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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi VP 2.61 (Beta according to the toolbar) Just noted a a bug in the reverse clip action. Steps to show are as follows. Place two clips on timeline...Clip1 + Clip2 Reverse Clip1 Add a crossfade transition of duration 4 seconds with overlap choice to the join. Timeline plays normally with reversed Clip1and transition to Clip2 Un-reverse Clip 1 Result: The timeline still plays correctly (normal direction now) but only up to the start of the transition. At this point the crossfade uses the reversed start of Clip1 for its fadeout . It should use the normal end of Clip 1. This 2 second segment in the transition is the still reversed end of Clip 1 i.e. It's 2 seconds from the start of Clip 1 reversed. To put this right...If a reversed clip with a transition is un-reversed the action should work from the join and not from the start of the the overlapped transition as this leaves half the transition with the wrong part of the clip (and in reverse.) Nat
  2. Hi Using VP 6.21 with Beta top right of toolbar just left of the Thumbs Up icon Version number is bottom left corner of screen.This version plays clips in reverse OK. Right click the clip on the timeline and select Reverse Clip . or use Change Clip Speed and tick the Play Clip in Reverse box. Note: I use the lowest 16:9 preview resolution (512 x 288) as thumbnail rendering etc. is faster with no Building preview messages) Normally the first time clip is reversed there is a pause for a second or so with the timeline greyed then reversed clip comes up. After this initial rendering with the cache presumably updated, the reversing of the clip is pretty instantaneous. Speed changes seems normal here (Clip reversed or not) Nat
  3. Hi "....but when you click "Help" and "About VideoPad" in the menu it still says ver.6.10...." Here VP 6.21 shows the Help page for 6.21 However I did a reinstall of the corrected 6.21 after looking at 6.20 and 6.10 and each time I deleted from the control panel and also clicked the prompt for deleting the associated data files. I don't know myself but does that alter whether you see the help files for the new download or not? i.e. is the link for the help files for a version part of the data you delete? Nat
  4. Hi HE "Nat: Ok, you can't see so well. I will try again. " Ah! that's better! Yup! I can see what you mean. In point of fact your background looks actually sharper. (Check the wall out) It's obviously how the text is rendered as it's an overlay image in VP . Still...I think Borate has it right it's a negligable difference. Nat
  5. Hi "Looks like a bug. Hold down <alt> when dragging/dropping. That should place the clip on the margin". I tried that but as you drag the clip down with the ALT key pressed you cross over the overlay track and I found it didn't always insert the clip.It sometimes overwrote the the timeline. As dragging and dropping seems to be imprecise with or without the ALT key and if you need to insert at a join the only way it can be done "safely" is to step to the join using the sequence preview >II or the II< buttons and then use Place on Sequence at the Cursor option. Nat
  6. Hi eskil If you don't want to cut out any of the tracks, you will still need to split the overlay track where you want sections to appear and disappear.(Right click the overlay track and select split selected track) For the sections of the overlay you don't want to be seen click the FX and set the Transparency effect to 0% opaque. Do this for all the sections you don't want before dealing with the bits you do want.. For the sections now that you want , you can dissolve in and out by using the crossfade effect. This will work for both ends of the visible bits as the fade will be out of or into the transparent sections. The video will now play both tracks dissolving from Track 1 to Track 2 and vice versa as required. Nat
  7. Hi eskil Inserting an image into a forum post. Do a screensave or have a suitable image available to demonstrate your point. (e.g. a jpeg) Goto https://pictr.com/ and click "Start Uploading" This will open a File upload window. In the File Upload window navigate to your image Select the image and click Open. Click the green Upload button. Your image will be uploaded to Pictr.com When upload is complete scroll down and click Embed codes Copy the Image URL. (It also has a Copy option if you hover over the text so click the word Copy that appears ) Return to the forum and in your post place the cursor where you wish your image to insert. Now click Insert other media at the bottom of the post. Select Insert image from URL. This opens up a window above your post. Paste your Image URL that you copied from Pictr.com followed by Insert into post... The image will appear in your post at the position of the cursor. Left clicking on the image will allow it to be suitably sized in the body of your post. Nat
  8. Hi I think I see what you mean..(or its similar.....) If you have two clips on the timeline joined up and then drag a third from the bin and try to insert it at the join the white arrows seem to indicate you are in position to drop it. In fact it doesn't always insert correctly and link to the join leaving a small sliver of the original right hand clip. On looking closely there seems to be a degree of "looseness" with the adjustment as the arrows actually appear BEFORE the dragged clip reaches the join and if you drop the clip when they appear you may not be actually at the join. Zoomed out it's less evident that you may be missing the join. Perhaps that's why some users get narrow slivers that are not seen but mess up the transitions.? The dragging arrow on the clip marks the actual dropping point. Nat
  9. Hi How are you adding the clip? Here, using the right click menu and Place on sequence at End works correctly.Pulling the clip to the right and releasing it, the snap back appears normal. Pulling to the right with ALT pressed leaves it in place with a gap. Dragging it back it snaps up correctly (or closing the gap.) Zooming in allows one to drag with ALT to create a small gap. With it zoomed out the gap end up larger. Snapping seems OK here (VP 6.21 (Says Beta on top toolbar) Adding a clip using drag and drop the snap seems OK. Adding the clip from clip preview also seems to work OK. Nat
  10. Hi The .vpj file is not, in fact a video, it's a text file of data that tells VP how to recreate the project that you saved. So although saving your sequence5.vpj leaves your project intact on the timeline, it can't be loaded back and incorporated in your movie as you seem to be suggesting. It's a saved entity and doesn't update when the movie from which it was made gets altered.Using Save Project will overwrite the .vpj file (so saving any changes you made but you lose your first edit) or using Save project as and using a different name saves a new vpj file with the new name. i.e. you will be able to recreate either edit in the event of a crash. But you can't add them to your project as a clip unless you actually exported them first You need to use the sequence feature. e.g. Edit your first attempt and then click the Sequence tab on the top toolbar. Click the New tab. This clears the timeline and places your edited movie in the Sequence bin as a new clip (Sequence 1) which you can rename. You can now drop it back onto the timeline and carry on editing it, adding further clips etc.. The sequence in the bin will remain unchanged. You can reload sequence 1 back to the timeline like any new clip. In effect it's possible to have a sequences nested like this several times.(at the expense of rendering speed.)The awkward thing here is that the saved sequence is now a complete clip in its own right. Like an export, individual clips that went to make it up are no longer evident. Also the sound track, although present is no longer visible (although it can be recreated.) It's all a bit complex. An alternative way of working is once you have done some editing, group the clips and copy them. Now paste them back to an overlay track and click the "eye" icon at the left end of the track, This hides the track with the copy but keeps the clips available for editing. Your main track is the "Movie" and editing can be continued on this. If you want to put the copied clips back you can drag and drop them onto the main track. It's best to keep things really simple for a start until you get accustomed to the program's capabilities as it can get confusing. Nat
  11. Hi Is this the sort of effect you are after........? Not sure what you mean by "Drop Shadow" The above effect is a scaled image on Track3. A larger scaled grey blank image on Track2 with some blur (any colour is possible for this) and a background (in this case a blue blank image) on the main track. The "shadow" can be positioned to be left/right/up/down using the Position effect. This is rectangular but more complex shapes would have to be created using a mask. Text in VP 6.21 now has a "Shadow" option but this has very limited properties....basically just on/off and colour. The position is also fixed at lower right of the letter. Text surround might also be an option but it seems you have tried this. Nat
  12. Hi Miggy Regarding the enlarging of the preview window; I made a suggestion some time ago that the Keyframe graph screen might be better dropping down from the bottom of the effects pane instead of coming out to the right as it would allow a bit more room to enlarge the undocked preview window. The fact that the graph lines would not then line up with their control buttons which are at the right side the effects pane would probably confuse users was a valid point made by NCH. That being the case the best you can achieve without having to keep bringing windows to the front, is approximately as shown below, (bearing in mind my screen resolution is pretty low at 1024 x 768)... The other point was with respect to the rapidity of effect changes. The example shown above is with a preview resolution of 512 x 288.(The lowest 16:9 available) The clip was a1920 x 1080 mpeg2 (converted from an mpeg4 with Prism . Rotating this 360 deg. in all three directions at once including regenerating the thumbnails took only a couple of seconds each time. Changing the preview resolution to 1920 x 1080 (same as the clip) slowed things down considerably and even when finished the playback was quite jerky. I think you would find an improvement with a low preview resolution even if the actual image in the undocked window is very slightly less clear. Nat
  13. Hi Well no. It's not that...I just can't see a whole lot of difference between your two images..... Sorry.... Nat
  14. Hi N2HO Borate's link is for the corrected VP 6.21. The bug with transitions formerly experienced is now corrected. Hope you saved a .vpj file so you can reload your work. Nat
  15. Hi Application of an effect is made in real time and the clip is regenerated with each change in the parameters. You might be able to speed up the process by reducing the preview resolution in the Tools/Options menu. Being larger it's seems logical to me that VP has a lot more manipulations and work to to in the undocked window than when the effects are added to the usual smaller undocked preview window. Depending on your PC things might get slower but shouldn't hang or crash. If you have several manipulations going at the same time, each one requiring VP to start regenerating the clip again before the previous one is completed..That might cause some confusion. Although your proposal seems OK, I don't think it would work with VP as you would still need to preview it using a "copy" clip and THAT would have to be regenerated with each change as well before you finally "Apply it" to the actual clip. NCH most probably consider that real time changes are faster overall. Nat
  16. Hi Miggy First thing is: Before you export anything do a Save Project or Save Project As. This will produce a .vpj file which VP can use to reload your project so nothing is lost. Second thing is: Inserting an image into a forum post. Do a screensave or have a suitable image available to demonstrate your point. (e.g. a jpeg) Go to: https://pictr.com/ and click "Start Uploading" This will open a File upload window. In the File Upload window navigate to your image Select the image and click Open. Click the green Upload button. Your image will be uploaded to Pictr.com When upload is complete scroll down and click Embed codes Copy the Image URL. (It also has a Copy option if you hover over the text so click the word Copy that appears ) Return to the forum and in your post place the cursor where you wish your image to insert. Now click Insert other media at the bottom of the post. Select Insert image from URL. This opens up a window above your post. Paste your Image URL that you copied from Pictr.com followed by Insert into post... The image will appear in your post at the position of the cursor. Left clicking on the image will allow it to be suitably sized in the body of your post. Nat
  17. Hi Make sure you retain the setup.exe file that you originally used to install your current version VP (6.20) ..put it somewhere safe just in case you need it. Ensure you have the registration code for that version. Uninstall your current version of VP (6.20) including the data files using the PC control panel. Go to... https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/index.html and download the version there. This should be the .exe setup file for the earlier version of VP. (6.10) (You can check the version number in the download window) Double click the .exe file to install VP. Run the program and when prompted enter the registration code you obtained for VP 6.20 Nat
  18. Hi You can enlarge the preview screen (Clip or Sequence) a little by dragging out the white bars at the bottom and right. However, if you un-dock the preview screen by clicking the arrow in the top right hand corner it will appear in its own window and this can be enlarged to any convenient size making the effect controls more easily seen. The problem is that effect control windows can cover the enlarged Preview window. Just needs a bit of juggling. I would prefer the keyframe panel to open downwards as it would interfere less and one could enlarge the preview a little more and you would still see your keyframes.. It all works OK though. Nat
  19. Hi NCH Although we can now have a coloured shadow applied to text would it be possible to have the shadow at different orientations and possibly of various widths? This would allow the production of Titles using text with almost 3D appearence. Nat
  20. Hi There isn't a text effect like that in VP. The nearest as a single effect would probably be a typewriter effect with a text background or scrolling your text but to get this like your example is not possible. However, with a LOT of phaffing you can get something close....e.g with a single line of text for example. Give this a try and you will see what a lot of work it might be.... Create a single line of text (Text image 1) Create a second text image with a line of identical length but consisting only of spaces. Set the text background to a suitable colour. In the text editor you will just see a coloured bar the same length as the text.(Text image 2) Create a blank frame of a contrasting colour (Takes the place of a background video clip) Place the blank frame on Video Track 1 Place the coloured bar (Text image 2) on Video Track 2 Place the main text (Text image 1) on Video Track 3. The text should now be seen on the coloured bar against the blank background. Add the POSITION effect to the Text image 1 (Video Track 3) so it starts off out of the frame on the left and then moves across and stops at the desired position. Note the horizontal values and vertical values. Add the POSITION effect to the coloured bar (Video Track 2) and set the same parameters. Playing this the text and bar move together and stop together with the full text line now visible Add a TRANSPARENCY effect to Text image 1 so it becomes fully visible just before is stops. When you play the sequence you should see the coloured bar move in from the left and the text appearing on it. (Similar to your example) You might also want to vary the POSITION values so the text moves up into the bar as per your example. With a bit of ingenuity you can do this for several lines of text having them move from both sides but as you can appreciate it would be a bit complex (but possible). Nat
  21. Hi Couple of things regarding this... It's always a good idea to save your project before doing an export as then you don't necessarily need to start over again if youve closed VP and it cocks up, you can just load the .vpj file. If you still have VP open in the background and things don't work out, you could also click the Redo tab on the top toolbar to reverse the changes you made. How did you position your text? If you drag the text overlay image along over the top of the main video track the right edge will snap into place with a white dotted vertical line so that it should finish with the main track. However if you now step along in Sequence Preview a frame at a time, the text finishes a frame ahead of the main video. i.e. the preview finishes on the last frame of the main track without the text showing. IMHO I don't think this is terribly important as usually one fades text out. I Can't get the text to finish after the main track as you describe. Playing the exported MPEG4 in VP the last frame was quite normal with the text on the frame as expected. Nat
  22. Hi As well as this, some transitions on grouped clips showed the X button as still grey whilst others went blue. (None actually played though) Later....Can't reproduce this........ Nat
  23. ....... and .avis export without crash. Thanks Nat
  24. Hi Does the audio track show this? Has a fade-in been added inadvertently? Is it a linked soundtrack to the visuals. Nat
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