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Posts posted by borate

  1. I am presently trying out VideoPad 3.00. I like everything about it except the screen interface colors. Particularly the small green 'building a preview' (or rendering or saving) line. It is so thin (and the green so light in color) that I usually can't see it against the other colors.


    Is there any way to change the color of this line? I see nothing in the Options menu.


    It's unclear exactly where/what "small green" line you see. Can you be more specific? There is no UI I'm aware of that changes the look of Videopad.

  2. Trying out VideoPad 3.00. While importing clips, the first clip I import disappears when I import the second one...and so on and so on. If I try to import several files at once, only the first clip from the batch imported shows up.


    Using 3.0, and not seeing that here. Tested import of four video files of varying formats all at once - and separately, one after another. Also tested two still images. All of them appeared in the media lists.

    Be sure to look under the correct tab: SEQUENCES - VIDEO FILES- AUDIO FILES - IMAGES.

  3. Whenever I save the video, it would work if there was only two tracks. Now I'm finding that if I used more than those two, it gets to about 64%-70% through and crashes.


    As 3.02 is beta (a test version), it should not be relied upon. Perhaps the current 3.0 release will do better...



    It might be prudent to first save your project before uninstalling/installing.

  4. I have created 24 Sequences, each has a number of clips.

    I realize now that I need to change the Order of the Sequences, i cannot slide the Sequences horizontally to reorder them or find a way to change their order unless I do a messy re do.


    Not totally clear on what you have, but here are two procedures worth a thought...


    Select specific scenes, then SEQUENCE|COPY. Park the cursor where you want it on the timeline and SEQUENCE|PASTE, to insert.


    Or select specific scenes. Copy them. Then SEQUENCE|NEW SEQUENCE and paste the scenes you copied to the timeline.

    FILE|SAVE MOVIE. Insert those saved scenes into another sequence as an independent clip.



    I am on the free home version, if I upgrade to the professional version will this issue be solved


    Very unlikely, IMO.

  5. I just downloaded the new version of videopad, and everything is now different. See the attached image. WTF is that?? Why can't I remove this space? It plays like a blank clip and I can't get rid of it.


    It appears that there is an odd transition at the head, which may be the problem. Still, try a right-click on the unwanted area, then "delete selected clip." Or right-click, "close gap."

  6. In fact that should happen with any transition type where the two tracks are visible at the same time, along with the audio blending.


    An audio crossfade might best be achieved by splitting and overlapping the two tracks, adding a fade out to the first and a fade in to the second.

  7. VP 3 has a real problem with transitions...


    I have trimmed clips in the preview window and added them at a split or to the end. Transitions often jump and/or freeze. Altering the transition point lby sliding video left or right on the timeline doesn't usually fix it.

    These clips had plenty of additional video at both head and tail.


    No other of a half-dozen of so reasonably comparable editors that I have tested burps at transitions, which is a make/break bug IMO. I have registered another NCH product and would purchase VP 3 if not for this bug.

    2.41 performs better, but I have occasionally seen the fault there as well.


    Repeated attempts to communicate with NCH support and marketing have failed. They do not participate in the community forums.

  8. Videopad 3 will allow you to have a more accurate positioning but the scrolling for an overlay video or picture seemed impossible.


    After selecting the overlay, click the small arrow to the right of "effects." From the drop-down list choose "motion."

    Each setting (X, Y, rotation, scale) has a green X next to it. Click the appropriate X and, to the right, a box with a blue line appears.


    Click on that line to set points (dots) in the time line for this overlay. Drag various sections of that line - clicking first on a point/s that you created - to create the desired trajectory.

    Or simply use the sliders in the main box for an overall effect.


    See the result by clicking the PLAY button below.

  9. Hi, downloaded what presumably is the latest free non-commercial/home only version 3. (?) and still finding my way round via tutorials, however having just saved a 40 minute ski holiday video all I'm finding in the file is .vpj size 2kb which sounds very odd. Nothing happens when clicking on it either?


    When you FILE|SAVE PROJECT to a small .vpj file you are saving only the pointers to the files that were used in that project so you can return to make further edits. Clicking on a .vpj should open Videopad, right where you left off when the project was saved - provided that you have not moved the source files.


    To save the actual production use FILE|SAVE EXPORT VIDEO. Then make your choice of where and how you want the finalized masterpiece to be stored.

  10. Overlay is simply an additional video field in 3.0/.01 - just above video track 1.

    As you drag your overlay clip down from the "media" area you will see a prompt that reads "drop your clips here to overlay." The overlay will become video track #2.

  11. Thanks Nat,


    I've always thought of "pan" as any horizontal movement, and "scroll" as vertical. But technically you're probably more accurate. I was able to enter screen-left and exit screen-right using just the ZOOM feature...after I changed 2.41 compatibility to Windows XP- (SP3). Prior to that, repositioning the IN positioners repeatedly crashed the program.


    Related, I have been attempting to mask a clip, then chromakey that clip - having the masked portion reveal the background image. Seeing no "mask" option, I managed to loosely mask via a chromakey, then saved that clip as an avi to be used as the chromakey overlay. Didn't work well. My knowledge, and perhaps Videopad's capabilities, are being stretched a bit far here. Someone competent could likely manage it. But AVID, Final Cut or Lightworks would help. ^_^

  12. Hi


    Sorry, I have no connection to NCH. :) I just use the program (v2.41) a lot and help out where I can...even if I am sometimes wrong. I have tried v3.0 but didn't like the multiple tracks much and found some features didn't work correctly (at least to my mind) so I have gone back to 2.41 which does most of what I want with no problems.


    The same here.


    Now....You can solve your problem with the non-appearence of the "Save as a new clip" button if you click the "Toggle Media list style" button which is the icon with the little blue arrow at the right hand end of the box immediately above the media list window. This should replace the button as well as the IN/OUT markers.


    Fine! Probably never would have stumbled upon that. HELP needs help - with more extensive info, an index and search function.


    Sounds like 3.0 is causing you problems.


    It's not unusual that a company hasn't the resources to extensively support "trial" users, but as they are the ones who may spend $ on the product - if it works well - it pays to make an effort. One would hope that NCH would lend assurances to a potential buyer that (serious) problems are known and being addressed. I'd buy version 3, as it has a few extra bells - such as thumbnailed bins for video/audio/images - but its transition glitch is fatal. Occurs in both Win and 8 and is repeatable on most, but not all transitions. You might confirm that yourself?? 2.41 is better in that respect and has never frozen, as has its successor.


    While it's understandable that NCH wants to push their integrated concept, comments on the Net hint that folks don't appreciate their right-click menus (shell extensions) being populated without permission with programs that they don't even have. Further, in my opinion, "install on demand" should request user permission first, if only as a courtesy.


    Looks like it's up to us, Matt. ^_^ Thanks for the feeback.

  13. Is this still Beta?

    When I download from the English webiste, I get 3.0 - without a word on Beta status. I don't see any other version.

    When I download from the German website, I get 2.3(!). Again no word on the version.

    Both files have the same file name.


    If I choose "Check for update" in the installed 3.0 version, I get "New Version available online". If I then click on "view", I am sent to http://www.nchsoftwa...d/versions.html, where 2.43 is announced as the latest version.


    2.43 is Japanese.

    2.42 is Spanish

    Click on the "Windows Download" button at the link above and you will retrieve 3.01 (it's the "beta").

  14. Thanks for checking in Matt,


    Unfortunately, in my 2.41 the interface isn't quite as you describe. Until a clip is placed and selected on the time line, the red cursor line, with the IN/OUT markers, does not appear. The "frames" button - yellow star - never shows up. I HAVE seen it in other versions. And in 3.0 I believe that the markers do appear just as you indicate, without the need to first place the clip on the timeline. 3.0/.01, however, have problems...


    As you appear to be THE man here (NCH employee?) perhaps you can shed some light on progress in solving the 3.0 transition problem mentioned in another thread. "Support" will not communicate. I've also seen a freeze woe with 3.0 in Windows 8, where a gap is created on the timeline, then scrolled past (to timeline end) with the cursor. Program sometimes becomes non-responsive and must be closed. "Phantom" instances must be killed via taskmanager.

    For a look at what 3.0 does to transitions see http://hevanet.com/hb/freeze.mov You will note FROM video freezes during the effect, and that the FROM image jumps when the effect begins. A killer.

  15. 2.41 HELP states the following...


    "You can also "cut" new clips out of an existing clip by clicking the "Save as new clip" button to the right of the In / Out flags (icon of video file with star in top right corner). When clicked, you will see a new clip has been created and added to the media list area."


    Though that button exists in 3.0 I can't spot it in 2.41. Do you? Please describe fully. Thanks.

  16. Attention all VideoPad users. We are happy to announce that VideoPad 3 beta is now available at this link: http://www.nchsoftwa...eta/vpsetup.exe


    Please don't let it out the door until the transition bug is fixed. Testing here shows that all transitions, but for the first one on the sequence, jump at their IN point or freeze at the IN point or later in the transition.

    Was the same in 3.0. It would be enlightening if others could confirm this behavior. Windows 8 (64), 2600K CPU here.

  17. Transitions do not function correctly. The first is usually OK, but most of the rest are not. Problem persists in 3.01 Beta.


    At the in point the FROM video may jump a frame or so and then freezes for a portion or the duration of the transition. Occurs with dissolves, wipes, etc.


    Know the reason, and how to avoid the problem? Thanks

  18. Fine Nat,


    I was about to conclude that my eyes were prematurely failing.


    Located a YouTube tutorial for 3.0, likely just posted, and found the answer. At its simplest, text overlay is added as track two. It appears as an insert over track one.



  19. Hi Nat,


    As mentioned, the latest BETA 3.0 version is what's being used here. There is no gray box with the word "overlay" and the tab labels read: Sequences, Video Files, Audio Files, Images, not Media list, Effects and Transitions.

    Perhaps this is where our communication is breaking down. As I noted, the attachment in the earlier message from the moderator is not downloadable or viewable.


    I guess someone who is using 3.0 will have to update us on where "overlay" lies. ^_^


    Click HERE to see the screen that I see.

  20. Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately, when your attachment is clicked ... "You do not have permission to view this attachment." (Using the latest BETA free version.)


    The OVERLAY will be text. After creating a short text clip I can locate no + sign anywhere on the screen. Nor is there any reference whatsoever, under any drop-down menu or submenu, to "overlay."

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