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Just lost everything!!


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I just exported a video (that I spent ages working on!!). I went to play the newly created file and it wont play.

Then I thought I will open the old vpi file and export it again. But videopad wont open it. It says it is not a valid vpi file!! What the hell!!!


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V.P. has also cost me more time then I like, but it could be great little tool.

Check if there is a backup file generated by v.p. (should be in the same folder and have _backup added to the name)

and there could also be something in your recycle bin, for some reason my version v8.91 seems to put copies in the recycle bin. I've never seen a program do that :)

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Each time VP is closed it will prompt to SAVE, unless that's already been done.  Of course. Save Project File AS routinely, giving it a unique # or name, so as not to overwrite prior saves.  Using Save Project Files (no AS) will overwrite.

If the source files have not been moved or deleted, clicking a VPJ file (which isn't playable) should load the project into VP in the same state as when the file was created.

As Uberprutser notes, there may also be back-up VPJ files.  Search the disk for them.

Two things to try:  reboot, and reinstall VP.  There's no logical reason why a VPJ file should not be valid.

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Nothing is gone.  LinkA replied to a thread that wasn't relevant ("just lost everything") to his issue ("no export video").

The query has been split off under a new thread with a title that describes the topic: "Images and sound but no video."

Your response is included.

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"....Check it there is a backup file generated by v.p. (should be in the same folder and have _backup added to the name) ..."

The autosave.vpj  file is generated continuously by VP as you edit. This file is deleted when you close down VP in the normal way. If, however you experience a crash or your PC is unexpectedly switched off the autosave.vpj file does not get a chance to be deleted and will remain in the folder shown below. As you lost your project when the program (or your PC) crashed you may not have had a chance to Save or Save As, but all is not lost. Once you are up and running again, VP will know it crashed and will ask if you want to load your project from the autosaved vpj file. It may be, of course that you did Save or Save As your project before the crash, in which case you will have THAT vpj file as well as the backup file that you could load.

The autosave.vpj file is normally saved here... HDD(C:)/(User name)/AppData/Roaming/NCH Software/VideoPad......


Remember it will only appear here during an editing session or after a crash.

"....for some reason my version v8.91 seems to put copies in the recycle bin. I've never seen a program do that ........."

That would imply is was deleted in some way..and I've never seen this either and I'm currently running VP 8.91  AFAIK it's not a normal feature of VP. There is a Discard option if you close VP without saving the project but that doesn't put anything into the Dustbin.


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Thanks everyone for your replies. It was strange, nothing crashed just didn't export the movie then I couldn't open the original vpj file.

I went into the recycle bin and there was at least 10 vpj (with the same project name) files in there. I restored them all and it appears to be back. I have lost a little bit of work, but nothing as bad as having to start from scratch. Thanks again! 

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After checking this out using 8.91...

The reason you have vpj files in the recycle bin is that you originally just Saved your project giving it a specific name. (Not Saved Project File As)

At some time later you again did a Save Project  (not Saved Project File As). and possibly did this several times as you worked

In using Save Project  the old vpj is not just overwritten but actually deleted to the recycle bin as well. (I am not sure that it did that in earlier versions) consequently the bin accumulated each overwritten vpj file.

In a lucky way as you hadn't emptied the recycle bin you could recover one of these discards and so restore your work.:)   As they would all have the same name you would have to check each one to find the latest.


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Well, at least you got it back! Not sure though if it isn't a bug. One doesn't always examine the recycle bin contents when emptying it so this action in previous versions may have gone on unnoticed, particularly as when testing things I often delete vpj files manually that I  create for testing and obviously THEY go to the recycle. But 39 does seem seem a lot!

VP perhaps ought to Save Project  to an Options designated  folder that doesn't overwrite but just gives it an incremental number like Windows does with same named files. You would also know which was the latest.


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