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Reinstalling VideoPad resulting in different features


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This has been mentioned a few times on here, and I struggle to get my head round it.

If VideoPad is installed, you get one set of features. If you then reinstall the same version, from the same installation file, you get different features. Examples being: The play button moving around (unbelievably irritating), the effects being in a different order (just as irritating), the way to save effects changing (the top right cross or the close button - even more irritating), etc. There will be many that I haven't even spotted. There might be features that I am totally unaware of because I have to keep reinstalling it until the play button is in the right place. That particular installation might remove another feature.

To my way of thinking, whoever at NCH believes this is a good idea has either got some sort of mental problem or a very warped sense of humour.

Can anyone shed any light on WTF is going on? Why on earth do they do this?

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No idea, but I can say you're correct. For example, there were times I installed a new version and then revert back to the old version for some reasons (usually bugs), something implemented in the new versions will get carried over to the old version as well. Sometimes good things, sometimes not. LOL. 

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Sorry for the confusion here. We randomly turn new features off until it accepted by majority of the users. If a new feature is causing a disaster we will remove it permanently and it won't cause full damage. This is some kind of risk control strategy. We will turn the feature permanently on once it pass the testing period.

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NCH must be looking at this from a very different viewpoint than me (and I suspect many others). Here's the result of this "feature"...

I find a bug, so I download the latest version to see if they've fixed it.

I install that version, the play button is in the wrong place. I install it again. Play button is still in the wrong place. I install it again. Play button is still in the wrong place. I install it again. Play button is now where it should be, but the effects are in a stupid order. I install it again, Play button is still where it should be, but the effects are in a different stupid order. I install it again, the effects are now in an acceptable order, but the play button is back in the wrong place and the "close" button on the effects window has disappeared. I install it again...

And so it goes on. And on. And on. Each time, a different thing gets meddled with. It might take twenty installs before things are where I got used to them the first time round or where they should be.

The only way this is going to affect "marketing" is by making me uninstall it and download something else for trial instead.

"We randomly turn new features off until it accepted by majority of the users"

How can a feature be accepted by users if they don't have it because their particular install didn't install it?

Am I missing something obvious here?

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I actually prefer the second one, but it's not really a big deal to me. Wherever it goes, I'd soon get used to it and it would feel normal. What I cannot get used to is it moving around.

Imagine taking your car in for regular services, and each time you got it back the pedals and steering wheel were in a different place. You'd go nuts. And the garage would soon lose all its customers.

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