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Posts posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi

    I had a look at this problem with VP 10.24 32 bit. 

    The original clip from Borate was a 283 Mb mp4 with a duration of 0:24:18.869

    Using this full 24 minute clip the Sequence Preview at  6.508 showed the footprint frame.......


    The Snapshot of this Preview frame was correct...


    The snapshot feature here is working correctly. What did you get displayed at this value?

    You wanted the campsite frame and you quoted 19:02.099. This produced this Sequence Preview window..


    and a snapshot.......


    Conclusion here is that again Snapshot is working correctly.

    The campsite frame however,(as mentioned and shown in Borate's) is at 19:01.996...(see below) This is one frame previous to the above frame with the tree........


    The snapshot of this Sequence preview is also correct...


    Again conclusion is that nothing seems to be amiss. Except perhaps your frame times.  What appears in the Sequence Preview display is correctly snapped.

    Are you certain that you didn't step a frame (or two) forward when you made the snapshot?










  2. Hi

    Are we saying then that the sequence display is not copied correctly to snapshot or that the position of the cursor line isn't on the frame being displayed? (Haven't got the clip so can't play it)

    If it is behaving as you say Snapshot relates to what is at the clip position and not the preview display which is odd. The preview display can be enlarged up to virtually full screen and I would have thought that a simple Copy would relate to this. After all this is what you actually are seeing.


  3. Hi

    Ooooh!   Dinosaur footprint!!  Campsite got squashed. :)

    Seriously though, it's obviously not a snap of a campsite. So, is the position reference for just that specific clip on the timeline? I think you have to bear in mind that 0:06.508 may not be the position of  the required frame as it might possibly include anything previous to that particular clip(Titles/intro/edits etc.) and Borate got just the clip.(Did he?) Just a thought.


  4. Hi

    Checked snapshot action with version 10.24. There are no problems;snapshot is exact frame chosen. I have dual displays setup but that makes no difference.

    • Drag timeline cursor to area of frame required.
    • Step through using the <I  or I> until exact frame is seen in Sequence Preview window.
    • Right click Sequence Preview image and Take Snapshot of Sequence.
    • Snapshot is saved and posted to the image clip bin.

    Sequence Preview




    No problems noted.

    Don't inadvertently click the triangle in the centre of the preview pane or the displayed clip might play and a snapshot may be incorrect. This problem hasn't been reported previously.


  5. Hi

    Before coming to the wrong conclusion :)  It seems all you want to do is to separate out sections of a video and then re-assemble them as a shorter video...Yes?

    Your task is simple.. ...

    • Place your 30 min clip on the timeline
    • Split at start  and end of the first section
    • Drag the section to the clip bin and release it. You will see a green clover leaf mouse icon as this is done.
    • Repeat for other sections. The clip bin will now contain your selections as well as the original 30 min clip. This is simple and will take very little time or effort.  Now clear the timeline.......
    • Use I< to move cursor line to start of timeline.
    • Grab the cursor line just above the track in the grey area labelled "Drag and drop your video,text and image clips here to overlay"  You will see a double headed arrow. Drag the cursor line to the right along to the end of the track. The area selected will turn blue.
    • Right click this and delete the selected region. The timeline will now be empty. (Unless you missed some bits)
    • Drag and drop (or select and place) your selections back to the timeline and arrange them in the order required
    • Job done!




  6. Hi

    When you say "playhead" I presume you mean the red cursor line. This can be dragged to any point on the timeline and released. For fine adjustment use the <I or the I> buttons beneath the Sequence Preview window. This will move the cursor 1 frame at a time in the selected direction. If however you have a gap then the cursor will jump the gap to the end of whatever clip/image is next.


  7. Hi B

    OK..I do have that option and looking at it I have to assume  it is a user defined feature ....

    • Voice.............Green
    • Music............Blue
    • Percussion....Purple

    ..and will identify the nature of the sound on specific clips. but it's up to you to do this

    The reason for the confusion is that the default option is to Change Colors based on Classification and as this is ticked a series of clips with similar (often identical) sounds produce the mixed effect shown here... which is puzzling.


    Un-ticking the option however renders them all the same...


    Also, unless I am mistaken you can only change them all to say, percussion (purple) one clip at a time.

    Even so this is a a bit of a mishmash :)

    I don't use this as it happens but any thoughts?  Try changing them all to purple...some change depending on what is clicked but I think there is a flagging problem somewhere.



  8. Hi

    This workaround which I have often used is a bit of a phaf.  This is a change that IS confusing. The copied sequence dropped back to the empty timeline looks like a normal video now and looks to have a linked audio track....but it isn't and it hasn't. The previous incarnation that showed an empty track at least didn't allow effects to be added. Perhaps instead of having oddly coloured audio clips (I still have no idea of the significance of this) normal linked audio should be one colour, unlinked audio should a different colour and sequence audio another colour. Better still why not have a popup that simply says something like "Audio Effects cannot be applied to copied sequence audio" ? 


  9. HI

    As mentioned higher up in this thread, VP 32 bit runs just fine on a modest 2 core processor Vista machine. A two minute video here would be a very simple project even using multiple tracks, cuts and effects. It's certainly a puzzle that your system appears not to be able to handle something similar.  In fact problems users share here are often checked out in projects much longer than this and often bring up glitches unrelated to hardware. In the majority of cases a work around is usually found and the causes are quickly put right by NCH once they have been notified. Knowing what VP version you are running (which other users will have) and the exact hardware setup you are using would be useful as  it would allow the developers to look more closely at possible causes.


  10. Hi

    "..............when I got multiple Effects on a clip.  I realised that the 'additional effects' that I didn't want were at the top, ...."

    This, at least in the version of VP you have, I think is a bug. I am pretty sure it has been mentioned before but with another of the effects ... Scale I think in the example quoted,  where some clips got scaled twice. Can't find the forum thread though. It's connected with how clips are selected as already selected clips are not deselected after one effect is applied and consequently get another (or the same) effect added again. I am not sure what the outcome was when it was reported. There is also a problem in that not all selected slides get an effect.

    Nevertheless this seems to work for a single Ken Burns(or other effect) to be added to ALL the timeline clips...

    • Place the cursor on the first clip
    • Ctrl + A to select them all
    • Click FX on first clip and add effect.

    All the clips will get that effect. Not much use though for Pan/Zoom (Burns effect) as who wants all slides to zoom in or out identically? This is one reason why should NCH to work on producing a  randomise feature for all the various pans for this particular effect. 

    Liked the videos. :)


  11. Hi Hugh

    To delete those extra Pans and Zooms open the project and click the FX box for all the clips that got them duplicated and then click the X for the unwanted duplicated effect. That shouldn't take too long as you only have 18...not dozens.:)

    VP can make excellent slideshows but the Ken Burns effect (Pan and Zoom which is important for slideshows) needs to have a "random" choice for the presets as well as a choice of target clips in the same way as the transitions has.


  12. Hi

    What you are getting with vertical image on Video Track 2 and normal video on Video Track 1............


    The video on Track 1 is visible to either side of the narrower vertical image on Track 2. You say you do not want this....So.....

    One answer is to move the image on Video Track 2 up to VideoTrack 3 and add a Black Blank  image to the now empty Video Track 2. Line it up with the vertical image on Track 3.......... (You can easily do this using the red cursor line.)...... The result is this..........


    The Blank black image should have the same AR as the video to ensure it is properly covered up.

    In a sense the Blank image becomes the background for the vertical image instead of the video. You now have the black bars that you say you want. Obviously the black image and the vertical image should both have the same duration.


  13. Hi

    Gifs behave a bit odd but if there is no white in the actual image .. just a white square background, try a green screen effect on it choosing the square colour (which you say is white.) This should render the white background square transparent.


  14. Hi

    I can't see why these high temperatures should be associated with only VP as you are saying.  Your PC doesn't know what program is running so there would seem to be a difference between how hard it is working when you are games playing and when you are editing. I don't know but editing may be more CPU intensive than even video gaming but still doesn't explain it as I can't see other "overheating" reports when using the software.

    There should also be an inbuilt shut down which comes into play when the temp gets abnormally high, usually 70 - 80 depending on Bios settings, and it usually beeps at you when things get uncomfortable. My reference to "defluffing" is simple removing dust and fluff that might have clogged the vanes of the CPU heatsink. It's quite amazing how much dust gets in from cooling fans which themselves can get surprisingly clogged. Are they all working? Is the computer case sited too close to a wall so warm air passing out is not free to exit easily?

    You say you have applied new thermal paste. Why was this?  Too much can cause overheating.

    It does seem to be a PC problem rather than a fault of the actual software. Just a few thoughts.


  15. Hi

    Yes but it is not automatic but a lot depends on the movement of "target"

    • Place clip on the timeline
    • Set up Dual displays in Option/Display as it is easier to monitor the results.
    • Click FX for the clip concerned and add a Censor effect. This places a rectangle on the Clip Preview
    • Grab the rectangle and move it and size it so that it covers the "target" area
    • Set the Censor type/shape etc. Here, in this 15 second clip I have placed  a pixelated rectangle over the dinghy which is moving right-left. Monitor the effect in the Sequence Preview window...
    • z.jpg
    • As this is the starting position for the clip (and the "target") Click the small green with the red line  Keyframe marker at the top left  of the effects graph panel. This creates the first keyframe and fixes the censor over the "target".
    • zz.jpg
    • Now drag the red cursor line along under the graph and monitor the movement of the "target" in the Sequence Preview window.
    • If the "target object moves in a relatively straight line it's OK but as soon as it starts to change direction or spee, stop and  reset the censor position by dragging it in the Clip Preview pane. When the "target" is covered once more click the small green + to add another keyframe 
    • Continue in this fashion for the duration of the clip.
    • The censor will move in a straight line from keyframe position to keyframe position. This means that if the "target" moves left to right or up and down in a straight line only a couple of keyframes are needed to keep it covered where the changes occur. You can use more keyframes if you want and it's probably a good idea to put a keyframe at every graph line just to ensure the "target" remains covered. If the "target" changes direction or moves in a curve or changes speed then more  keyframes will need to be generated  to keep the censor covering it.
    • Play the sequence preview regularly to check everything is keeping together. You can add more keyframes between the existing ones if you find the Censor needs to be corrected either in position or size.

    Here is the above example graph as the dinghy moves right to left but slows and tacks in the middle of the clip. keyframes were set every 1/2 a graph square. The censor size was changed as the "target" turned stern on and slowed down.......


    Video Pad can't do this automatically.

    Hope this answers your question.......BTW..It doesn't have to be every frame.:)




  16. Hi

    Do you mean that the large mp4 video is 214 GB? If so that is a quite a size! :o  How did you produce the mp4 file from the DVD?

    DVDs (single sided) are usually 4.7 GB and a video would be around 2hrs long so 214 GB must refer to something else (Your hard Drive) or did you mean you "grabbed" the films from a VHS tape straight to your PC in which case the file might be larger?

    Although large,  VP should be able to load a big mp4 although I think it might struggle when it comes to editing.

    Anyway..If you did use a a DVD and still have it place it in the PC drive and "Explore" it. Initially you should see a VIDEO_TS folder and an AUDIO_TS  folder. The Audio folder will be empty. Open the VIDEO_TS folder and you should see a number of VOB files.......


    These can be saved to a folder on the PC and dragged as required to the VP clip bin  and treated as smaller clips. It should enable you to edit and export the individual  home movies. However even in the commercial DVD here (95 mins) the VIDEO_TS file is only around 4 GB.


  17. Hi

    Stabilisation uses the Deshaker plug-in. In essence  this goes through the clip and calculates how much and in what direction  each frame has to be moved to re-register. A frame, for example which has to be moved down will leave a border at the top ans so on. The program must also determine if the clip is panning or zooming by comparing previous and next frame differences. The data is collected for each frame in the first pass through the clip. A second pass moves the frames into registration using the measured displacements and this eliminates (mostly) any "shake" The downside is that as the clip is viewed, displacement borders of various widths will appear on the different sides of the frames causing a flickering effect although the frame contents will remain relatively stable. To overcome this the deshaker can compensate for the usual border artifacts but inevitably some borders will remain particularly if "shake" has been excessive. Try the stabilisation setting Borate mentions above. 

    If the borders are still intrusive you can apply the Zoom effect. Set up dual preview displays in Optios/Display. With the Zoom rectangle visible in the Clip Preview window scan along the clip by dragging the cursor bar along the timeline and watch the Sequence Preview window.. When you see a border appear stop and adjust the zoom rectangle  to eliminate it. (Set the AR to 16:9 or the AR of your clip and keep the rectangle central.) return to the srt of the clip and gradually work along reducing the zoom rectangle until all the borders are eliminated. Often only one small zoom will eliminate all the borders in the clip.


  18. Hi

    VP.exe is the loader for running the program usually a shortcut.. You can delete it but this does not remove the program

    If you haven't moved things right click the icon and open the folder where it says it is, usually Program files/NCH Software/Videopad. You should now see the uninstall option ...


    Double click and it should remove VP.

    You can also go to to your control panel and find the PC program Function/Uninstaller listing all the programs on your PC.  This is a Vista French PC but it will look a bit similar...


    Scroll around and you should now see Videopad Editor somewhere on the list. Click this and follow the prompts. It does the same thing. You may then need to remove the registry entries if they get left behind HKEY_CURRENT USER/Software/NCH Software/VideoPad    and the VP shortcut if you have one, perhaps on the desktop. This usually removes the software if that is what you want.

    You can also use Revo uninstaller which will remove all files relating to the program you specify. (Check it out on Google) You don't need to remove the original setup.exe file as this will allow you to reinstall VP should you want to.


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