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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi This should be fairly straightforward... Place your video clip onto the timeline. (Add File- Select file - Open. Drag and drop file from Media list window onto Video Track1 ...or select it and add it using the drop down menu prompt) If it has an associated soundtrack that you don't want to play; Mute Audio Track 1 (Loudspeaker Button at left end...It will get a red cross ) Your video clip will now play silently. Now add your song file to VP in a similar way as you did the video clip. It can be in any common audio format..mp3, wav, etc...) With experience you can even add a second video file and extract its audio,) Your song file will now found on the Media list under the "Audio Files" tab. (Sound files bin) Drag the song file from the Media List audio bin and drop onto Audio Track 2 which is the narrow space below Audio Track 1 Adjust it left/right by dragging so it you have it positioned correctly. Move the red cursor line ("scrubber bar") to the left end of the timeline.Now play the sequence (Click the triangle Play button under the Sequence preview window or press Space) Your video should now play along with your song on Audio Track 2. If you haven't muted Audio Track 1 both tracks will play. Make any adjustments Save your Project"as" and then Export it to Utube. You could also, Export it to your PC first, check it plays and then upload it UTube. Nat
  2. Hi It may be my PC but VP 4.45 seems to take ages to generate thumbnails and even stops showing the green progress bar, bringing editing to a stop. PC also pauses and sometimes beeps when I try to make a selection. If I come out of VP after a stopping while I see a progress screen labelled Stopping Queue Process Threads. What are these? As the progress bar is always only about 1/3 or so along the window it seems odd. I never saw this in earlier versions. Is this a bug? I would have thought that after a long wait VP would have completed anything it was doing. Nat
  3. Hi The "larger white window on the upper left" is the media list window showing the clips you have added to VP. In fact there are several windows (or bins) depending on which tab at the top is being used. (Sequences/ Video clips/Images/Audio clips) The green check mark you mention is to show that you have placed the clip onto the timeline. (ie ..it is being used) Note: The IN/OUT markers only display in CLIP PREVIEW and only with Video clips. As you have already placed the clip onto the timeline it is presumably in an unedited state..i.e. you have not yet used the IN/OUT markers, therefore the clip you see there, along with its thumbnails represents the complete clip. Selecting the clip on the timeline will not now show Clip preview but Sequence Preview instead. It is probably better to use the IN/OUT settings before you add the clip to the sequence but you can do it either way. So in your situation having already added the clip,you must first select the clip on the timeline (left click it) then toggle the preview screen to show Clip preview. This will now show the timeline clip. Below the image you should see a line of thumbnails from the clip and below this a marked time line. As VP generates the thumbnails and deals with the file a green progress bar will gradually extend from left to right along this timeline . At the extreme left of the thumbnail line is the thin red "scrubber" bar which can be grabbed and moved along the clip if required. At the left hand end of the green bar you should have the red IN marker [ and at the right hand end the blue OUT marker ] These can be grabbed and slid to new IN and OUT points (IN always to the left of out) and will mark the start position and stop position when the clip is played. The excluded sections of the clip will become greyed out along the preview thumbnail line. The section to be used will remain bright. The timeline clip will now adjust to the IN/OUT settings by greying out and being removed. In effect you are now cutting the clip at your selected start and end points. Note that in the Clip Preview screen, the selected timing positions are automatically marked above the Start and End buttons. As mentioned, you could also set IN/OUT points before you place the clip on the timeline. If you do this the clip will be edited but will not have the green tick mark until you actually place it on the timeline. As you are in effect cutting off (splitting and removing) sections of your clip, the sound track will also be edited simultaneously.So no need to worry out that. You should remember that the clip file is not actually physically cut..the computer file remains untouched in reality. VP simply notes the edit points you make and shows the effect you have created on screen. This means you can select the file again and re-edit it differently to place in a different part of your film. It's a good idea to save your project before you try out a new editing technique as you can always reload it if it all goes wrong.. Use "Save project as" and use a different name each time. Something sequential (e.g. .Pr1 Pr2 Pr3 etc.) The file you create each time is a .vpj. file which VP uses to re-create your work. Doing this means you can go back to any previous stage of your work. Don't Export it unless you have finished editing it. It is worthwhile mentioning here that we have discussed using the IN/OUT points to edit your clips before creating your film sequence, but if you think about old type movie film you could do your editing as though it was film. Place each bit of film on the timeline. (the clips) Put them in order by simply dragging them. Move the cursor line to the selected edit point. Split. Move to a different edit point and Split again. (e.g. IN/OUT) Remove the unwanted bit between the splits and close the gap. Just like real film. The difference is that you can easily get back a bit you cut off by mistake by grabbing and dragging out the ends you cut. Hope this helps Nat
  4. HI If you just want to speed up the video as well as the sound...which will rise in pitch, then right click the video and select to change clip speed. Untick the box labelled "Keep audio pitch unchanged" The video will play faster if the speed value set is above 100% and the pitch of the sound will rise with it. If you leave the labelled box ticked, the audio will not change its pitch. Nat
  5. Hi "Oh, and Dev Team: wouldn't the blending mode be a cool feature to have in VP?" I agree. This would be a useful addition to the features already incorporated in the VP effects. For manipulating images I use an old program ; MicrografX Picture Publisher.(PP) It's no longer available but has many of the features that Photoshop has. The "Blending" option in this program (PP) is the Merge function, and can be applied where two or more images are pasted as objects one overlapping the other. This is analogous to having a video Track 1 image/clip and a Video Track 2 image/clip laid over it. In Picture Publisher the merge functions that can be used are... Normal...........Top image overlays the lower Additive Subtractive If Lighter If Darker Filter Multiply Difference Texturize Color Hue Saturation Luminence Red Green Blue Invert. Here are some examples of image overlap. With one of the "Objects" - the top one, selected The Merge Mode becomes active and the down arrow has been clicked to reveal the menu of options. Above is a screenshot from PP showing two images with a Normal Merge. The top image (or object) overlaps and covers the lower..the same as with VP.Track2 covering Track1. (Only a part is covered for clarity) Some of the list of Merge modes can be seen in the small drop down menu with "Normal" selected. This screenshot from PP shows the effect of merging by "Addition" where the brightness of pixels in both images is added together. ...And This screenshot shows the effect of inverting the colors in the overlapping area... and so on.... Without being too optimistic I can see in my mind the various options incorporated into a "Merge" effect window with labelled tick boxes similar to those used already in the "Old Film" effect window or as a drop down menu as in PP. What is the possiblility of doing this? Nat
  6. Hi Just to say that you don't need to split or unlink the audio of your narrator video on Track 1. This needs to stay in synch. Just add the image clips to the overlay track as stated. Thney will visually overwrite the main video but will not affect it or the soundtrack. Get them into position and adjust their duration to what you want and use the transparency effect to fade in/out as Borate suggests. If you have a lot of slides then you can, once you have set up a suitable fadein/out shape, save it. (You may find it a phaff to keep on altering the preset one) so click the button with the diskette on it and save your effect as a template. This will now become one of the effects in the effects list and can be added to each slide without alteration. Another option you might want to use if you have a lot of image clips and to save time is, once you have added them all to Video Track 2, group them together.(Note:This does not mean that they jump together and alter their position.) Click the first side and press SHIFT down. Keep it down and click the last slide. They will all turn blue to show you have selected them. Keeping SHIFT pressed, right click one of the selected slides and take the top option "Group Selected Clips" The clips will now become grouped and clicking one will highlight the others, but note..if you move one you will move them ALL! You can now add your effect to all the slides at once. Click one of the FX slide buttons and then the Green cross in the effects window. Select your effect..even the one you have created.(To be found in the Template section) Once the selected effect pane comes up click the 7th button to the right.."Append effects chain to other selected clips" This will put your selected effect (e.g. Fade in/out) on all your clips in one go. Nat
  7. Hi To speed up a clip beyond 800 (8X) Place the clip on the timeline select it and change the speed to 800 and click "Set". It will now be 8X faster If the original clip played in 32 seconds it will now play in 4 seconds. To get it even faster you don't need to export it and then reload it....exactly speaking... Once you have speeded up the clip to the maximum.... On the top toolbar click "Sequence" and select "New Sequence" This will place your speeded up clip in the Sequence bin (labelled Sequence 1) and clear the timeline. Open the media list Sequence bin. Right click and select Sequence 1. Place it on the empty timeline. It will now (in my example) register 4 seconds in duration on the timeline although its properties shown by hovering will still show 32 seconds. Now right click the clip on the timeline and select "Change clip speed" once more. You will note that the speeded up clip will play at 100 as before but will take 4 seconds. Reset the speed to a new value....e.g. 200....(2x).....The clip will now play in 2 seconds. Repeat the steps to make it even quicker. In effect, in this example the clip has speeded up16X to "1600".(8X + 2X.) Its up to you to work out what values to use to achieve your goal. Note , however, that the speeded up effect does not retain the same number of frames...it's not a speedup of frames per second. It's less frames played at the same speed. Nat
  8. Hi Yes I saw your other post. Sorry..Can't help you there. These effects all work on my 32 bit Vista PC and don't they crash it although altering some effects make it go VERY slow, sometimes to the point where it wont respond, beeps when a key is pressed and the screen whites out. This is annoying of course (does it with some news web sites too) but if I wait it eventually catches up. Hope you get it sorted. Nat
  9. Hi Note: You can add "Shake" as an effect in itself. Unclick it in "Old film" effect pane and add "Shake" as a separate effect. If you don't want black and white you could also add the "Sepia" effect but it's no substitute to having a coloured "old film" clip. The nearest you can get currently to what you require is.... Place the clip on Video Track 1 and also on Video track 2. LIne them up. Video track 2 is the overlay track and for a start is the only one you will see if the sequence is played. Now add your "Old Film" effect to Video Track 1. Add the "Transparency" effect to Video track 2 The default Transparency (Opacity) is 50% so when the sequence is now played you will see your "Old" film in black and white through the normal coloured clip on Track 2. You should be able to adjust the transparency (opacity) so the sequence looks like an old coloured clip. Try about 60% opacity for a start. The higher the value the more colour and the less "Old film" effect. Nat
  10. Hi Yes! You seem to have got it work OK. Great! Remember, if you want it to pan slower along an image just drag one end of the image clip out to make it a longer clip on the timeline, or change the duration in storyboard mode. If it's a video clip of your text, on the other hand simply slow it down. Nat
  11. Hi The naming and the number of the files in the cache created from version 2.3 is quite different to the files created in VP 4.45 and as far as I know you will not be able to open a project that you created in the earlier version as VP 4.45 would be trying to find files that do not exist. NCH may be able to suggest something but I doubt it. Nat
  12. Hi I think this is the sort of thing you have in mind... Old film type image with borders.. To deal with this, click the FX button on the sequence line and after clicking the Green cross on the effects pane select the "Crop" effect from the list. This will place a rectangle on the CLIP PREVIEW pane. If you want to keep the AR fixed to a particular value then select it from the options in the "Restraint" box. e.g. select 4:3 for old analogue video or super 8 format. Note: there will be black border on the resulting VP clip unless the original image is 16:9. Drag the sides of the rectangle so as to outline the part of the clip you wish to be seen. i.e to crop off the fuzzy border and round corners.. Close the effects pane. The video will now play without the fuzzy edge or round corners....but will not fill the frame. The resulting clips plays without fuzzy border but will not fill the frame. If however you have cropped with the AR set at 16:9 you can (although you will have lost some of the image) enlarge the frame to fill the screen using the "Zoom" or "Scale" effect. (Scale is a bit phaffy so I would use Zoom) So to add the Zoom effect to the crop you have done..... Click FX and the green cross to select "Zoom" The zoom panel will come up over the Crop panel. Set the red cursor line to the start of the clip and the Restraint box to 16:9 (Same as your original Crop option) Drag the sides of the rectangle appearing on the CLIP PREVIEW pane so as to outline your cropped image. (Undock the preview pane to see it more clearly) Click each of the keyline buttons and then the small green cross on the keyframe window. This sets the first keyframe. Slide the red cursor line to the end of the clip and then drag the rectangle to the right to the end of the clip and centre it again. Click the small green cross once more to set the end keyframe. Now close the effects pane. The image (16:9) will now fill the complete frame. When played the clip will now show the 16:9 cropped image zoomed in full frame. Nat
  13. Hi OK. I think we can see what you want to acheive. You can treat what you want to do in either of two ways.... 1) First zoom into the left hand edge of the image to enlarge the text and then pan to the right. 2) Zoom into the text AND pan right at the same time. The first option would seem more logical. So first of all. Add the image file to the VP media list and then drag/drop it onto the timeline. (Video track 1) It will now appear in the Sequence Preview pane at the upper right. Select the image clip on the sequence line and click the button marked FX at the left end. This opens the Effects pane. Click the green cross and select Zoom from the list of effects. The Preview pane will now change to Clip Preview and will have a rectangle superimposed on it which represents the zoom area. You can undock this pane to make it larger if you wish by clicking the top right hand corner. Retain the 16:9 aspect ratio by selecting this option from the drop down menu associated with the "Restraint" box. Click all four buttons marked with the short graph line...Borate has marked them "Squiggly lines" Now click the small green cross which has lit up to set the first key frame markers. The next step is to move the red cursor line along the preview screen or along the effects keyframe pane to a point where you wish the zoom-in action to stop before you start to pan. Now adjust the size of the rectangle on the preview pane by dragging in the sides or the top and bottom markers so you are outlining the left hand end of your text in the end of zoom condition. You can drag the rectangle about to cover the area to be enlarged. You will see that the keyframe lines move up and down reflecting the position you arrive at. When you are satisfied you are outlining the enlarged section of your text click the small green cross again to fix a second key frame. Slide the red cursor along to the end of your text and then drag the marking rectangle in the preview pane along to the right so it outlines the end of the text. Dont move the side or end handles as you don't want to alter the amount of zoom. Just drag the rectangle. Click the green cross to fix the final key frame. Close the effects pane and review the result. If you want the zoom to commence after a few seconds instead of straight away then you can do this either by making your first keyframe just after the start of the clip or more easily by inserting the same clip before the zoomed clip and shortening it to the requiired duration. If you want the clip to pause before the pan then move the red scrubber bar to the frame where the pan starrts and again do a snapshot. Add this to the cursor position, or split the sequence at that point and insert the snapshot. Again you can shorten it to the desired duration. VP Screen should look like this when effect has been added... Nat
  14. Hi This is very similar to a problem another user had some days ago (See Panorama Pan) ...Using Borate's images as a guide you should be able to follow.........Here is my reply..... "Your panoramic image obviously will not have a 16:9 aspect ratio and so once loaded to the media list or placed onto the sequence track will have a chequered area at both top and bottom which is normal. Start by clicking the FX button at the left end of the image on the sequence track. In the Effects pane that comes up click the green cross and select Zoom. (You will have to zoom in to remove the chequered areas and then use zoom in animation to move along the image) Click the Restraint box and select 16:9 to keep the zoomed clip in normal AR Slide the red cursor to the start position for your pan (e.g.left hand end) Open the keyframe pane (if not already open) and slide the red cursor to the left to indicate you are at the start of the clip. The main Clip preview pane on the right will now show a rectangle with corner and side handles on your image clip. Pull the sides or ends to change the size of the rectangle and move it by dragging so that it displays the start area for your Pan.You may have to undock your preview pane (top right hand corner arrow) to adjust and see the position of the rectangle more easily. Once in position click all four of the animation line buttons at the right of the effects panel.(Little graph lines with a dot on them) This will show horizontal lines for each parameter in thekeyframe space. Now click the "Add keyframe to current postion" button..The green cross at top of keyframe panel. This will add small markers to each of the keyframe lines fixing the start rectangle. Slide the cursor along to the end position for your pan (e.g. right hand end) Grab your rectangle in the clip review pane and drag it to the end position for your pan. Dont alter its size -just position. Click the green cross again to fix the keyframe (probably be already marked) Close the effects panel Play the image clip,It should now pan from left to right. Alter the speed by dragging out the ends of the image clip to make it longer or alter the duration of the clip from the Storyboard option." Nat
  15. Hi "If I use the "x" marker in the top R corner of the frame to insert a transition, it often doesn't ask me how long for. The "transitions" tab at top of screen seems more reliable." First time around the transition duration is not shown at the bottom of the selection screen. This is unlike earlier versions of VP where you could immediately enter a value in the box. It only shows up at the bottom of the transitions pane if the particular transition is re clicked. I don't know why this cannot be replaced. To change the value re-click and just swipe the old value and type in the new value in seconds. The up/down arrows change in 10s of a second. If you go into Options you can set the default transition duration under the "Editing" tab. I tend to use 2 seconds. The transition is automatically positioned centred on the join between the clips and is equally divided between them. Again this is different from earlier versions of VP where you could move the transition about. If either or both of the clips is too short to fit the half transition at its default duration of 2 seconds, it is automatically shortened. In this case the duration covers all the shorter clip or both clips. If you don't want this you will have to either shorten the duration or lengthen the clips if possible. On occasion or if incorrectly done, splitting the timeline can leave a very short film segment..a frame or two.. that can only be picked up by zooming in or switching into storyboard mode. If this has happened the transition cannot be correctly generated or appears with a value of 1/10s second duration. Removing the offending "clip" should cure this. A single frame used as a "clip" will show a transition duration of 0.002 seconds. Nat
  16. Hi Place your clips on Video track 1....audio will appear on Audio track1. Don't bother unlinking the track, just mute it using the button at the left hand end with the loudspeaker icon. The track will go grey. You can now collapse it out of the way with the button at the end with the - icon. Now place your music on Audio track 2. If you add it to the sequence, it gets placed at the end and you will probably have to drag it down to Audio track 2 and then along to the left. You could also "Click the gap" and close it when the audio will move along to the start of the sequence on Audio track 2.. You should now be able to grab and move the video clips on Video track 1up and down the sequence, drag them one over the other etc.without making a gap in Audio track 2. Note that the clips are still linked to their own audio which will also move as expected but being muted will not play. Audio track 2 will not be affected. If you unlink your sound track as you say you did then this seems to make VP link sections on Video Track 1 to the equivalent portion of Audio Track 2. Consequently moving the video clip will move a section of the audio or create a gap. So mute the audio for your clips as described but don't unlink them. Nat
  17. Hi Your panoramic image obviously will not have a 16:9 aspect ratio and so once loaded to the media list or placed onto the sequence track will have a chequered area at both top and bottom which is normal. Start by clicking the FX button at the left end of the image on the sequence track. In the Effects pane that comes up click the green cross and select Zoom. (You will have to zoom in to remove the chequered areas and then use zoom in animation to move along the image) Click the Restraint box and select 16:9 to keep the zoomed clip in normal AR Slide the red cursor to the start position for your pan (e.g.left hand end) Open the keyframe pane (if not already open) and slide the red cursor to the left to indicate you are at the start of the clip. The main Clip preview pane on the right will now show a rectangle with corner and side handles on your image clip. Pull the sides or ends to change the size of the rectangle and move it by dragging so that it displays the start area for your Pan.You may have to undock your preview pane (top right hand corner arrow) to adjust and see the position of the rectangle more easily. Once in position click all four of the animation line buttons at the right of the effects panel.(Little graph lines with a dot on them) This will show horizontal lines for each parameter in thekeyframe space. Now click the "Add keyframe to current postion" button..The green cross at top of keyframe panel. This will add small markers to each of the keyframe lines fixing the start rectangle. Slide the cursor along to the end position for your pan (e.g. right hand end) Grab your rectangle in the clip review pane and drag it to the end position for your pan. Dont alter its size -just position. Click the green cross again to fix the keyframe (probably be already marked) Close the effects panel Play the image clip,It should now pan from left to right. Alter the speed by dragging out the ends of the image clip to make it longer or alter the duration of the clip from the Storyboard option. Nat
  18. Hi The effects window as it used to be (complete but independant of the main interface screen) is not now there as it has been combined with the CLIP PREVIEW screen When you normally open VP (with nothing loaded) you see just one screen; the SEQUENCE PREVIEW. When you add a clip to the media list it becomes the focus and the CLIP PREVIEW window is displayed. Move this clip onto the timeline (sequence line) and the window changes to the SEQUENCE PREVIEW. Selecting a clip from the Media list or from the timeline will display it in the CLIP PREVIEW window. You can switch between the two displays by clicking the appropriate button at the top of the display window. The CLIP PREVIEW shows the currently selected clip. If this seems a bit confusing you can do as Borate suggests and display both windows side by side using the Dual Previews option from the view menu. Now, adding an effect is done (as you no doubt know) by selecting a clip on the timeline and clicking the FX button associated with it. Instead of displaying a effects specific window as it used to, VP now shows a control display pane for the effect that has been opened, and depending on the effect you can extend this to show the key frame lines with scrubber bar for the various parameters. This extension can obscure the display window. However, despite this you should now see that the CLIP PREVIEW has taken the focus of the main display and it is this that will show the effects that you are introducing in a similar way as it did previously. e.g. If you have chosen to use the POSITION effect, the CLIP PREVIEW window will now show the position rectangle in a similar way that the old window used to. If you want the effect to move, open the extension pane and set key frames as before adjusting the display rectangle and using graph line buttons and the red cursor line. (Same/similar to previously) There is no accept option for effects now as they take effect immediately once the frames have been generated, and you can play the clip straight away to see of the effect is waht you want. You can edit the parameters just as before. If you want to see the screen in a (rather) similar way as before i.e. larger you can undock the CLIP PREVIEW window. IMHO I do feel that the idea of having independant screens/panes/windows for the various components of an effect is a bit clumsy as they often obscure each other. Anyway hope this helps a bit. Nat I am sure much of this you already know, but even so the "old" effects pane is still there but it's been disguised. :-))
  19. Hi Yes, POSITION will enable you to drag your resultant cropped image near to a central position, but as you have found, you now have borders. You will therefore now need to use the SCALE effect to enlarge the clip so that the borders no longer show. If, however, you have simply cropped the bottom from your clip it will no longer have the same aspect ratio as the original. SCALE will enable you to remove the border but in doing so you may lose some of the top of the clip or the sides of the clip. It depends on how much you cropped off. You will have to experiment a bit so you get the best effect. Nat
  20. Hi Highlightling/copy/paste from notepad doesn't produce a blank line. Just found that you can delete the empty line if you place cursor in the edit window at start of that line (i.e. under the visible text) and press Backspace. Deleting just the text (from the end of the text) using Backspace as one normally does does not delete the empty line even if Backspace is repeatedly pressed after the text has disappeared. Nat
  21. Hi With VP 4.45 apostrophes seem to come up OK if you type or paste them. In normal use (don't use them a lot myself) you can select a clip and "Subtitles" and type your text to play between the IN and OUT markers. The text will appear on the clip in the edit window and will register as you type. Don't instinctively press "Enter" when you finish as this will add the blank line. However I think there may be a bug here as if you HAVE pressed "Enter "and the subtitle has moved up then if you delete the text from the edit window (and presumably delete any blank lines as well) The retyped text appears higher up the screen as if the blank lines still exist. To get around this I had to delete the text and close the subtitle window and then restart. When I tried this my subtitle remained on the clip and I got rid of it eventually with the back arrow. I am possibly doing it wrong but that is what I found. :-) Nat
  22. Hi The simplest, and most intuative way, although a bit phaffy is to first assemble your video clips and then instead of muting the whole of Audio track 1 by clicking the microphone icon at the left end, you can click the microphone icon that is on the audio track for each clip, and ticking the box marked "mute"that appears for each. Do this for the clips you want to individually mute. Now you can continue as mentioned in my post by dragging your music clip down onto Audio track 2 and position it under the muted clips. A quicker alternative is to assemble all your video files on Video track 1 as before. Now press down the SHIFT key and click the first clip you want to mute and then with the shift key still pressed, click the last clip you want to mute. This action will select all the clips together..(they will turn a grey/blue colour to show that you have selected them.) Keep the SHIFT key down and right click the block of selected clips and select "Group selected clips" from the menu. Your clips are now in effect linked. Now grab the selected video clips and drag them UP onto the overlay Video track (Video Track 2) They will all now be on Video Track 2 and their audio will be on Audio Track 2.at the bottom. Mute all of Audio Track 2 by clicking the microphone icon at the left end of the audio track. When you play the sequence the overlay video (Video Track 2) will now play silently whilst the clips on video Track 1 will play their audio. Now you can add your music. Open the media list window audio files and drag and drop your music clip onto Audio track 3 which is underneath the muted Audio track 2 Drag it right or left to position it under your muted clips....and that's it. It takes longer to describe than it does to actually do. If you don't have many clips to mute, then the first method may be just as quick. Nat
  23. Hi First create your timeline of clips and edit it to your requirements.Once you have your video track as you want it click the microphone icon at the left end of the audio track. This has the action of muting the complete audio track which turns grey. At this point your video should play without any sound. Now add your music clip to the program, it will appear in the media list window under the Audio Files heading. Drag and drop the file onto the audio track BENEATH Audio Track 1......Audio Track 2 (If you add it in the normal way using the menu option it will be added to the end of the sequence and you will have to drag it down onto the lower track and then along to the left) You will now see two audio tracks...No 1 is muted and No 2 is your music clip. You can drag your music clip left or right so it starts where you want. Now your video will play with the music clip and not the video sound clips. Nat
  24. Hi Sam This behaviour only happens when the clips are displayed in the media window as thumbnails. If they are displayed in list format the list doesn't scroll back to the top. However, with a lot of clips, thumbnail display IMHO is more useful as a visible reminder what each clip contains. Nat
  25. Hi NCH Just noticed a small bug in VP Professional Version 4.44 Beta. Steps to display it are:-- Select "New project" and load a number of clips to the media list. These are viewed in Thumbnail format and can be selected and added to the timeline. The button to toggle how the clips display (List or Thumbnail) shows the List icon and hovering over this button prompts "Switch to List View" which is correct. Switching to the List view by clicking the button shows the clips list correctly and the button toggles to the thumbnail icon. Hovering this prompts "Switch to thumbnail view" which is correct. Now, whilst in List view, selecting a clip and adding it to the timelime correctly places the clip onto the sequence, but instead of keeping the toggle button unchanged it returns to show the List icon which should remain unchanged and hovering it prompts "Switch to list view" even though the clips are still in list view. Clicking the button returns to thumbnail view and the button icon toggles correctly. Hovering the button prompts once again to "Switch to list view". In short the prompt for this button and the icon displayed do not reflect the display mode of the clips. It's only a little bug but still requires to be corrected. Nat
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