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  1. The app continues to crash repeatedly. Any suggestions? I don't know how to get the latest version for Mac. Thank you!
  2. And I'm afraid to uninstall and reinstall because I'm not sure if I saved it correctly and I don't want to lose it.
  3. Version 6.03. I'm trying to adjust some clip durations, transitions, and transition durations. As soon as I pick something the app closes out and doesn't save changes.
  4. Borate - Thanks again for helping! I think I did both of those things and it still isn't working right. I'm using a Mac, if that makes any difference.
  5. The vpsetup.exe doesn't work because I'm using a Mac. Should I just uninstall VP how I would normally uninstall an app?
  6. Does anyone know why I keep getting closed out of the app every time I try to make a change? For example, if I try to add or change a transition the whole app shuts down and disappears after I've picked a transition type. I have to use "finder" to reload it. Also, sometimes I'm unable to change the clip duration, and I can't figure out why. Thank you!
  7. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Seriously, I've been working on this for days. I appreciate your help more than you'll ever know. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  8. Don't need that one anyway. It's not part of the video. I have no idea how it got there. Good grief, I'm making this simple video complicated.
  9. I think I got it! I'm sorry for making it so difficult. Thank you so much for your help and patience!
  10. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Cldn1DCkfoY0tvTNOU5d6b1rFlUtpiIg?usp=sharing
  11. I know it's still not right. Trying again.
  12. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CNVde1lKEb_qWYcQcOE0HTQF65tFn3BP
  13. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-ybrX3U_0On3F4HeBseZ83ofMgTrOGjw?usp=sharing
  14. Hopefully this works... https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UePLqhgbnxYahAxPHIyrrmkkTETe3g5W
  15. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XNHY9jqHaezteS1WZFpBazOFQfESbRNG/view?usp=drivesdk As you can see I’m having trouble with the text screens. They fit perfectly in Videopad. This is the first video I’ve ever made, and I’m clueless and frustrated. Thank you!
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