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It is frustrating writing again to complain about issues, that seem so improper to a succesful video tool  such as videopad.

First of all, I would like to be clear that I don't just whine. I submit all bugs, issues and even ideas to the programmers via the online button. But I would like to mention some  issues here, that in my opinion should be fixed ASAP, and increase the "pressure" to the programmers.

a) This ultra-annoying small-pop-up timeline window, the one with the scissors and the brackets, should go away. I really do not see why the programmers introduced such a pain in the butt! It pops up at almost every click, JUST UNDER the mouse pointer, and it is clicked by mistake all the time! In 90% of the cases the buttons clicked are the brackets which set current  point as project's start or end, DELETING the rest of the project. AWFUL!  Remember the ALT problem? This is far worse, because not only you lose time and clicks, but you also mess up your project! I tend to believe there must a sadist between the programmers! Have mercy!🙂

b) Last beta (v8) is sound-looping during playback.  I had to go back to 7.51 since it is impossible to play the timeline in v8. This happens to moderately and big sized projects. I reinstalled windows 10, all my drivers, etc, but still it is looping. It is not a matter of a specific project, it happens to ALL of my projects, while they play fine on 7.51.

c) I complained before, but I will say it again: EQ settings are NOT saved in the project.... I have more than 10 small clips, and I am forced to reset the EQ evertime I reload the project. Yes, I know that I can create my own EQ preset, I have done so, but I still have to re-select it for every clip! Again, have mercy!🙂

Thanks for reading,

I am looking forward to a flawless version!



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Last beta (v8) is sound-looping during playback

Please explain more fully what you mean by "looping" and upload a sample portable project that does this so others can check it out.  Lengthy projects sound fine here in 8.0.


I know that I can create my own EQ preset, I have done so, but I still have to re-select it for every clip!

EQ presets (including your own) can be applied to multiple clips... 

Select the desired clips.  Open the effects window and choose EQUALIZER.  Click Configure EQ and choose your preset.  Click the fourth icon from the left on the toolbar.   EQ.jpg   This applies the EQ preset to all selected clips.  Agreed, the presets should be saved with the project.

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"....  This ultra-annoying small-pop-up timeline window, the one with the scissors and the brackets, should go away. I really do not see why the programmers introduced such a pain in the butt! It pops up at almost every click, JUST UNDER the mouse pointer, and it is clicked by mistake all the time! ........"


This particular pop-up only appears when you have moved the red cursor line and always to the right of the line. It is useful when you want to split the timeline at the selected point. It doesn't actually come up at every click. However, It will not appear if you drag the cursor line with the Ctrl or the Shift key depressed. But why would you click the pop-up after moving the cursor line anyway as you seem to be doing?

I do agree with you though, that the Start/End brackets could be annoying if you did click them as they act on the complete timeline  and not just the clip holding the cursor line. This results in losing all the project to the right (or left) of the cursor line. It might be better if the brackets were removed leaving just the split option. The Start/End brackets are always present in the Clip Preview screen and only function on the Clip and leaves the rest of the timeline intact.

".... Last beta (v8) is sound-looping during playback.  ....."

I have seen this happen in earlier versions of VP (but not yet in v8.00)  I am fairly sure it only happens when the audio track in a long project is being "re-assembled" so to speak, after the timeline has been edited. The adjustments to the audio are not instantaneous and if the project is previewed before the new configuration is cached, VP replays the audio of the section concerned. That's my impression. 

"..... I am looking forward to a flawless version! ......."

Hmmmmm!  :).....It's getting better........



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Dear Nat,

It is not my wish to invoke the small pop-up window. I do montage and resizing all the time and I have to hear the result. Therefore, I move the redline to the area of interest, in order to play it back. And the annoying little devil comes on screen. As I aim for the red line, the "brackets" are often pressed and my timeline gets crippled! It looks as annoyment only and extra CTRL-Z 's. But being absorbed by the project, I sometimes do not realize that I pressed a "bracket".. After 10 minutes I try to go to the beginning of my project and realize that IT'S GONE!  Then I have to CTRL-Z my life back before the disaster, loosing ALL of my recent work! Needless to say that if "I saved and closed", I had it! 

Concerning the "looping" problem,  I agree with you on the possible cause. However, it is impossible to work with this bug,  I had to roll back to v7.51. Please read below my answer to Borate.


Dear Borate,

I will try the "all together" setting of the EQ, thanks. It is time consuming though...

Concerning the "looping" bug: When I playback the timeline,  the red line is jumping back and forth, replaying the same things 2-3 times and then move forward. It is EXACTLY like the old pickups when the needle was stuck, replaying a part of the track. I uploaded a sample before, you asked me for a sample project. But the problem is that it happens in projects with many chunks of clips. It does not happen with only 1-3 clips... I rolled back to 7.51 and it  DOES NOT have this problem at all! The same project plays back "looping" to v8 and normally to the earlier version...  Therefore, it must be a problem of the latest version. It is a bit dificult to re-install version 8,  since I am working on a project this period but, if it is necessary,  I will do it.

An idea/request: Please test v8 not only with lengthy clips, but with "chunky" ones. 10-15 clip chunks, arranged into 3-4 track lines, should make the problem surface...

Thank you both!



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Anomaly aside on how the different versions act, be sure there's ample free space on the cache drive (OPTIONS | DISK) and let caching complete after reloading the project.

If possible, do upload a more lengthy project where this occurs, so others can try to replicate the issue.

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Dear Borate,

I tried to troubleshoot the problem, without success. I even re-installed windows 10, bought a new video card and a new SSD 512GB disk only for caching. It did not help at all....  I load the project, let it rest and complete all it's caching. I place the red playback line to a spot, press play and looping occurs... No such problem in 7.51 with the exact same project!

Another question, concerning your advice on multiple application of EQ. I followed your advice, but everytime it adds a NEW EQ effect to all clips. If I do this everytime I load the project, I will end up with 10 EQ effects in every clip. I want only to configure the EQ, not add a new one!

Thanks for your patience,


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Everytime it adds a NEW EQ effect to all clips...

Doesn't work that way here, in 8.0.

Reload the project, select the clips that already have EQ applied and click an fx on any audio clip.  The EQ entry is flatlined.  Click its "configure" button and apply a preset.

Then click the "replace effect chain in other selected clips" button.  All effects listed in the box, including the EQ preset, will replace those in the selected clips.

The fifth button from the left will append instead, so in that case there will be multiple entries..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Takis

I have suggested to NCH that the Red/Blue brackets in the pop-up be removed and placed beneath the Sequence Preview window instead  in the same way as under the Clip Preview window; one set acting on the clip and the other acting on the sequence.  I understand that the developers prefer not to do this but will look into making the popup horizontal, which should alleviate your clicking the brackets in error. We will have to wait and see.


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Thank you Nat!

It would be a great relief, to stop "aiming" away from the cursed brackets! 🙂

After all, in my humble opinion, they are not so important to a project.

Personally, I prefer the classic triad "split-select-delete" to set the beginning and end of a project...

Thanks for you help,


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