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Crashes during export

Lancelot Chan

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I was using 11.53 32 bit version.

Before I went to sleep, I spent an hour to queue up the export of 14 videos with 13 of them being 45 mins long and the last one being 12hr long. I was trying to transcode them from H264 to H265 for downsizing. When I went to sleep, it crashed on the first video's export and wasted the whole night long. Then after I got up and found out about the crash, I tried queuing them up again, once again spending an hour loading each of them up and set the export. This time without putting the 12 hr long one into the queue. It still crashed right in front of my eyes during the export of the first one. :( Another hour wasted. 

Now I go back to 11.45 and try to export each of them one by one. :(

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I didn't have any project files. I simply load the video into the editor and export it into h265 with half the bit rate of the h264 version.

I can upload one of the video files for you though. I put 13 of them in queue and it was enough to crash the program. 


-0-0- update

I crashed once more when exporting just 1 file, but trying to load up the 12 hour video. Maybe that 12 hour video is the culprit. 
I'll try to upload it to dropbox too and let you see. 

*ugh, no space left in dropbox. can't share.

The 12 hour video is from this one, 5.2 gb file 1080p 30fps.


Edited by Lancelot Chan
added file original location
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Exported your test 47:00 file at 1080 Medium Quality H265.  GPU average usage was 10%.   That resulted in a bitrate of 162Kb.  Video acceptable but not high quality.  Took about an hour.

A 12hr file seems out of reach for typical PC resources.  Especially with H265 encoding at high res.  If H265 is a must, consider breaking up the project.

What are the specs of your current unit:  CPU/GPU/RAM?

Be sure that the video driver and Direct-X are current.    https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/kb/1772.html

Suggest MPEG4 encoding.  Infinitely faster than H265.  At 25000kbps GPU utilization was high and video good.  File size: just 1.92GB, bitrate: 5.645 kb/s

Run the 64-bit version of VP if possible.

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And it may not only be THAT file, considering the limitations of a 32-bit system and your configuration.

If you have access, try 64-bit VP on a 64-bit O/S.

Do check out MPEG4 encoding.  Reasonable file size and good quality here on your test file.  Much faster than H265.

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Using 32-bit VP, your linked file was MPEG4 exported at Default Quality.  Size:  965MB.   Elapsed time:  10:58.   Of course, your timing will be different.

The stats:  image.png

To my eye, quality is quite acceptable on a 24" monitor.

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