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Posts posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi

    Clips in bin.   Single click on a clip to show it in Clip Preview. Double click it and it will Play in Clip Preview.

    Clips on Time line.    Single click and they will appear in both previews. Double click to Play it in the Sequence Preview. Sequence preview depends also on the cursor position.

    It is useful to set up Dual Displays in Options/Display.


  2. Hi

    Although you have to insert line breaks (Enters) into the pasted text (as you have to do if you past text onto ems or, indeed, this forum,You can Scale it without necessarily changing the font size.

    It may be a bit of a bind with lots of text and I think your proposal is OK. However try..

    • Paste the required text (a long line as it loses its formatting)
    • Left justify
    • Select font size
    • New line at the right hand end of each line to cut up the text
    • Change justification  if needed.
    • Scale to best fit the screen.



  3. Hi

    No problems here with VP 10.32 With or without any audio a third clip can be easily dropped onto Track 2 so it follows the clip already on Track 2. ...........In fact I find it quite hard for it NOT to go to track 2. :rolleyes:

    Did you possibly drop it on the black overlay band within the length of the clip on track 2? In which case it will go to Video track 3



  4. Hi

    Nice to get downloaded files that is not GB in size. :)

    The original downloaded image...DDDA 1920 x 1080 jpg


    Exported mp4 image 1920 x 1080 default quality in VLC........


    I don't expect the resolution to equal the original image but this is OK as a video..

    The other thing to mention is that your zoom seems to have a lot of unnecessary key frames......


    This makes it a bit jerky (although it IS very short.:)

    Just use two..  1)  Start over on the right outlining the bit needed  and then 2)  Full frame. ... at 00:1.53......


    Takes no time to set up and is smoother. VP will sort out all the intermediate frames.


  5. "....Years later, I have the VPJ file but not the individual MP4 and MP3 clips. I open in VideoPad and it asks me to resolve and finding missing files. I have no access to the originally school computer it was uploaded on nor the original clips. But when I open it via videopad, it tells me the title of the missing clips and to resolve........"


    Unfortunately the .vpj file  is not a video file,  it is a data file (text file) that contains the names of the constituent clips of the project, their locations on the original computer and all the editing details. It is meant to be saved to the computer containing the clips when editing so that work can be continued from the place where it stopped.  If you double click the vpj file to open it VP will use that data to find the clips and load the project. 

    If, however they no longer exist on the computer or have been moved to another location on the computer or have been renamed for some reason VP will not be able to find them. Instead, as it has the names ,it will post a list of the files it cannot find and ask you to do a search for them.i.e. resolve them.

    It seems in this case, as you have only the vpj file and you no longer have the clips  you will not be able to view or re-edit the video. :(

    Creating a backup as Borate describes ensures that the clips as well as the vpj data file are all copied to a specified location and kept together. e.g. a specified folder/an external drive/ a data DVD etc. As they are now are all together in the same place you can re-open the project and re-edit it.




  6. Hi

    The two effects you mention do have the same dialogue box and would seem to do the same thing. I have a feeling that NCH might be working to add a randomise option for the Ken Burns effect so that the different presets can be applied randomly to a series of selected clips in exactly the same way as transitions can and it could be an interim step towards this. In fact it is no different to the Zoom effect used with keyframes. The original Pan and Zoom just had 1st/last frames and no presets if I remember correctly.



  7. Hi

    Glad you got it working........Did you use the X transition or the fade out/fade in suggestion?

    If you have cropped the image and subsequently saved it to your PC then it will show white bands. (at least that happens here.) These are the transparent areas. I think if you load the image back into VP you will see them as checkered areas. It would seem that cropping keeps the original image size (VP is non destructive) and makes the cut off portion transparent. So if you take a snapshot (which is a png format and capable of retaining the transparency,) it will be the original full frame image but the cropped image  border will be transparent. if converted to another format like jpg, the cropped area will appear black and not transparent. Depending on how the image is viewed the png may also show a black border.


  8. Hi   "....I did that. It didn't work. ...."

    THAT (the alternative) doesn't work either?????? Very odd :blink:

    OK...Got to get something for that works for you.......Try the alternative method using the Transparency effect at the end of the first clip and at the start of the second clip. 

    Use keyframes to start the transparency change 100 > 0 Opacity around 3 seconds before the end of clip 1 and then 0 -100 Opacity for 3 seconds at the start of the second clip.  

    End of clip 1 zz.jpg 

    Start ofclip2 zzz.jpg



    The timeline should then look a bit like this.. Clip 1 fading out and clip 2 fading in over the white blank....


    This doesn't use the fade effect per se and if it doesn't work then there is something seriously wrong. ALL these methods work correctly in my version of VP (10.24) and all export correctly. Both clips are 1080 mp4 clips







  9. Hi

    Fade through white works and exports here...:blink:


    "........I'm using the same version, it's 10.24. No transition is overlapping from my knowledge......"

    If you are adding a transition between two different video clips  you should normally see a window that asks if you want to overlap the clips or use a still image from each clip as the transition image that fades in or out. The overlapping option shortens the timeline slightly but is smoother. You may the feature inactive in your Option/Editing Try setting it to "Ask Me" so you get the choice.

    It's odd that fade out -fade in over a white blank clip doesn't work. That's pretty standard fare. The fade out is for the first clip and is selected using the FX box and choosing that effect. The fade in for the next clip is the same. If you look down the effects list after you have clicked the FX box for the clip you will see the different fade options...


    Give it a try with the two clips on track 2 and the white blank on Track 1 The white blank is pulled out to be the same duration as the two fades. as shown in my first post.


  10. Hi

    I downloaded your .gif file and using VP 10.24 this seems to crop without any problems..

    UNCROPPED (Clip/Sequence) in VP






    This is using the steps I outlined above.

    "...It only cropped the last part of the video,..."

    This may have happened if you failed to select all the clips but nevertheless the cropped region should still have exported. All the gif clip I downloaded exported cropped but it was only one clip.


  11. Hi

    Fade through white is working normally here with VP 10.24. What version of VP is being used and are you overlapping the transition? If it persists and you can't resolve it then one work around is to pull the clips to a higher track and place a blank white clip beneath the join and then fade-out and fade-in the upper clips. (FX list under fades)........




  12. Hi

    When you decided to start again, what were you trying to load? When you previously finished did you save your work before exiting the program? 

    As Borate notes Save Project will overwrite previous saves and if you switch off before the process is complete the vpj file may be corrupted. If the system crashed then there will be at autosaved project file in Appdata/Roaming/NCHsoftware/Videopad that should reload. 


  13. Hi

    This is usually pretty straightforward. ...

    • Place the clip on the timeline.
    • If it is a 16:9 AR clip it will fill the preview screen. If it is a vertical clip or not 16:9 there will be black bars in the sequence preview and checkerboard area to either top or bottom of the image in the Clip preview area.
    • Either way you are wanting to trim the top and bottom using Crop.
    • Click the FX box on the clip and select the Crop effect.
    • In the Clip Preview display pull the top of the crop rectangle down the required amount. (Use the top central handle) You should see a checkerboard area appear.
    • Do the same at the bottom of the crop rectangle, dragging it up or drag the whole rectangle up so there is now a checkered pattern shown at both top and bottom. eg. (Cropping exagerated)....
    • z.jpg
    • The Sequence Preview (RHS when showing dual displays) should show black borders.
    • Export the result using a 16:9 resolution.


  14. Hi

    "....Are we able to COPY and PASTE the effects of one clip into multiple other clips in the timeline? ...."


    You don't use Copy/paste for this.

    • Place all your clips on the timeline and edit your project.
    • Press down the CTRL key and then left click the clips on the timeline that you want to apply the effect to. These will highlight in grey showing they have been selected.
    • Click the FX box on the first clip
    • Select and setup the effect you want to apply.
    • In  the effects window click the 8th tab along  with FX on it.... Append effect chain to other selected clips.
    • Close the effects window
    • All selected clips will have had the effect applied to them

    You can apply multiple effects in the same effect pane,,just press the green + again. The new effect initially will apply to the clip originally selected but  it can be applied all selected clips by using the FX tab once again as described above.

    "...Also - are there any places to get good new plugins? ..." 

    Try here...



    AFAIK Plugins are not designed by NCH, but VP will allow users to load and incorporate them from external sites like  virtual dub.  I don't think NCH guarantee that these will always work. The facility exists in VP to load up and use companion programs from NCH like Debut/Prism/Photopad etc. but plugins per se are are different. The stabilizing feature is a plug-in .. Deshaker from virtual dub that is now part of the software.




  15. Hi

    "...But yesterday it kept "stuttering" -- repeating 3-4 words of audio as video played normally, then (not every time) once audio stabilized the video froze for several seconds. ...."

    A possible explanation for the stuttering, jumping back of the sound with a periodical stop in the preview is sometimes seen when one attempts to play the timeline  before the sound files have been properly retrieved from the cache. VP has not actually cut up any of the clips that are being used (it's a non destructive process) and during the reconstitution of the project on the timeline is, (presumably) reading the clips in the cache and taking out the relevant sections from the vpj info file. If at the same time the program is being asked to play sections of sound are played and then repeated as the whole clip in the cache is read again to find the next edit point. I may be wrong but that's my take on it. If you wait until it is fully reconstituted before attempting to preview it may not happen.


  16. Hi

    if your titles with the scrolling text exported in a reasonable time to produce a "universal" title/intro/outro  that you have added to a video and the result of exporting that video is taking ages it is most probably the export settings your are using. Apart from making the project that bit longer the fact that the contents are scrolling will have no effect as it is simply another clip added on.

    If on the other hand if you are adding new scrolling text to the project it can have an effect on rendering times. Clip size (resolution) can also affect the speed of export as will the PC specs, number of tracks the length of your project and its complexity. It would be interesting to know some of these data. For the moment just let it export. 



  17. HI Uber

    ",,,I got that on the sequence preview window...."

    The chequered pattern being referred to is seen only in the CLIP PREVIEW window. The SEQUENCE PREVIEW will show black if anything is transparent (or else  the underlying track image.)

    e.g. Clip preview left ..Sequence preview right. png of man with a transparent background.



    My The point was that any degree of fade will ...

    1. Show a checkerboard pattern on the timeline either complete or partial depending on the timeline zoom. 
    2. Show a checkerboard pattern in the clip preview window relative to the position of the CLIP PREVIEW cursor
    3. Show black  or the fading in/out image in the SEQUENCE PREVIEW window relative to the timeline cursor.

    Your problem of having a checkerboard image when you tried to add a zoom (which is also only seen in the CLIP PREVIEW window) was most probably because you had the clip preview cursor bar still to the left side of the window which would be still fully faded out. If you had simply moved the cursor to the right the clip preview image would have faded in and you could have referenced the zoom rectangle. Of course removing the fade in as you did made the whole clip visible. :) No harm done but it's not a bug.



  18. Hi

    As Borate explains above,  a simple text that you set up yourself can be made to scroll. (Bottom to Top/Top to Bottom/L-R  etc.)  The background to this text can be either transparent or coloured. If transparent,a lower video clip will be visible through it. (background clip on Video Track 1 and the text clip on Video Track 2)

    The drawback from your point of view seems to be  1) You have to type the text in yourself and 2) It's too complicated. Editing does require some work on your part but once yo play with it a bit it's pretty straightforward.  It's more simple than you imagine. 

    However, you say you already have the text you want to scroll on a coloured background as an image. This image can be made to scroll but the coloured background will obscure anything on a lower track.

    To scroll this image clip just place it on a higher track and then use the Position effect with two keyframes. The first keyframe set at the start of the clip with the text positioned off the frame at the bottom, and the second keyframe set at the end of the clip with the text positioned off the top of the frame. When played the text will scroll from bottom to top. The speed will depend on the length of the text clip. (Direction of movement can be set with the Position effect...even pauses if you use more keyframes)

    If you want this text image that you have already to have a transparent background just add a green screen effect to it and use the background colour as the screen colour. The text will now have a transparent background and scroll and anything on a lower track will be visible behind it. As you are using an image of your text for this there is no need to type it in or even use the  "Add Text" option. You can also have the spotlight effect if you wish but you will not be able to alter the text in any way.

    If, on the other hand  you opt for the Add Text feature you can compose you own as well as alter the colour/font/size of everything down to individual letters but obviously this is more work...


    You can scroll it and use the other text styles, including an End Credits scroll.



  19. Hi Mark

    You can right click the clip bin thumbnail as well as the specific clip on the sequence to access the menu. Having changed the speed value don't forget to click the Set button Don't just close it. Note also that as you enter the new speed value the duration that is shown should change.


  20. Hi

    Presuming you have now placed the beginning of your project at the end, but before ding this did you trim the very start?

    and...No...There shouldn't be any click. Zoom into the join between the two clips (end-beginning) and look at the audio track closely..is there a little sound peak at the "click" position either just before it or just after it? It may be that you have a tiny sound left when you trimmed things. If so you can either re-trim or drag the track to eliminate it.

    If this IS a sound artifact then do another trim and move elsewhere in a silent area of the project and see if a click appears. (Save project first of course or afterwards use the undo arrows to get back to where you were.)



  21. Hi

    "....... I tried to apply a zoom effect but I did not get the proper preview. For some reason I only got a chequered pattern that represents a transparent clip. The problem was gone after I removed the fade in effect on the first clip of the sequence. I think this might be a bug......"

    That's normal and not a bug. :)

    Placing a fade-in using the f at the start of a clip will leave the Clip Preview showing a chequered pattern......


    What you see is quite normal and is dependent on the position of the Clip cursor line and not necessarily the position of the Timeline cursor line.  If the Clip cursor is within the fade-in area (in the image above it is at the start of the clip) the clip preview image will remain chequered and nothing will be seen in the Zoom setup apart from the dotted rectangle. There will be no image to reference it with. Moving the timeline cursor on its own will still show the clip preview as chequered as the clip cursor does not move with it. 

    However, if you move the Clip Preview cursor to the right the clip preview will fade in as it should and then the clip will be seen along with the Zoom rectangle....


    Note also that the clip on the timeline remains chequered for the full extent of the fade effect The sequence preview will show the image fading in (left).


  22. Hi

    My computer specs are...

    Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP2
    Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E4500@ 2.2GHz, 2.0 GB RAM
    NVIDEA GeForce GT 730.

    This runs VP 10.24 with hardly any problems. Admittedly my usual video clips are only up 1920 x 1080 at 60fps and not 4K etc. It nevertheless manages to handle most editing without crashing.  This is just an observation.


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