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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi Rob I can see now that I missed your point regarding your reason to crop your text. For your effect to work enter your text lines in a similar way to the image below (I have used 7 lines) setting Bottom to Top scrolling. Take into account the restrictions I mentioned regarding font size and line length. Scroll the project along through the title section to the point where 3 (or 4) text lines are visible and then add the crop effect to the text clip. Don't use any AR restraint or you may inadvertently cut off each side of the text.Grab and pull the top border of the crop area down until the first line of text is about to be cut off. See the composite image below. When you play the sequence the text will scroll up through the cropped area always showing three lines of your text. It will never scroll up into the darker chequered area ......... In this example all 7 lines would scroll through the cropped area. I am sure though that this is what you have done. I initially assumed you were doing a full screen height scroll hence my advice regarding not using crop ... Using your stated mp4 export settings the clip in this example played correctly. Exporting as an .avi was also correct.... Here is a WMP image screenshot..from the 1920 x 1080 avi .... Are you still getting a problem with your export? Nat
  2. Hi "... I cropped the text to show only four lines at the bottom of the screen and then adjusted the timing of the text to display correctly ..." The Zoom effect is better than Crop + Scale.; It's easier to use and you can see immediately what has been achieved. However, cropping the text IMHO is not the way to go as even though it may all appear it will scroll in a smaller window. If you want a full top to bottom scroll then don't crop it.Note also that in order not to lose any of the text on either side (which you may do any way if you have cropped it) make sure that the Sequence Preview looks OK. As I mentioned the width of the text editor is NOT the screen width and what actually appears there may not appear in the video if, for example you make the lines too long or the font too big. To illustrate this... e.g. Text visible in the editor as well as the preview screens Font size 15......... Font size slightly increased (to 19) but still all visible in the editor......It becomes truncated at each side now in the Preview screen and will export like that..... Nat
  3. Hi The NCH Prism program will convert between file types. Add the files to the list, enter the destination folder and set the output file type. Click the Convert tab. The original names are retained without modification. . You can automatically download the application from VP if you click chevron top right of the toolbar (depends on your screen resolution) and then NCH Suite. save your project first but I don't think that the ,vpj file will work with the new file types straight off so you may have to resolve the missing files from the prompt window that comes up. Nat
  4. Hi Perhaps not a lot of help but your 6 second clip downloaded from Dropbox OK here. Exported to PC with no problems. Export parameters for this fragment were.... Custom - .mp4 - H264 - High Quality - Auto match Content(1280 x 720) - 30fps Reloaded back to VP 7.11 almost immediately and reviewed with no problems. ....... an under-powered PC + large files = tedium at the least and failure at most. .... (So true..Like it..😊) Nat
  5. Hi Check that there is not another clip on a higher track that is hiding the title on Video Track 1. If you have placed it on track 1 as you describe and have retained a clear background it will appear with a black background in the sequence preview screen but with a chequered background in the clip preview screen. if you have used black text in this case it won't be seen in the sequence or the sequence preview, the whole screen will appear black......... Note the position of the red cursor line and the appearence of the text on Video Track 1 which suggests it ought to be visible........ The dual preview screens show why it won't be seen.... If you set up like this (above) use a colour other than black for your text. If you have a clip and want the text to show over it place the title on Video track 2...... Here I have used yellow text with a red outline and placed on Video Track2 over the clip on Video Track 1. Note the position of the red cursor line through both clips..... Nat
  6. Hi As well as unlink described above you can also mute the audio track by clicking the loudspeaker icon at the FAR left of the track in the section marked Audio Track 1. when it will appear with a small red cross printed over it. The option to mute the audio CLIP also appears if you right click it on the audio track. It also appears if you left click the loudspeaker icon on the clip. Nat
  7. Hi If that doesn't work and assuming you still have the original vpsetup.exe file; save your project. Uninstall VP from the control panel including data and reload the program. re-enter your code if required and see if that gets it working when you reload your project. Nat.
  8. Hi Rob OK...I initially thought that your raw images were 1920 x 1080 which is an AR of 16:9. Had that been the case then my settings given in my post would work. However you say your images are 2560 x 1920 which is an AR of 4:3 not 16:9. Placed on the timeline they will show chequered areas to each side in clip preview or black borders to each side. This because the VP preview screen is 16:9 (You can alter this to 4:3 but this doesn't alter the export result.) Your export frame will be 16:9 but the image will stay 4:3 within that. If you use Auto match contents (2560 x 1920) then letterbox will be active. If you select letterbox the export will be ...full frame top/bottom but still with bars to either side.(As seen in VP above). If you export with Auto match contents (2560 x 1920) but have the Crop and Zoom option selected, you will have a centralized 16:9 image with virtually no borders.However the area may not be what you want so the best option if you don't want any borders is to use the Zoom effect.. Click the FX and select the zoom effect. restrain the AR to 16:9 Drag the handles of the zoom frame in to isolate the best image position.Drag the frame around is required. If you have both preview screens visible as above you will now see best 16:9 image. Don't create any keyframes...All the clip will be zoomed into your required frame..... Export with the settings originally given in my post (leave letterbox selected if it is active) and you should have a 16:9 AR video (1920 x 1080p) which fills the frame as here seen in VLC. In conclusion you can't get an image 16:9 that is originally 4:3 without either having bars to either side or by using crop/Zoom or zoom. or distorting the horizontal frame size Nat
  9. Hi Using the Zoom effect..... 1) Zooming the whole clip...It useful to switch on dual displays. (Option/Show dual previews) Click the FX box for the clip followed by the big green + and then select the Zoom effect. The Clip preview will show the zoom area as a dotted rectangle with handles. Set the AR restraint to 16:9 Move any of the handles to outline the desired zoom area. Move rectangle by dragging if required. Close the effect window. The clip will play with the selected area zoomed with no change from start to finish. 2) Creating a variable zoom. In this case full frame start to close zoom at the end of the clip. Click the FX box for the clip followed by the big green + and then select the Zoom effect. The Clip preview will show the zoom area as a dotted rectangle with handles. Move the effect window red cursor line on the graph panel to the left which is the start of the clip. Set the AR restraint to 16:9 Click the small green+ with the red vertical line (first button over the graph panel) This sets a keyframe at the start of the clip that has no zoom (full frame). Move the red cursor line to the right side of the graph panel Move any of the handles to outline the desired zoom area. Move rectangle by dragging if required. Click the small green+ with the red vertical line (first button over the graph panel) This sets a second keyframe at the end of the clip that has the zoomed you have selected. When the clip is played it will start full frame and zoom in smoothly to the area you outlined by the end of the clip. 3) Creating a zoom that commences after the clip starts and finished before the clip ends. Click the FX box for the clip followed by the big green + and then select the Zoom effect. The Clip preview will show the zoom area as a dotted rectangle with handles. Move the effect window red cursor line on the graph panel to the left which is the start of the clip. Set the AR restraint to 16:9 Click the small green+ with the red vertical line (first button over the graph panel) This sets a keyframe at the start of the clip that has no zoom (full frame). Move the red cursor line to the right to the point where the zoom is to commence. Click the small green+ with the red vertical line (first button over the graph panel) This sets a second keyframe but still with no zoom. Move the red cursor line to the right to the point where the zoom is to finish. Move any of the handles to outline the desired zoom in area. Move rectangle by dragging if required. Click the small green+ with the red vertical line (first button over the graph panel) This sets a third keyframe but having the full zoom in. Move the red cursor line to the far right of the graph panel (end of the clip. Click the small green+ with the red vertical line (first button over the graph panel) This sets the last keyframe but still having the the full zoom in. On playing the clip it should start off in full frame and at the second keyframe position it should zoom inand stop at the third keyframe position and remain zoomed in until the clip finishes. Of course this process can be reversed....starting zoomed in and then zooming out. Nat
  10. Hi "... The link Nat cites lists the logs for older versions. ..." Oops! Yup! Sorry copied the wrong link from my browser list. (Changed the name now so I shouldn't get confused in the future..) Nat
  11. Hi Change to storyboard mode. All clips will now be shown a s equal size thumbnails. Any small or tiny clip will be easily seen (note the durations) if you find any just click and delete. earlier versions are here... https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/versions.html But before reinstalling try the advice given my myself and Dangerfreak. Nat
  12. Hi LuusBueb Try this link... https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/versions.html Obviously keep your original installer. NCH has been doing a revamp of the procedures where an effect follows an effect, the later effect working on the output to the first effect. The result in some cases was not as expected. e.g. scaling the result of a clip that had been rotated or cropped lost parts of the image or the frame size was not adjusted to take account of the crop etc. I'll have to check but this may have been rectified in rcently released VP 7.11 which is the latest version. Nat
  13. Hi There should be no cutoff in the exported image. What version VP are you using? Using VP 7.10 Your clips are 1920 x 1080 Mpeg4 as loaded into VP for editing. Use the following export settings... They output correctly here as an .avi with full frame 1920 x 1080p Mpeg4 clips Export File Name....... ............Enter the name you want Save to Folder........................Browse to a folder for the exported video....Set as the default location if required Preset....................................Click the down arrow and choose HD 1080p from the list (near the top) File Format............................Click the down arrow and choose .avi Default Quality/File size........Video Compressor...H264 (Native) Sound compressor...Mp3 (Native) Resolution ...........................1920 x 1080p HD Widescreen fit ......................will be greyed out. Framerate............................ 29.970 Click Create Try these settings and see what happens With respect to the text....Note that a line of text should be checked in the preview screen as it is entered since the text editor width is not related to the screen width. e.g. If you use a bigger font then the same line of text (which may fit into the editor) might not all be seen in the exported file. The start and end might be missing if you have used the centre justified setting. Again, a long text line might fit across the editor but will get truncated in the export. As the program is WYSIWYG then if the Sequence preview looks OK the export should be also. Nat
  14. Hi how to I set a default transition (including duration?) VP Professional v7.10 You can't set a default transition ........but once you have set a default duration for all your photos under Options/media and a default duration for transitions under Options/Editing as Borate describes you can then place you photos on the timeline in the desired order. Now you can apply the same transition to all of themin one go. Place the cursor over the first photo. Press down the Ctrl key and the "A" key. together. All the photos will become selected. Click the LARGE X tab labelled Transition in the top toolbar. (Not the X between the clips on the timeline) Select the transition required (e.g. Crossfade) You will then get a message asking if you want to apply your selected transition to all the chosen clips or just one. Choose the Apply to All option All the clips/images will get the same transition with the default duration. Note that the transition will be evenly split between the photos so make sure you choose a duration for your photos that allow them to be seen for a short time before each transition starts. e.g. a 6 second image duration and a 4 second transition would leave only 2 seconds to see the clip before it dissolves into the next one. Why when i delete a photo does it delete a part of my sound track? It should not. If you have a separate soundtrack running under your images and you decide to delete one of the images above it you will not create a gap in the soundtrack, only in the image sequence. That gap can then be closed by right clicking it and selecting to Close the Gap. from the options that come up. Nat
  15. Hi Mike if you have had no problems with previous large files then it most likely is not your PC. Have you cleared the cache file? If not it may be very large. Another possibility is that a portion of the .avi file is corrupted. Does it play OK in its entirety in a different player like VLC? Try using a program like NCH Prism to convert the .avi to another format of lower resolution and see if this stops the problem If all other things fail then uninstall the current program including data and reinstall. Nat
  16. Hi I think the way VP is programmed it need a "space" into which it can load a sequence you may create create. This a "Blank" sequence. It usually contains a clapperboard icon and by default it is labelled "Sequence 1" but it's really a blank. However, as soon as you add a clip or image to the empty timeline this blank is temporarily filled with the timeline contents and the clapperboard is replaced with thumbnail........ It's labelled Sequence 1 which seems confusing However this is NOT a sequence....In some ways it's a dummy until you decide to make it a proper one. By default it is labelled "Sequence 1" although to my mind NCH should have labelled it "Sequence 0" or have a little clapperboard in a corner Being a necessary dummy, you can't delete it. Its contents update continually as you add clips to the timeline However, as soon as you actually create a sequence, the dummy Sequence 1 becomes a proper Sequence 1 The timeline is emptied and a new dummy sequence Sequence 2 is created which has the clapperboard icon again......again I think this should be numbered as Sequence 0... . .....and so on. Remember if you subsequently add another clip to the now empty timeline the clapperboard icon changes to a thumbnail of the new timeline.........personally I think it ought to remain as a clapperboard (labelled sequence 0) or a thumbnail with a little clapperboard on it. Like clips in another bin, proper sequences 2; 3; 4; 5 etc. can be deleted but not Sequence 1which always has to renain as a dummy. Hope that clarifies what seems to be odd... Nat
  17. Hi Mike Put clips on the timeline. Drag the image to the overlay track (Video Track 2) Move it along the track to the desired insertion point Drag it vertically down to Video track 1 and release it. The image will insert into the sequence pushing all later clip/images to the right, leaving a gap in the sound track. (unless it has been unlinked in which case the gap can be closed). The insertion point need not be a join. The same result can be obtained if the time line red cursor line is positioned beforehand, the image is right clicked from the bin and Place clip on Sequence at Cursor is selected. Nat
  18. Hi The installation of VP runs from double clicking the vpsetup.exe program that you initially download. The installation is automatic once this is run. AFAIK there is no direct install or auto-run feature available for the vpsetup.exe. Nat
  19. Hi Might have been better to start a new thread...... Glad it finally worked out. Nat
  20. Hi LuuBueb (and Ivan187) VP Version 7.03 THAT WORKS PERFECTLY! So my solution for LuuBeub's problem is correct with this version (and it's easy to do ...only takes a few minutes) You can also use Sequences as this version doesn't crash so there is no need to export anything except at the end.... With this version (VP 7.03) you can get your required PIP in 1920 x 1080 from the 3840 x 1080 double clip ... Hi LuusBueb " Is there no way to do it?" YES! ... But you will need to use an earlier version of VP 7.03 Check carefully through these steps ........It will work...(as I have just done it. ) I have made a clip that is 3840 x 1080 using the two images employed in my previous reply above.Everything (the cat) and Webcam (The lady) I think this is equivalent to your starting clip with Everything and Webcam Let me know if I am wrong..... Place the clip on the timeline........ Click the FX, the Green + and select the Crop effect Restrain the AR to 16:9 and drag the box right edge to isolate the Everything clip...the cat) Apply a Zoom effect maintaining the AR to 16:9. Drag the zoom outline to make the image full frame. (Scale will also work but is more difficult to control. Create a Sequence of this clip. This will empty the timeline.The sequence will be in the Sequence bin (but there it will look as though nothing has happened but don't worry it has the changes) Now load the original clip from the clip bin back to the empty timeline and repeat the process but this time isolating and zooming the right hand half of the clip...( The Webcam image..The lady) You can create a second sequence if required but it isn't strictly necessary. Now drag Sequence 1 ..the Everything clip (cat) to Video track 2 so it overlaps the Webcam clip. Here is the timeline at this point....... (See.... it works!) Click the FX for Video Track 2and use the Scale effect to reduce the image and the Position effect to place it in the corner as the PIP image. Export the resulting clip as a 1920 x 1080 clip. In this version (7.03) there are NO LETTERBOX choices to mess the export up and the result is a 1920 x 1080 clip. Below is an image of the result in VLC which I think shows what you are after... I think NCH ought to revise version 7.10 (or 7.11) so that the timeline and preview images you have are exported as seen. The letterbox option is causing problems IMHO.....The basic aim in all these programs is WYSIWYG. Regards Nat
  21. Hi Thanks, It will save me looking through older versions. I'll load VP version 7.03 then and try that for a solution to LuusBueb's problem.... Nat
  22. Hi LuusBueb " Is there no way to do it?" YES THERE IS BUT IT DOESN'T WORK!!!!!!! AS THE EXPORT IS A MESS WITH THE LETTERBOX THING!! ....Check carefully through these steps referring to the images.....IT GOES LIKE THIS... After having a look at this with VP 7.11 I am of the opinion there is a bug with the Crop effect with this version.. I have therefore reloaded VP 7.10 find it works like this.(ALTHOUGH IT DOESN'T)!!... I have made a clip that is 3840 x 1080 using the two images employed in my previous reply above. I think this is equivalent to your starting clip with Everything and Webcam Let me know if I am wrong..... Place the clip on the timeline........ Click the FX, the Green + and select the Crop effect. Restrain the AR to 16:9 and enter the values shown below...(or you can drag the box edges) The clip preview should now be as shown with the Everything image (Cat) being isolated.. This needs to be enlarged to fill the frame...Apply a Zoom effect maintaining the AR to 16:9. Drag the zoom outline to make the image full frame. (Scale will also work but is more difficult to control. You should now have the full frame as shown.... Now EXPORT this clip as a 1920 x 1080 video.(IF YOU CAN....THIS IS WHERE IT FALLS APART IMHO!!) (Saving as a sequence crashed VP for some reason) Load the original clip from the bin back to the empty timeline and repeat the process but this time isolating and zooming the right hand half of the clip...(Webcam image..The lady) Now load back the saved video of the Everything clip. iT SHOULD BE 1920 X 1080....ONLY IT ISNT..IT'S A LETTERBOXED 3840 X 1080. At this point Save your project as. Follow the procedure outlined in my last post to create your Picture in Picture (PIP) of Everything and Webcam. It's a bit phaffy as you have combined two videos into a double width one. Its compounded by the fact VP 7.11 has a bug in the Crop effect which will need to be reported. Later.......This SHOULD work BUT HERE THE EXPORT DOESN'T WORK ... SOMEBODY ELSE TRY IT......I'LL TRY WITH AN EVEN EARLIER VERSION THAT DOESN'T HAVE THE LETTERBOX OPTION *&^&%$*** Regards Nat
  23. Hi Why have you joined the two videos to get a 3840 x 1080 frame? As it seems you have captured two videos that are 1920 x 1080 (16:9) ..1) The Everything video and 2) the Webcam video. The simplest thing to do is to do a "Picure in Picture." with them. I presume you want to export at 1920 x 1080 ......... Place the Webcam video on Video Track 1 Place the Everything video on Video Track 2 and move it so it is above Webcam video Click the FX for the Everything Video and select the Scale effect. Reduce the Horizontal (or Vertical) value to less than1.0 (say, around 0.3) until the Everything clip is the size required. (Switch into dual previews to see what is happening) Now add a Position effect to the Everything video and drag it into the position required. In this example the lady is the Webcam clip and the cat is the Everything clip ......now set as PIP. The whole frame is 1920 x 1080 and the clip will be exported exactly as shown provided this resolution is selected in the export window. In fact the image below is from an mpg4 export using Auto match Content 1920 x 1080 1080p HD Nat
  24. Hi As a test... Place a clip on the timeline Click the FX Click the Green + Select Black and White effect. Previews; thumbnails and all the timeline should all change to B&W. The B&W effect should last the whole clip. Nat
  25. Hi Absolutely! The process of exporting videos can be very slow depending on your hardware. Older PCs can take a long time...several hours in some cases to export even quite short movies. (30 mins +) It also depends to some extent on the format chosen. Big projects (e.g. 2hrs or more!) can take all night. One user here exported a short project in 11 mins...on my machine (an old Vista PC) the same took around 55 minutes (although export parameters may have been different). Provided the export window shows the video position updating at a regular speed rest assured things are working. I have just exported a 37 minute mpeg4 H264 Hi Quality 1280 x 720p and it took 4 hours 32 seconds to complete. Assuming my PC is a little slower than your own it's about par for the course. Nat
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