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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi You should be able to see the locations of your stored images sound files and clips as well as the cache in Tools/Options/Disk.... (Windows PC) Mac version is probably the same. Nat
  2. Hi Check in Storyboard mode that the video is still there. (it should be). You should see the thumbnail of the clip with the duration printed underneath it, but no audio track evident or perhaps just a straight line. If there is an audio track..even a "silent" one VP (AFAIK) will read the MP4 clip as actually having a track. This means that the mp3 will be placed to follow the "silent" audio on Audio Track 1. Until you have added it Audio Track 2 will not be visible. If the mp3 is a long audio clip relative to the MP4 it will be shown on the timeline full length and the video clip section will have been squashed visually . Zoom in and see if it there at the start. If this is the case then all you need to do is grab the mpeg3 in Audio Track 1 and drag it down to Audio Track 2 and then along to the left so it plays under the silent video. BTW. How long is the video clip......? Nat
  3. Hi Normally Options is under the Tools tab on the top toolbar. As I discovered recently though, Options may not be visible on the "Home" toolbar beneath this as It depends on your screen resolution. (Mine is 1024 x 768.....anything higher and everything is a bit too small ). If you can't see it in the "Home" toolbar you should see a double chevron at the right hand end of the bar. Clicking this will show any extra options which should include Options If this is the case but you want it permanently visible then set up your own toolbar with the Custom and Customize option. You can use a setting under Options/Disk to limit the cache size. Nat
  4. Hi Subtitles are related to the timeline on a time basis only. They are not clip related and so can be placed for the duration of multiple clips. Adding, editing or deleting clips does not alter the subtitle position relative to the timeline. A subtitle set to appear at 30 seconds from the start will always appear 30 seconds from the start irrespective of the clip it plays over. if you want to keep them correctly positioned you will need to reset the START/STOP times for the particular subtitle as well as all the others that follow it. You can do this as follows...Open the subtitle entry window, click the relevant subtitle and adjust the START/END positions. The position of the text is shown by a highlighted section of the thumbnails. The list will show the new values. Currently there is not a batch move option. It's a mistake to add subtitles before the editing is complete and they are best left until the end. The alternative and which has more controls is to use the Add text feature. Nat
  5. HI NADWW ".....you then need to apply a "Clear Mask" effect ....." Yes! Thanks for revealing this step. Useful to know as well and it answers my query. Using "Clear effect mask" works and an isolated object cut out using the mask with the "mask inside" box unticked can be animated and have other effects applied to it now. (e.g. The flying saucer can be rendered in B&W) But it's not that intuitive as having created a mask it doesn't seem very logical to use "Clear effect mask" as it implies you would simply remove the mask you created leaving the original clip...a bit like clicking the x in the effects window. The Help page is no clearer on this either. Nat
  6. Hi OK. Found it! "Enable track solo.." If anyone else can't find it, it only appears when you have more than 1audio track. Oooh! It's so logical!....a single track IS solo and doesn't need to show the button. Nat
  7. Hi I mentioned "Save Sequence Audio" ...step 3 in my workaround above ..but......Where is the tab with the "3 little men" please? I can only see Minus/Speaker/ Lock at the left end of the audio track although Mute/Solo/Lock/Collapse come up on a menu when the area is right clicked. (VP Professional version 6.0 Licensed.) Nat
  8. Hi With this new clip loaded...In VP 6.0 both the clip in the bin and on the timeline appear at first sight to play correctly and show a duration of 2.600 seconds. This is correctly synchronised and tracks finish together. The last sound being "Shi". However in VLC the soundtrack does have a further1/2 second of sound and finishes with the word "electri.." The initial section has sound.. "So what do we or..." but no video movement. It seems that it might be a codec problem within VP???? I converted the mp4 clip you uploaded to an mpeg2 and played this in VP....It played correctly to the end and finished apparently correctly with "electri..". There did seem still to be a tiny portion of moving video missing from the start however with the sound.... "So what do we or.." NCH might take a closer look at you example clip as the last bit of sound there is definitely present in the file you uploaded. (At least when converted to MPEG2) Nat
  9. HI Confirmed.......Yes. Looks like a bug! Even though you group the clips, and get the prompt to apply the effect to all clips, only the clip with the focus gets the effect applied to it. (The light grey one.) I didn't test that the normalize effect (reduced to 1%) had actually been applied, just accepted it had when the message came up. Even if you group the clips using the Video track, when all the audio clips are evenly greyed out, selecting Normalize will show the message for the number of clips selected but still only applies it to one clip.! Despite the message it seems you can only work on a single clip with this effect. As Borate says Echo and Flanger work for all the selected clips A rather long winded way around this might be to..... Save your project as a .vpj file. Create a sequence of your edited work. Save the sequence audio. This will place a copy of the audio in the default file setup in Options. Reload your project You will now have your edited work at the point where you saved it. Mute the audio track by clicking the microphone icon at the left end of Audio Track 1. (Plus any others) Your project will now play silently. Load the saved sequence audio track from the default save location and drop it onto the next free Audio Track and drag it to the start point. If necessary un-mute the original project audio Audio Track(s) and match the new track up by playing the sequence. You could also do this visually by zooming in and matching any peaks. Once they match re-mute the original Audio Tracks. As the new Audio Track will be a single file it can be normalized. OK..It's a bit involved but should work. Nat
  10. HI Once you have edited all your clips..... Select them all. (Click the first audio clip with SHIFT pressed and then keeping it pressed click the last audio clip) The sound tracks will all turn from blue to grey with the VP dark version showing they are all selected. You won't need to group them. Click the Audio tab on the top tool bar (not the FX button on the sequence line) and then the Audio effects down button. This now brings up a list of the audio effects. Select the Normalize option. You should now see a message box asking if you want to apply the normalize effect to ALL the selected clips or just Apply it to one or Cancel.. Click the Apply to All button. Nat
  11. Hi In VP 6.0 your clip sample-duration.mp4 in the clip bin shows a duration of exactly 2.600 seconds. On the timeline this is also shown as 2.600 seconds. Jumping the cursor to the end of the clip also shows 2.600 seconds. It seems there is no issue with VP from this point of view. Can't tell regarding sound but here it plays right to the end. Sound/vision synch etc. might be related to the player used. Here this clip wouldn't play in WMP, but played OK in VLC where duration was shown as 0.03....probably a round up 2.600 seconds. Nat
  12. Hi Whilst looking at this I have found that whilst I can create the detailed mask shape which I mentioned in my reply above, and animate any of the points. I haven't found a way animating the "object" that it cuts out when Transparency (or other effect) has been set to isolate the "object". (Irrespective of the setting for the "Mask Inside" box.) Perhaps I am missing something here but can VP be enhanced to........ Allow the user to move the mask as a whole as well as point by point with keyframes. Permit the Transparency effect to be used correctly with a mask and Position with keyframes. As an example... My reply above showed how to create a variable shaped mask, in this case of a flying saucer. When I came to animate this object...e.g. to make it move in from the right, hover and then "fly" down to the moon's surface (background Track 1 clip) by using Scale, Position and Rotate. I couldn't. Transparency seemed to be the stumbling block. But without Transparency there was no longer a flying saucer to fly! None of the effects would work with the mask. The work around was to create the object with the transparent border (masked from the image) and then export this. Load the exported clip back with now a black background and then use the green screen to render this black area transparent (assuming there was no black in the object itself). As the imported image/clip was now in effect independant the above mentioned effects could be made to work but then of course it's shape could not be altered as there was no longer a mask. Any way of resolving this?...(Hope its clear.) Nat
  13. Hi Obviously that shouldn't happen. What version are you using? Is the duration of the clip in the Clip bin shown correctly and is it the same value as the duration shown for the same clip when it has been added to the sequence.? (Hover the mouse over each and check the values.) Nat
  14. Hi The basics are as Borate describes... In a nutshell Place your background image/video on the main track. Place your overlay on Track 2 Go into Clip Preview Click the FX button at the left end of Track 2 (The overlay) and then click the button to the right of the green cross. (Add effect Mask) This places a red dotted rectangle mask on the image. Grab any point of the line and drag it to the edge of the area you want to mask off. Do this as many times as required to produce a reasonably smooth masked off area. If you want this area to be a "hole" in the overlay then Check "Mask Inside" If you want the mask area to the the "Object" then uncheck "Mask Inside" Feather the edge a little to smooth the border. Click the green cross and select the Transparency effect. Slide Opacity to zero . Depending on your option "Mask inside" your overlay will either show as an object on the Track 1 background or the Track 1 background will show through a "hole" in the overlay. Here is an example of Flying saucer over the moon... First the "object" from Video Track 2...... ......and masked out with multiple points dragged to the outline..... Now with the edge smoothed by feathering and the background made transparent ... Overlaid onto a Moon background clip (Video Track 1) .... You can use the Position effect to set the object where you wish and if you want it to move with or over the background then use keyframes with the Position settings... Hope this helps Nat
  15. Hi Back on line again after changing countries. (Phew!) I have to say I prefer the darker version of VP and am using it to edit my removal project. Nat
  16. Hi Well...NLP has it working which is the main thing. :-) Nat
  17. Hi Borate When you loaded the project from the vpj file, was the audio file with the voices (Tuna Cooking 8.Mov) actually on the timeline? In the version I got (see above) that particular sound file was unused and still in the bin. There was only the main track. I got what I described also with the Space bar. Bit odd. Nat
  18. Hi I don't think there is anything wrong with your upload. The fault is in the way VP actions the STOP/START with the Space key. Your upload contained two files.... 2018-01-05 18-05-38.zip and Tuna MRE2.MOV The zip opened as shown here: The first thing to note is that you have uploaded Tuna MRE2.MOV twice; once in the zip and one as a separate file. (Not a problem) Your Ep 1 Lemon Tuna Ingredients, Cooking.vpj fil opened correctly into VP, and loaded correctly to the timeline. Not all of the video clips loaded to the timeline. Only Tuna Cooking 6MOV; Tuna Cooking 7MOV and Tuna Cooking 8MOV were being used The others remained in the clip bin. (Again, not a problem) Of the two audio files loaded only All Up in my Jam.mp3 was used. Tuna Cooking 8.MOV was not used. (Seemed to be radio recording).....So you had some redundant files in your project. (Once more not a problem) Having said all that the timeline played normally when using the STOP/START button under the Sequence Preview screen.It stopped and and continued using repeated presses of the centre button. This is normal. However, using the Space bar to Stop/Start in the same way the playback was as you reported - The cursor line skipped. Was this due to you holding down the Space key?? Do you have the key auto repeat too short. Quick on/off presses seemed to work OK. Keeping the key depressed made the cursor line jump to the end or start of the timeline. Note that the action of using Space is not the same as using the sequence screen Stop/Start button as the latter only actions once it is released, Space actions when it is pressed. NCH might be able to change this action?? Nat
  19. Hi Check you have the vppsetup.exe file for the current version.(VP 5.32) Go to the Windows control panel Uninstall/Modify Program option and select Videopad Video Editor from the list Follow the prompts to uninstall Videopad but dont click the Delete Data Files box. Complete the uninstall Now double click the vppsetup.exe file to reload the program. Videopad should now run in Dark Mode....(Well.....mine did!) Re-enter your registration code to restore the full functionality. Nat
  20. Hi Yes it can be a bit confusing. Once everything is on the timeline. Place the mouse cursor on the first timeline clip and right click to select it. (Not really necessary but helps) Press CONTROL and A together. This will select ALL the clips. They will change colour to show they are all selected. Click the X Transition tab on the top toolbar. This will open the transition list. At the bottom right of the window enter the duration for your transition Right click your chosen transition This will open a control window. Select Apply to all Clips Now choose to either Freeze the clip location or Move the clip location. All the clips will now get the transition. If you are using still image clips choose The Freeze option. Video clips often come out better with the Move option, particularly Crossfade. Bear in mind that choosing to Move the clips will shorten the timeline. Nat
  21. Hi As a very rough rule of thumb you should get about 2hrs of video on a standard single side/single layer 4.7Gb DVD-R. That's about 4.4 Gb in practice. A lot depends on the soundtrack compression and the ratio of sound to video. You may get more in some cases. So if you know the duration of your project you should be able to work out whether it will fit or not as it will need around 2Gb/hour of video. VP won't indicate this in its export to DVD option but some DVD/CD burning programs will show the amount of free space left on the DVD as you build up the file list to burn. if you want to get it your project onto a single DVD you may have to edit it down to around 2hrs even if that leaves some unused space on the DVD..To give you some idea, I just checked some of my DVDs that were nearly full (4.24 Gb) and found I had a total film duration of a 186 minutes. Nat
  22. Hi I think you may be pushing the envelope here... On average an hour of video will use about 2Gb A Single side/Single layer DVD 4.7 Gb will store this. The most on a single disc would be about 8 hours on 12cm Double sided/Double layer disc. So why not just re-edit your video to more suitably sized sections of around 4 hrs duration and store on Single sided/Double layer discs. Nat
  23. Hi The first thing to think about is that as you zoom into your image or clip it is going to get larger from a pixel point of view and therefore in effect less clear. Your editing zoom with VP will not be like the zoom made with the camera lens when your clip was shot...it will be a digital zoom. Bearing that in mind here are the basic steps.,,,,, Put your image/clip on the timeline. Click the FX tab on the clip and then the large green plus button at the top left of the Effects window.The effects list will appear. Select the Zoom option. Drag the red cursor in the keyframe pane to the left (Start of the clip) and fix a keyframe by clicking the small green cross. This creates a keyframe at the start of the clip. Move the red cursor along the pane a short distance ..say 2-3 seconds. Click the small green cross again to set a second keyframe. This represents the time your un-zoomed clip will remain stationary Slide the red cursor line along for distance which will represent the time taken for your zoom...e.g. another 2-3 seconds. Now using the handles, drag the sides of the dotted rectangle in the Clip preview window in or out so it outlines the area to be zoomed to. e.g. the top area of your lette. rCreate another keyframe. (Click the small green cross) Move the cursor along to represent the time you wish for the text to be read. Create another keyframe Move the cursor along again to match the time you want to scroll down the letter. Without changing its size, drag the zoomed-in rectangle down the Clip preview image to the final position at the bottom of the text Create another keyframe Finally move the cursor along to the far right,,,,the end of the clip Create a final keyframe and close the effects window. What will now happen when you play the clip is that the letter will remain in full view for 2-3 seconds and then the image will zoom in to your selected area. (Top) It will remain stationary for 2-3 seconds for it to be read and then the frame will scroll down the text to the bottom and remain stationary until the end of the clip. ... In this example the Zoom keyframe screen will look something like this... This is the whole screen....The scroll in this image is about 1/2 way down the letter..... If you are using an image for your letter you can alter the speed of the different frame movements by extending the duration of the image clip. If you are using a video clip for your letter image you will have to make the action slower by slowing down the clip speed. The timing are up to you and are controlled by adjusting the keyframe positions. As you can see this uses just the Zoom effect. The only caveat is that the zoom is NOT an optical zoom like those made actually during filming and image quality will suffer if you zoom in too far. The clarity will depend on the image/video clip chosen. Nat
  24. Hi If you are using red/cyan anaglyph glasses you can export your project as a 3D Video file. In the Export Video parameter window set the Stereoscopic format to Anaglyph Image Red-Cyan (or Cyan-Red depending on the orientation of the filters in the glasses being used) The resulting export to the PC or TV screen will give a stereo effect when viewed with the glasses. Note that this is not true stereo as it is derived from a single image/video clip. In principle each single frame is duplicated, the colour channels of each are altered and the images are recombined with a small side by side displacement. In some setups the image RED channel is shifted. When viewed with suitable glasses each eye sees its own image and recombines them. As they are displaced the effect produced will be to make the plane of the video/image seem to be in front of or behind the plane of the screen but it will remain in effect, a flat image. If the RED channel is moved to the right the image plane moves backwards and if moved to the left the image plane is moved forwards. Using this method it would be possible to enhance or reduce the 3D effect by making the separation of the two images greater or smaller but VP has no controls to do this. This is a fairly simple process as used here but programs do exist that will use variable separations and even image distortions to produce quite realistic 3D from flat images. With regard to VP.....Here is a flat image.........(VP snapshot from an image clip) Here is the image in VP anaglyph 3D.... (Both snapshots from Videopad) You should see the 3D effect in this image above if you use the RED/Cyan glasses. It's not huge but more separation would make it more obvious. This is one I made from the first snapshot in an image editor.....Should be better...Red Channel shifted left...Image is shifted forwards (but still flat.) With a large RED channel shift to the right the image moves backwards behind the screen.... It would be useful if VP could provide a control to set the RED channel displacement with a choice of sides. The side by side videos can be played and viewed in a suitable two lens direct vision video stereo viewer either left/right or right/left depending if the viewer is crossover view or not. I don't think that the 3D red/cyan effect functions with the VP text...at least I can't get it to work. Works with images OK though. Nat
  25. Hi Further to what I wrote above. I wasn't familiar with the Wolverine Film2DVD machine but since my reply I have checked it out. (Actually looks quite good!) It's fundamentally different however to the video method of copying a projected image as I described as it actually scans the film frame by frame. Indeed as you say it results in a 30fps output but unlike the camera method this is a true 30fps of single consecutive film frames. The copy produced is then about double speed. (1.6x) The process you are using is therefore correct. i.e. convert the video before export back to the correct speed using the speed effect set to 60 (18/30) The export from there on should be straightforward as it can be done at any frame rate as this will not effect the viewing speed. Keep the fps to above 25. Nat PS. Do you know if there are different models of the Wolverine machine as one I looked into used a belt drive to turn the takeup spool, whilst another seemed to use large plastic gears driven directly from the motor? Also what is the light source......lamp or LED?
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