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Everything posted by borate

  1. By way of comparison... On a PC here, the CPU averages 25%, with rare peaks to 100% while playing back a lengthy HD project that contains transitions and effects. Threw several effects and transitions onto a short mixed HD and non-HD video. CPU never exceeded 10%. This is an older 2600K processor, 8G RAM, NVidia 650 video - less capable than your own. Videopad 6.30. Fan is not ramping up during playback, though it does on export.
  2. You put in lots of effort on documenting your priceless honeymoon... Did not test export of the project in its original form... 1. Deleted all unused files, just to clean things up. 2. Cleared unused cache files (OPTIONS|DISK tab) 3. Fixed position errors at approx 2:36 and 15:42. Excised black frames at appx 18:10 and 18:14. Eliminated flash frame at approx. 18:46. Exported at 1920 X 1080 as an Mp4. You may feel that the resolution reduction is a negative. Yet this cuts export time substantially and the finished HD product looks great, full screen on a 24-inch monitor. Editing and exporting can be sped up by first converting very high resolution video files to 1920 X 1080 or less, dependent upon how they will be ultimately viewed. Use a batch converter. NCH offers products for both video and still image files. In the future, consider pre-rendering complex effects, such as stabilizing, speed changes and rotation, and exporting each individually. They become clips. Then use those newly created clips in the project. This cuts the overhead, helps minimize buffering. Also check out the FAQ on "Proxy editing" post at the top of this forum. The reason behind the export failures you experienced are unknown, but keep in mind that video editing is resource intensive. A high-end CPU and GPU, generous open space on the cache drive and ample RAM are recommended. Always liked the pan flute. Cute couple; have a great life together!
  3. As suggested in your earlier thread, please share your project. Instructions here. It can be kept private, if you like. Then someone will try to pin down the problem. What are your system's specs - CPU, GPU, RAM, free storage space? What format and resolution is being exported?
  4. Sure does. Intermittent bug. May be related to <ctrl-shift-r>, which sometimes brings up the registration screen while a text box has focus. Windows 10, sticky keys not enabled. Press and let go of the <alt> key when this happens and see if that clears it..
  5. Check this out. Haven't used an unlicensed copy in some time so can't say whether these restrictions apply to that version during the trial period. To analyze your "whistle" headphones would have been ideal. Unfortunately that option is hard to employ here just now as the sound chip on the motherboard went south a few weeks ago.
  6. Well stated. As you note, fix or add a feature without due testing and there's a chance something will break. Personal observation has shown that high-end NLE software is not without problems. NCH targets its programs to home users. To the developers credit, VP is continuously upgraded. That's more than can be said for some competing products.
  7. Listened again but still don't hear a difference. There are variances between the waveforms, the most notable being slightly less gain for the VP version. But you have pinned it down to your satisfaction, and that's what counts. The current VP incarnation is 6.30, which can be used without registration/licensing. Most features will continue to function after a trial period.
  8. Perhaps the noise is at too high a frequency for my ears, but comparing both visual wave forms and audio reveals no discernible difference between the two files. You might want to test a current VP version. Retain the old installer.
  9. borate

    Proxy editing

    A few minutes of preparation, to convert HD files to low resolution for editing, will markedly speed up the process. Proxies are especially suitable for low-end PCs. 1. Convert large video files to 320 X 240 and save to a unique folder. (NCH's Prism software can do the job.) Give them precisely the same names and use the same format (Mp4, MOV, etc.) as the originals. 2. Using the PC's file manager, move the originals from their project folder to any empty folder. Alternatively, delete them to the recycle bin. 3. Copy the low-res files to the same VP'project folder where the originals were deleted. 4. Edit your project. 5. When done, in the VP video bin right-click on each of the low-res files, one-by-one, and click CHANGE or REPLACE FILE. Locate the hi-res versions and replace each. Or, if the recycle bin method was used, close VP, then delete the proxies in the project folder and use the file manager to right-click and restore the originals. Reload the project, SAVE and EXPORT. https://tinyurl.com/y35ax9lx
  10. Let's see what you have. Please click the "Tips for getting help..." sticky post near the top of this forum and follow the steps to share your project. Someone will check it out.
  11. Flawless full-screen playback here, so the export was good The file that you exported may be as well, but chokes when played back there. Try it on another PC.
  12. Nice work, Geoff. Exported without a hitch here. Removed an :08 gap during the finger pointing - easily spotted in Storybook mode. Yes, text scope should be reduced, though the player may be able to compensate. Bring up each text clip in the editor, select all text and then reduce the font size. Videopad is more sophisticated than Movie Maker. Output resolution choices include "auto" which, in this case, was 3000. Chose instead to export an Mp4 at 1920 X 1080P, which took about eight minutes. The problems that you encountered hint that the PC may not be up to handling resource intensive video editing. VP is not at fault. -- Lonnie never did reveal whether his chewing gum lost its flavor on the bedpost overnight. --
  13. Some export options should remain. Please share your project so someone can troubleshoot it. For instructions, see the "sticky" post near the top of this forum titled "Tips for Getting Help."
  14. The SPAM filtering is a GMail issue. Click its settings wheel, then the SETTINGS item and choose the FILTERING tab. Configure a filter with the NCH email address if necessary after confirming that the address isn't in the blocked list. A few minutes up front, to convert the file/s, should pay great dividends in ease of editing. Proxies are especially suitable for low-end PCs. Two key considerations: name the proxies exactly the same as the original files, and keep copies of the originals. One method, after creating the low-res files, is to delete the originals to the recycle bin. Later, they can be restored from the bin, which will slot them back into their original folder. Report results here.
  15. This FAQ outlines the creation of DVD chapters. A limitation on sequences has not been mentioned, AFAIK. Perhaps a free-space issue on the disk??
  16. There are several ways to reorder clips on the timeline. Storybook mode displays individual clips prominently so it may facilitate that - depending upon the project's complexity. SB mode also reveals inconsistencies or gaps between clips that might not be visible on the compressed timeline. Effects can be applied to a clip on the timeline, then that A/V clip can be dragged to the video bin and later reassembled to the original or a new sequence, if that's your style. Add transitions last, after the rearrangement is complete.
  17. Effects can indeed be applied to a portion of a clip - by splitting a clip on the timeline or by using the animation editor to plot keyframes. See this FAQ. Check out storybook mode; it's helpful in sorting out individual clips. Be aware too that you can right-click|COPY a master clip in the video bin, then right-click|PASTE CLIP. Each copy can be trimmed independently. Employ the START|END buttons under the PV window and drag a trimmed clip to the timeline, drop it in by using the ADD button or get the same result via the (right-click) context menu. If you want someone to check out your project, share it. See the "sticky" near the top of this forum: "Tips for getting help..."
  18. Using a 192 bit rate WMV, seeing the same 163Kbits/s on export no matter what higher audio output setting is chosen. Reported.
  19. Your system does seem lacking for resource intensive video editing; eight gigs of RAM is often cited as minimal. A few things to try... In OPTIONS|DISPLAY, temporarily lower the frame rate. Playback may become jerky, depending upon the nature of the project. In OPTIONS|EDITING, try toggling "Use Hardware Accelerated Video" to the other state. Update Direct-X. Update the video driver to the latest, from the chip or card manufacturer's WEB site. See this FAQ for info on both procedures. Or, greatly lessen the load while editing by using proxy files... Convert the large video files to 320 X 240 and save to a unique folder. (NCH's Prism software can do the job.) Give them precisely the same names as the originals. Move the originals from the project folder to another. Then, using the PC file manager, copy the low-res files to VP's project folder and edit the film. When done, In the VP video bin right-click on each of the low-res files, one-by-one, and click CHANGE FILE. Locate the hi-res versions and replace each. SAVE and EXPORT the project.
  20. The variable smart 45fps is likely a maximum rate. In one test here, it resulted in a 30 fps Mp4 (H264). Agree, there's a flipping inconsistency. ?
  21. Please click the "sticky" post near the top of this forum: "Tips for getting help..." and follow the instructions to share your project. Someone will check it out. http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/
  22. Consider updating to the current version. And check out this thread. To avoid making coasters try burning to an RW disc first.
  23. If no LINK/UNLINK choice is seen in the right-click menu, then the clip is does not contain video with accompanying audio. For clips that do have A/V, UNlink and RESTORE LINK should be available. http://help.nchsoftware.com/help/en/videopad/win/editing_linkedgrouped.html One might want to unlink a file in order to work with audio or video independently - with certain limitations - or perhaps delete clip audio and drop in a music track instead.
  24. "Overlay" refers to a higher numbered track, whose video takes precedence over lower numbered tracks, so there may be no need to move clips to track 1. I.e.: If you have images on track 1 and overlay others on track 2, only track two will be seen, unless certain effects are applied such as transparency. Right-click a clip in the timeline - either its video or audio - and you will see the UNLINK option.
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