's free. If payment is asked, it's a fake.
  12. Here's the workaround for using amplify and some other effects on more than a single clip at once... 1. Select the clips to which the effect will be applied. 2. Click FX in one of the clips or AUDIO EFFECTS on the toolbar 3. Choose AMPLIFY and move the slider to the desired volume 4. Click the 5th button from the left on the toolbar whose popup reads "Append to chain." If the selected clips' volume later needs to be adjusted, make the change with the slider, then click the 4th button, "Replace in chain."
  13. Amplification for each block can be adjusted by dragging its handles (squares) up (louder) or down (softer), as described by Nat, above. To remove a split on the timeline, place the pointer at the split point and right-click. In most cases there is an UNsplit choice. To delete an effect, open the effects window. Click the white X that's to the right of the name of the specific effect.
  14. If you burned as a MOVIE, the DVD should have been playable on a standalone device (as well as the PC). Try Express Burn.
  15. On Win 10, type SYSTEM into the search box (left of the taskbar, or click on the search icon there). <enter> You can drag the video or audio track to the right, after UNlinking them with the right-click menu item, in order to achieve dead sync. Takes a little work, but should succeed.
  16. The constant audio bit rate isn't the quality issue, but the video conversions no doubt are. Quality was intentionally low to limit file size. Try this: Load the conversion into VP, UNlink audio from video, then replace the video from the conversion with your original. You can mute of delete its audio track. Sync 'em up and see if they stay that way. Aspect ratio can be changed in VP, using the SCALE tool and unchecking the "maintain aspect ratio" box. The Mp4 you submitted was 720 x 576 and, yes, it wasn't quite right. As for converting VOB files (on the DVD), see if NCH Prism can do anything for you. There's also this utility.
  17. Your source file appears to have frame rate/conversion anomalies. A developer might analyze specifics. It was tested in another editor and not only was it out of sync but preview was annoyingly choppy. The full file has been reworked in PAL standard at a constant audio bit rate. No editing was done, with the exception of deleting extraneous video at the end, correcting the aspect ratio and nudging the audio into better, more consistent sync. The corrected file plays well in the latest VP version.
  18. VP can definitely handle longer projects. OLDVERSIONDOWNLOAD.COM Upload that newly exported fixed frame clip/main project so someone can analyze it. http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ What are the specs for your PC: GPU/CPU/free space on C:/RAM? Which old version will you install?
  19. Please upload and share one or two of the files that are in sync with your media player but out of sync when loaded into Videopad. Use Google Drive, MSOneDrive or the like. Also, if feasible, upload the project that you exported as a new Mp4 file and paste the link here. NOT the result, but the portable project file/s. Here are instructions on how it's done... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ Someone will check things out.
  20. The Videopad install file that you used to first register should be stored in this path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\VideoPad" Reinstall it. Then try your edits once again, and report results here.
  21. Share whatever isn't working. NOT the final output but the Portable Project File, as instructed in the link above.
  22. A lengthy project, but the best bet would be to share it, so someone can take a look. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ Be sure to ZIP the portable project, then upload them to the server. Share the server link here.
  23. borate


    Check whether... 1. The clip is muted or its volume is turned down. Click the little speaker icon at the bottom of the clip itself. 2. The track is muted. Verify that there is no red X in the speaker icon that's to the left of the audio track. 3. The PC's audio for VP is turned down. In Windows, right-click the speaker icon in the notification area - right-hand side of the taskbar - and Open Volume Mixer. Use the horizontal scrollbar to see the Videopad slider. If none of these measures succeeds, please upload your clip. Let's check it out. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ No need to upload the project - just the clip. Be sure to share it.
  24. Result here, using the current VP version... File Format: AVI (Click the Default Quality/Filesize link) Video Compressor: H264 or MPEG4 Audio Compressor: Mp3 Sound Format: 4800 Hz, 320 kbps, Stereo Check the WMV format for even higher bitrates.
  25. You will also see a wide variety of choices for WMV files, when utilizing Windows Media Sound Compressor 9.2 and Professional options.
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