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Posts posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi

    One way of working a project like this (indeed like a lot of long projects) is to...

    • Load all the images clips etc to their respective bins.
    • Start editing section 1 of your project, adding the required clips/images to the time line and trimming etc until that section of the project is edited as you want it. 
    • Do a Save Project As  now (if you haven't done one previously) so you can return to this point later if you need to. Call it something like Slideshow Part 1 
    • Back on the timeline click the + sign that follows Sequence 1 X  to empty the timeline and create Sequence 1 in the sequence bin.
    • Repeat these steps with the next set of clips/images so creating Sequence 2  
    • Continue in this way until you have all the project finished in Sequences - Sequence 1; Sequence 2; Sequence 3 & etc.  and each having a Save Project As  .vpj file Slideshow Part 1 ;  Slideshow Part 2  & etc.
    • You can now load back the sequences to the empty timeline, so reforming the complete project.
    • Finish any editing...Titles; background music etc.
    • Export as required.

    Nothing should get out or order and all editing stages for sections will have been saved with their respective .vpj file.


  2. Hi

    Also note...

    • Ctrl + A will highlight a single bin of clips at a time.
    • The clips in a bin will auto arrange in alpha numeric order
    • If you view the bin in List view you can reverse the order by clicking the Name heading
    • Using Control+A to highlight all the clips in a particular bin they can be dragged and dropped to the timeline en masse and will automatically be arranged in order.
    • Usually bins are shown individually but by grabbing the vertical white bar between the bin area and the preview area and dragging it to the left, the bin area will be squashed and all the bins will be listed one above the other. The actual view obtained depends on the displaying mode chosen (List or TN)
    • Although all the bins and their contents will be listed in this way (List view) , and highlighted with Ctrl + A  they cannot be added en masse. as multiple bins will be highlighted and only a single bin works in this way.
    • You can however, add all of a bin's contents if you simply drag and drop the Folder for the bin to the timeline.

    You will have to experiment a bit and find the way that suits you best.


  3. Hi Steve

    "....you neglected to mention the large black distortions on the NCHVP version and only mentioned the small distortions on the one screen....."

    :)I didn't mention these as I didn't see them. Sorry!:mellow:  I only downloaded your MM  My Movie_trial_0.mp4.  version. (The single link in your post above)

     I am presuming your VP export that showed  problems was made with this version. That being the case, I simply exported it as well and then checked for the same problems. As I mentioned......

    1. In the VLC player your downloaded MM version looked  OK with only the images of the one character (shown below) showing some speckling to right and left and in the corners from time to time with slight colour changes as shown here...
    2. z.jpg 
    3.  There were no gross distortions, similar to those shown on  images in earlier posts This was the raw downloaded .mp4 clip. (No connection with VideoPad at this end)
    4. When loaded to VP    and previewed  the downloaded .mp4 previewed in exactly the same way as it played in  VLC. No difference was noted with the VP preview  and when it played in VLC. The clips of the same character on screen showed the speckling and colour changes but no gross distortions. 
    5. The .mp4 was then exported via VP as an HQ H264 .mp4 video. This played in VLC exactly in the same way as the original MM video that was downloaded. Just some speckling of the clips produced by the same character. No large distortions....:mellow:   So I am still of the opinion that the speckling originated with the Zoom program or the link used by the character in the presentation.

    So, again,  I couldn't reproduce any of the distortions mentioned.

    At this end VP worked exactly as expected and reproduced a exact copy of the clip you uploaded.



  4. Hi

    I downloaded the My Movie_trial_0.mp4. This .mp4 video (presumably exported via MM) played generally OK in VLC and the only thing noted was that  around (1:50) the character in the centre lower frame as well as when the character transferred to the top right of the screen there was a degree of speckling left and right of the image............ 



    There were also some slight colour changes with this image.  This suggests that the original camera source for that character was compromised.  The problem may also have originated with Zoom itself or with the PC link from that particular performer.

    When loaded to VP the clip downloaded and previewed exactly in the same way. There was no exacerbation of the problem.

    An H264 HQ 1280 x 720 . mp4 exported from VP 10.49 (32) played exactly like the original downloaded MM mp4. They both (MM and VP) looked pretty much the same.


  5. Hi

    Assuming you have edited your video and ir previews as you want it to.

    • Set up a sutably named export folder; say, "My Video" on the desktop
    • Click the toolbar option Export Video and select Video File from the menu. This opens the Export video dialogue box
    • z.jpg
    • From the top down.......
    • Enter a name for your Video
    • Click the Save to Folder blue prompt and navigate to your set up folder. e.g. My Video on the desktop. This will ensure the place your video is exported to. (The default for this is also set up in Options/Disc)You could make this your default save folder if you want but for the moment leave it. 
    • Click the down arrow of the Preset  box (may initially say Custom), and choose a format. e.g. 720p or HD 1080p Choose a format that matches your video clips
    • Set the File format  box from the down arrow list to .mp4  There are other options regarding quality and mp4 settings but for the moment leave it at Default Quality.
    • Set the Resolution AR and video size from the down arrow list or simply use Auto Match Content
    • Leave Widescreen Fit as Letterbox.  VP will sort this out
    • Leave the  Frame Rate and Subtitle options unchanged.
    • Click the Create button
    • The Export queue window will open and show a progress bar and some data about your project. When this completes with the green prompt (may take some time with a large project) you can open your set up folder by clicking the Show in Folder prompt or Play your video with the Play  prompt (assuming you have a video player installed like VCL) or you can directly navigate to  and open your setup folder where you created it on the desktop (e,g, My Video) and you should see your finished video there. 

    Hope this helps. Note also that you should Save Project As  before exporting so if things go wrong you can click the generated .vpj file and reconstruct your project


  6. Hi

    Using VP 10.43 32 bit.

    When you right click the clip on the track and choose Change Clip Speed from the menu do you see a change in the value shown for the duration  as you alter the Speed % value? i.e. does this value double when you enter 50% or half when you enter 200%  ??

    If it doesn't change there is something wrong. At 100% speed the duration of this clip was 4 seconds. If it does change did you click the Set  box to fix the value?



  7. Hi

    You want your text to fade out over 10 seconds?  From your description it seems all you need to do is to drag your text clip out so it finishes where your audio finishes. The text clip will be on Video Track 2 by default. Click the downward sloped icon at the right hand end of the text clip and choose the Fade through Black transition. You can alter the duration to 10 seconds. If the text clip is actually less than 10 seconds it's not a problem as the text clip on Track 2 will fade out to black whatever its length. 

    If the text clip is more than 10 seconds after it has been pulled out just enter 10 in the transition duration box and the last 10 seconds will be the amount faded as shown by the transition bar at the top of the clip........


    Timeline should look similar to above......Track 1 clip plays......Text opens on black background and last 10 seconds fades out to black as the audio on Audio Track 2 finishes. There is no transition X as text is on Track 2.

    If you drag text down to Track 1 you will see a transition X and a transition can be added between the clip and the text. Time line will now look similar to this...


    Clip plays.......text fades in.........text fades out to end with Audio Track 3.


  8. Hi

    In order to reconstruct your project so as to look at the problem we need to get a copy of all the constituent files as well as a .vpj file. Using the VP option Menu/File/Backup Project Files to a folder you will end up will a numbered folder containing everything needed to reconstruct your project. That's as far as VP goes.....It copies and saves all the files together in one folder.

    This is the folder that you need to upload to Dropbox etc. Borate has included a link to both Google Drive and MS OneDrive in his post. (They are different hosting sites but work in a similar way.) Click one of those links and then follow the instructions. The website will store your folder and provide you with a link (make it public). Just copy and post the link to a forum entry.

    Someone here can then use the link to download the project open it at their end and attempt to find what the problem is. Yes..some of the clips do have a pronounced flicker. If we get the files it should be possible to find out why this is.


  9. Hi

    From a practical point of view and without any project in the works, i.e all previous work completed and exported, open VP and initiate Options/Disc/Clear unused cache files. 

    This action will delete everything in the cache leaving it empty for any future project. (The VideoPadSoundCache folder however will remain but will also have been emptied. 

    When you start a new project and load clips/images etc to VP the cache will fill with copies of these. As you work it's a good idea to Save Project AS regularly. It's also useful to have a dedicated named folder for these saves. Each time you Save As use a descriptive or numbered name. You could do this after every editing session, but in certain circumstances do it after an important editing step. These saves will be .vpj files containing data which will enable VP to reconstruct your project. These data will also include the names of the used clips and their location on the computer as well as info relating to any texts you have added and any editing steps you have made; in effect a snapshot of your project at that point in time. Although you may produce numbers of vpj files in the course of a project in this way, each will enable you to "go back" as it were to a previous configuration/editing point of the project. If you elect to save your work with Save Project (no As) subsequent saves will overwrite the previous save and consequently you will only be able to step back to one previous configuration.

    So why the need for a cache?

    The cache contains copies and TNs of the loaded clips and so when the vpj file is loaded, VP can get the necessary files from the cache instead of having to search the computer for them. It is much faster, As the vpj file contains info relating to the location of the clips, texts  as well as all the editing steps  it can, on its own reconstruct your project even with an empty cache. But it will take longer..appreciably longer with a big project as it will also have to rebuild the cache.

    At any point with a project open on the timeline and you Clear unused files. Things are tidied up. Clips actually in use are kept and anything from a previous project (or projects) is deleted. So, If you are working on several projects simultaneously and for example staggering working sessions don't clear the cache until everything is completed and exported.

    Remember that whilst a cache can speed up loading, a huge cache full of redundant files can slow things down.



  10. Hi

    I still think this may have been connected to VP deleting the autosaved cache files when both were present.(i.e. when the above message appeared ) and the vpj was chosen for loading. I've not seen the deleting message again when I tested the idea with a single 40 min project clip so it may also be related to having a large autosaved cache with multiple clips.

    Under normal use the cache will continue to grow with successive projects if it is never cleared under the Options/Disc/Clear Unused cache Files.  It's probably prudent that it is cleared before  a new project is started and left to fill as that project is worked on, and then cleared again once that project has been exported. The routine Saves, or Save As  will then load back faster from the vpj files. Here, I have the cache set up on my desktop and so it is quick to find, open and check/manually delete the contents.


  11. Hi

    "...However, What I have noticed is that if you close down leaving an autosaved project VP will remind you that there is an autosaved project and ask if you want to reload the Autosave/Reload the vpj/Cancel. At this point the routine cache is untouched. If you opt to reload the vpj file that you saved VP will clear the autosaved cache  which (I think) is in Appdata/Roaming and that is what you see being deleted. The routine cache will remain untouched and will be used to reconstruct the project as normal....."

    It was only whilst playing with the subject of this post that I managed to get that message to come up re: Emptying the cache when loading VP via the vpj file. Under normal circumstances the autosaved project is only left in AppData  when the program crashes or the PC is switched off inadvertently. Just loaded a 40 min project to check again. Can't remember now what steps I did but if you close down windows via the START button without closing VP (leaving the project open) and restart Windows, the autosave is till present. Opening the project from the vpj file brings up the choices......


    ...but opening the vpj  hasn't shown the deleting  cache message again:(...although the autosave is deleted. It might be related to the actual size of the cache or the number of files.....Yours was rather large as Borate noted. ?Lots of files?


  12. Hi

    Using VP 10.43 32 bit there is no automatic clearing of the cache on exit (Using the X). It's easy to manually clear the cache as with any Windows folder with no problem as the VP sound cache folder is regenerated with the next new project. The usual way is of course by using Options/Disc. 

    However, What I have noticed is that if you close down leaving an autosaved project VP will remind you that there is an autosaved project and ask if you want to reload the Autosave/Reload the vpj/Cancel. At this point the routine cache is untouched. If you opt to reload the vpj file that you saved VP will clear the autosaved cache  which (I think) is in Appdata/Roaming and that is what you see being deleted. The routine cache will remain untouched and will be used to reconstruct the project as normal.


  13. Hi

    "........but I want an option that it always chooses to save in the same directory as the source file. ...."

    Your particular way of working would seem to suggest that your source files are all in the same folder. That's great and in my opinion it's probably the proper way to go and it's tidy. An option like you suggest could be made to work if that was always the case. However I'm pretty sure many users have source files for a video they are creating in different folders, perhaps because they need to actually keep them separate.(Once selected and in the bin, VP knows where they have come from) In these situations which would be the source folder for VP to export to?  

    As mentioned you can set a default folder. Now...If you always use this for your source files at the start that's where your export will go automatically. It would be a simple matter to Cut/Past the contents to a dedicated video folder when all is finished so leaving the default folder empty as the "new" source folder. There would be no need to change the name each time. It would automatically come up in the box. (See Borate's post above)

    In fact VP already does something like this when you save your work as a Portable Project. In this case the source files are copied into a numbered/dated folder along with a vpj file.

    It ought to be possible to do something like this  by having an option that exports the finished video along with the copied constituent files (plus a vpj as well possibly)  A bit of an overkill perhaps but at least everything plus the end product would be in one place automatically even if the original clips were all sprinkled everywhere. 


  14. Hi

    "....Soo my biggest suggestion is: Please could you realize that videopad exports the video file automatically to the same folder as the source and with the same name but with _a or _1 behind it? ...."

    Under Options/Export it is you who define the export folder for your finished video. Once this is done VP will use this as the default export folder. This could be the source folder for the clips used in the project. It is up to you to decide on this.

    It is more than likely however that source clips are held in several different locations or folders and so your suggestion to use the same folder would be difficult to implement without some re-organizing of your clips on your part beforehand. Even so you would still need to enter the name of this folder in Options/Export  As regards the name...Initially your export will not have a name and as it is often made up of differently named clips VP cannot select one. As a consequence, and unless you stipulate it, the video is exported as an "Untitled." file. The next export saved to that particular folder will have an incremental number..."Untitled 1." etc. This is automatic and is the Windows convention that prevents overwriting of files. AFAIK This is the only incremental name that VP can use unless you convert your timeline to a sequence which will have incremental numbers.

    However, you have the opportunity to give a name for your finished video in the Export Video window and subsequent saves to the same export location using the same name will bring up a message to say the name has been used. It will not, in this case increment the name (although one might have thought it would.) The bottom line is that VP will revert to Untitled (plus increment) 


  15. Hi

    Instead of using subtitles which have to scroll at the same speed as the sound, (being linked to the video this  speed can't be altered without altering the video) it would be better perhaps to create blocks of simple text and place them one at a time under the clip. They would be stable and could be changed in time with the audio. e.g. 

    Transferred from the NCH Videopad English language forum.


    Normalement il s'agit d'un forum en Anglais..:)  N'importe..Au lieu d'utiliser des sous-titres qui doivent défiler à la même vitesse que le son (étant lié à la vidéo,) cette vitesse ne peut pas être modifiée sans modifier la vidéo), il serait peut-être préférable de créer des blocs de texte simple et de les placer un à la fois sous le clip.( sur la piste supérieur )  Ils seraient stables et pourraient être modifiés dans le temps avec l'audio. par exemple.....




  16. Hi

    Personally I don't use the Preview effect box and leave it unticked. I also as a routine have Dual displays set up. (Options/Display)  It should work like this.....

    • Set up your Zoom keyframes and you will see the selected Zoom rectangle in Clip Preview  (on the left with dual display. )
    • The Clip Preview will NOT display the zoom but when played and paused should show the progress of the Zoom rectangle
    • If the Preview effect box is now ticked the Clip Preview will show the actual zoom without the rectangles. 
    • The Sequence preview window will show the effect depending on the position of the timeline cursor.
    • You can also slide the Effects graph cursor line right and left to see the Zoom in both windows.


  17. Hi

    As part of a clip........

    • Play to the start of the section to reverse.
    • Split clip
    • Play to the end of the section to reverse (e.g. 10 seconds further)
    • Split clip
    • Right click the section between the splits
    • Select Reverse Clip from the menu

    As a complete clip....

    • Right click the clip on the timeline
    • Select Reverse Clip from the menu.

    The section between the splits (or the complete clip) will play backwards. (Note that the audio will also reverse unless you unlink it first)


  18. Hi

    "....the cursor control keys only work when working with the video track of the clip, not the audio track. ...."

    This is normal. If you are working with just an audio clip, the next Frame I> and Previous frame <I buttons under the preview windows do not operate (as there are no frames to jump to) 

    They should function normally with an unlinked video clip or a video clip with no audio. One way around this if you want to work on just an audio clip and you do want to step along it,  is to place a silent video clip on an upper track (an image or blank won't work for this.) You could, for example use an ordinary clip; unlink and delete its audio. Placing this above the audio track you are editing will enable you to step along a frame at a time.


  19. Hi

    If you can't find the default folder for audio. Set up one you can find. To set up a folder for your saved audio - Click Options/Disc......and under Captured Audio browse to a suitable location that you know you can find. (e.g. Desktop)

    To save the entire  timeline not just a selected clip, open the Sequence bin and right click the sequence (usually Sequence 1)  Select Save  Sequence Audio  as a New File. An audio file will be saved in your Options selected location that you set up. (e.g. Desktop) At the same time it will also be placed in the Audio bin as Sequence 1.wav   The timeline itself will remain unaltered.


  20. Hi

    What version of VP are you using? It's not too clear what you are describing. Are you loading your clips using the Add Files tab or are you dragging and dropping clips to the bin area? When released (or added) do they appear in the bin as thumbnails At what point do they disappear?

    Bear in find that there are different bins for each file type....Clips...Audio...Images...Sequences. You won't see any clip TNs if the Image bin is the one you have open etc.

    You might try a re-install. 


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