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What is video pad doing all time


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I got a new small project only a handful of clips and after a while vp is still using about 25% cpu.

And it's the same after saving and loading the project. According to the small green progress bars all the background work is done.

So why isn't the cpu usage coming down?  What king of background process vp is still doing? Can I make it stop, so the processor fan can slow down and stop making noise

(It's driving me crazy!)



borate wrote:  Share your project...

Yeah, I'm not going to share my project, my internet is much too slow for that.

The cpu usage has come down now. But simply changing the length of a vp generated blank black clip, for a few second in the timeline, bumps up the cpu usage to 25% for more than a minute. C'mom it's a blank black clip, it should not take more that a few seconds to generate a new cache file!

VP's cpu usage is rather strange to me. I get the feeling VP is constantly recoding the complete sequence in the background after every little change to the time line.

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CPU use is not going up with new project and using only a blank VP generated black clip. But when I do the same thing within an existing project with some stuff in the time line, the cpu usage goes up to 25% for minutes, after changing the play length to that VP generated blank black clip. Make you wonder what the hell VP is doing and why?

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With VP idling at almost 0 CPU use I changed the length of a VP created blank black clip about 10 seconds in the timeline. It took3:20 (timed it) of about 22-24% cpu use over all 8 logical cores. That is rather extreme in my book. Does VP perhaps have an issue with hyperthreading?


After disabling hyperthreading and loading the same project, and than waiting minutes till the VP cpu usage settled down. God know what it was doing all that time using about 50% cpu. This time took about 2:50 to extend the same blank black clip a similar length of time. Strange thing, the cpu usage was 44-50% this time. I'll leave hyperthreading off for now maybe I will notice a difference. But 1 test doesn't tell you much. (The green green cache processing bar is finished a second or so.

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Nothing remotely like that here.  Loaded an effect/track intensive project.  Added a blank clip.  CPU at about 2%.  Then changed duration of the clip.

Caching completed in less than 5".  CPU peaked at around 40% during that period, then within another 10" or so settled back down to near zero.

This appears to be a local issue.   Use the latest VP version.

For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date.  After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest.  Retain your old install file and registration info.

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I store my project on an old hard dive, could this be the issue? I would think not since the extension of a blank video clip is not a particular disk I/O intensive task. But I have ordered a M.2 and a pci card to add an extra SSD drive, it might help. Does VP have some sort of change log on their website? I hate to upgrade just for the sake of upgrading. Although, last update did fix my sound issue in he cached files :)

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CPU usage

VP at rest with empty cache.........2% (Running VP forum at same time)

Add a 5 second blank clip to bin ....................14% for around 1/2 second then 3%

Place clip on timeline...................17% for 1/2 second and then 3%

Extend clip to 60 seconds by dragging end.........13% for 1/2 second then 1%

With a blank clip there should be virtually nothing for VP to do.


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Thank. I get the feeling something might be wrong with my setup.

How about placing a photo on a separate track (default length of 3 seconds) on my pc that results in a 2:20 spike of almost 50% cpu usage. Double the photo play length in the time line and its a similar cpu usage spike. VP is still usable, no big problems, but it is STRANGE.

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I upgraded video pad to the latest version and that did not make any difference. It did change the colour of the wave file representation in the time line. Most are green some are blue, any idea why??? Tomorrow I'll try upgrading some drivers. But the computer works fine and was reinstalled using latest drivers, maybe 4 moths ago. (I use win 10)

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So every time I make a small change on the time line it results in a minutes long cpu usage bump. When it press ctrl-z it almost immediately goes down again. What could cause this behaviour?? I will upgrade the drivers, but I think I'm using the latest versions. I will also update the harddrive but I doubt it will make much difference.

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