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Why are stabilised clips moved to the bottom of the bin?


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When video clips are stabilised, they are moved to the bottom of the bin. This means that they are moved out of sequence, and  can be overlooked when adding to the timeline. Even if not forgotten, their position means scrolling up and down the bin to locate consecutive stabilised and non stabilised clips, which is a pain.  Is there a reason why they are moved?

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.Suggestion logged.

Thanks for that, but apart from the cip being moved to a different position, top left instead of bottom right, I think you are confirming my criticism. Surely it would be more logical and convenient for users  to leave the stabilised clip in its original position?

PS  I can't use 11.26 release because of the .MP4 problem discussed in another thread.

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".......When video clips are stabilised, they are moved to the bottom of the bin. .........  Is there a reason why they are moved?.."

It's all in the name.

Clips appear in the bin in alphanumeric order. e.g. Here,  Clip 2-SP1-001.mpg (at the top) will be stabilized...


The stabilized clip now appears at the bottom of the bin as the name now starts with "Stabilized-"


Any other clips with alphanumeric names that fall after "Stabilized-" with not be moved e.g.TAPPING for SYNCH.mpg which would remain at the bottom of the list ....


This is easier to see if you switch to List view....  before and after....

zzzzz.jpg  zzzz.jpg

Although this might cause inconvenience in some instances the workaround is simply to right click the stabilized clip(s) in the bin and select Rename from the option and  remove the word Stabilized- from the name. The clip will then return to its original position. (Although you may not know it had been stabilized as it will have its original name again.)



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Thanks for your reply and detailed explanation which makes perfect sense.

I still feel that it would be better, and avoid the need for a workaround, if stabilized clips could be kept in their original order by appending 'stabilized' to  the end of the file filename instead of the start, or by changing the text color or font of stabilized clips.

I have many hours of old hand-held camcorder and camera footage to edit, so need to use the stabilizer quite often.

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This might be better perhaps...

The bin thumbnail might possibly be amended with a red "S" and then a change of name to "Stabilized" wouldn't be required and the bin order would be unchanged. After all a green tick is added when the clip appears on the timeline to show it has been added.

Make the suggestion a Borate suggests...



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