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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi From this I assume that your presenter clip lasts for the full length of the project. There are several ways to do this....here is one... Place the main video on Track 1 (as before) and the presenter clip on Track 2. Line Track 1 and Track 2 so they start together. (Only Track 2 will be visible if the timeline is played at this point.) Where you wish the presenter to appear cropped, (at 7 minutes) Split Track 2 Apply the Crop and Position effect now to remaining part of Track 2 After a further 30 mins Split Track 2 once more. Remove the Crop and Position effect from the remaining part of Track 2. Using the same clips as in the last post your timeline will look like this......... Track 1 will play for the full length but be covered by the full size image of Track2. Then at 7 mins in Track 2 will show the cropped and positiond Track2 revealing Track1 beneath. Then at 30 mins further on Track 2 will revert to being full size and cover Track1. Obviously you may want to mute the invisible sections of Track 1 which would require that this track might also need to be split allowing just the uncovered central section to be heard. That's up to you.Another point to remember is that Track 1 can be dragged right or left so the required portion appears as the background to the cropped Track 2 A more sophisticated approach might be to not split Track 2 at all and apply the Crop and Position effects using keyframes so the presenter clip reduces in size and simultaneously moves to the required area as an animation at the 7 minute point with the action reversing after another 30 minutes. Here is the same timeline showing the overlay (The sign) reducing in size and at the same time moving to the upper corner. If you want more detailed info on how to do this come back here. Nat
  2. Hi " ....And what I also noticed: the noise sound alone can be heard at the transition even when I mute the audio of a movie...." I understand from this you are muting the track with the Mute button at the far left. The other mute buttons just affect individual clips. Here the project is COMPLETELY silent with the TRACK muted as one might expect.. Nat
  3. Hi Think of texts as images. Follow Borates suggestion if you want to set them all the same. Note that any animated (e.g.scrolling) texts will play faster or slower as you alter the length of the image clip on the timeline or change the default value. You can also change the clip speed for individual text clips so they can be shorter or longer than the default, It's easier however if you simply drag the end of the clip left or right to make it shorter or longer. Nat
  4. Hi You don't need to split Video Track 1. Keep that as it is. The overlay clip..(Your presenter,) is placed on Video Track 2 which is the overlay track. NOTE: This is a separate clip and has no connection with track 1 except it will play on top of it where they overlap...... Trim it at it's start point and end point as you would any clip.(These are the points where your presenter starts and finishes). Use the START and END markers in the clip preview to do this. Move the overlay clip along Track 2. so it lies over the clip on Track1.Move the red cursor line so it goes through both clips (see the image below) Select the overlay track. Click View on the toolbar and select Show Dual Previews. Now use the FX on the Track 2 clip to Crop and Position it within the frame.The Sequence Preview window on the right will show you where the overlay is currently positioned.The Clip Preview pane on the left will show the current size and position of just the overlay clip.(See the image below) Now simply move the clip along Track 2 until it starts at the point you want. This screenshot shows the result of the procedure..... Sequence Preview on the right shows the final result. On the left is the Clip Preview showing just the cropped and positioned overlay on Track2 (This clip is the selected one.) The inset pane shows both tracks at the cursor position The inset pane in this image shows the Position and Crop FXs control panel for the overlay track.. In this example the overlay with the badge starts to play after after around 3 seconds of just the cat. Thereafter they play together. Hope this clarifies things a little Nat
  5. Hi That is even more strange!....Yes the audio clip did have some odd sounds but seemed to be enhanced in some way..(?High pass filter applied??) but I loaded the project from the downloaded Test.vpj file. and got 5 clips on the timeline, the last three being sections of MOV05319. Couldn't see any blank clips and Storyboard mode started with MOV05262 and showed just the clips that were on the timeline. MOV05262.MPG 4:37 MOV05317.MPG 2:45 MOV05319.MPG 0:37 MOV05319.MPG 0:12 MOV05319.MPG 0:16 There were 5 sec transitions between Clip 1 /Clip 2 (XFade) and Clip2/Clip3 (Circle). These all looked correct. I couldn't find a blank clip anywhere. Cleared the timeline and added the clips manually one after the other. (Placed using menu option not dragged & dropped) I couldn't find a blank at head of project either. Sound track seemed normal also with normal volume level line from start to finish. Listening carefully to the clips playing, there is a faint (very faint) purring sound here and there (a bit like gear wheels running) behind the obvious and much louder farmyard noises but it is hardly perceptible and may ?originate within the camera..... This might have been the odd rapid clicking heard in the short audio clip you uploaded and which I thought might have been enhanced in some way.... otherwise I can't find anything wrong with this project....Sorry! It would be interesting to hear a sound clip from the camera, set on a tripod; not touched and filming a perfectly silent scene. Nat
  6. Hi To add to that, the length of your project should not be a factor. Nat
  7. Hi Masaihtt That's really odd as your short sound clip does not appear the same as the transition in your project. (Sounds a bit like whale clicks...You don't have an aquarium nearby??? .) I have no idea why the sounds are different. Someone else might come in on this thread and give their opinion. As I see it (and hear it) your project is playing OK. Nat
  8. Hi Having downloaded and played through your video.....I am 99.9% certain (actually 100% certain) that the strange noise you are hearing in the first and second transition is the sound of a cockerel getting ready to crow and not a VP sound defect. 🙂 If you play the start of Clip 2 (MOV05317) you can clearly hear it croaking. (Not an unusual sound to hear where there are chickens) . I presume there was a cockerel nearby?? It is just a coincidence that it occurs where the transition is. The clicks and rustling sound and squeaks are just due to the camera being handled or moved during filming. Microphones in some cameras are extremely sensitive and will pick up all sorts of extraneous sounds. In the second transition the chicken noise is clearly heard at the end of Clip MOV05317. and again it just happens to have occurred at the point you made the transition. (You can hear the offending bird at 14 seconds into this clip and actually crowing elsewhere.(4.44). It is interesting that it happens exactly as your circle expands in the second transition. You can however easily trim of the sound by dragging the white brackets that appear at the join. Nat .
  9. Hi Try this... Place clip 1 on the timeline. Click the FX ... Click the green + and select the Crop effect. Set the X2 value to 50 Drag the rectangle to outline the portion of interest. Click the green + and select the Position effect. Move the cropped image to the side required....e.g. to the left.(Maintain the vertical value at 0) Place clip 2 on the overlay track Repeat the steps above but Position the image to the right. Your videos will now play side by side showing the area in each that you have chosen. If you see a narrow black band between them just adjust the position of one of the clips a shade more towards the centre to eliminate it. With X2 for each of them set to 50 both clips should fill the frame exactly. Nat
  10. Hi Masaihtt It was only a suggestion to see if the overlapping soundtracks (as happen when you use the crossfade transition with the Move clip option) is causing the problem. I didn't mean it as a work around. . As I mentioned. using the Move clips option with the Crossfade transition shortens the overall timeline and as well as overlapping the video, it also fully overlaps the audio, and that is where you seem to be experiencing your problem...i.e. .when you play back over the transition with one track fading out and the other fading in. I agree that this shouldn't happen. Indeed it doesn't in the tests I have done here with various clips having different sound. Try Borates suggestion and upload a short section of the project around a transition (or two) where the effect you notice happens and someone will take a look (and listen) Nat
  11. Hi If things are working correctly the "Move clip for overlapping transition" method should overlap the audio tracks for the length of the transition. Clip 1 fades out to the END of the transition and Clip 2 fades in from the START of the transition. If you choose the "Freeze frames at start/end of transition" there is no overlap of the audio tracks....Clip 1 fades out as far as the JOIN and clip 2 fades in from that point. As your sound problem seems to occur with the first method but not the second it may be that it is being produced since both tracks are playing at the same time.....one fading out and the other fading in. In the second method they play one after the other..Fade out then fade in. As an experiment unlink the audio for both clips and then drag the audio of the left hand clip down to audio track 2 and then under audio track 1 a short distance. Both tracks will now play together (mix) Is the noise/distortion still there? (You could also click each track in turn and in clip preview drag the blue volume line down to create add a fade out for track1 and a fade in for track 2) This should simulate the overlap crossfade. If you still get your noise/distortion I would say it's being produced by the combination of the tracks and not necessarily VP. Nat
  12. Hi Your screen capture looks OK in VLC so it seems it may be a setting in VP.... Check the resolution have you set for the VP display. (Options/Display/Preview Format. If this is too low (e.g. 512 x 288) your display detail will not be too clear, particularly for the small screen icon titles, and particularly if you undock and enlarge the preview window to see it better. Your video is 1016 x 1022 so preset the display with these custom values.For maximum resolution in preview change the settings to 1920 x 1080. to retain the 16:9 full frame. That should improve things but may make caching etc slower. Nat
  13. Hi The white brackets can be used to change the length of a clip that is on the timeline but only from a join. You can drag the start of a clip to the right to shorten it, or drag the end of a clip to the left to shorten it. (Using the correct bracket) A gap does not form as VP automatically closes the ends of the clips together again. The process is reversible so a clip that you have shortened in this way can be restored partially or fully using the brackets again. You can also restore sections of clips you have previously edited out using Split and Delete since this action produces a join where the white brackets appear.. Any linked sound is restored at the same time. If you have unlinked the sound then this is not restored creating a gap. You can however close the gap or use the sound track white bracket. Note you can't lengthen a clip beyond its full length...but you CAN extend image clips that are on the timeline using the brackets. Nat
  14. Hi Eric If you are in Clip Preview only the thumbnails of the selected CLIP are shown beneath the preview window. The Sequence Preview does not show any thumbnails. Nat
  15. Hi Issue 1.......I don't think there is a way around this. I just loaded a 192 x 107 pixel image and it totally covered a 1920 x 1080 video clip....... You will need to reduce it with Scale and position it with Position. Using Dual preview displays makes it easier. Issue 2......Dragging the scaled down image to another position when using the Scale effect does leave the widget rectangle in the same place. I also find that the moved image does not respond beyond a certain position doing it this way. So reduce the size with Scale and use the Position effect to place the image within the frame.That works OK here. With regards to your Blur......dis you use the Censor effect or did you blur a masked area? Upload a short section of the project as Borate suggests. Nat
  16. Hi Right click the Clip Preview window or the Sequence Preview window. From the menu hover over Take Snapshot of Clip and select desired option from the menu on the right. A snapshot of the clip/timeline at the cursor position will be placed in the Images bin and a copy will be sent to your default image folder as set up under Options/Media/Copy Nat
  17. Hi If your version of VP 6.3 is working correctly then adding images to your movie should be straightforward if you do this......... Open VP and load your existing video using the Add File(s) tab. It should appear in the Video bin as a thumbnail. Right click the thumbnail and choose Place Clip on Sequence, It will copied to Video Track 1. VP will then cache it and create thumbnails etc. as shown by the green bar appearing above the images on the track. Now load (Add File(s)) your images to VP. They should appear in the Images bin. Set the cursor line position on the main track if required. Right click on an image thumbnail in the bin and select the appropriate command from the list. The selected image should then be Added/Inserted on Video Track 1 either at the Start or End, at the cursor position or overlaid on Video Track 2 Note: Dragging or dropping the files to the tracks with this version (here at least) does not seem to work correctly and this may be the problem you are experiencing. The method outlined above functions OK. Use Borate's link to get the latest version. Nat
  18. Hi Sorry to see you go, but in reply to your original question.It seems you may not have unlinked them first. Regards Nat
  19. Hi Works here too... Video Track 1 is unlinked from Audio Track 1. Video Track 1 and Video Track 2 are then locked. Audio Track 1 remains independent and can be moved. Works with two tracks......One track......Sound unlinked...or video unlinked..Sound Track locked...or Video track locked...... Nat
  20. Hi ...or Just zoom into the timeline using the mouse scroll wheel. Initially your project is fitted to the screen width. This means that If you have a lot of clips on the timeline they are initially "squashed" up and some (even all) can individually be too narrow to show the Transition X, the FX or the f. Zooming in will spread them out. Alternatively switch the display into Storyboard mode. The clips, (on Video Track 1,) irrespective of their actual duration, will now be displayed as a single thumbnail with a large transition X between them and FX and f controls below each one. Either way you may have to scroll right or left to locate the area of the timeline you require. Nat
  21. Hi Bit odd. Did you use the Position effect to place your logo? Not sure why it should change size either. It would be useful if it's not too large if you could save your project as a portable file using Save Portable Project As This will create a folder containing copies of all the component clips/images as well as .vpj file. Upload this to Dropbox (or similar). make it public and post a link here. Someone will download the files and reconstruct your project to see what might be wrong. details are here... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ Nat
  22. Hi The incidence of the "Building Preview" message maybe reduced if you make the resolution of the preview display lower. (If not already done.) Options/Display/Preset. try 512 x 288 (16:9). Nat
  23. Hi The way of working I mentioned was for breaking up a single big clip into exportable sections as I thought that was what you had. If that had been the case it's not necessary to put that clip on the timeline just the selected sections from the Clip preview window.. However you seem to have a normal multi clip video on the timeline. If this is just a single video track (Video Track 1) composed of multiple clips with linked audio (Audio Track 1)...you could proceed like this...It's a bit phaffy but it will work... (Save your project first and at regular stages when trying this in case you go wrong) *** Move the red cursor line to your split point and split the tracks. Holding the Shift key down left click the clip to the right of the split and then the last clip on the timeline. (i.e. select all the clips to the right of the split) With the Shift key still down right click these and select Delete from the menu. This will leave just your selection on the timeline. Export the timeline. Click the Redo Arrow on the top toolbar. This will replace the deleted clips and cursor line will be at the Split point. With Shift key down left click the clip to the left of the split and the first clip on the timeline. (i.e. select all the clips to the left of the split) With the Shift key still down right click and select Delete. This now leaves your video without the previous section. Right click the gap at the start of the timeline and select Close Gap in Track. You now have the remainder of your video on the timeline Repeat this process from the top as many times as required to export a second......third.....fourth etc. section of your video. *** If this method is not to your liking or your project has multiple tracks and overlays tracks then simply create a sequence.... and without loading it to the empty timeline select it in the sequence bin and treating it as a clip proceed as in my original post above. Nat
  24. Darn!.........Forgot that option! .... Clip + Background. Nat
  25. Hi Your video will go onto Video Track 1 and your image will go onto Video Track 2...the Overlay track. If you have reduced the size of the image using the Scale effect then it will be smaller than the video, so place the red cursor line at any point where the image clip overlays the video and the Sequence Preview window will show the image overlaid upon the video. Note: Upper tracks (overlay tracks) take precedence over any lower tracks they are coincident with. If you have Video Track 2 selected..i.e. the image and you are in Clip Preview mode you will only see the image... You need to be in Sequence Preview mode and then you will see what the output looks like at the cursor position. If you want to see BOTH separately then in Options/Display tick the box marked Show dual previews and right click the image track. The Clip Preview window on the left will show the image clip (reduced if Scale has been used) and the Sequence Preview on the right will show the complete timeline at the red cursor line position. e.g... Note that if the image is the same size as the video frame then you will only see the image in Sequence Preview as it hides the video underneath. If you are using the Position effect then dual previews will easily allow you to see where your overlay image is being placed....... In what way is the image bigger than in the preview? The export should appear exactly as it appears in the preview . VP preview frame on left and exported MPEG4 in VLC frame on right... The overlay image on VP track2 is the blue sign... It appears the same size in this example........ Nat
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