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Scaling images at source makes offset impossible


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I have several images I want to overlay and position relative to the background. They will be reused at different occasions, and will require different positions at different times.

So I added the pictures, made sure to scale them all at source (or whatever it's called, top left pane where you choose what files to manipulate) and then I discovered a problem. When I try to offset them (because I need to see the background to get the right placement) they get cut off at an invisible border. The first 5 images have been scaled down at source, leaving the last three as is https://imgur.com/a/Q1JlPYl). But when I try to overlay the first image and move it (offseting it) it gets cut off https://imgur.com/a/7ekFkXU.

However, if I don't scale the images at source I won't get this problem. I can then overlay them, scale them and offset them over the background. Adding unscaled image and scaling directly on timeline https://imgur.com/a/3l1GXwz. Moves just fine: https://imgur.com/a/DWIrb6V.

This has got to be a bug, right? What am I not getting?

EDIT: No, I'm using the wrong FX, I should use Motion FX, not Scale FX. Counter intuitive, but it works.

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New discovery: It's scaling via FX menu that causes it. Scaling by hand (grabbing the scale line directly at the image) doesn't cause issues, scaling via menu does.

EDIT: And it's because offsetting the image counts as motion FX, not Scaling FX, despite Scaling FX having both a scale and two offset options (that aren't used when doing it by hand).


And after taking a break I realized: So that means I need to use Motion FX, not Scale FX, on the assets (or source or files or whatever). That way I can preset scale for all instances.

Sometimes you just need to state the problem out loud or in writing to get a fresh perspective.

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  • MummiPazuzu changed the title to SOLVED: Scaling images at source makes offset impossible
  • borate changed the title to Scaling images at source makes offset impossible


I find it very useful to set up dual displays under Options/Display. This way you can monitor the scale effect In general and also the Position of the scaled image/clip

I seldom (if ever) apply the Scale effect to the Clip bin image. I apply effects to the timeline clips. (Scale works on the whole image area of course). As the AR of Scale is defaulted to remain the same,  either of the Horizontal or Vertical sliders can be used to alter the size of the image/clip. 

You may think that this only acts on the timeline clip chosen. In fact it does, but once you have your scale the size required it can be saved for any other clips you might use. Jjust click the blue cassette icon on the effect pane and Save as an effect chain template. You can then apply it from the Template effects section to any clip/image on the timeline.  Often it can be a good idea to leave clip bin image/clips etc. in their raw state as you can't monitor the effect against any background you may have.


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