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Leaving Videopad


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6 hours ago, borate said:

Test this beta version and report back, please.

Will download it soon


The project with all the issues : downgraded to 2k to get the project exported

If this will help anything here is the project tgat I was struggling with on YT


Do have other projects lined up, will probably start on them tonight or tomorrow and report back

Thanx again



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Glad it worked out.

When working with very large media, try the proxy method if editing is not responsive after fully caching (completed green lines).

Exporting at 29.97 and in 2K will ease the load without significant quality loss, unless the content requires 60fps.

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40 minutes ago, borate said:

Glad it worked out.

When working with very large media, try the proxy method if editing is not responsive after fully caching (completed green lines).

Exporting at 29.97 and in 2K will ease the load without significant quality loss, unless the content requires 60fps.

That is fine

However I film in 4k, and when I upload to YouTube in 4k, it is marked as 4k

YouTube actually labels it as 4k, hence why exporting in 4k has become so important 

On this channel, and yes I have 2 other active channels, most of my views come from large screen devices, including, TV, PC/laptops, gaming console and tablets, think only around 20% of views on this channel  are on a mobile phone


Thanx will try the link

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11 hours ago, borate said:

Test this beta version and report back, please.

Ok, downloaded and installed

About to start a new editing project, just not sure what it is going to be yet, it might even be a simple project, without many actions

will report back as i use it regardless

Will it be possible for admins to split this thread, or do i start a new thread for the issues I've had and the feedback

Something else:

Every new version i upgrade to seems fine at 1st, then slowly slowly issues/cracks start to appear, and get worst

Not sure if something gets full, however i did clear the cache, however only once i had the issues, from advice that someone else on here was given


My projects are getting ever more complex, and as the projects get more complex it exposes the weak points of the VP, as i am always looking to do something more eye catching to grow my youtube audience. And yes over time i have added more and more effects and i keep on trying new things, as i learn something new on almost every single project. Although i doubt that there aren't other people out there doing more complex videos on VP, as i consider myself very much an armature when it comes to content creation

As long as my footage dosent end up out there being used by other people, am willing to share my projects/files to help get VP all sorted out, so that every one wins - dont have the patience or time to go learn something new


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When new issues arise initiate a thread with a descriptive subject.

If performance is sluggish when dealing with large files and multi-effects, even after caching (green lines) are complete, then proxy editing is worth considering.  Takes a bit to set up but the payback in performance may be worth it.  This approach is non uncommon, even in commercial editing situations with higher-end hardware than that employed by the typical home user.

In some cases, it can help to break up a lengthy project, assembling pieces later - especially if export balks.

Unlike some software that may update once yearly,  VP is under constant improvement.  When bugs are verified they are quickly fixed.  Expect higher performance in the future, where GPU will be utilized more extensively, easing the CPU load.

Use SAVE PROJECT AS regularly, giving it a unique # or name, so as to not overwrite earlier saves.  SAVE PROJECT will overwrite.

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3 minutes ago, borate said:

When new issues arise initiate a thread with a descriptive subject.

If performance is sluggish when dealing with large files and multi-effects, even after caching (green lines) are complete, then proxy editing is worth considering.  Takes a bit to set up but the payback in performance may be worth it.  This approach is non uncommon, even in commercial editing situations with higher-end hardware than a typical home user.

In some cases, it can help to break up a lengthy project, assembling pieces later - especially if export balks.

Unlike some software that may update once yearly,  VP is under constant improvement.  When bugs are verified they are quickly fixed.  Expect higher performance in the future, where GPU will be utilized more extensively, easing the CPU load.

Use SAVE PROJECT AS regularly, giving it a unique # or name, so as to not overwrite earlier saves.  SAVE PROJECT will overwrite.

Performance is fine, or at least am quiet satisfied with the performance. my Gaming Laptop is dedicated to my editing and nothing else, and it replaced an old laptop that could no longer cope with my projects as i made progress

breaking up of projects - have done this before, however that was a 48min video, and will consider this again in future again specialty when doing long videos

look forward to the GPU being used, as this laptop came with a Nvidia 1660 GTX Ti 6gig(big part of the reason why i chose this), and its a waste that i spent so much money to have that capability and now not being used

all my projects have names, except maybe my very early ones, however i dont always save during the project/while working, except when i am shutting down the laptop. as this is a hobby/side job, projects sometimes take weeks to finish - will try and remember to save more often

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On 3/9/2020 at 5:05 PM, c_major said:

Borate and Nationsolo are VideoPad users just like everyone. Our developers are working with them closely and trying to solve every reported issue.


We are working on making the GPU work more effectively. It will take more advantage for high-end graphics cards. It will be released soon.

Dear C-Major,

Looking forward to that! Thank you for now! Next project will be done with videopad! Fingers crossed! I'll report back to you!

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